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why would girls wear their armor and forget their pants?


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Simple really. It's to distract the enemies and kill them quicker. I mean wouldn't you be distracted if a good looking chick wasn't wearing pants? It's either that or they refuse to wear pants.

I dunno, I'd probably be far more worried about Camilla's zombie wyvern then her cleavage.

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Fantasy media can take liberties with the details of cultures and how battles work, but when you get to stuff that's so blatantly absurd as putting holes in your armor, there's just no excuse.

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I've got to say, Elfie and Sophie were the straws that broke the camels' back for me personally.

There's just no reason; they even look completely fine from the front. Just...?

Because the artist aswell as the people that gave green light to the designs are shit.

Simple that.

...More blind Kozaki bashing, huh?

It's been established multiple times that Kozak only designs the people, and the Art Director is the one to blame; he comes up with the stupid armor designs.

Do your research before posting criticisms.

Edited by The DanMan
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Look Hoshido doesn't have this problem with their classes. It's obvious, they wanted to do some fan service but they choose to do it via the side which doesn't represent their country the most. Now they can say "It's because Western countries are not as prude as we are, they want to see panty shots".


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Because in the West (well for them to us) we're just a bunch of people walking around in negligible clothing...

Well in California that is... seriously have you seen what people wear these days? Even the kids...

At least California has sunny beaches (and last I last I checked was in the middle of a drought but I don't keep up with the news). Nohr is presumably below sea level and has a very hostile environment.

So unless they all have a death wish, it makes no sense for them to have no pants.

maybe the lack of pants means that Ice spells are the most powerful magic in this game

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it's not pants will protect you from a sword or arrow. Hell even plate can't protect against arrows. Arrows are made to pierce armor plating.

And wearing "underwear" allows more mobility than pants.

Even ignoring the fact that about half these women are mounted, getting hit by a weapon while wearing clothes still protects more than vs bare skin, and clothes provide protection from the elements

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it's not pants will protect you from a sword or arrow. Hell even plate can't protect against arrows. Arrows are made to pierce armor plating.

And wearing "underwear" allows more mobility than pants.

Thing is, proper pants and long sleeves (naming these because of designs such as Crimson's) will protect you from the friction of riding a horse and from the scratches that riding a goddamn wyvern will surely produce, and also your own armor.

Edit: Also elements as has been mentioned multiple times.

Now, not every arrow is made to pierce armor, and a proper chainmail (namely a riveted mail of good quality) should be able to protect from a good number of arrows or at the very least stop it's momentum enough for something like a paded gambeson (which is something good to wear) to stop the arrow from causing a serious injury if any, it also depends of obvious factors such as the weight of the bow along the distance at which the arrow was fired to be sure of how much momentum it would carry.

Edited by Jariu
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it's not pants will protect you from a sword or arrow. Hell even plate can't protect against arrows. Arrows are made to pierce armor plating.

And wearing "underwear" allows more mobility than pants.

There are so many things wrong here I don't even know where to begin.

First, wearing pants isn't about protecting against swords or arrows but rather against environmental conditions. I mean come on this is common fucking sense. There's also the face that you will not want to have any bare skin while riding a goddamn horse.

Second, where the fuck did you hear that. Disregarding the fact that this is a highly generalized statement (There are many different varieties of plate mail, as well as many different qualities) full, tempered, hardened steel plate may be penetrated by an arrow but the arrow will go blunt from striking the plate, and it will not injure the wearer



Now Chainmail might be pierced (again, depends on the quality of the mail) by Bodkin tips or if the armor is really bad, simple broad arrows, but it is highly dependent on multiple factors the effectiveness of arrows against armor

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Lucia is a noble. I wouldn't call her one of Crimea's top fighters.

My bad, I thought you said other than only royals. I misread the post. But she's definitely one of Crimea's top fighters. She's a seasoned swordmaster. If you're going by her in-game stats, that doesn't mean crap in-terms of story/lore.

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Girls not wearing pants is hardly a new thing in this series.

True, but no one is denying it happened before as far as I know, the problem is how blatant it has began to become in the latest games, not to mention that those designs are over ten years old with some of them being over twenty years old.

In short, the series had evolved over time, the designs in Tellius are the more praised designs in the series and with very few exeptions every single female that you would expect to do so wears proper armor (or good enough one at least) and pants.

