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why would girls wear their armor and forget their pants?


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This a million times. The character designs are HARDLY the reason the Tellius games sold poorly. In fact, they seem to be the most popular designs in the series. Not to mention its main character is the most popular FE character in Japan after the results of a Famitsu poll, and maybe even the world. We like Ike! :P

And Awakening and Fates were both much more heavily marketed than any other games in the series. Of course they were going to sell better, more people were made aware of their existence.

You've made a lot of claims without any actual evidence here. What proof do you have that the Tellius designs are the most popular? A random Famitsu poll? That only proves that Ike is popular among Famitsu readers, most who likely are familiar with Smash Bros and NOT the Tellius saga. What evidence do you have that Awakening had more advertising than the Tellius saga? I know for a fact that both Tellius games were featured at E3, whereas Awakening didn't even get a single screenshot.

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You've made a lot of claims without any actual evidence here. What proof do you have that the Tellius designs are the most popular? A random Famitsu poll? That only proves that Ike is popular among Famitsu readers, most who likely are familiar with Smash Bros and NOT the Tellius saga. What evidence do you have that Awakening had more advertising than the Tellius saga? I know for a fact that both Tellius games were featured at E3, whereas Awakening didn't even get a single screenshot.

Actually, only RD was ever shown at E3. Awakening had several trailers, a 3DS bundle, a lot of coverage in Game Informer magazine, commercials, etc. Fates has been shown at every international Direct so far since its announcement, including E3. Tellius had practically nothing compared to all this. I figured anyone here knew this, so I didn't think I needed to back it up. Also, Thor posted evidence.

Also, I said SEEM to be the most popular, not most definitely are. As far as I've SEEN, people generally like the Tellius art best.

Edited by Anacybele
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You've made a lot of claims without any actual evidence here. What proof do you have that the Tellius designs are the most popular? A random Famitsu poll? That only proves that Ike is popular among Famitsu readers, most who likely are familiar with Smash Bros and NOT the Tellius saga. What evidence do you have that Awakening had more advertising than the Tellius saga? I know for a fact that both Tellius games were featured at E3, whereas Awakening didn't even get a single screenshot.

Anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but neither Path of Radiance or Radiant Dawn had commercials aired on the western side of things from what I can find. Awakening on the other hand had one that I saw pretty commonly on TV.

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I don't even care about the practicality of not wearing pants on horseback or whatever. I just don't want to be staring at someone's butt whenever I send a knight into battle. It just looks ridiculous.

Sexual appeal is hardly a replacement for aesthetic appeal. Just look at Dark Mages.

Edited by Zachmac
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Fanservice, of course. Really uneeded fanservice. I wouldn't mind if a few characters had custom fanservicey designs, but what's there is a bit too much.

Does anyone know who the art director of Fates and Awakening is...?

The art director for Awakening and Fates is Toshiyuki Kuzakihara, whom we really don't have any records of, the only thing I have at hand that he has drawn is this Tharja promo for Cipher.

I really wish we had more about him, his background and all that as the nly thing we know is that Awakening was his first work with the series.

Edited by Jariu
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Well, as Irysa helpfully pointed out to me, the Tellius games weren't the bastion of practicality they're sometimes made out to be.


Now, don't get me wrong, Nephenee is one of my favorite characters in the series, but her outfit (ESPECIALLY her Sentinal one) is pretty dang revealing.


Normally I wouldn't count mages, as most of them have revealing outfits, but just look at Ilyana here. A single stiff breeze and BOOM! Panty shot.


These two are notable for the fact that in their base class, they do wear pants, but then for some reason decide to take them off when they promote.

Lastly, I will say that the Tellius games did give pants to all the mounted females...

With two noticeable exceptions:


Edited by Gomez_Addams
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Well, if you're just going to say pants, then that's, say, a little weak, but if you say characters not wearing enough armor or clothing then you can see that Fates and Awakening loved to do that and when really, there was no point.

Though you can argue that some characters and there rolls really needed pants or something. The Fem Dark Knight in Awk, why would you just wear a thong into battle? You're not just a mage, you have a sword, prepare for close combat. That's the sort of example I'm giving for characters that need to suit there roll and classes. Cherche example is that she's waiting to be Back Slashed and female Knights in Fates are definitely asking an arrow to the knee.

