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Favorite Fire Emblem Quotes


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Wait, I've found another one:

"The best enemies are the ones that are on fire." Largo, RD (speaking of Calill)

haha, took me a seond, but i got it

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"Impressive. Most impressive." - The Black Knight

When I saw that, I was like, LOL, Darth Vader refrence!


Zelgius even sounds like him. Anyone notice that the BK/Sephiran relationship is like Darth Vader and the emperor.

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I dunno if anyone put this one yet (Probably) Generic Bengnion soldier: "MOLDY ONIONS!!!"

Edit: CRAP!!! Someone already did. uhh here's one......

"What the...? Who are you? How long have you been a member of my troop?" - Ike to Stefan.

I liked it cause it was really at the point where so many new people were joining up that it was amazing that Ike could keep track of them all.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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Anything the Black Knight says. My favourite one is when you escape from that battle, and he says stuff like "that's what dogs do" and etc. Can't quite remember it, and the GameFAQs script doesn't have it (stupid).

Edited by Nightmare
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Oliver: S-sub-human! A hideous sub-human is attacking me! Help! Someone help me! I'm much too lovely for this!

Nailah: What a strangely shaped creature... Is this some rare subspecies of beorc?

Sanaki: You are my subordinate, after all. I've decided that leaving one's empress to die is punishable by drowning in a pool of rancid butter.

Lehran: Of course it is, my empress.

Sanaki: I hope you're a strong swimmer.

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- various FE characters.

...In a world without swear words, I guess one would have to resort to "blast"! :lol:

or when Lundgren calls Lyn's grandfather a "dotard", that's pretty funny, wtf is a dotard?

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- various FE characters.

...In a world without swear words, I guess one would have to resort to "blast"! :lol:

or when Lundgren calls Lyn's grandfather a "dotard", that's pretty funny, wtf is a dotard?

it probably has to do with the old english word "Dote" and that means to show affection.

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According to Merriam Webster....


1. a person, esp. an old person, exhibiting a decline in mental faculties; a weak-minded or foolish old person.

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hmmm, cant think of anymore...

oh wait! just saw it today

Marcia to Makalov: Stuff it, Spongebrain!!!

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Jarod to the Black Knight: Well well well. Look what we have here. The loathsome phantom of old Daein… Why in blazes are you here? What inspired you to slooooowly clank your way up out of your grave?

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