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What do you think of DLC?


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Pretty self-explanatory, I want to know what you guys think of DLC. So far I haven't been impressed. I would of bought Roy if Lucina wasn't in the game, but because I don't want three Marths, I haven't. Similarly, I own brawl and can play Lucas on it. Mewtwo is, imo, a very outdated character, and another one of the billions of pokemon in this game. Finally, they gave Ryu weird controls and I don't really want to waste time learning them. None of these characters I would really main or even second in the long run. I've been really disappointed in DLC so far and wanted to know how you guys felt.

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I was hype about Mewtwo but it turned out to be kind of terrible as a fighter, which is a downer, but I don't regret the purchase.

I originally didn't want Roy back because of the whole "three Marths" thing, but he turned out wonderfully both appearance and gameplay-wise. I really applaud Sakurai and the team for putting in a lot of effort to differentiate him from Marth while making him totally viable competitively.

Lucas turned out cool too, and he's way more fun than Ness in this game (I preferred Ness in Brawl but in Sm4sh he feels so boring). Lucas gained a lot of things he didn't have in Brawl, like zAir, so I think he's worthwhile.

I don't play Ryu but I think his inputs gimmick is fascinating and in the right hands I'm sure he's a terrifying force to be reckoned with.

Honestly the only thing I really don't like right now is that none of them have custom moves.

With no custom moves, it feels a bit like we aren't getting a complete character, and I sincerely hope they'll receive some in a later patch.

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I like Roy, but didn't care for the others, honestly.

Heck, I main Roy now, since he is different enough from Marth, combined with good damage output and speed. That, and I just like the character

However, the others I more or less wasted my money on, since I suck as all of them.

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I fucking love the character DLC in this game; I enjoy playing all four of them more than at least half the cast (probably), and am impressed how much love Sakurai and his team put into them all, and making the two clones suuuper un-clone-y.

Even if Mewtwo sucks, he's still hella fun to play.
Lucas is ok even if he's not one of my faves, same with Ryu.
And then Roy is downright amazing.

None of these characters I would really main or even second in the long run.

not playing these characters is a poor way to gauge whether you "would" main/second them j/s

you're welcome to find reasons to dislike them though, it's no skin off my back

to each their own etc


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The DLC is pretty much like DLC should be. It was made after the full game was finished and the game feels very complete without it. But most importantly, it adds actual value to the game. I mean, if the DLC was more like it was in Fire Emblem, they would do stuff like selling us pay-to-win bullshit like shortcuts to Custom Moves or to grind money. Of course, I still resent the fact that Smash 4 is designed around grinding in the first place, but as long as Nintendo doesn't use that as an excuse to sell the player basically cheat codes in order to get around limitations that they never needed to include into the game in the first place, they are not ripping anyone off like other games dare to do. So Sakurai really deserves a lot of credit for... showing basic decency towards customers. It's too bad that this is actually deserving of praise these days.

When it comes to the quality of the actual content, Ryu is a great addition to the rooster, as are the two recent N64 stages. And personally I am rather happy about Roy's return and Mewtwo is rather fun to play now. But I am rather indifferent about Lucas. Of course, he most certainly has it's fans, so it's good that he is back.

As for the costumes, while I like the Miis, those costumes have the problem that the Mii characters themselves are rather simplistic, so there is little reason to play them to such a degree that you get some decent use out of all the different costumes.

The only thing that really bothers me is Ryu's stage since you have to buy it in order to actually get Ryu. Neither version of the game needed yet another walk-off stage, so this was a total waste of money. And while I really like the gameplay of the 64 stages, I wish they would receive a proper visual upgrade.

Edited by BrightBow
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I love the DLC.I never owned Melee,so this was my chance to play as Roy and Mewtwo.I main both of them,too.And Ryu's gotten me into Street Fighter.I'm half-way decent with him.

Plus,DLC gives me hope for Isaac and Phoenix Wright.

