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Lazward is (spoilers)


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Chrom's son. Undeniably it is head canon with support from fates. Some arguments (some Awakening evidence) is taken from Meteor's post. Credit to him. Without ado, lets find out why Lazward is Chrom's son. Some spoilers with supports.

1.Support with Marx

  1. Lazward: Master Marx, you don't have a Mark in your eye.
  2. Marx: Huh?A mark?
  3. Lazward: Yeah. Like, the crest of Nohr's royal family. I was wondering if you had that kind of mark.
  4. Marx: What in the world are you saying? It would be painful if there was that sort of thing in your eye.
  5. Lazward: Ahhaha, you could say that, huh. But, the ruler of my country had it. So, I thought maybe Master Marx too...
  6. Marx: Huh… it's rare that you talk of your home.
Lazward says MY country. This means he is from Ylisse. Eligible Ylissean males for Olivia are Chrom, Frederick, Vaike, Stahl, Gaius, Libra, Kellam, Donnel and Ricken.


Lazward users swords primarily. This leaves Chrom, Stahl and Gaius as possible daddies for our sword using unit.

3. Support with Soleil

  1. LAZWARD: Yeah. But, after I became your dad, I came to understand how my own mom and dad felt too. They wanted to protect their kid, even if it cost them their own life.
  2. SOLEIL: I... I don't want that!
  3. LAZWARD: I know. I won't die, I promise.
This talks about how Inigo doesn't wanna die and he wants to protect his daughter and how he will stay alive. This is parallel to Stahl's and Chrom's support from Future past. Both promise they will be alive.
  • Inigo: All right, Father. But promise me you'll be okay. I couldn't stand to watch you die.
  • Stahl: Neither one of us is going to die. I promise. We're going to be okay
  • Inigo: ...... ...Yes. Thank you, Father.
  • Chrom: No thanks needed. I wouldn't have it any other way.
  • Inigo: Just promise you'll stay alive.
  • Chrom: All right, I promise!
Gaius however, talks about Candy.
We've narrowed it down to Stahl and Chrom.

3.Support with Flannel

  1. Lazwald: I know what you're up to. I bet you came to show off some weird treasure?
  2. Flannel: As expected of Lazwald! Bingo!
  3. Lazwald: Ok, stop stop. Don't get too close to me.
  4. Flannel: What?! You can't see it if I don't come closer, right?
  5. Lazwald: Don't you remember? What happened the other day. You tried to show me this huuuuge weird bug... It flew right at my face and wouldn't get off.
  6. Flannel: Hahahahaha! That was hilarious!
  7. Lazwald: It was a disaster for me... it was so creepy. Anyways, I don't want to see something like that for a second time.

Where have we seen this before? The support between Inigo and Lucina as siblings. Inigo is afraid bugs in that support and is afraid in this one as well.

  • Inigo: This place is a mess. I really should straighten up more...often... Is that a... AAAAAAAAAUGH!
  • Lucina: Gods, I've never seen Inigo run so fast! Are we under attack?! Inigo! What happened back there? ...Are you all right?!
  • Inigo: L-Lucinaaa!
  • Lucina: Breathe, Inigo. Calm down and tell me what happened. You have nothing to fear now that I'm here.
  • Inigo: B-b-bug! A bug!
  • Lucina: ...A bug? ...As in...an insect?
  • Inigo: As in a huge, horrid nightmare, with repulsive, hairy legs... It's TERRIBLE!
  • Lucina: You're telling me all of your screaming and flailing was over an INSECT? *sigh* I thought the Risen had come. You could have sent the camp into a panic.
  • Inigo: AAAAAH! It's back! And it can fly?! S-stay back! Don't come close, fiend!

Inigo being Chrom's son makes this support possible.

Awakening arguments

Meteor's: Olivia does not need to have any support conversations with Chrom to marry him. Thanks IS for forcing this pairing down my throat! Lucina, being a daddy's girl, knew knew all too well that Chrom would fall for her instantly, which is why she needed them to meet.

