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She's evil. I don't care for most democrats but she is really twisted. I can't believe they let those emails go away so easily on their debate.

who gives a shit about her emails? its not a big deal at all.

@ donors secured by hilary; do you think they would back out and support biden instead? i guess biden playing the "beau told me to run before he died" card might prove favorable. he has name recognition and seems to be scandal free. hilary has her email bullshit which like i said isnt a big deal but a lot of americans are idiots that actually might fall for it.

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biden is like a walking gaffe machine and absolutely would say plenty of shit that could be used against him, but then again he clowned on paul ryan in the 2012 veep debate. it could go either way.

and yeah the right has been trying to pin bullshit scandals on the clintons for a good quarter century by this point; pretty much nobody who wasn't already going to vote republican is going to be swayed by this

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>joe biden to announce candidacy

what advantage does he have over sanders and clinton again? not being cynical just want to know.

He's considered to be a lot more "authentic" than Clinton, because he just says whatever the fuck he wants, while Clinton is like a focus-group/strategy product. And he arguably has more executive experience than Sanders.

Not that I would back him. He seems like a cool guy, but I dislike centrist Democrats, and Biden from what I've heard is responsible for a lot of the awful war on drugs legislation in the 80s.

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Biden's also considered to be towards the left of Clinton(although she was more progressive during the debate) and the right of Sanders which might appeal to the widest base of voters.

this was martin o'malley's thing and he's not even polling at 1%

then again, nobody gives a shit about o'malley

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I heard people in Baltomore/Maryland hate him for how he's dealt with crime. It's rumored one of the politician characters on the Wire was based on him.

He also had a hilariously disastrous AMA.


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Yeah, people just don't care about O'Malley for some reason. I don't really get it since he seems biddable enough. Maybe the riots in Baltimore are in still in people's minds or something.

yeah he definitely has to answer for that, given how his crime policies as mayor of baltimore did a lot to contribute to the baltimore riots.

and on the other hand, running between clinton and sanders might not even be all that effective a strategy when primary voters polarize between a more centrist DNC type and a leftist. iirc, most polls that include both biden and no biden show that the vast majority of his support comes from hillary supporters

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Crime did fall in Baltimore quite a bit from the time during his term as mayor though- it was extremely high 15 years ago and it's just sort of bad now. Maryland also had pretty significant job growth when he was governor, so he does have things to hang his hat on. It's not like being Bobby Jindal and the mess that is and was Louisiana.

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I'm probably a bad enough source on MD politics that you could learn more from the AMA than me, but (trying to glean some benefit from sharing a local uninformed knob's opinion here,) as far as I know have heard, Larry Hogan beating O'Malley's successor, Anthony Brown, was basically one big WHUH?!?! *mugs camera* *bowtie spins* for all involved, including Hogan.

I assume Dem soundbites blame a lazy campaign, low turnout and a predictably bad year to be the party of a second-term president, mostly. Republicans (which we have, apparently) seem to give soundbite credit mostly(?) to O'Malley's tax and spending increases (ehh) and the Maryland health care exchange rollout being shit (which, well, yeah).

Known selling points? Well, O'Malley repealed the death penalty, declined to decline to sign the dotted line legalizing same-sex marriage after the state assembly voted for it (*the weakest smile*), signed a gun control bill, and our credit rating's pretty good.

There are... probably worse candidates, I would say? Probably much worse.

There's your ringing endorsement

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Yeah, I mean, I don't know enough about him, and I liked his performance in the debate so that I want to give him the benefit of the doubt (even though I'm firmly in the Sanders camp). It's just kind of odd though that you don't see Maryland strongly championing him.

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I'm probably a bad enough source on MD politics that you could learn more from the AMA than me, but (trying to glean some benefit from sharing a local uninformed knob's opinion here,) as far as I know have heard, Larry Hogan beating O'Malley's successor, Anthony Brown, was basically one big WHUH?!?! *mugs camera* *bowtie spins* for all involved, including Hogan.

I assume Dem soundbites blame a lazy campaign, low turnout and a predictably bad year to be the party of a second-term president, mostly. Republicans (which we have, apparently) seem to give soundbite credit mostly(?) to O'Malley's tax and spending increases (ehh) and the Maryland health care exchange rollout being shit (which, well, yeah).

Known selling points? Well, O'Malley repealed the death penalty, declined to decline to sign the dotted line legalizing same-sex marriage after the state assembly voted for it (*the weakest smile*), signed a gun control bill, and our credit rating's pretty good.

