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Serenes Arena Cup II (QUINT WINS)


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I feel that we should still use procs.

I would be willing to have at least one C Rank or lower unit on each of our teams though.


But no Cordelia nor MU. And Vengeance is banned. No problem though if you disagree.

And I'd not say C, but D tier. Why? Because it's crazier. =D

Edited by Nintales
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Everyone in future rounds, it'd be really cool if you'd have your teams ready pretty quick after the current round ends, I'm really only avaliable to host with any deal of efficiency up to and including Wednesday, then i'm pretty busy for a couple weeks since i've missed a bunch of work because i've been really sick, then i'm the rest of my stuff into my place next Wednesday, and from then on out, i'm pretty unavaliable for like a week. I imagine things will be done by then, but ideally it'd be cool to get at least most of the games done by Wednesday night.

Edited by General Horace
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But there's strategy to braves vs speed boosting weapons! I mean, I like it at least, I know braves are good but without forging they're not consistently as superior. Also, when you say S weapons, you mean the ones like Helswath and Balmung? Given that Awakening lacks S-ranks.

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But there's strategy to braves vs speed boosting weapons! I mean, I like it at least, I know braves are good but without forging they're not consistently as superior. Also, when you say S weapons, you mean the ones like Helswath and Balmung? Given that Awakening lacks S-ranks.

Yeah, I meant A-rank weapons.

It will just make the game annoying to ban them. :D

Both Brave and Legendary weapons have their place. Even Valflamme can go for a crutch kill. =D

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Eh, Micaiah's Pyre is pretty much always better than Valflame, three might weaker but can be forged for accuracy and has a rather nice defense boost.

I mean, maybe. Aside from braves, ragnell, and speed boosting weapons, there's not a ton of good A rank weapons.

Also, I realized that when you said rule, you meant for balance, and I perceived that as a 'for fun' challenge, so I'll see how I can meld those two together. Trickster Sniper only match gogogo.

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Trickster sniper compo best compo

I want a "for balance" and "for fun" challenge. Fun is obviously better, and to me, there's no fun if something's tedious. (let's say attacking us with forged special weaponry will not be fun :D )

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Hey Nin, how about this? We do what some call a SOYO draft, where we pick the five units the other of us will have. So, instead of taking away some better weapons, we just get pretty crappy units. I think this idea works:

Both sides have access to Robin.

Randomly, one of us goes first. The person who doesn't go first chooses which gender Robin they want, the other side is stuck with the opposite gender.

When it's your turn, you select a unit which your opponent can use on their team. No repeats.

After we do this ten times, each side will have six units; Robin and the ones their foe picked for them. They may leave off one of their drafted units who are most likely terrible.

I except one of us to have Anna and the Maribelle, or not, it might be the crappy unit we leave off.

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Hey Nin, how about this? We do what some call a SOYO draft, where we pick the five units the other of us will have. So, instead of taking away some better weapons, we just get pretty crappy units. I think this idea works:

Both sides have access to Robin.

Randomly, one of us goes first. The person who doesn't go first chooses which gender Robin they want, the other side is stuck with the opposite gender.

When it's your turn, you select a unit which your opponent can use on their team. No repeats.

After we do this ten times, each side will have six units; Robin and the ones their foe picked for them. They may leave off one of their drafted units who are most likely terrible.

I except one of us to have Anna and the Maribelle, or not, it might be the crappy unit we leave off.


Though, a little thing :

- MU's asset and flaw will be decided by the opponent.

Why, you may ask?

All of our units are/will be bad squishies.

If the ORKO General or Zerker build is picked, or if the Assassin Trainwreck is, it's up to the one who begins to decide the first blood.

So, by deciding these things... All becomes funnier. Right? RIGHT?

Edited by Nintales
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We just have to use Random.org, I can do it now if you want. =)

The list of all characters can be found on the tier list, but if you need to...










I think that's all. '3'

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