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Shame. Romney would be excellent.

I don't have anything against Romney, but it would be surprising, since he was against Trump until the end.

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People that are sticking to their stances regardless of what's happening/happened. It's interesting and making me see them in a different light. That's all.

Trump is a huge test for Conservatives. We'll find out who is really conservative and who is just anti-democrat.
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I wonder if the Democrats will get rid of their super delegate system next election cycle, since giving the impression that a candidate already has the nomination before the primaries even start rubs a lot of people the wrong way, and didn't do them any favors this year.

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IIRC they're not abolishing superdelegates but they're making them worth about one third what they were this time.

Do you have a source for that? I haven't seen any mention of any changes.

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If 2/3 of delegates have to vote the way their state voted, wouldn't that just make them normal delegates? I thought the point of super delegates was that they could vote however they wanted.

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I'd love to see them get rid of caucuses as well; they seem extremely undemocratic to me.

Regarding Romney and other such people who may have opposed Trump, I'd be fine with them willing to work with him anyway; I don't think doing so is a betrayal of principles. You can have your disagreements with the president but still influence his policy in a good way from such a position. Far better than getting some embarrassment like Steve Bannon.

Edited by Dark Holy Elf
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If 2/3 of delegates have to vote the way their state voted, wouldn't that just make them normal delegates? I thought the point of super delegates was that they could vote however they wanted.

That was the compromise. 2/3 of superdelegates are basically regular delegates now.

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Trump is a huge test for Conservatives. We'll find out who is really conservative and who is just anti-democrat.

Trump, for one, doesn't seem to be anywhere near as anti-democrat as the democats are anti-Trump.

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Trump is a huge test for Conservatives. We'll find out who is really conservative and who is just anti-democrat.

What would supporting Trump mean in this case? Is supporting Trump properly conservative or simply anti-democrat?

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Trump is not a conservative in terms of the agenda that has generally been pushed by the conservatives; a return to the good ole days biblical days.

But then again, what conservatism means has shifted significantly ever since they started catering to the racists and Christian fundamentalists.

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What would supporting Trump mean in this case? Is supporting Trump properly conservative or simply anti-democrat?

Anti-Democrat if Trump goes against Conservative ideals.

Edited by Life
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democrats in this country are center-right (conservative), so we already know repubs are just anti-dem.

The democrats might not be as left as some countries, but they are by no means right of center.

It's part of the false dichotomy of the left-right designation. Both Democrats and Republicans lean towards authoritarianism, but authoritarianism isn't "right", it's a different axis.

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They are when it comes to matters of economy.


The democrats might not be as left as some countries, but they are by no means right of center.

It's part of the false dichotomy of the left-right designation. Both Democrats and Republicans lean towards authoritarianism, but authoritarianism isn't "right", it's a different axis.

actually, i think democrats lean social libertarian. definitely not a whole lot, but notably so.

progressives make up a fraction of the modern democratic party.

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As per my comments in the punditry thread, it's pretty difficult/arbitrary to define what "centre" means, at least internationally. The Dems are certainly centre-left by the standards of the average American voter, but might be centre-right in some other countries.

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As per my comments in the punditry thread, it's pretty difficult/arbitrary to define what "centre" means, at least internationally. The Dems are certainly centre-left by the standards of the average American voter, but might be centre-right in some other countries.

If you replace the word centre with authoritarian then yes I guess that's right. I fundamentally disagreed with both candidates on terms of veins authoritarians but that might be Becuase I'm a literal centre-libertarian. (What I mean by this is when it comes to issues of left or right, I lean in either direction depending on the climate. However I am always in favor of limitations on government, but unlike anarco capitalists, I still believe in the basic social contract of government.)

Edited by Emperor Petitt
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Haven't been here for a while.

You know what's frustrating? Having to defend someone that I don't agree with because the claim laid against him is proposterous.

I'm talking about Jeff Sessions. Say what you want regarding his policies but as far as I can tell, he's not racist.

I don't know if he's racist, he's apparently said some dumb things about civil rights organizations like the ACLU being "unamerican", "communist-inspired" and accused them of trying to "force civil rights down the throats of people" in the past, but even if he's not, he's still a dinosaur dumb fuck for having the opinion that "good people don't smoke marijuana." Edited by Tryhard
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I don't know if he's racist, he's apparently said some dumb things about civil rights organizations like the ACLU being "unamerican", "communist-inspired" and accused them of trying to "force civil rights down the throats of people" in the past, but even if he's not, he's still a dinosaur dumb fuck for having the opinion that "good people don't smoke marijuana."

That was a joke, bro. Calm down.

What it means that he simply is against drugs. That's a fair position as long as he doesn't keep me from them in a legal sense.

Also, criticizing the ACLU isn't racist or even evil. It means that he has criticism of the ACLU. Would need to look into what the criticism is before I make a judgement call but there is nothing to suggest that he is racist. Especially considering how he legally pushed for the execution of Alabama's KKK leader and almost did it himself.

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