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FE14 Protagonists for Smash DLC!!!​

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Listen, it might be best to wait until Smash 5. I'm pretty sure Smash fans feel like they have plenty of FE characters now. I'm all for FE14's avatar in Smash, I hope they're in the next game, but it's too soon for plenty of us to even consider voting for the character when Fates won't be coming overseas until next year, the smash ballot ends in October.

However, I can completely understand wanting a character in Smash, especially if everyone else rejects your idea. I won't be that guy. I'm incredibly sympathetic to your cause, you have my vote.

Edited by Deviddo
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Thank You Deviddo.

Most still have hope, an example: Roy, had no chance, and returned ? Why not push the envelope for Sakurai, bringing each of these characters for this Smash. An apology also for not having put Chrom.

And it was told in an interview to him, the next characters will depend on the fan service, then it is possible. And even more than elsewhere, he said this would be the last Smash, why anyone would accept a Smash next with less characters and contents .

We have to tell that it is still troll said he would not accept the idea of ​​DLC for the game, and ended up placing. So believe me, better to vote and hope of a future without certainty about 5mash.

Edited by SSBallotCandidates
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Like deviddo said, for SSB 5 is a certainity, as we already have the Robin avatar.

Azura is a possibility, though, but not likely, cause most recent games following AFTER the release of SSB4 could be a rarity to be added in the cast. More improbable if they are new whole characters, that is.

W/e Sakurai plans which character to add though, it has to satisfy somehow the fans. Sorry but Aqua doesn't seem pretty much to fill that requeriment (despite her charming beauty and being a dancing songstress) if we talk about her own popularity. There are way more characters than her that could also be interesting to choose and, also, Masahiro could already planned and began to work the new characters as we speak. Oh, and don't forget, there won't be too much more added because for possible problems about the 3DS's memory capacity, lol

Edited by Erdall
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Most still have hope, an example: Roy, had no chance, and returned ?

I'm not at all surprised that he returned, to be honest. Ever since Melee, Roy has been popular with the Smash community for more or less being in melee, which is often seen as the best game in the series.

As soon as DLC was announced, I figured if they were going to add ANY more FE characters, Roy would be the easiest choice. And to be honest, Roy was the easiest, and safest choice for another Fire Emblem character. He had appeared in previous games, was popular with the Smash scene, and he was a Marth clone in Melee.

But honestly, good luck with your whole thing. I tried it once before with a different FE character, and I was more or less laughed at by most of the people who looked at my topic. I'm not going to tell you to give up, but I guess don't get your hopes up.

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Let me think about it.. hmm-mm, ah-huh...

https://youtu.be/08i9kvCJvJ0 (I'm so sorry if I'm overusing this lately).

Even I think the Fire Emblem series has enough representatives at this point. Five per franchise at most, no more.

Besides, most people (including me) don't even know anything about these units

(exept that one of them seems to do cringeworthy activities or be busy marrying other units for some reason).

I'd also like to point out that Smash 5 is certainly not a certainty, at least under the project lead of Sakurai, according to himself.

Don't hate me, that's how it is.

Edited by Ragnar
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I'd also like to point out that Smash 5 is certainly not a certainty, at least under the project lead of Sakurai, according to himself.

Don't hate me, that's how it is.

While he probably won't be leading it it doesn't mean that Nintendo won't make another one lead by someone else and since Smash is a big money maker and marketing thing for them they have likely already been grooming the next person or group of people to develop it.

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I'd also like to point out that Smash 5 is certainly not a certainty, at least under the project lead of Sakurai, according to himself.

Don't hate me, that's how it is.

While he did say he didn't want to make another one, he said the same thing after Mellee and Brawl, so we can't be too sure about that.

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While he did say he didn't want to make another one, he said the same thing after Mellee and Brawl, so we can't be too sure about that.

Lol, the same story happens with Kojima stating his last metal gear since Snake Eater.

But it would be smarter having a lesser participation by each new entry of the series and that's it. Kinda like Miyamoto began to do since a decade with everything has been involved into.

Edited by Erdall
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I have to agree with everyone else, Smash has enough FE characters right now. I didn't even want Roy to return because I felt that four reps was enough. And I still think he was a poor choice. So yeah, as awesome as Azura seems and as awesome as Fates looks, FE has enough characters in Smash now.

In the next Smash game though, I wouldn't mind seeing one of Roy and Lucina removed (preferably the latter) in favor of Azura though.

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Honestly, either Azura or Kamui would be good, Kamui has their dragon powers and Azura has a lance, FE charcters in smash are sword, saturated, and it really doesn't reflect the series well.

But, the current smash game has plenty of FE characters, another series should get some more. (Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind more FE at all, but having so many is starting to get odd. just make a FE fighting game)

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Smash has enough FE characters, honestly it comes off as entitled if you want yet another one.

