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Favorite pairings in Fates?

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ahaha sounds like me xD

aggressively marries Takumi to Oboro within an hour of recruiting them in all my runs including third path

aggressively uses them in battle always next to each other and surrounded by units who they can't support with

yeah... ♡〜٩( ╹▿╹ )۶〜♡

Well, I do let Oboro support Hinata up to an A, so that entire trio can have a support triangle thing going on XD;

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Aqua/Suzukaze is top priority. I wrote a(n incredibly non-canon compliant) fanfic for them quite a while back, so bias.

Leon/Sakura and Flora/Joker also get special mention. So does Shigure x Everyone because he's great husband material.

I also really really really like Hisame/Mitama for some reason. I haven't read their supports yet; why do I ship them.

and since i'm generally amiable of all ships, everything else pretty much comes sixth on the list

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ngl I shipped Ryouma/Rinka before I read their support too

I just continue to do so after reading it and I find myself shipping them harder from tidbits I gathered from their supports with other people too

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This is an ever-changing list for me but at the moment:




Mamui/Aqua (especially on the Nohr route)

Saizou/Felicia - this one isn't even because of their actual support, but I've been imagining what happens on the Hoshido route

if Suzukaze dies and ahhh gosh the conversations and interaction they could have.

Also, I think Grey's supports with his mother would be really freaking hilarious with Felicia. Like, how could she have tailed him right to the enemy camp without him noticing at all? Felicia. Tailing someone stealthily. Tailing a ninja stealthily without him noticing. The mental image of her just popping out of nowhere is hilarious.

I can't believe I forgot to add Aqua/Lazwald and Felicia/Lazwald those are adorable as heck. And Felicia/Nishiki!

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Takumi/Oboro - I'm probably not as gung-ho about it as some of the others, but it's pretty good. I especially like that their supports aren't about her pining away for him.

Lazward/Charlotte - I thought their S support was charming, in kind of a weird, mixed-up way.

Saizo/Kagerou - Making them former lovers definitely gives their supports a unique flavor.

Luna/Tsubaki - I didn't think anything could make me ship Severa with anyone except Kjelle, but it appears I was wrong. It goes without saying that her supports with Matoi are excellent, too. It really shows how much she's grown as a person since Awakening.

I'll also mention Benoit/Belka, Harold/Belka, and Harold/Felicia.

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I've got a few I've really liked

Marx/Charlotte - Mainly because I want to make Charlotte queen. They also look really nice together.

Luna/Flannel - The double tsundere shenanigans went way better than expected. It's also fun imagining a rooster being the family pet.

Asama/Effie - I've always been a sucker for healer/tank pairings.

Ignis/Soliel - I thought how Ignis compared to Soleil to a sunflower was really sweet.

I'm also a fan of anything involving Dia, Velour, Lazward, and Oboro but I haven't read one that I can call my favorite yet.

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Takumi x Oboro - Welp, it looks that it become my OTP for fates! So yeah, is my favorite of all!

Hinoka x Leon - I just think they look good together, and because I like how Foleo looks with Hinoka's hair color

FKamui x Nishiki - Just because I need to marry the fox guy

For the kids:

Grey x Kinu - I just become fond of them together (gotta let my daughter have the reincarnation of my previous husband lol)

Kisaragi x Kinu or Midoriko - Oh man, I liked both supports! Kisaragi is just adorable in both supports... Still need to read his other options but, welp, I liked these both

Foleo x Soleil - C'mon, tell me how they aren't made for each other? They are perfect together!

For now these are the ones, I still need to read some supports... And I still need to play the game... Mmm, Can't wait or the games in english :tangerinesadness:

Oh wait, this one just for crackshipping:

Leon x Oboro - Because she sounds like a good option for Foleo ¿Why is this not possible? ¿Why? She could be a good mother and be happy helping Foleo to make beautiful clothes!

And I like Leon and Takumi as total bros, but I can accept it as a something more too

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Silas/Sakura is slowly becoming my OTP, simply because Silas was so smooth,

I also happen to really, really like Felicia/Ryoma for some reason...

Aqua/Suzukaze is top priority. I wrote a(n incredibly non-canon compliant) fanfic for them quite a while back, so bias.

Was it one on FF.net?

One that he would watch her dance from a tree and he argued with Saizou?

I kinda liked it!






Yes, I'm a 24 year old man that reads fanfiction and ship fictional characters, got a problem with that?

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Yes, I'm a 24 year old man that reads fanfiction and ship fictional characters, got a problem with that?