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There's more to the DLC than the 4 characters. With that in mind:


-Not my particular cup of tea, but I'm more or less all for bringing back old characters as they each have their fanbases, and the roster feels more complete to me by adding back characters who used to be in the game in the first place. That being said, Mewtwo is a decent addition, when I was worried he'd be too similar to Lucario, I was proved otherwise.


-When it comes to Smash characters that I never really cared for, Roy, Pichu, and Wolf are pretty high up there. Roy reminds me of Captain Falcon in the sense that neither is really all that popular because of their actual game(s) in America, but rather because they were in a Smash game at all. Especially with Roy being present in Melee, which is often regarded as the magnum opus of the series. Roy's appearance in Smash 4 was welcomed since many had been clambering for his return, but the thing is, he feels like what a Marth clone should've been in the first place. I still see him as a clone, which means that 3/5s of the FE roster is Marth in terms of gameplay.


-I never understood why Lucas hadn't returned from Brawl, he was one of my mains. Sadly however, he came back still being just as clone-y as ever, I don't understand why he shares the same Final Smash either. I'm glad he's back but perhaps if he's going to be so similar to Ness, he should just be a costume next time.


-I'll admit, initially when I heard Capcom was getting yet another rep in the face of the world-travelling Ryu...I was actually a little upset. I have nothing against the character, but I just didn't understand why Capcom deserved another rep. However, I saw what his gameplay was all about, and that made everything better. He might just be the most unique character in Smash to date, and I really appreciate what he brings to the cast.


-Stages mean little to mean, mostly because my friends don't care about the DLC, meaning I buy the stages but I have no one to play them on, regardless, I'm glad we're getting more stages, I just wish they weren't all Nostalgia based.

Mii Fighter Costumes

-Unlike a lot of people, I love this idea. Mii costumes seem easy enough for Sakurai and his team to make, and thus far it has allowed individuals to play as Pseudo versions of characters they love, which isn't really a drawback to me. My only wish is that they'd focus a bit more on Stages and Characters, and my biggest wishes are...

Assist Trophies & Character Skins

-I have absolutely no idea why neither of these are DLC. Sure Assist Trophies may not be the most exciting thing in the world, but it would still be pretty neat to see it from characters who don't have anything else in the game. More to that point, Alph and the Koopalings remain the only character skins in the game, which seems odd to me seeing as how Lucina was originally going to be one for Marth. Character Skins seem like an easy way for the team to implement a character without having to make a clone of them, yet still keeping their fans happy.

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characters are fucking amazing and can only get better. as far as i'm concerned, decloning roy and transforming him into something legitimately viable and interesting is evidence enough that they know exactly what they're doing. also, lucas. lucas

stages are kinda lacklustre so far aside from suzaku. i'm all for bringing back the old n64 stages but i'd have at least spaced them out a bit with something else for variety, even if said something else is just porting melee/brawl stages

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not playing these characters is a poor way to gauge whether you "would" main/second them j/s

Lol good point; though, I wasn't referring to only their moveset. I generally won't play a character if I hate them or their game. Roy, if I'm not mistaken, is the worst lord in any FE game ever. Despite that, I did like Roy when he first came out though and would of chosen him (by far) over Lucina if I could. I guess I just hate that he's a clone. I never played any Earthbound so I can't hate Lucas but I can't like him... and he's a clone. Once again, never played street fighter but Ryu actually seems pretty cool. I suppose I don't have anything against other then the weird controls, but it feels strange that he's from another fighting game to me. That kinda throws me off...

As for Mewtwo (this goes for all pokemon to) I feel like they just chose random pokemon from the anime. Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and Charizard are all anime pokemon. I'm pretty sure Greninja is too (although idk). Lucario sorta plays a role in the games but a much bigger role in movies and anime. Mewtwo seems like the same problem as Lucario. This REALLY annoys me but unfortunately can't really be fixed. Anyway, I guess I probably shoulda said this all in the original topic instead of replying to one line in a post but whatever I guess.

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Ryu is cool to me, so I bought him. But I don't like Roy much, or Mewtwo, and I'm not interested in the Mother series, so I'm equally not interested in Lucas. But I am happy for Lucas fans that he came back.