* Olivia and Inigo both wield swords. Chrom and Lucina also conveniently wield swords. incredible coincidence or family trait???
* Inigo looks fabulous in blue hair, just like in his official artwork.
* Lucina's support conversation with her mother is on the topic of dresses. Only Olivia wears dresses, so it's pretty safe to say this was written with her intended as the mother.

Expanding on some and my own

1.Expanding on the sword trait, look at the hero class. Now look at the Great Lord class. Both use swords and shields. Furthermore, the skill Sol, is half of the skill Aether which Chrom and Lucina have. This is representative of Inigo's inability to be like his dad. The hero class is also representative of him being similar to a great lord but not one. Also, the Falchion means more to Inigo then Lucina's other possible siblings. It is mentioned in his Lucina Sibling support and Chrom Future Past. Swords mean alot to this family.

You and she are...very alike.

Inigo is talking about how he's different, and how he can't be like Chrom and how Lucina is more like Chrom then he is.

2.Another reason why he is the son of Chrom is because they look alike.

Inigo: ...We LOOK alike

IS is acknowledging that they look alike. Blue motiff for sword users (barring Owain) of the Royal family.

3.He has the brand. No other child that Chrom has(barring Lucina) has the brand. He is explicitly stated to have it. In his right eye to compliment Lucina's left. Inigo is the parallel to Lucina. They have similar traits but at the same time, he is the flamboyant, lucky go round compared to Lucina's seriousness.

Feel free to disagree and all. But the evidence is pretty overwhelming. Ahahah. The power of HEADCANON is staggering.

Edited by SonPancham
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Man, the head is a nice refuge these days

I don't particularly care about who Lazward's father is (unless his goal in Fates is to find a way to bring Robin back, then maybe Robin is his father). But to adress your points:

1. Inigo was probably BORN in Ylisse, hence why he refers himself to an Ylissean. It's implied that all the children were born in Ylisse, like in Lucina's level quote "I won't let any Ylissean life ever be taken again" (so she cares a damn about Valmesians or Plegians).

2. Shouldn't Lon'qu be the primary candidate, since his default class line is all about swords and he hones his sword skills and more swords? Other candidates are Frederick (who also uses swords) and Gregor. Heck, Gregor should be more plausible since they share the same class.

3. I have no decent argument for this but... I would be pretty weirded out too if a cockroach landed on my face, previous experience or not.

Rest of the arguments are entirely subjective. I could make the same arguments but with Lon'qu as his father instead (which is my headcanon).

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Joke thread?

[spoiler=You got a chuckle out of me.]


But to take the post seriously, the conclusions are way too far fetched.

>from Yilise

It just means he was born there, so it could be any parent.

>uses a sword

Children don't need to use the same weapon as their parent. Owain, Noire and Severa don't.

>vow of protection

All of the parents fought to protect their children

>not being fond of bugs

So... he doesn't like bugs. It's doubtful this only manifests if he is related to Lucina.

>Olivia doesn't need to support with Chrom to marry him

And all Chrom has to do is not fight next to any of his other marriage options for half the game!

Dat headcanon tho.

Edited by NekoKnight
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Ahahah. Yes the head is a very nice place. It helps me keep safe.

For your first point, I agree he was probably born in Ylisse. Im not sure which timeline Lazward comes from. It is implied but not confirmed that the other kids were born in Ylisse, but him being Ylissean implies he has a Ylissean father.

For you second, Lon'qu is a good candidate yes I will agree. But Chrom and Inigo I feel are a bit more similar. For Frederick, I see his main weapon as his lance, due to having a higher rank and silver lance. Gregor wasn't included because I feel Lazward's father is Ylissean.

For the third, yes a bug landing on your face is weird. But I was trying to link the support convo of Lucina and Inigo to Flannel and Lazward's convo because of its similarities. It shows evidence of his personality.

The rest of the arguments are subjective but I feel as if it has some merit. It is my headcanon and I actually appreciate you took time to read it and argue back. Thank you Taka-Kun!!