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I think his point is broadly correct though, and Tellius has it's fair share of sexualised designs too. That being said there's an element of subtlety to zettai ryouiki that isn't quite as apparent in "Great Knight/General wearing a Thong". Tellius actually offset this a little by having a somewhat amusing emphasis on exposed upper arms or shoulders, but it is present, just to a less significant degree. There's also the fact that the older sprites weren't really capable of conveying the same kind of information the models do now, when the battle camera swings around and you see up someone's ass its going to be more prominent than seeing a recoloured pallete sprite attacking from an angle where you can't really discern what they're wearing. I've never really paid that much attention to it aside from when I was playing Radiant Dawn, since I thought Neph looked a bit stupid in her tier 3 battle model. Generally speaking, I've been okay with older designs mostly because I have the perception that they're on the edge of stylistic, and I think a lot of that comes down to dignity protecting skirts, as weird as that may sound. I'd be all for having better armor design throughout the series, and would say many of the older games could stand to be improved by it, if only somewhat.

Overall, it might be more accurate to rephrase the question; maybe it has has more to do with "why has a lot of the armor design become more extravagant and less subtle?" and I think personally that fits in with the series approach to characterisation becoming more extravagant and less nuanced.

EDIT: Although I should say, I don't really like most of the designs in FE13 or 14, and that's both related to battle panties and stupid looking armor like FE13 Cavaliers.

Edited by Irysa
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Pants just aren't practical on a battlefield. Forgoing pants to sport battle shorts or skirts allow for better mobility. Pants can get in the way more than they help sometimes. I think the girls of Fire Emblem forget their pants for the same reason Rolf does. They don't like wearing pants. Who the Hell wears long pants, anyway?

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I guess they'll try this type of design and see how the sales figures go. If the game sells much better than PoR and RD (for example, meaning with that type of armour style) they may take that as a sign of what the consumer wants and proceed with that.

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Pants just aren't practical on a battlefield.

brb gotta go drown myself in vodka seeing that somebody said this and actually believes it.

Yes, pants aren't practical on a battlefield. Which is why nearly EVERY MILITARY IN THE WORLD HAS LONG TROUSERS AS STANDARD UNIFORM AND COMBAT GEAR. It's also why Men-at-arms wore long trousers back in the old medieval times.

Seriously, what the fuck were you thinking when you wrote this. No pants means your more exposed to the elements as well as insects and bacteria.

Forgoing pants to sport battle shorts or skirts allow for better mobility.

A largely negligible advantage especially if your shivering from the cold or suffering from an infection, which you wouldn't have gotten if you had worn some damn trousers.

Pants can get in the way more than they help sometimes.

>gives no example of how they can get in the way.

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I guess they'll try this type of design and see how the sales figures go. If the game sells much better than PoR and RD (for example, meaning with that type of armour style) they may take that as a sign of what the consumer wants and proceed with that.

That has been easily decided.

20/04/05 [GCN] Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - 156.413

22/02/07 [WII] Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - 171.924

19/04/12 [3DS] Fire Emblem: Awakening - 469.485

26/06/15 [3DS] Fire Emblem Fates: Black Kingdom / White Kingdom - 510, 283

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Thing is, proper pants and long sleeves (naming these because of designs such as Crimson's) will protect you from the friction of riding a horse and from the scratches that riding a goddamn wyvern will surely produce, and also your own armor.

Edit: Also elements as has been mentioned multiple times.

Now, not every arrow is made to pierce armor, and a proper chainmail (namely a riveted mail of good quality) should be able to protect from a good number of arrows or at the very least stop it's momentum enough for something like a paded gambeson (which is something good to wear) to stop the arrow from causing a serious injury if any, it also depends of obvious factors such as the weight of the bow along the distance at which the arrow was fired to be sure of how much momentum it would carry.

Natives and other tribals have rode mounts long before pants was invented, that's a terrible excuse.

Edited by HTakara82
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I guess they'll try this type of design and see how the sales figures go. If the game sells much better than PoR and RD (for example, meaning with that type of armour style) they may take that as a sign of what the consumer wants and proceed with that.

That has been easily decided.

20/04/05 [GCN] Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - 156.413

22/02/07 [WII] Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - 171.924

19/04/12 [3DS] Fire Emblem: Awakening - 469.485

26/06/15 [3DS] Fire Emblem Fates: Black Kingdom / White Kingdom - 510, 283

Maybe they like the design of Hoshido's classes. It really seems like people are picking a fight only looking at Nohr's designs when it's only one face of the coin.

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