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Really Bad Yet Really Unknown Games


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So what really obscure really bad games have you personally played or seen others play firsthand do you know? So basically, don't go mentioning E.T. or Big Rigs (since they're way too famous), but instead list games that would be considered bad by 90% of people who played it and the game would be known by less than 20%-30% of SF members.

Quad Desert Fury is definitely my pick for really bad really obscure games. Though as bad as it is, I have to admit the "wipeout-and-recovery-animation-in-1-second" is awesome and funny.

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This game wasnt that obscure back in the day, but it kinda is now. Maybe people wanted to forget about it...


Personally, i love this game. But im also a weird, weird cat. Objectively speaking, this game is one of the worst RPGs to grace the SNES. Its gameplay was clunky and had auto battling type mechanics. The menus were bland as shit and didnt explain much. The story was all over the place, and you had to be something of a god of reading comprehension to really understand what was going on. Not to mention where to go. Its also stupidly difficult. I can beat it in a single sitting if i really wanted to, but i also know this game very well. Most people would give up after the first five minutes simply out of sheer confusion. Poor, sad Drakkhen.

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I owned and played Lego Island 2 Gameboy Color. Was not the best decision my 10 year old self made since I loved the original Lego Island on the PC. It's a top down adventure but very uninspired.

MySims DS. Very boring and cheap knockoff. Very uninspired customization.

Sonic Genesis. Most people talk about the original Sonic the hedgehog and the many ports it has on multi-platforms but this GBA version was the worst port they ever made for this game. Check out a video to see why. The game's framerate chugs, the screen was crunched a lot more, the music was butchered and the physics were completely botched.

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