Overall though, I'm a bit disappointed. I don't think Roy needed to come back at all, FE, and Smash in general, need more characters that don't use swords. Robin is a start with the magic, but he still has a sword as well in the end. I wanted Ephraim... He's got a lance and he's my second favorite lord after Ike. I know he's not very important to FE or anything, but...yeah.

Another thing, DK needs a new rep. Kid Icarus, a much smaller and more niche series, gets three, but DK has to stay at two? This makes no sense to me. Hopefully Dixie Kong is the next DLC.

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I think it's amazing that we now have Mr. Fighting Games himself in Smash. And with all the classic inputs too. Shoryuken with total invincibility, the fire Hadoken, light attacks comboed into special moves, it's all there. I was expecting that we would just get your basic 8/15 smash character but he plays far better then I ever dared to hope.

Edited by BrightBow
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Lol good point; though, I wasn't referring to only their moveset. I generally won't play a character if I hate them or their game. Roy, if I'm not mistaken, is the worst lord in any FE game ever. Despite that, I did like Roy when he first came out though and would of chosen him (by far) over Lucina if I could. I guess I just hate that he's a clone. I never played any Earthbound so I can't hate Lucas but I can't like him... and he's a clone. Once again, never played street fighter but Ryu actually seems pretty cool. I suppose I don't have anything against other then the weird controls, but it feels strange that he's from another fighting game to me. That kinda throws me off...

As for Mewtwo (this goes for all pokemon to) I feel like they just chose random pokemon from the anime. Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and Charizard are all anime pokemon. I'm pretty sure Greninja is too (although idk). Lucario sorta plays a role in the games but a much bigger role in movies and anime. Mewtwo seems like the same problem as Lucario. This REALLY annoys me but unfortunately can't really be fixed. Anyway, I guess I probably shoulda said this all in the original topic instead of replying to one line in a post but whatever I guess.

While Jigglypuff's popularity came from the anime, Charizard and Mewtwo are popular even without the anime, so it makes sense that they're in Smash, Lucario is the face of generation 4 and is also seen the face of Mega Evolution but the movie did help boost his popularity, and I'm not sure if you know this, but Sakurai choose Greninja even before Pokemon X & Y were released, so the anime has absolutely nothing to do with Greninja being in Smash.

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The only thing that bothers me about the DLC is the price.

Mii costumes should be like 25 cents. Stages are around a dollar. Characters are worth two bucks.

The actual content is really good in my opinion but I really wish 3 DLC characters and 2 stages didn't cost me 25 bucks. I think Mario Kart 8's DLC totally spoiled me.

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I'm getting all the DLC simply because in fighting games, I like having a complete roster. Roy is one of my mains anyway and Mewtwo's on my long list of secondaries. My bro is trying to main Lucas and one of my friends comes over and tries to main Ryu, so at least it's all getting some use, which makes me happy. I have a nasty habit of dropping characters simply because I get bored of playing them and then I try something new, and DLC characters can help me with that.

I like the stages too, I like variety, and new stages can change the kinds of matches you play, especially if they're from past games which had different intentions in development than in the newest version.

Hell, I'd buy a Pichu DLC just for lols. I don't usually buy DLC, however, if it's not a game that I absolutely love and I need something to satisfy my craving.

As for each individual character:

Roy- Pretty much the Marth I wanted in Smash 4 and the Roy I wanted in Brawl. His design is great, his movesets nostalgic and he has all the tools I like, I just wish he had better recovery distance, but I guess no one can be perfect.

Mewtwo- Not gonna lie, kinda disappointing. It baffles me that they still kept him a lightweight character. He's a glass cannon with only one cannon ball, shadow ball, everything else needs a little improvement. He's got great throws, but not the durability to put out enough damage to KO with them. Still like playing as him, I just wish I could main him in a very serious moment.

Lucas- I don't play him, my brother does. He seems different enough from Ness that he's worthwhile, even if Ness may be better.

