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Is There a Fanbase of a Game(s) You Love That You Dislike?


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I honestly haven't seen much of any of the hate you describe here, not even Casual mode hate. I have seen it, but the number of toxic people is still vastly outweighed by the number of people who are reasonable about their opinions, as many others in this thread have already stated.

I've at least seen a ton of casual mode hate here. I'll take your word for it, but I don't see a lot of members here who aren't hateful to Awakening's fanbase. I'm sure I just need to encounter more respectable members (of which I've met a few).

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I've at least seen a ton of casual mode hate here. I'll take your word for it, but I don't see a lot of members here who aren't hateful to Awakening's fanbase. I'm sure I just need to encounter more respectable members (of which I've met a few).

I've seen a lot of debates about Casual mode here, but even then the majority of the people involved either defend it or don't give a rat's ass. I've seen even fewer people who actually hate the fanbase. I know I don't. There might be confirmation bias involved here- I'm more inclined to see people who don't hate Awakening and you're probably more inclined to see people who do due to bad past experiences or something, not sure- but I still think you're overestimating the number of people who vocally hate on the fanbase.

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Definitely the Pokemon fanbase. I don't think the fanbase is really any worse than any other ones but something about Pokemon is so pure in my mind that I feel like no one should be fighting because we all still love the same thing. I swear I'm not like 10.

Oh maybe you should see the Archeage fans. Or probably you've never heard of the game and that would be because it was going to be a pretty big success but then the fans killed the game with their hate for each other.

I actually agree with you about pokemon. Pokemon is a series that is a considered a friendly, cute series, so when you see all those fights happing about which gen is the best, or best competitive rules, it's kinda sad to see. There's also the "Poketubers" which a few months ago, felt like there was some corruption/fight/drama every 5 minutes, from t-shirt designs being supposedly ripped off, to even an accusation of rape.

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I don't really think that there is one single fanbase with nothing but these kinds of people, but virtually every fanbase out there has some group of people who feel that their opinions are absolute and that anyone who disagrees with them does not have a valid reasoning for those opinions. Some fanbases have a specific kind of people that just absolutely irritate/infuriate me, and I'll only elaborate the two that do this the most (in order of least to most).

The Sonic the Hedgehog fandom (you all saw this coming didn't you) has people who absolutely worship the first Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic CD, and Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles with the same amount of reverence a truly devout deist has for their deity/deities if not more. Every other game is generally treated with complete apathy, a searing, seething hatred, or anything between those two emotions. Someone can have any number of reasons for liking anything and I won't say that they have bad tastes (likes and dislikes in anything are purely subjective), but when there's someone who genuinely has overall positive feelings toward any game that I did not mention (like me) or there's someone who holds either apathy or hatred toward the games I did mention, they're attacked by these people (even more so if they fall into the second category). Those people are the ones who also have a tendency to be the more vocal types given that they possess very strong feelings about the things they like and/or dislike and are often driven to act or speak on those strong feelings, and because they're so vocal people tend to assume that they represent the overall Sonic the Hedgehog fandom, and that's because of some beliefs of what a fan is or isn't and what they (don't) do. I've heard someone say that a fan is someone who has a passionate like toward whatever it is they like and if you don't have strong feelings for something then you're not actually a fan so you should not be considered one.

The other fandom who has people that absolutely get on my nerves is the Super Smash Bros. fandom. From bickering about which game is objectively the best in the series (and my God I absolutely despise whenever objectivity is brought into any discussion when it has no place being there), to how you should be playing the game, to how the games should be made, to which character should have a spot on the roster regardless of this or that (my least favorite discussion period), like the Sonic the Hedgehog fandom there is no shortage of toxicity to be found within this fandom. I'm not saying that everyone is like that, but this shit happens way too often. The casual v.s. competitive debates, the (semi-)clone character debates, and the deserving roster debates speak volumes for themselves about how shattered the community generally is. That's all I'm going to say on it.

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I have really embarrassing memories of being an anime fan. Brrh... Not to say all anime fans are like that, but I was one of the really, really bad ones.

I have a few things I'd like to say about FE13/14's fanbase, but I don't want to get involved in that, so I'll say...

Xenoblade. They're really, really spoiler-sensitive. Like, you could say "Shulk's sword is called the Monado" and they'd flip.

I don't really dislike any fandom though, since there's always good people in them.

Not all of us. I mean, there are certain things that shouldn't be spoiled in the game so that people who play it for the first time can experience every single twist in the game, e.g.

Fiora being alive, What the Faced Mechon actually are, Metal Face's identity, and pretty much everything post Mechonis Core

but I wouldn't flip if you said that Shulk's sword is the Monado or that Melia is actually a half High-Entian Princess.

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More or less this and the Smash fanbase.

I haven't seen much of Awakening and/or Fates fans treating the previous FE games poorly, but if that is a serious thing, then I apologize. I started with Awakening, it's currently my favorite in the series, and Awakening fans who act like that are the plague.