Why not someone like Isaac from Golden Sun? You know a Nintendo series that has no representation at all.

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Smash has enough FE characters, honestly it comes off as entitled if you want yet another one.

Why not someone like Isaac from Golden Sun? You know a Nintendo series that has no representation at all.

As what necessarily? A legacy/retro character?

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As what necessarily? A legacy/retro character?

A character of a series that deserves representation much more then some new avatar of FE.

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A character of a series that deserves representation much more then some new avatar of FE.

That wasn't my question. There was literally no need for you to snark. This individual started a topic for a few characters they wanted to see in Smash, and you show up, tell them more or less that their idea is stupid, and instead suggest a character you want. That's honestly quite rude, I could get into my opinions on Fire Emblem vs. Golden Sun or whatever, but that's not the issue here.

You showing up in a topic that has nothing to do with Isaac and telling the topic creator that Isaac is a better choice than their suggestion honestly comes off as a little entitled.

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That wasn't my question. There was literally no need for you to snark. This individual started a topic for a few characters they wanted to see in Smash, and you show up, tell them more or less that their idea is stupid, and instead suggest a character you want. That's honestly quite rude, I could get into my opinions on Fire Emblem vs. Golden Sun or whatever, but that's not the issue here.

You showing up in a topic that has nothing to do with Isaac and telling the topic creator that Isaac is a better choice than their suggestion honestly comes off as a little entitled.

I don't believe he felt entitled to express anything that way. But there is an obvious point: while Golden Sun had under zero representation in the last SSB game, FE has quite a lot even comparing with that.

It could be quite more fair to add him back again as an assit trophy (and please, considerebly buff him cause his Move psynergy power was overall pretty weak, though he could throw at you quite gigantic such waves anyway), to say the least. I wonder, by the way, is there any normal trophy related to this series in the 3DS version?

He just wanted to point that there is an obvious feel of watching too much FE playable characters in the Smash's roster and also it makes feel that there is enough about that for now.

Edited by Erdall
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That wasn't my question. There was literally no need for you to snark. This individual started a topic for a few characters they wanted to see in Smash, and you show up, tell them more or less that their idea is stupid, and instead suggest a character you want. That's honestly quite rude, I could get into my opinions on Fire Emblem vs. Golden Sun or whatever, but that's not the issue here.

You showing up in a topic that has nothing to do with Isaac and telling the topic creator that Isaac is a better choice than their suggestion honestly comes off as a little entitled.

I'm just saying FE has enough as is, its almost like saying Mario, Zelda or Pokemon need a new character at this point. If you got rudeness from me -shrugs- be that as it may. I'm stating my opinion, more so then "Kamui would be bad for smash", it's just odd to me that people want even more FE in a game thats loaded with FE content, instead of wanting more of what this series is supposed to be, a celebration of everything Nintendo. If they felt Kamui or Azure have earned that right, I wouldn't question it, but as someone who likes fairness I'd like to ask wheres more Metroid? Where's Golden Sun at all? Here we have people wanting more of something we have, in my personal opinion more then enough of.

Entitlement would be if there was already something of GS in smash other then what 3 measly music tracks? Please.

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I think they should wait till the next smash to add more FE characters.

Here's what they should do in my opinion.

1. Make Lucina an alternate for Marth but with taunts, voice over, victory animation and all. It was the original plan plus they could add the tipper to keep her viable. Hell you could even still keep the trophy of her.

2. If they don't make her an alternate give her a unique move set based off of the cut scenes in FE Awakening see the Regna Ferox Arena cutscene and you'll know what I'm talking about.

3. Keep the current cast. There's enough variety in play styles between the five currently in that warrants them still being retained.

4. Potential Newcomers:

Hector-first axe user could bring something new

Ephraim- first lance user again something new

Lyn- always could use another female cast just don't make her to cloney to Marth/Lucina

Kamui- a bit mixed on this one. Would make sense since he/she is in the newest Fire Emblem but we do already have the self insert represented by Robin whose unique with his magic.

Azura- Lance user and a female fighter and also from what I can tell very popular and good way to represent Fates.

Bottom line: we need a god damn Fire Emblem fighting game or a Fire Emblem Warriors type game.

Edited by LordTaco42
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Bottom line: we need a god damn Fire Emblem fighting game or a Fire Emblem Warriors type game.

Yeah! This 100%! We need one or both of these games as badly as we need a Marvel vs DC Universe. And we need that pretty badly.

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1. Make Lucina an alternate for Marth but with taunts, voice over, victory animation and all. It was the original plan plus they could add the tipper to keep her viable. Hell you could even still keep the trophy of her.

you would take out her character just so she would be viable?

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