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Seems that things have run their course


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I don't know about this site,put pretty much anywhere else I go on the internet relating to FE the fandom is at each other throats,and it's...demoralizing,to say the least;people are mostly slaughtering each other over shipping,with others complaining about Phoenix mode,the alternative universe stuff,how the series is borderline hentai now,and...that weird ass mechanic with the face rubbing

I was ok with laying into awakening because I figured it would just be a crack in our fanbase,a misstep,hat it would just be a point of contention,maybe I wasn't the only one, I don't know;however,I think it's time we,the longtime FE fans, face facts.the series will never be what it was;honestly,I think it's clear at this point.Its gotten to the point where this series that once filled me with glee,that inspired so many ideas about what I would have done differently,what aspects of characters could have been explored,what new ideas could be brought to the table.But now,it just fills me with bitterness,anger,and a sense of isolation,knowing that you're lost in the tide of mass appeal.We,as a collective,have been shattered,and I think it's time we move on;guys,play final fantasy tactics,the total war games,any other strategy game,just don't lose yourself to FE flame wars;what we knew is gone,so I don't think there's any reason to concern ourselves with this series any longer.Thoughts?

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I don't mean to be rude, but what? Calling Fire Emblem borderline Hentai is a ridiculous overstatement, for goodness sake if you don't like the facerubbing, don't do it, if you don't like Casual Mode don't use it, if you don't like Pheonix Mode, don't use it.

This entire thing is getting way out of hand. Fire Emblem is fine as it is, yes it has taken a new direction to try and appeal to a larger fanbase, but it not suddenly a terrible series that has lost all the essence of what a Fire Emblem game is.

Look I don't know I've seen people complain about the direction FE is taking so many times that I'm just running out of things to say without parroting myself, just relax, if you don't like how Fire Emblem is going, then so be it, but it's not just a terrible series now, and the most recent two games aren't absolutely horrendous even if you don't like Awakening's story as much as the others, or if you don't like how Fates brings the easiest mode of all, or that it's trying new things or whatever.

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Honestly, I say let people do what they want to do. If they are not fond of the changes but want to play the games anyway, that's up to them. If they want to hope that it'll switch back to its previous track and want to stick around for it, they can go ahead and do so. If you want to abandon the series because you don't like where it's going, that's up to you.

In short, I think you should just worry about yourself. No need to try to persuade others to follow/not follow your tracks~

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There are some new features that may seem...disturbing, to the people like us who appreciate FE for what it was, but it's far from dying off. AFAIK, this new game is one of the most difficult and darkest yet, so I think there is still hope for hardcore fans.

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I empathize with where you are coming from and I can see what you are trying to say but I feel like I'm one of the few long time FE fans who actually likes the newer games that are coming out. Sure some features like the skinship I could do without but it does seem to me that they did fix a few things in Fates like the pair up mechanic and re-classing being limited to one reclass per character. I also really like how they are adding content such as the my castle feature being the hub for everything and while DLC has gotten a bad rep the way Fire Emblem has been handling it in my mind is DLC done right for the most part especially with things like Future Past and Apotheosis.

While its discouraging to see debates over menial stupid things like "borderline hentai" or shipping wars I would just ignore that shit and not let it prevent me from enjoying the game.

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Honestly, I say let people do what they want to do. If they are not fond of the changes but want to play the games anyway, that's up to them. If they want to hope that it'll switch back to its previous track and want to stick around for it, they can go ahead and do so. If you want to abandon the series because you don't like where it's going, that's up to you.In short, I think you should just worry about yourself. No need to try to persuade others to follow/not follow your tracks~

Yeah,I gotcha;above all,I just wanted to get this off my chest;I've realized that my words won't change anything,and I just don't wanna be involved in any flame wars or anything,but looking around the internet,seems plenty of other people are happy to;I just think it's time to call it quits,at least on my part,or at the very least,keep my distance from the fanbase

I empathize with where you are coming from and I can see what you are trying to say but I feel like I'm one of the few long time FE fans who actually likes the newer games that are coming out. Sure some features like the skinship I could do without but it does seem to me that they did fix a few things in Fates like the pair up mechanic and re-classing being limited to one reclass per character. I also really like how they are adding content such as the my castle feature being the hub for everything and while DLC has gotten a bad rep the way Fire Emblem has been handling it in my mind is DLC done right for the most part especially with things like Future Past and Apotheosis.