Ryu- Cool moveset, cool idea, wish I knew how to actually play this character. Any new character with a new moveset I think is worth getting just to try. Maybe I'll practice him some day.

Edited by Knight
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Now for my actual post. The DLC thus far is brilliant.

Mewtwo may not be nearly as good as hoped, but he's fun to play as and is THE original Super Powerful legendary Pokemon, no reason for him not to be there.

Roy, due to fan demand and now we have an FE representative from every era of FE in terms of consoles, plus the fact that he was decloned to the point of not even being able to call him anything more then possibly a semi clone with his new attacks. Not to mention his wicked playstyle and punishing hits.

Lucas, Mother 3 is awesome, Lucas is pretty cool. He's true to his moveset in Brawl while at the same time getting the advantages of not being on a lame fighting engine, once again showing just how different from Ness he is and also utilizing a nice tether in the form of the Rope Snake.


-I never understood why Lucas hadn't returned from Brawl, he was one of my mains. Sadly however, he came back still being just as clone-y as ever, I don't understand why he shares the same Final Smash either. I'm glad he's back but perhaps if he's going to be so similar to Ness, he should just be a costume next time.

Yet another commonly mistaken clone when they don't even share more then like what 3 moves? All of their A's are different, their throws are different, their aerials are different, So just because he has PK fire and PK thunder you are gonna scream clone? At least look at a moveset of someone you "mained", which I don't really believe because if you actually did you wouldn't make this statement.

Ryu, The fighting game character to start and end all. It's almost natural at this point that he'd be a new 3rd party character in smash, its his next challenge. His next crossover fight, and they delivered with very accurate to Street Fighter inputs, sound effects (even the parry sound from SF3 when he perfect shields). Among other things.

The stages, Dreamland is a classic for both tournament fighters (matter of fact in Japan its the only legal stage in Smash 64 tournaments) and those who just found it fun. The music additions were also good, adding in another Air Ride track and Crystal Shards track.

Hyrule Temple 64 is another classic, despite the fact its pretty easy to tech in, the tornados make a reappearance and it almost feels like i'm a kid again playing on this stage. Again musical choices top notch.

Peach's castle, in my mind the strangest nostalgic choice, but also a decent one now that they fixed the extending platforms to have grabable ledges, and any Mario 3 track is welcome in my books.

Mii Costumes on the other hand feel like an absolute insult to people who wanted the characters they have costumes of in the game. Although characters who didn't really have a chance anyways (see Chrom, the BK etc) its a nice nod.

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Lol good point; though, I wasn't referring to only their moveset. I generally won't play a character if I hate them or their game. Roy, if I'm not mistaken, is the worst lord in any FE game ever. Despite that, I did like Roy when he first came out though and would of chosen him (by far) over Lucina if I could. I guess I just hate that he's a clone. I never played any Earthbound so I can't hate Lucas but I can't like him... and he's a clone. Once again, never played street fighter but Ryu actually seems pretty cool. I suppose I don't have anything against other then the weird controls, but it feels strange that he's from another fighting game to me. That kinda throws me off...

As for Mewtwo (this goes for all pokemon to) I feel like they just chose random pokemon from the anime. Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and Charizard are all anime pokemon. I'm pretty sure Greninja is too (although idk). Lucario sorta plays a role in the games but a much bigger role in movies and anime. Mewtwo seems like the same problem as Lucario. This REALLY annoys me but unfortunately can't really be fixed. Anyway, I guess I probably shoulda said this all in the original topic instead of replying to one line in a post but whatever I guess.

First off, Roy is not a clone. Neither is Lucas. They are semi-clones, which means that they might share a few moves with another character, but a large portion of their moves are unique and even their shared moves have different properties. For example, Roy weilds his sword backhand for quite a few attacks, which obviously changes the moves completely! The DLC characters are much more similar to Brawl's semi-clones than Melee and SSB4's true clones. I was honestly a little upset at first that they chose to bring Roy back as DLC, but he plays so well that I could care less. They did a great job de-cloning him.

