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Imagine this game were remade on 3DS with a marriage mechanic


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What if Ninian actually disappeared and returned as one of the Maneketes Roy and his army slay during FE6?

Do we know for sure how much shown in FE7 was already intended at the time FE6 was made?

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What if Ninian actually disappeared and returned as one of the Maneketes Roy and his army slay during FE6?

Do we know for sure how much shown in FE7 was already intended at the time FE6 was made?

But when Ninian has an A support with Eliwood she stays in Elibe!

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What if Ninian actually disappeared and returned as one of the Maneketes Roy and his army slay during FE6?

I don't think Divine Shadow Dragons can do that. Granted, that may be because we only the see the only Divine Shadow Dragon in the game create Fire Dragon Morphs. Besides, I doubt Idun would even know or care about what Ninian looked like, let alone display any ability to make a perfect clone of her.
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The classic topic that everyone wants. I'd be fine with that.

It'd be cool if Roy's hair actually changed colors based off of his mom. Although, if it's going by Awakening, only having 3 wives would be kind of lame. Maybe add a couple around Eliwood that he can go for this time around. As for Roy, instead of just doing the usual skills, I'd rather it still borrow from FE6 and FE7 ideas with the engine. So there wouldn't be some many skills slapped on the second gen if the first gen was still around.

Instead, Roy could have canto to move again if Ninian was his mom. +15% critical on promotion from Lyndis, and a mount if Fiora was his mom. Doesn't really make sense for him to be a foot soldier when both of his parents are mounted fighters.

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Eliwood going to Ilia to pick a flower for his wife might count, depending on whether they planned all along to give all of Eliwood's potential wives a connection to Ilia or whether they winged it after the fact.

I suspect it might have been the latter. I can imagine them saying "We established in FE6 that Eliwood went to Ilia to pick a flower for his wife: Let's make one of his potential wives a Pegasus Knight from Ilia, and let's make another of them an ice-dragon who lived in Ilia a thousand years ago. We want him to be able to marry Lyn too, but she's from Sacae... Hey, let's make Lyn's best friend another Pegasus Knight from Ilia."

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm throwing money on my PC, but nothing's working!

I want this to happen! I really would love to see a remake of Fire Emblem and especially Binding Blade.

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I think a remake combination of the two games would be amazing.

Saving Lives - In the kids run, parents are either do old, ill, or dead to help. Like Eliwoods wife who died several years before the game starts if memory serves. But give us a chance to save some of the old characters like Jaffar/Nino

Also. Tactician. Give us our own personal character. (Why do you look like Marc/Morgan? HMMMMMMMMMMM!). Add new child unit for our Tactician and have them meet an unfortanate end between the two games where their kid becomes the new tactician for the army.

More supports. Some chars deserved endings and supports with one another. While we know guys/girls wanna talk and hook up, i want to see same gender convos as friendships deepen. Come on, who doesnt want to see Maribelle and Tharja supports? Or Lyn wanting to spar with Karla?

The tricky part would be the kids themselves. Would they stay 'true' to the games or change classes depending on mommy and daddy? I mean how the hell does hector produce a mage?! Meh...take this with a grain of salt though.

FE6 Characters - Another tricky thing. Do you simply make some of the characters introduced related to the previous cast or introduce new kids to run around? Thats a lot of characters.

Awakening Kids- Why the hell not? We already had three jump to a different world. Cynthia, Kjelle, and Gerome would make good guest characters.

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