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Is this game worth getting a 3DS for?


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No game console is worth aquiring only one game. Eventually you will get bored and want to move on. Now is it a good first game to get? Yes. This game saved the fire emblem series from extinction so you got to give it some credit. It has some plotholes, but its cast is entertaining and its got good gameplay/replay value.

If you want a 3DS, consider also aquiring perhaps a zelda game, pokemon, smash, and maybe even starfox or kirby.

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I've heard from various people (on this forum and off it) that Awakening has serious plot and gameplay issues, and that it might not be worth the price. What are your opinions on this?

Plot issues, sure, especially compared to FE4-10. IS wanted to bring back the inheritance mechanic for the last FE and the story did suffer for it.

I would contest the assertion that the gameplay issues are as serious as people make them out to be, however. Pair-up does shake things up quite a bit, for the good and the bad - it rewards severe low-manning much more than any previous FE, and it's rarely correct to not use it. However, it also gives the player more options and helps make many characters more viable on Lunatic and Lunatic+ - there are very few truly irredeemable characters in Awakening, especially compared to the previous titles (besides FE9, because the amount of BEXP available in that game is absurd).

If you loved the previous games, I would definitely recommend giving Awakening a try, although as others have said you should get a 3DS because it's amazing library includes Awakening, and not the other way around.

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3DS has an insanely good library of games. I don't necessarily think it's worth it to get it for just one game, but I think you'll inevitably find other games to enjoy on it. The amount of good games on the 3DS is vast and diverse. Not to mention you have Fates.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It totally is! I think there's a couple older FE games you can download on the 3DS or the wiiu- not too sure

But the characters for Awakening are all amazing, I came for the story but stayed for the characters

And it's pretty fun planning who is going to marry who

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Getting a console for one game is the dumbest thing you can do.

^ So much this.

Although I bought 3DS for Fire Emblem, I bought many games afterwards including Smash, Pokemon and other must-owns that I'm glad I own.

In the other hand, I bought PS4 for Bloodborne and as a huge Souls fan, I regret doing it.

So it's your style what matters, if you truly like it, go for it. 3DS isn't that expensive too. (I bought mine in Canadian GameStop called EBGames as a refurbished product, and got it for 150 CAD.)

It's especially good since there is a new Fire Emblem coming up next year for NA regions. On top of all these, you can just try demos of games which I think many of games in eShop have demos that you can try.

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It's my favorite 3DS game, I've played it for 500 hours and I STILL think it's not worth getting a 3DS for it and it alone.

Bravely Default, Super Mario 3D land, Mario and Luigi: Dream team, Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Pokemon Y, Monster Hunter 4. Consider these games, too. (Some of which I've reviewed if you check out the links.)

And that's not counting the remakes/remasters. There's remakes of games you may have heard of or played, such as Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. I've played those games prior to the 3DS versions and I still think they're superior.

Edited by Rxmonste
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  • 2 weeks later...

I did, and didn't regret it at all. I'll have it ready for when Fates drops, so I'm pretty excited :D That being said, don't waste your money buying a new 3DS (or XL, that's the one that I got). Nintendo sells refurbished ones, straight from Nintendo (not like Gamestop or some other place) that come with a one year warranty and work great. Saves you a big chunk of money as well :)

Edited by mewyeon
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"Getting a console just for one game is the dumbest thing you can do."

LOL my dad gave me my GBC way back in the day just for Pokémon, and it was totally worth it. 1000+ hours spent in both Blue and Gold.

Lots of people get Xboxes and Playstations just for FIFA and Cowadoody. No harm in it. What makes it worth is not how many you can get, but how much time you spend with it as well as how much fun you have with it.

Awakening is one of the last games I've played that made me feel a sort of "ecstasy". I love pretty much everything about it. The memories of it bring me happiness. The only thing in it that makes me disappointed is not the game, but my skills... I suck at FE. :P I would play on Casual mode, but I let the community mentality get under my skin and I see Casual mode as some sort of "cheating", even though that mindset is really dumb.

It might not be worth getting a 3DS just for it now because its novelty factor wore off with the upcoming releases, but back in early 2013 when it came out, it definitely was, much like the Pokémon games.

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Lol, I actually haven't read this thread in a while, I'm glad to see you guys have taken the discussion further though.

Honestly, even though with Fates coming out there is more incentive to get a 3DS, the fact that Citra is getting pretty well developed means that I'll probably just wait until that is up and running (certianly that will be the case before I finish all my planned challenge/optimization runs on FE6-11) before I roll around to Awakening.

And lol, if you guys haven't checked out the least favorite FE game thread, the fact that Awakening is winning by a landslide (even over FE1/2!) isn't particularly encouraging.

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"Getting a console just for one game is the dumbest thing you can do."

LOL my dad gave me my GBC way back in the day just for Pokémon, and it was totally worth it. 1000+ hours spent in both Blue and Gold.

Truth be told, I initially bought a 2DS just for Pokémon Y, which was my first Pokémon game after over 10 years. That was totally worth the AU$150.

Alternately, if the original poster don't mind the lack of DS Wi-Fi, and if s/he missed any DS games, then that's another option. (Does anyone know whether New Mystery of Emblem is region-locked on the 3DS?)

My case in point: After finishing Pokémon Y, I played Pokémon Black 1, then Black 2. After that, I am currently playing FE Awakening.

I suck at FE. :P I would play on Casual mode, but I let the community mentality get under my skin and I see Casual mode as some sort of "cheating", even though that mindset is really dumb.

It's never cheating. Your game, your choice. I play Classic only because I would like the added challenge in Normal/Hard. In fact, Casual Mode may provide to be a good rehearsal run if I end up playing Lunatic(+) for the first time. Edited by henrymidfields
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  • 2 weeks later...

I originally got my 2ds purely for pokemon X and a bit of Legend of Zelda and I got awakening as an after though unaware that it would become the sole use of my 2ds though I would recommend trying a no reset run It really raises the stakes (But criticals are the biggest pain)

Edited by Mackc2
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I got my 3DS for other reasons and got FEA because it was said to be a "good game". I put it down for almost two years before I picked it back up because I couldn't get past chapter 5. Then I was stuck on chapter 14? (Fort Sidger chapter) then I got stuck on a couple of chapters before Grima. The first time I beat Grima my team could barely kill him and it took me four or five turns just to do it. Now I'm down to beating Grima in two turns and can run through the game fairly quickly.

I will put the game away for a little while once I do my M!MU playthrough though. I need to do some pokemon and I have a way to go with that D:

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