While its discouraging to see debates over menial stupid things like "borderline hentai" or shipping wars I would just ignore that shit and not let it prevent me from enjoying the game.

I can understand liking some of the new mechanics,I just think some of them make the game very grindy,a problem people also had with the sacred stones;I was actually rather excited for fates,but looking at all the people ogling the characters,and the even more blatant incest,along with what appears to be even more fanservice...man,I'm just uncomfortable,you know?

MODEDIT: yo don't doublepost also please use paragraphs cripes

Edited by Integrity
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Take a look at Awakening's sales numbers. Now take a look at the number of people registered on SF. This site is a tiny fraction of FE fans, and people who post on boards are the most vocal. Even if every other board dedicated to FE was lumped together, it would STILL be a small fraction of the customers who bought Awakening. To judge the fans based on the vocal minority is not productive.

If you don't want a fandom that seems like it's divided, be the only fan of something.

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Take a look at Awakening's sales numbers. Now take a look at the number of people registered on SF. This site is a tiny fraction of FE fans, and people who post on boards are the most vocal. Even if every other board dedicated to FE was lumped together, it would STILL be a small fraction of the customers who bought Awakening. To judge the fans based on the vocal minority is not productive.If you don't want a fandom that seems like it's divided, be the only fan of something.

Yeah,I'm very much aware of that-it's why I'm fond of the site,and why I mentioned other parts of the internet;it's not like I'd come here just to generalize/insult SF
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"Every other site" is still part of the vocal minority.

Yeah,that's true;you'll have to forgive me for poor phrasing,either way,I don't mean to generalize,so I'm sorry;what I've been trying to say is that people should just,you know,calm down,drop it,not let a game be a source of contention;not by allowing a minority to represent a majority,but just as a caution in light of some individual instances.
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The games have never required grinding to complete. Ask the various people on this site who've beaten Lunatic+ no grind.

Not to mention the people who've beaten Lunatic and Lunatic Reverse FE12 etc.

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Yeah,that's true;you'll have to forgive me for poor phrasing,either way,I don't mean to generalize,so I'm sorry;what I've been trying to say is that people should just,you know,calm down,drop it,not let a game be a source of contention;not by allowing a minority to represent a majority,but just as a caution in light of some individual instances.

The "backlash" actually isn't that gigantic, in terms of what it could've been. It only seems huge because things were relatively quiet before.

IS changed a lot of things. Change brings dissent, no matter WHAT is changed. In the end, FE goes on (if the supposed sales numbers are any indication).

EDIT: Right, grinding. If that was truly necessary, the drafts subforum wouldn't exist.

Edited by eclipse
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The games have never required grinding to complete. Ask the various people on this site who've beaten Lunatic+ no grind.

Not to mention the people who've beaten Lunatic and Lunatic Reverse FE12 etc.

Very true,but the fact remains that it's there,it doesn't as long as in other games,and it does of course ease up the difficulty;only played through awakening once though;didn't the lunatic+ strats mostly revolve around putting gale force on everyone and making avatar as op as possible?Im probably wrong but that's the understanding that I have
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Didn't FE 7 suffer from heavy "shipping" clashes as well lol? Not sure if i can call myself an "old" fan since i started with awakening but I do prefer the DS and POR (from what i've played of it ) over awakening. A good thing though is that i've heard that the FE 14 gameplay has gotten a lot better. Never really cared about the characters in fire emblem so not really bothered by its fanservice or whatever.

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Didn't FE 7 suffer from heavy "shipping" clashes as well lol? Not sure if i can call myself an "old" fan since i started with awakening but I do prefer the DS and POR (from what i've played of it ) over awakening. A good thing though is that i've heard that the FE 14 gameplay has gotten a lot better. Never really cared about the characters in fire emblem so not really bothered by its fanservice or whatever.

I wouldn't know,I didn't find much of that personally;it is true that fates gameplay looks to have much better difficulty

The "backlash" actually isn't that gigantic, in terms of what it could've been. It only seems huge because things were relatively quiet before.IS changed a lot of things. Change brings dissent, no matter WHAT is changed. In the end, FE goes on (if the supposed sales numbers are any indication).EDIT: Right, grinding. If that was truly necessary, the drafts subforum wouldn't exist.