Also, thank you Neko knight. The conclusions I guess are a bit far fetched but at least you thought about it.

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Well, to me, the biggest thing that opposes your headcanon is that Chrom!Inigo has the mark on his eye, so in his supports with Marx, it would have been evident that he had it as Marx most likely would have questioned it after Inigo mentioned the mark. But good job on getting all this info! If I had a headcanon, I wouldn't have bothered to try to find evidence because of laziness, haha!

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It should also be taken into account that out of all the siblings for Lucina only Inigo and Morgan (they're the only siblings who can use swords) can potentially wield Falchion and if we're to go with Male Robin for a playthrough then that leads only Inigo as the potential sibling to Lucina because seriously Lucina's words don't make a lick of sense at all for the other non wielding swords users in the sibling supports to even bother using Falchion.

"If you are, in fact, among Falchion's chosen, that is knowledge we need. There may come a time when it proves necessary for you to take it up."

And there's no way I can see the other siblings making a cut that's split perfectly in two as Chrom said without some sort of experience and Marx was highly impressed by Lazward's swordplay when he first met him.

I'm about to get really off topic, but I also found it interesting that Inigo is right near Owain in the Future Past 2 dlc and they would be cousins at that about to sacrifice themselves together. It doesn't mean anything I know, but it's rather fitting in the red herring sense (I still think Lon'qu makes the most sense as Owain's father considering he does save both Lissa and Owain from arrows and Owain does look like he takes after him as Inigo does with Chrom in appearance also Vaike for Brady in inheriting speech and I view Frederick as the most likely father of Severa because of how the supports are with chores given Frederick is the most chore hard worker out all of them and Severa does protect Lucina in Future Past 3 dlc as her father did before her for Chrom).

Edited by AbsoluteZer0Nova
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The argument about his sword wielding class is a bit weird. He's recruited as a Mercenary in Awakening and is a Mercenary in if too. That Sol argument is also pretty weird :/

I do think the "bug conversation" is great evidence. (If this is the only convo that has this stated).

And where can you see the Brand of the Exalt in his eye?

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Some of these are red herring, but there is a lot more evidence going for him.

The argument about his sword wielding class is a bit weird. He's recruited as a Mercenary in Awakening and is a Mercenary in if too. That Sol argument is also pretty weird :/

I do think the "bug conversation" is great evidence. (If this is the only convo that has this stated).

And where can you see the Brand of the Exalt in his eye?

Agreed on the bug conversation (I remember someone thinking that wasn't in character for him, but there wasn't any evidence to suggest otherwise, but this right here definitely supports in favor of him being Lucina's sibling at the fact that it's brought up again as a second time).

"3. He has the brand. No other child that Chrom has(barring Lucina) has the brand. He is explicitly stated to have it. In his right eye to compliment Lucina's left. Inigo is the parallel to Lucina. They have similar traits but at the same time, he is the flamboyant, lucky go round compared to Lucina's seriousness."

Edit: I just remembered that in the battle with vs Robin in Fates he has 3 other units who are supposed to be like nods to Chrom, Lissa and Frederick and he is paired up with a Mercenary who is supposed to be the Chrom of the group. Now that there is actually interesting...

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Edit: I just remembered that in the battle with vs Robin in Fates he has 3 other units who are supposed to be like nods to Chrom, Lissa and Frederick and he is paired up with a Mercenary who is supposed to be the Chrom of the group. Now that there is actually interesting...

Ugh, I hate that one. The Awakening three act like they didn't know Robin at all. Like wth?

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Ugh, I hate that one. The Awakening three act like they didn't know Robin at all. Like wth?

It's not that they acted like they didn't know him. They recognized him, but also realized that he's different from the Robin they know. They did the same with Lucina.

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It's not that they acted like they didn't know him. They recognized him, but also realized that he's different from the Robin they know. They did the same with Lucina.

At least Lucina and the three had an amicable chat and acted like buddies not seeing each other for a long time. With Robin, he got amnesia (again!) and the three go like "yeah, you may be him but I am probably just mistaken", totally wiping all the bond stuffs they had in Awakening.

