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The things that you don't like about this game?


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Xander's motives, thoughts and feelings are never in focus in the entire main story of Conquest, which leads to his actions - and lack thereof - feel strange and nigh inexplicable. It's just odd, not to mention flat out boring, to watch him accept everything through gritted teeth and yet still

not even ever having thought of killing Garon.

. He talks about "the good of the nation" but seemingly does everything that would lead to it suffering, and a few supports mentioning his past won't change the incredible incongruity.

Oh yes I know, but lampshading something and yet not subverting the lampshaded trope is nothing more than a cheeky wink at best, and something that makes the player facepalm at worst.

And I said nothing to disagree with what you said; in fact, I heartily agree with you on this.

Seems like the Awakening Issue is back with Supports vs Plot. Like two different writing teams on either.

Funnily enough, that's exactly what happened; there were a couple of different writers from another company who were invited on to do the supports, while Kibiyashi penned his drafts and IS's "writers" set to work making the final product.

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And I said nothing to disagree with what you said; in fact, I heartily agree with you on this.

Funnily enough, that's exactly what happened; there were a couple of different writers from another company who were invited on to do the supports, while Kibiyashi penned his drafts and IS's "writers" set to work making the final product.

welp, rip in pieces. I just hope localization tries to clean up some of the mess. Because some supports are hella good, while others are like, BS on a cracker.

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I don't like the shoehorning in of the children characters- it's even worse than the Awakening children. Speaking of Awakening characters, I'd prefer they not be cloned into this game. Why not have those resources dedicated to new characters who actually fit into the story?

The gimmicks in Invisible Kingdom worry me- some of the chapters right after Chapter 6 look pretty unfortunate.

The face rubbing is weird and there's some fanservicey outfits that don't make a lot of sense as previously detailed.

Adding a new weapon type(Hidden Weapon) is nice- but why are tomes still so limited compared to previous FE entries?

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I don't like the shoehorning in of the children characters- it's even worse than the Awakening children. Speaking of Awakening characters, I'd prefer they not be cloned into this game. Why not have those resources dedicated to new characters who actually fit into the story?

I wanna comment on this with my two cents if it's fine, but I actually prefer Fates's handling of children compared to Awakening. They're there, but you're not forced to use them in any way, unlike Awakening where Lucina was pushed onto you.

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I wanna comment on this with my two cents if it's fine, but I actually prefer Fates's handling of children compared to Awakening. They're there, but you're not forced to use them in any way, unlike Awakening where Lucina was pushed onto you.

Because she's Google Chromes daughter. That's why I thought she was forced, even though she didn't change anything.

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I wanna comment on this with my two cents if it's fine, but I actually prefer Fates's handling of children compared to Awakening. They're there, but you're not forced to use them in any way, unlike Awakening where Lucina was pushed onto you.

Being able to ignore them completely is a plus...maybe I'll pretend like they're free DLC or something.

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I wanna comment on this with my two cents if it's fine, but I actually prefer Fates's handling of children compared to Awakening. They're there, but you're not forced to use them in any way, unlike Awakening where Lucina was pushed onto you.

Lucina is the only character is forced so I don't think it's that much of a difference. And unlike Aqua, Lucina doesn't go out of her way to make the plot (significantly) worse.

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I haven't played Fates, but from what I've been reading...

- Nohr's plot is pretty bad, and that was the version I'm getting (due to the theme and challenge). Q-Q Did they plan for this sneaky trade-off?!

Nitpicky stuff

- The visuals and sound on turn indicators are not as subtle...

- Generic icons (and bad ones at that, not even good looking generic icons) for items

- Girl characters are more girly and less sophisticated in the model animations

- The sneaky but not so subtle no-shoes campaign

- Not as coherent of a soundtrack as past FEs (including Awk) (doesn't mean the soundtrack is bad)

Still getting the game though.

Edited by rainbowResonance
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That it takes your Angelic Robe bonus if you use it on Aqua in the beginning. Used it on her and it's gone when she returned in Ch9. It may have been a temp one, but I'm not sure.

Edited by Princess_Florina
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