You're right;I've always been one to think that almost any situation could be worse,and yeah,these contrevsersial elements will stay,most likely,since they sell

I phrased myself poorly;not "grindy" in the sense that it's necessary,but in the sense that it's much more accessible,and almost encouraged,really;at least,that's how I see it

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As far as FE being "grindy" it only is by option and if we go back to classic FEs FE8 technically had it as well so its not a super new thing to the series either. Like people have said above though each FE game is possible without grinding which fundamentally separates it from other games that do have grinding that basically require it to beat the game.

I'm also one of those weird people that enjoys to grind. For me its about putting effort into a unit and seeing the end result and being rewarded for it by seeing them kick ass. One of the biggest things I regretted about the earlier games is how I often just skipped over characters or couldn't use them and as a result I didn't get to see their supports and what else they added to the story and if I wanted to do that I had to restart the entire file and do a run deciding to use them keeping in mind it would probably mean not using other "better" units to complete the chapters.

And grinding isn't an instant win either in EXP growth on Luna+ the enemies that give you the best EXP have counter+ if I recall correctly which is pretty much a death sentence and all the other DLC gets much harder along with Risen encounters and the such.

Edited by LordTaco42
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Yeah, that's another thing. Grinding isn't required to beat the game, it's there for those who want to do it, which isn't a problem, and shouldn't be seen as such.

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Yeah, that's another thing. Grinding isn't required to beat the game, it's there for those who want to do it, which isn't a problem, and shouldn't be seen as such.

That's true,and while I wouldn't affiliate myself with the uber hardcore crowd,it still feels like it makes the game too easy,since you always have an out if you can't beat a chapter
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it still feels like it makes the game too easy,since you always have an out if you can't beat a chapter

how is it a bad thing to have the option to go improve your team instead of just hammering your head against the wall of a chapter your team is having trouble with?

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how is it a bad thing to have the option to go improve your team instead of just hammering your head against the wall of a chapter your team is having trouble with?

Me personally,it makes me feel more accomplished

It's like a puzzle,it's not satisfying if it's easy;hence why quite a few games have taken to not giving players any crutches;I think it's good to have someone win with their own wit

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A big problem with me in previous Fire Emblem games was that if I got stuck, that was it, I'd have to restart the entire game. I'm older now, and I'd probably be a bit better at the game if I redid it or whatever but regardless it's always nice to have that option to improve your team further if you're stuck. Again, if that's not your thing, just don't do it. You can have the accomplished feeling of not using grinding to get through the game that way.

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A big problem with me in previous Fire Emblem games was that if I got stuck, that was it, I'd have to restart the entire game. I'm older now, and I'd probably be a bit better at the game if I redid it or whatever but regardless it's always nice to have that option to improve your team further if you're stuck. Again, if that's not your thing, just don't do it. You can have the accomplished feeling of not using grinding to get through the game that way.

I remember this particularly being a problem for me when I first got FE7. I invested in all the wrong units and my lords were severly underleveled because I was afraid of using them because if they died it would mean game over. Long story short I played through the game once lost a couple of units and skipped out on FE8 and 9 because of how seemingly difficult and punishing FE7 was for me then. Knowing that if I screwed up early on than I wouldn't realize it till it was too late in the game that I needed to restart the entire game.

Granted now I can blast through FE7 and have the lords maxed out and have some kick ass units but the point is that it alienated me from the series for quite some time and it wasn't until recently I aquired the other games.

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I remember this particularly being a problem for me when I first got FE7. I invested in all the wrong units and my lords were severly underleveled because I was afraid of using them because if they died it would mean game over. Long story short I played through the game once lost a couple of units and skipped out on FE8 and 9 because of how seemingly difficult and punishing FE7 was for me then. Knowing that if I screwed up early on than I wouldn't realize it till it was too late in the game that I needed to restart the entire game.

Granted now I can blast through FE7 and have the lords maxed out and have some kick ass units but the point is that it alienated me from the series for quite some time and it wasn't until recently I aquired the other games.

Reminds me of my first playthrough of radiant dawn

I had to restart the whole game

From 4-E-3,because I missed the whole blessing weapons thing

And I brought really dumb units

As in

Geoffrey and Rhys

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