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It should also be taken into account that out of all the siblings for Lucina only Inigo and Morgan (they're the only siblings who can use swords) can potentially wield Falchion and if we're to go with Male Robin for a playthrough then that leads only Inigo as the potential sibling to Lucina because seriously Lucina's words don't make a lick of sense at all for the other non wielding swords users in the sibling supports to even bother using Falchion.

"If you are, in fact, among Falchion's chosen, that is knowledge we need. There may come a time when it proves necessary for you to take it up."

People can "change class" outside of the game mechanics. Owain switches to magic and Renault is said to have been a soldier of some type before becoming a bishop. If one of Lucina's siblings were "chosen" by Falchion, they could become a swordsman. In fact, if they can't use a sword, Lucina's words have even greater meaning because that sibling would have to reinvent themselves to become the hero.

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At least Lucina and the three had an amicable chat and acted like buddies not seeing each other for a long time. With Robin, he got amnesia (again!) and the three go like "yeah, you may be him but I am probably just mistaken", totally wiping all the bond stuffs they had in Awakening.

No, not an amicable chat. Again, they recognized Lucina and she recognized them too, but they also quickly realize something's wrong and that's not the one they know. Lazwald said something like "Let's have tea, then we'll have a chat about who you are and why you look like her". She did call them by their Awakening names, though.

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No, not an amicable chat. Again, they recognized Lucina and she recognized them too, but they also quickly realize something's wrong and that's not the one they know. Lazwald said something like "Let's have tea, then we'll have a chat about who you are and why you look like her". She did call them by their Awakening names, though.

At least they recognized her and they the same, indicating that they were buddies. They might have been able to pick up some subtle hints that it wasn't Lucina or just that Lucina being in this world is bizzare (for some reason). None of that with Robin, with him it's just a vague resemblance of someone they used to know. Nothing in their dialogue with him indicates that they were close to him, as spouse, child or friend.

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"Lucina's support conversation with her mother is on the topic of dresses. Only Olivia wears dresses, so it's pretty safe to say this was written with her intended as the mother. "

...Olivia doesn't even wear a dress? The only mother I could see out right ~never~ wearing dresses is Sully.

None of this is solid or convincing, I wasn't expecting concrete truth, but this topic doesn't even have any interesting coincidences, aside from, I guess, Inigo being afraid of bugs.

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People can "change class" outside of the game mechanics. Owain switches to magic and Renault is said to have been a soldier of some type before becoming a bishop. If one of Lucina's siblings were "chosen" by Falchion, they could become a swordsman. In fact, if they can't use a sword, Lucina's words have even greater meaning because that sibling would have to reinvent themselves to become the hero.

"And there's no way I can see the other siblings making a cut that's split perfectly in two as Chrom said without some sort of experience and Marx was highly impressed by Lazward's swordplay when he first met him."

Inigo has used a sword far longer than the rest of the potential other siblings, if Lucina were to die and then they from there decided to switch classes and were able to do that to log I call extreme bs. Yes I know they too do the log in half as well, but does that make ANY logical sense to you in comparison to Inigo doing it? I mean let's face it some of the supports in Awakening didn't make sense in the context of certain characters and this is one of those examples.

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in regards to the country thing

if Lon'qu was his dad I severely doubt he would be calling Chon'sin "his country"

he literally just means the country he was in before

should he say "the country i was in before" instead


because he IS from Ylisse

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In the Future Past, all the children -- even the ones with foreign mothers like Noire, Gerome and Inigo -- fight for Lucina in Ylisse. Inigo is always an Ylissian knight in service to Lucina, so calling himself Ylissian will be accurate regardless of his father.

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"And there's no way I can see the other siblings making a cut that's split perfectly in two as Chrom said without some sort of experience and Marx was highly impressed by Lazward's swordplay when he first met him."

Inigo has used a sword far longer than the rest of the potential other siblings, if Lucina were to die and then they from there decided to switch classes and were able to do that to log I call extreme bs. Yes I know they too do the log in half as well, but does that make ANY logical sense to you in comparison to Inigo doing it? I mean let's face it some of the supports in Awakening didn't make sense in the context of certain characters and this is one of those examples.

