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Has anyone else been taking a lot of flak for voting third party since the election?

I think we've got the best that could be expected since the election. Trump reaffirmed that he's not going after gay marriage and he seems to be less belligerent than before the election. Plus I haven't had my pussy grabbed once or had to go to electroconvulsive therapy.

Always stay vigilant. Regardless of what the laws may be, the fact exists that there are and always will be monsters in this world who disregard these laws to hurt people. It would be a shame if you got hurt or even died, partly because of your own unawareness. And if you did die, the people on this site wouldn't even know. No offense, btw. I can see where this statement could be perceived as hurtful.

Oh yeah, there was something bothering me. When they were thinking of a counter slogan to Trump's "Make America Great Again", why did Hillary opt to chose "America is already great" instead of "Let's make a great America even better", or something along those lines. Was it just too many words?

yeah when i read that the other day it gave me a deeply unsettling feeling for the exact reason that phillius posted

i mean fuck the establishment, right?

Yeah, this was something that bothers me too. I felt like the Democratic Party and the entire liberal movement had lost its way and was in need of a major overhaul, but this was definitely too steep of a price to make it happen. And even then, we might not learn anything from this. In fact, it's very likely with how the media is looking at it. I guess that's why I've been a bit biased in my criticism towards you, Phoenix and Res because I feared that we would have allowed these people to be put through so much suffering only to have nothing to show for it. I kinda projected my fear onto you guys.

Edited by UNLEASH IT
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This is not really in reply to your post (and not really targeted towards you but rather towards Life) but just something I wanted to say. Raven, Res, Phoenix and others have pointed this out to me and I feel like I need to apologize to them for it. While I've been proclaiming that both sides need to try to set aside their vitriol to allow discussion, I have been more harsh on them than you and Life because I unconsciously held them to a higher standard because for the most part, their views and mine overlap.

That's understandable! And thank you for listening. :)

I'm probably a little more sensitive to perceived harshness because I've seen some of its effects amongst my friends - there's a couple of friends my husband no longer speaks to because despite sharing the same political views as them, he grew really tired of the constant criticism. And I really feel that it's imperative that we remain united if we're to have any hopes of making progress. Having said that, there's also huge value in checking oneself and remaining critical of one's own views, of course, and I have definitely appreciated the articles you've been posting.

Trump (and Obama) don't have to hold press conferences every time they eat a goddamn burger. It's a ridiculous thing to waste news-time on


He's in the perfect position to blow steam. He's had all this time to talk, and he'll continue to talk all the way past the holiday season. I prefer to see how his actions line up to his talk. So far, I've seen his nominations for his cabinet, and I'm not encouraged - THAT is an example of action.

Absolutely; and his shortlist of nominees for the Supreme Court has some very worrisome individuals on it, too.

Higbie also refused to completely deny the comparison to the internment camps when pressed by Kelly, either.

Always stay vigilant.

This is my motto right now.

Thankfully, most of the comments reacting to this I saw seemed to say "I'll register on that as Muslim even if I'm Christian/Atheist/other religion."

I'd like to say I'd do this, although I did have fleeting concerns this morning of what it might mean if I'm only a PR and not a citizen.

Is anyone else fascinated by Glenn Beck's recent 180?

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Yeah, this was something that bothers me too. I felt like the Democratic Party and the entire liberal movement had lost its way and was in need of a major overhaul, but this was definitely too steep of a price to make it happen. And even then, we might not learn anything from this. In fact, it's very likely with how the media is looking at it. I guess that's why I've been a bit biased in my criticism towards you, Phoenix and Res because I feared that we would have allowed these people to be put through so much suffering only to have nothing to show for it. I kinda projected my fear onto you guys.

No. Both parties need a major overhaul. This is definite proof. Even the common man is in a "WTF" state right now.

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I'm surprised no one has suggested we have The Apprentice: Cabinet Edition.

EDIT: Erroneous double post

Edited by Rezzy
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I'm surprised no one has suggested we have The Apprentice: Cabinet Edition.

Then it would just be like The Jackson administration. Seriously, no President before or since has fired so many people from their cabinet, and given how Trump is going about this, I doubt he would do as Jackson did, even though I would venture to say he's just as popular with blue collar people as Jackson was. Still, I kinda wish military people would run for POTUS, because there hasn't been one since 1961.

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Then it would just be like The Jackson administration. Seriously, no President before or since has fired so many people from their cabinet, and given how Trump is going about this, I doubt he would do as Jackson did, even though I would venture to say he's just as popular with blue collar people as Jackson was. Still, I kinda wish military people would run for POTUS, because there hasn't been one since 1961.

Bush Sr was a pilot in WW2.

Trump reminds me a lot of Andrew Jackson, but I'm hoping he turns out like Chester A. Arthur.

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Bush Sr was a pilot in WW2.

He was still in politics as the former VP. Eisenhower wasn't. If there's one thing I can say about General Presidents, is that they either died too early to really do anything(WH Harrison, Taylor), or at least partly succeeded in accomplishing things (Grant[to a certain extent],Eisenhower). Also speaks volumes when you consider our first POTUS was a General.

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It will be the fault of the DNC and Hilary Clinton for their atrocious political instinct that will be the reason that they will get Trump. And I wonder at that point who they will blame, will it be Sanders, his supporters, or someone or something else?

i did say before the democratic party will likely blame sanders and his supporters for being too divisive if hillary loses. wonder when that'll happen (if it hasn't already)

it was only a matter of time

it's weird, especially with news of neurological issues that seem to be better since the start of this election cycle

but let's be honest, the guy was supporting ted cruz hard, who I still view as worse than trump

Edited by Tryhard
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I don't think Obamacare will be abolished now, or any time in the near future. Trump's not a hardliner, he'll probably be more pragmatic on the whole matter than your average 0815 republican - since he's not actually a republican or a conservative politician he can afford to not give much of a shit about how the party feels about Obamacare and just do what he thinks is right. And as things stand it seems likely that there won't be much more than maybe a few tweaks to it.

Since we'll either see 8 years of Trump or 4 years of Trump + 4 years of a democratic presidency it'd take at least a decade to even begin a discussion about abolishing Obamacare and by that time the general acceptance of public health care among the majority of US citizans may already be too high to revert things.

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The president is not the only one with legislative initiative. The Republican party now has a majority in both houses, so depending on how things pan out within the party, Trump might not even have a say in the matter.

But he can veto it, right?

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Why would the dems vote for the abolishment of Obamacare?

What I said was a generalized statement; not specifically applicable to ACA. Trump isn't the only one with legislative initiative, and his veto can be overturned by congress. Considering the state the GOP finds itself in, as long as the democrats remain a voting block, we might see presidential vetoes being overturned in the following years.

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Haven't been here for a while.

You know what's frustrating? Having to defend someone that I don't agree with because the claim laid against him is proposterous.

I'm talking about Jeff Sessions. Say what you want regarding his policies but as far as I can tell, he's not racist.

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