Second, like Water Mage said, Jigglypuff is the only character that really got in due to the anime. Pikachu is the face of Pokemon, Charizard is the most popular Pokemon of all time (it was no coincidence he stayed while Squirtle/Ivysaur got cut), Lucario was heavily advertised during Gen IV and plays a big role in the Mega Evolution plot of X/Y, and Greninja doesn't even have a real role in the anime that I know of (and he was added to Smash before the anime was made anyway). Mewtwo, like Lucario, definitely did play a big role in the anime, but that was largely because he was already popular, due to being Gen I's "ultimate" Pokemon. Popularity is also why Mewtwo returned to Smash; Mewtwo was in the top 3 most-requested characters in virtually every poll during all of SSB4's development.

As for my opinions on the DLC, I love it so far. I have all the characters and stages, and finally gave in to buy the Inkling costumes (since they were my vote in the Smash Ballot). The Mii costumes are not all that appealing to me, but they seem to be easy to make, and some people apparently love them, so I'm fine with them. The DLC is a tad pricey compared to something like Mario Kart, but the quality is there and it's being made how DLC should be made. No complaints.

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Second, like Water Mage said, Jigglypuff is the only character that really got in due to the anime. Pikachu is the face of Pokemon, Charizard is the most popular Pokemon of all time (it was no coincidence he stayed while Squirtle/Ivysaur got cut), Lucario was heavily advertised during Gen IV and plays a big role in the Mega Evolution plot of X/Y, and Greninja doesn't even have a real role in the anime that I know of (and he was added to Smash before the anime was made anyway). Mewtwo, like Lucario, definitely did play a big role in the anime, but that was largely because he was already popular, due to being Gen I's "ultimate" Pokemon. Popularity is also why Mewtwo returned to Smash; Mewtwo was in the top 3 most-requested characters in virtually every poll during all of SSB4's development.

Gamefreak actually asked Sakurai to add Greninja before they had even finished the games for X/Y. They gave him 1 page of concepts of what the Frog could do and basically told Sakurai to wing it from there.

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Gamefreak actually asked Sakurai to add Greninja before they had even finished the games for X/Y. They gave him 1 page of concepts of what the Frog could do and basically told Sakurai to wing it from there.

Actually all they asked was for a X&Y pokemon, and Sakurai choose Greninja, but you know what's interesting?

The reason why Gamefreak gave Sakurai only 1 page of concept art was because Greninja's concept wasn't actually finalized yet, in fact when Greninja was chosen for Smash, Greninja didn't even have name yet, he was only know as the final evolution of Froakie, and yet Sakurai managed to come with Greninja's entire moveset in a single night.

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Actually all they asked was for a X&Y pokemon, and Sakurai choose Greninja, but you know what's interesting?

The reason why Gamefreak gave Sakurai only 1 page of concept art was because Greninja's concept wasn't actually finalized yet, in fact when Greninja was chosen for Smash, Greninja didn't even have name yet, he was only know as the final evolution of Froakie, and yet Sakurai managed to come with Greninja's entire moveset in a single night.

Well thats more interesting, I guess I got my info from a more "Gamefreak controls Sakurai" bias statement.

Thanks for clearing that up.

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Yet another commonly mistaken clone when they don't even share more then like what 3 moves? All of their A's are different, their throws are different, their aerials are different, So just because he has PK fire and PK thunder you are gonna scream clone? At least look at a moveset of someone you "mained", which I don't really believe because if you actually did you wouldn't make this statement.

No need to make assumptions. Semi-clones exist. I know very well what Lucas's moveset is.

Edited by Deviddo
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No need to make assumptions. Semi-clones exist. I know very well what Lucas's moveset is.

Lucas isn't even a semi-clone though.

It's about as accurate as calling Shulk a Semi Clone of Ike

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Lucas isn't even a semi-clone though.

It's about as accurate as calling Shulk a Semi Clone of Ike

...No Lucas is at the very least a semi-clone of Ness. And comparing me calling Lucas a semi-clone to someone calling Shulk a semi-clone of Ike is ridiculous.

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