It's not that I don't think Inigo would be a proper wielder of the Falchion if it passed to him, just that it's not beyond reason that someone else could pick it up as well. Owain becomes a Dark Mage and that's not even a class set he can get from his mother (inb4 people speculate about his other 'canon' parent) so completely new styles can be learned. I think wielding the Falchion has more to do with upholding the 'hero' role, than the weapon itself. Kind of like how Kamui can change class but he was chosen by the Yatogami.

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It's not that I don't think Inigo would be a proper wielder of the Falchion if it passed to him, just that it's not beyond reason that someone else could pick it up as well. Owain becomes a Dark Mage and that's not even a class set he can get from his mother (inb4 people speculate about his other 'canon' parent) so completely new styles can be learned. I think wielding the Falchion has more to do with upholding the 'hero' role, than the weapon itself. Kind of like how Kamui can change class but he was chosen by the Yatogami.

I wasn't arguing over who would be able to pick it up, I was talking about who would be the most likely out of the bunch to be able to use Falchion to cut the log in the manner that it was done and that is what makes Inigo out of process of elimination the only one possible and likely canon sibling to Lucina. Now if the other potential siblings were to switch to a class with swords in it than I would expect it for them to take a longer period of time to be able to do the same feat that Inigo has done and therefore them cutting the log in such a short time the moment Lucina says that they should test it out is what makes this illogical for them at the current time.

Edit: But yeah now we're going to be having stuff like that now just because Owain changed his class when they should be looking at characteristics and how support conversations play out. Which is why I view Lon'qu as his canon father given what goes on.

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At least Lucina and the three had an amicable chat and acted like buddies not seeing each other for a long time. With Robin, he got amnesia (again!) and the three go like "yeah, you may be him but I am probably just mistaken", totally wiping all the bond stuffs they had in Awakening.

I haven't seen the convo, but this just might be acknowledging that the Smash Bros Robin can look like a completely different man, or even a different gender than the Robin from the players game. Though they still generally posses the same spirit, which is what the trio is probably picking up on. Like those Einharjar whatever it's spelled in awakening.

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These are the convos i believe


But what you are saying is pretty much right on the money imo, and to add to that when you read the convos you'll find that 2 out of 3 actually mention that they saw a resemblance trough Robin's clothes not his face, and this is unsubstantiated but appearently the kids use gender neutral terms when they refer to their robin in the original Japanese as well.

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I like the bug connection, but a lot of the other evidences seem like quite a bit of a stretch... I mean, having a headcanon is great and all (I think pretty much everyone has them, myself included :D), but looking at the support growths in Awakening, the developers themselves probably didn't intend for Chrom X Olivia to be canon: http://serenesforest.net/awakening/characters/supports/support-growth/. So I would say to not try too hard in figuring out what was on the developers' mind . After all, the whole point of letting you be the matchmaker is that whichever pairings you the player like the best become canon for you; no supporting evidence needed :)

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I wasn't arguing over who would be able to pick it up, I was talking about who would be the most likely out of the bunch to be able to use Falchion to cut the log in the manner that it was done and that is what makes Inigo out of process of elimination the only one possible and likely canon sibling to Lucina. Now if the other potential siblings were to switch to a class with swords in it than I would expect it for them to take a longer period of time to be able to do the same feat that Inigo has done and therefore them cutting the log in such a short time the moment Lucina says that they should test it out is what makes this illogical for them at the current time.

Just because they are in a class that can't wield swords it doesn't mean that they can't wield swords at all. For example, Cynthia is shown to be able to wield swords in her C-Support with M!Morgan. Her first line is: "I am Cynthia, Vanquisher of Evil! My sword has judged you and found you wanting! ...Heh. Nice. I'm totally using that next time out.", which implies that she does use swords when in battle every once in a while. It's not too unreasonable that she'd be able to cut the log with a clean cut.

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