Yes you should have been 25 instead :P:

In all seriousness, there's nothing wrong with reading or writing fanfiction or even shipping in itself.

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The only good pairings are Ryoma/Xander, Takumi/Leo, and Hinoka/Camilla.

Takumi/Oboro - This pairings been mentioned so much on this thread I don't think I need to say anything. I swear, it's going to be weird pairing them with anyone else

Charlotte/Xander - Same thing with Takumi/Oboro. Except I might have an easier time pairing them with others because...

Hinoka/Xander - I love the idea of marrying the siblings together. This is the one I like best, and both of them seem to be good fits with each other Why is Ryoma/Camilla so disappointing


Kisaragi/Kinu - Ohmygod this was absolutely adorable. How could I not marry them.

Zero/Camilla - Their supports were absolutely perfect and Camilla seems to be a great mother for Eponiné.

Also all pairings with Nyx and Benoit I absolutely adore.

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Yes you should have been 25 instead :P:

In all seriousness, there's nothing wrong with reading or writing fanfiction or even shipping in itself.

Yay! Finally, someone older that me in this forum!

But seriously, you're right, we shouldn't let age get in the way of what we like.

But back on topic,

While I also love Takumi/Oboro, I also really like Oboro/Zero, their supports were really well-written and it shows that Oboro it's not nearly as hateful as she makes herself to be, in fact maybe hatred it's not really in her nature.

Edited by Water Mage
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I am honestly not super fond of Takumi and Oboro becauseI wanna be hipster legitimate reasons.

I'll pair them together at some point, but honesty I'm not really about pairing them up for my main file~ It's certainly not because I refuse to waste Oboro's glorious hair color on Takumi's adorable scrub of a son.

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The Joker/Pieri. Even barring the Batman jokes I thought the support was funny. Lazward/Pieri is a great one too.

Xander/Charlotte is good too. Charlotte has awesome supports and that was one of her better ones.

I do like Odin/Luna, too, if only because I thought it was handled better than Lazward/Luna lore-wise.

I'm also very excited to see what Asama/Belka is going to look like. Brooding young assassin lady paired up with a happy priest? Sounds like a sitcom to me.

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Was it one on FF.net?

One that he would watch her dance from a tree and he argued with Saizou?

I kinda liked it!

Oh! Someone on the site read it! This is kind of embarrassing.

But yes, that's mine. I don't really know why I wrote it, considering I knew next to nothing about them (and the story) at the time, but they somehow grew to become my OTP.

Thank you so much for liking it. Wow, I'm so happy right now my cheeks hurt from smiling.

Going back to the topic, I forgot to say I also crack ship. And I have a habit of shipping 1st gen characters with the 2nd gen (because I refuse to accept the fact that only Robin/Kamui can marry them). Like, I can get behind Grey/Sakura. They'd probably bond over sweets or something, but that's cute.

it's squicky to varying degrees, i know. i disappoint myself sometimes.

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As of now, I'm also pretty bent with Charlotte and Zero. Charlotte is brutish to a lot of men and Zero loves to see the pain.

See how fitting that is? emot-v.gif

I'm also digging Shigure Sohma and Ryoko Matoi.

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Hmm... I'd have to say that my favorite F!Kamui pairing is F!Kamui x Xander~

Apart from that I also really like F!Kamui and Joker. I like the idea of a butler who's extremely devoted and cherishes his master but doesn't think too fondly of anyone else... even though I think he can take that part a bit far.

F!Kamui x Shara is another one I like a lot~

...And even though they can't S-Support, I think F!Kamui x Azura can be a really cute couple~

As for non-Kamui pairings:

Lazward x Pieri

Xander x Charlotte (this one shows just how awesome Charlotte is. She is best queen.)

...that's all I can think of for now. Once I read more Supports I may add some more~

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i made some ryourinka ship art

something something rarepair something make own content etc

Thank you I've been looking for fan art of these two everywhere and there is nothing

Their supports are hella cute too, not my favorite but they're an honorable mention

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And now, my own list of pairings.

Hoshidan Pairings

MaKamui and Orochi (Primarily because the latter has my birthday, June 19th.)

Ryoma and Kagerou

Hinata and Setsuna

Subaki and Hana

Saizou and Rinkah

Silas and Hinoka

Nohrian Pairings

Xander and Camilla, if the two weren't damn siblings. emot-argh.gif

Elise and Kisaragi, if the latter wasn't on Hoshido, and even if they were both in the same army the former couldn't get married to the latter. emot-argh.gif

Flannel and Pieri

Amd that's my two cents for now.

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