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Pick an FEGBA class and character and I will make a palette for them.


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Hmm... how about...

Oswin as a Male Mage.

Gheb as a Dancer.

Joshua as a Pegasus Knight.

Also that Dancer Farina looks really good, thanks!

You got it!

Mage Oswin


Dancer Gheb! (There really is no class that can accurately portray his fat ass)


Pegasus Knight Joshua


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Pegasus Knight Joshua looks way too cool.

Dancer Gheb actually looks... really nice.

I don't want to ask too many requests, but this is really interesting to experiment with. How about...

Lute as a Female Shaman

Seth as a Soldier

Bors as a Mercenary.

I'm not sure if Mogall's are possible, but if they are, replace Shaman Lute with Mogall Lute.

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Mogall Lute's hair belongs in a museum.

Mercenary Bors looks really nice, and I especially like Soldier Seth. Well, if I may...

Moulder as a Male Shaman.

Joshua as a Thief.

Wendy as a Recruit.

Custom sprites? As in custom palettes? I might have to try playing with this myself.

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Custom sprites? As in custom palettes? I might have to try playing with this myself.

No, I meant custom sprites and animations, like for example anything in this topic. Go ahead and try for yourself! Though it may take a bit time to get used to 32 RGB scale.

Shaman Moulder!


Thief Joshua!


Recruit Wendy! (this class actually fits her very nicely)


Edited by Blue Druid
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Oh! Well that seems like a lot of work and I don't want to ask that much.

Shaman Moulder is probably really comfy. Thief Joshua looks really cool.

Recruit Wendy might be the best sprite so far. Wendy might actually be a decent unit if she started out as a recruit.

I'm running out of ideas, but I'm not completely dry. How about...

Rennac as a Wight

Caellach as a King

Bernard (The Boss from Chapter 17 of FE7.) as a Priest.

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I know just the screenshot LPer to send this to...

Really? Who?

Berserker Florina!


Warrior Florina


Oh! Well that seems like a lot of work and I don't want to ask that much.

I didn't mean making a new sprite, I meant making a palette for a pre-existing custom sprite.

Wight Rennac!


King Caellach!


Priest Bernard!


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Hey guys, sorry for the wait, I've been busy with... stuff.

The Moniker, he's currently suffering through Gheb FE.

Also in honor of him, can we have Sage Gheb and Warrior Saleh?

That's actually who I guessed :0

Let me know if you need the hex value.

Sage Gheb! Warrior Saleh!


Oh! Now I get it, I think. I usually prefer vanilla sprites, but I'll take a look at those. Priest Bernard looks like Rhys.

Barth as a Soldier.

Oujay as an Archer.

Canas as a Fire Dragon.

How much ideas do you have?

Soldier Barth! Archer Oujay!


Dragon Canas!


Also, here are some of my ideas!

Tethys as Ninian and Ninian as Tethys!


Griffon Knight Marcus!


Falco Knight Nino!


Fighter Geitz!


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I have infinite ideas.

Canas Dragon is cute. Your ideas actually look better than mine, hah.

Knight Ephraim

Male Druid Leila

Male Shaman Wallace

Is it okay if I list all my requests at once? I don't want to put too much work on you at once, but it gets tiresome putting them in 3 requests per post.

Edited by kantoorfarina
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I have infinite ideas.

Canas Dragon is cute. Your ideas actually look better than mine, hah.

Knight Ephraim

Male Druid Leila

Male Shaman Wallace

Is it okay if I list all my requests at once? I don't want to put too much work on you at once, but it gets tiresome putting them in 3 requests per post.

If you have so many ideas, then why don't you download FERecolor, or just try making them in paint or Usenti?

Alright, BRING IT ON!

Druid Leila


Knight Ephraim


Shaman Wallace


Also, here is a gallery of all the palettes I've made in this topic if anyone wants to see them.

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