Ever heard of the Ten Chivalry, "Thou must defend you values" Obviously they don't care about there legs... "Thou shalt be generous and giving to ones self" Do you think Fire Emblem even knows this properly?

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Sometimes, I feel like the inhabitants of this site forget that this is a video game, based around style and fun and not meant to be a super realistic experience. If this were a realistic war game of sorts, then I can see why one would argue revealing clothing lending itself to illness and the like. But Fire Emblem is not that game. It is not now, nor has it ever been a hyper realistic war simulator. Characters wear what they wear because their designers wanted them to wear that.

That's it.

Beginning, middle, end. There is no further reason beyond that. Its a design choice, plain and simple. Whether or not this lends to increased protection or any number of other things is a meaningless conversation as those things are not factored into the gameplay experience (meaning, a unit bearing heavier armor design wise does not necessarily have more defense that the unit running around in a shirt and shorts).

Whether or not said design is 'good,' is subjective at best. I for one like them just fine as they are and would not change a thing.

Edited by Alpha2090
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The issue is less one of practicality and more one of undue gender-asymmetrical objectification. Plus an issue of just looking stupid.

If something's totally impractical but looks neat, then fine, go that route; practicality in character design is often monotonous anyway. But the ludicrous thong windows don't look neat; they're there purely for fanservice, at the expense of practicality and aesthetic appeal, whilst also introducing an entirely unneeded dimension of sexist undertones. Earlier in the thread someone used the argument that going pantsless somehow conferred an advantage to mobility that outweighed the detriments - if that's the case, why are the male equivalents not similarly underdressed?

It's baffling that anyone could even try to defend stuff like the General. The issue there is also a lack of consistency - the Fire Emblem universe clearly considers armour to be inherently protective, so for an armour-focused class to be strutting around bare-assed is just asinine. Contrast with a series like Disgaea, where armour is functionally meaningless and the designs reflect that, being universally silly and logic-defyingly unprotected for nearly every class of either gender.

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Wait after taking a closer look, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) , Effie seems to wear pants AND a thong above it, she has pink armor so its pretty difficult to see the difference with her skin but I really think it's a pants and the thong is grey metalish, so maybe it's a metal thong for protection.

Edited by Tharne
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Sometimes, I feel like inhabitants of the site forget that people have different opinions, and the fact that they personally have no problem with a thing does not mean nobody is allowed to criticise said thing.

While some designs are fair if you consider them eschewing realistic armour in favour of style, Generals are not one of them. Until now, female Generals have always been properly dressed. Make no mistake; battle panties are simply terrible design. End of story.

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Sometimes, I feel like inhabitants of the site forget that people have different opinions, and the fact that they personally have no problem with a thing does not mean nobody is allowed to criticise said thing.

While some designs are fair if you consider them eschewing realistic armour in favour of style, Generals are not one of them. Until now, female Generals have always been properly dressed. Make no mistake; battle panties are simply terrible design. End of story.

Did you read my post just above yours ? Effie has pants, it's just pink/fleshy color, so I don't know why battle panties ontop of pants are bad, in fact it offer more protection than just pants.

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I have a much bigger problem with how stupid everyone looks. Since when did we need extravagant and nonsensical designs on every single character? What happened to simplicity? Do the designers feel that these ridiculously stupid designs are the only way they'll hold the attention of modern players or something?

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I have a much bigger problem with how stupid everyone looks. Since when did we need extravagant and nonsensical designs on every single character? What happened to simplicity? Do the designers feel that these ridiculously stupid designs are the only way they'll hold the attention of modern players or something?

I think the biggest reasons for that are :



See if you can marry anyone with the character that represent yourself, then you need to make a lot of different characters to appeal to every single fetish out there. I mean, we have the yuri fan, the yaoi fan, the cross-dresser guy, the muscle girl, yandere, tsundere, the motherly type, the shy sister, etc... I'm not joking, I really think that's the reason.

Edited by Tharne
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Did you read my post just above yours ? Effie has pants, it's just pink/fleshy color, so I don't know why battle panties ontop of pants are bad, in fact it offer more protection than just pants.