There are... probably worse candidates, I would say? Probably much worse.

There's your ringing endorsement

from what i heard, anthony brown basically didn't even campaign, and it was hard to even know he existed

he basically took the democratic lean of the state for granted, and...you just don't do that in politics

p.s. biden just announced he's not running

of course that's not going to stop the media from flogging that horse and running headlines going "WILL HE RUN???", much like with elizabeth warren months ago

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i'll admit i've enjoyed watching trump troll the fuck out of the rest of the field, e.g. "lol no ¡eb!, your brother didn't keep us safe on 9/11" or "lol walker your state's in a rut" or "fiorina, you were a travesty of a CEO at HP"

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It is great seeing the Republican frontrunner calling out (a small amount of the massive pile of) Republican bullshit. If only Trump was competent and not colossally racist.

Also, unfortunately, with Biden not running, I think Hillary Clinton just locked up the Democratic nomination. Sanders only really had a chance with Biden pulling support from her.

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Also, unfortunately, with Biden not running, I think Hillary Clinton just locked up the Democratic nomination. Sanders only really had a chance with Biden pulling support from her.

Eh, if you like or dislike Sanders (I'm indifferent) I don't think he could have ever won a sufficient number of electors to have the thing tied up before the convention (there are just too many southern states). If Biden, Clinton and Sanders were the only 3 to win electors, I can almost guarantee that the wrangling that would happen at the convention would go to either Clinton or Biden, whoever the party letters thought had a better chance of winning. The only hypothetical I can see of Sanders winning is a few early wins in the primary and riding the wave to the convention.

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Also, unfortunately, with Biden not running, I think Hillary Clinton just locked up the Democratic nomination. Sanders only really had a chance with Biden pulling support from her.

At this point it's fairly obvious that Clinton is gonna be the democratic candidate. Not that it was ever really in question. Sanders may have better results in polls and stuff but that's not how politics work. Clinton has the money, the connections, corporations, media etc on her side. That's where elections are decided.

Trump is the only one who has a realistic chance to throw a wrench at the whole thing. Except that he'd be a really shitty president. So it's between who's the lesser evil between Clinton and Bush ... and the only correct answer to that is "suicide".

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Iirc bush isn't even the front running establishment candidate anymore. His campaign has become something of a train wreck, with Rubio ahead.

Either way, much as I loathe Clinton, I'll be voting for her if she's the nominee. Lesser of the two evils and all that, but the gop is a whole 'nother level of awful. I feel kind of crappy voting for her, but I don't want to be like those nader-types who got bush in the white house.

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In other news, Jim Webb won't be running as a Democrat...not that it matters really.

Trump actually works a number of liberal policies when he's actually talked about policy- antiwar stance(despite claiming to be super militaristic), tax cuts for the poor and middle class, maintaining Social Security, not defunding Planned Parenthood or at least not really caring. He may be tapping into more moderate conservatives, even if they don't consider themselves moderate.

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jeb! even tried running attack ads connecting trump to clinton, democrats, etc. but at the end of the day the gop electorate doesn't care about actual policies or ideologies but just vague rhetoric and validation. basically just take reagan's feel-good "make america great again" and fuse it with "truth-telling" and america's billionaire fantasy, and you get trump. it's almost kind of brilliant in a horrifying way.

i'm convinced everything he's doing is a shrewd calculated move. even when he makes outrageous or sexist remarks, it's not because he's losing his cool, but because he's appealing to people who feel that way but wouldn't say it in public. its shamelessly cynical.

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In other news, Jim Webb won't be running as a Democrat...not that it matters really.

Trump actually works a number of liberal policies when he's actually talked about policy- antiwar stance(despite claiming to be super militaristic), tax cuts for the poor and middle class, maintaining Social Security, not defunding Planned Parenthood or at least not really caring. He may be tapping into more moderate conservatives, even if they don't consider themselves moderate.

and then he comes out with his tax plan, which turns out to be a huge tax cut to those making six figures and more

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and then he comes out with his tax plan, which turns out to be a huge tax cut to those making six figures and more

Well yeah he also tax cuts the rich significantly...I guess he just figures screw the deficit or whatever?

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Well yeah he also tax cuts the rich significantly...I guess he just figures screw the deficit or whatever?

obviously we'll make mexico pay for it along with the wall we'll make them build

e: holy hell 11 trillion deficit over 10 years lmfao

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