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[Battle FE13] Losers Round 5 - AnonamousSpeed vs Nintales

General Horace

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Donnel's still better than Lissa, Maribelle or Anna IMHO. I'm surprised Anon's Donnel didn't have a Hammer even though he knew Nin would be using Kellam on his team (and there's a good chance Kellam will be a General and not, say, a Dread Fighter or Assassin, which Olivia covers anyway). Proccing Sol on Hammer attacks restores a fuckton of HP, comparable to Renewal's restoration effect and whatnot.

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...I should have had a hammer, yeah, that's completely right.

Still, no, Donnel is worse than Lissa at the very least. His classes and skills are super limited, his modifiers are trash, and even if he could use underdog it probably wouldn't be enough to make up for his bad offense, bad defense, and terrible versatility. At least those three can attack res and have, at worst, no speed modifier, tomefaire access, etc.

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Donnel's still better than Lissa, Maribelle or Anna IMHO. I'm surprised Anon's Donnel didn't have a Hammer even though he knew Nin would be using Kellam on his team (and there's a good chance Kellam will be a General and not, say, a Dread Fighter or Assassin, which Olivia covers anyway). Proccing Sol on Hammer attacks restores a fuckton of HP, comparable to Renewal's restoration effect and whatnot.

Donnel's a worse Cordelia and the hidden baby of Flavia and Basilio, without the knight and thief class.

He has no tomebreaker, no galeforce, no lifetaker, no bond, no Vengeance, and only gets res+10.

His set is extremely limited (I already guessed what it was when I saw him on Anon's team), and unlike Libra (which took me a while due to calculating his avo to make sure he didn't have Lifetaker), he can't dish out that much.

Lissa and Maribelle can still pack a 59+ damage Celica's Gale with Tomefaire, along with 44 speed. They can also get to 45 speed in exchange of some magic points.

Fun thing : I actually gave Kellam a Beast Killer in case you were opting for Dark Knight Tiki/Maribelle. It was useless at the end of the match though.

Fun thing 2 : I thought Eph's hast was +2 Spd/Res instead of +2 Str/Spd, which is why I made Kellam start with it.

Fun thing 3 : Someone started with the Brave Axe instead of the Seliph's blade. (I realized my mistake at the beginning of the game) Which means that I was scared you attack him with Libra. Hopefully you didn't.

And yeah, the meta's really volatile. Horace's game against Zero proves you can win with a team of scrubs against TEH ELITE.

Edited by Nintales
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