Even if it is pants, it's still a gaping hole in her armour. My point is, it looks stupid considering how much armour she is wearing; at least the Dark Mage outfit isn't pretending to be anything other than fanservice.

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Even if it is pants, it's still a gaping hole in her armour.

Yeah because Wendy, on the picture you posted, is like totally not having a gap at the front and the back...oh wait she is, she only have side armor for her thighs.

The truth is, armored units have a lot more armor than before BUT they don't have as much clothes (honestly it's not because you have pants that you're not gonna take that arrow right threw your ass.)

And of course they're doing that for fan service.

Edited by Tharne
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Yeah because Wendy, on the picture you posted, is like totally not having a gap at the front and the back...oh wait she is, she only have side armor for her thighs.

The truth is, armored units have a lot more armor than before BUT they don't have as much clothes (honestly it's not because you have pants that you're not gonna take that arrow right threw your ass.)

Well, I don't see why you're not picking on Meg. Nor you fail to realize that Bors and Barth have the EXACT same armor placement in FE6 as Wendy.

Wait after taking a closer look, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) , Effie seems to wear pants AND a thong above it, she has pink armor so its pretty difficult to see the difference with her skin but I really think it's a pants and the thong is grey metalish, so maybe it's a metal thong for protection.

Maybe you should link some proof and we can make judgment ourselves?

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Nor you fail to realize that Bors and Barth have the EXACT same armor placement in FE6 as Wendy.

Huh. Never noticed that Bors and Barth also have really poor armor.

Seriously, their crotches are completely unprotected!

I'd feel sorry for them if they had any personality.

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Well, I don't see why you're not picking on Meg. Nor you fail to realize that Bors and Barth have the EXACT same armor placement in FE6 as Wendy.

Maybe you should link some proof and we can make judgment ourselves?

First, I was only judging based on the pictures Baldrick provided, so no Bors nor Barth here. And I can't see if Meg have something at her back or not on the picture so there's that too.

Second I'm basing on this https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ej0104enhcyr3w4/AAAbf8obIHKarufKzmZZiwNAa/Effie?dl=0it seems to be a different color than her face or even her butt when she is in a swimsuit. She also has a red I don't know what on her thighs, so maybe i's a two colors pants.

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First, I was only judging based on the pictures Baldrick provided, so no Bors nor Barth here. And I can't see if Meg have something at her back or not on the picture so there's that too.

Second I'm basing on this https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ej0104enhcyr3w4/AAAbf8obIHKarufKzmZZiwNAa/Effie?dl=0it seems to be a different color than her face or even her butt when she is in a swimsuit. She also has a red I don't know what on her thighs, so maybe i's a two colors pants.

After careful study (any excuse to stare at my Effie's ass), it looks like... it's inconclusive. It certainly SEEMS like it's a different texture/color than her skin, but you can definately make an argument either way.
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After careful study (any excuse to stare at my Effie's ass), it looks like... it's inconclusive. It certainly SEEMS like it's a different texture/color than her skin, but you can definately make an argument either way.

We need to take Rinkah and turn her into a Knight (if she can by one way or another) and see if it's darker like her skin. Or maybe Aqua as she has very pale skin. I don't know.

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Huh. Never noticed that Bors and Barth also have really poor armor.

Seriously, their crotches are completely unprotected!

Hardly, that's not all there battle wear as in the battle sprites, they have a 'chest plate shield' covering from neck to almost the floor. (Sadly I didn't put enough time to find a resource)

First, I was only judging based on the pictures Baldrick provided, so no Bors nor Barth here. And I can't see if Meg have something at her back or not on the picture so there's that too.

Second I'm basing on this https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ej0104enhcyr3w4/AAAbf8obIHKarufKzmZZiwNAa/Effie?dl=0it seems to be a different color than her face or even her butt when she is in a swimsuit. She also has a red I don't know what on her thighs, so maybe i's a two colors pants.

From my point of view, yeah, I think you can argue this, but in my opinion, she's wearing no thin pants like you say. The lighting of the candles can make it seems like a darker skin tone and why her face is lit up. Upon looking at Image 34, her skin tone seems to be almost identical to the skin tone on her face on the above picture, comparing her behind in 7,4 to the ones where she's striped down, I don't see a difference.

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