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Serenes Arena Cup II (QUINT WINS)


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Er, no, we pick each other's units.

When you go first, I intended for that to mean you pick a unit for me first, and then I pick the gender for my MU, with you getting the other.

Or did I mess up?

Ah, okay then.

- Time constraints due to hosting issues

- Decides to draw out team submission

You got this!

Totally. :Soldier:

Anon, I pick you Nowi. Don't thank me for picking that general wannabe, you're welcome.

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I thought we weren't determining asset/flaw? That way you have a little more flexibility, and at least one good unit.

Enjoy Anna.

I'm Stuck With:




Well, if we don't determine Asset/Flaw, we can just do the one-rounding build. Any sage or assassin picking = death due to the power of 74 Mt. And none of the bad units can avoid being doubled by 52 speed MU. =D

MU still gets great flexibility by having access to ALL TEH SKILLS

Thanks for Anna, I guess.

As I'm so nice, I give you Tiki. Not-Nowi/10

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My team then is...

- MU Skl+ Spd-

- Cherche

- Anna

- Kellam

- Lissa

- Olivia

No problem if I ban Anna?

Because she sucks. Like totally.

I mean really.

My super special awesome team is then :

- MU Skl+ Spd-

- Cherche (my waifu)

- Kellam (who is he?)

- Lissa (why)

- Olivia (yay)

Who wants to get the teams crafted by the geniuses we are?

Edited by Nintales
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no, that's only Cherche, MU, Lissa and Olivia, you bidoof

I see no fifth unit

EDIT : Does Dragonbane (or whatever it's called) works with Iote Shield? I dunno.

Edited by Nintales
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