However. I've seen plenty of fans of the older FE games hating on Awakening fans simply because they like Awakening. I'm not referring to criticizing Awakening, I'm referring to treating FANS of Awakening poorly for liking Awakening and starting with it. And treating said fans as if they were useless and unneeded and that they'd rather the series die than Awakening of all things save it.

That and giving people hell for playing on Casual Mode.

Yes, there are some people like that. I'm not sure what they're problem is, but they're jerks. No getting around that. The Gamefaqs and Reddit groups are generally terrible and don't deserve to be taken seriously. Most of us here are fine. And really, I've seen very little of the Awakening fans who bash everything else; that, like the few, vocal elitists, are exaggerated by one side. Casual mode is an interesting topic...

On one hand, it removes what is explicity stated to be a core tenant of the series. On another hand, it got more people in. But then IS still says Classic is the way to play. Yet there's nothing to entice a person to move up. And I'm sitting here, using it to pop off the occasional mid-battle save while still resetting for each death.

A KH fan tried to argue to me that the KH series beyond the first game isn't a massive Kudzu Plot. That's like arguing that Sonic can't run fast.

That's like factually wrong. I've never had any trouble understanding anything and I haven't even played Coded for instance. The plot is all really obvious and I can't think of any time where a plot thread got too much or are unfinished without me knowing that it'll be finished in KHIII.

Like Ventus. I guarantee any loose plots involving him and the other 2 will be nicely wrapped up.

But instead, people make assumptions without actually thinking.

Coded is the one KH game that is entirely unnecessary for understanding anything.

Anyway, I've noticed this: fans that have come into the series post-KH2 seem to have a much easier time understanding it all than those who played KH2 then dropped off. The thing is, if you play everything in order, it lines up pretty well. Coming from somebody who's done that, it's not that confusing. It's just that those who dropped off right after KH2 and then tried to come back in later don't quite understand it. If you step back and look at it in order, it's not that confusing.

Edited by The DanMan
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Not all of us. I mean, there are certain things that shouldn't be spoiled in the game so that people who play it for the first time can experience every single twist in the game, e.g.

Fiora being alive, What the Faced Mechon actually are, Metal Face's identity, and pretty much everything post Mechonis Core

but I wouldn't flip if you said that Shulk's sword is the Monado or that Melia is actually a half High-Entian Princess.

To be honest, I think the only thing in the spoilers you listed that is hard to understand/predict prior to it being revealed is the last part.

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One thing I tend to notice is that there's almost always more people complaining about a fanbase than there are actually problems in said fanbase

This, essentially.

People are also way too eager to throw around labels on people who they disagree with.

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I'm still standing to my original statement. I don't usually hate fandoms. I only hate certain people in those fandoms. Usually those people who shove their opinions down people's throats or are really toxic. Reason why I don't hate them still even if there are a lot of those kind of people is cause I know there will be good people in them. Every fandom will have its ups and downs.

If I were to hate the pokemon fandom because there are genwunners, it's the same a hating the FE fandom for having series veterans who look down on the newcomers, and hating the Smash community cause majority of them think Melee is the best.

Just know there is a silver lining in everything. No community is perfect, there will be those people who think differently from others. It's just the way we as humans think.

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The stupidity of the "core" Halo fanbase in one post:

Warning: Your IQ will be lowered several points if you continue reading.

The point OP is tryin to make is, that the yellow BR interface ammo counter looks fake and un realistic.
Im sure OPs only concearn is the aesthetic realism that the game has started lacking since the beta. The beta had realism, looked like it was going to be a game that was taken serious in 2016. But since the 12-15year old kids got to have their say and left horrible feedback, the game has now gone from being a game that was on the verge of being taken serious to a game that's for little kids. And since all the feedback was left by little kids 343 decided to take the seriousness out of halo and make it a T for Teen game.
i mean, cartoon yellow BR ammo counter when it was realistic in the beta
green outlines around guns making the game even more kiddie.
the map Eden looked real n the beta and had an awesome night time atmosphere, now looks like a cartoon
and now the game is rated T for teen.
U do the math, its not rocket science.
the game is being dumbed down for kids.
It it was all 12-15year olds that left feedback

...Add this to "The game requires no skill because it's not a Halo 2 clone! It's a CoD clone despite having equal starts!", and you have probably the most toxic base of genwunner-types on the internet (outside of the actual genwunners).

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The stupidity of the "core" Halo fanbase in one post:

Warning: Your IQ will be lowered several points if you continue reading.

The point OP is tryin to make is, that the yellow BR interface ammo counter looks fake and un realistic.

Im sure OPs only concearn is the aesthetic realism that the game has started lacking since the beta. The beta had realism, looked like it was going to be a game that was taken serious in 2016. But since the 12-15year old kids got to have their say and left horrible feedback, the game has now gone from being a game that was on the verge of being taken serious to a game that's for little kids. And since all the feedback was left by little kids 343 decided to take the seriousness out of halo and make it a T for Teen game.

i mean, cartoon yellow BR ammo counter when it was realistic in the beta

green outlines around guns making the game even more kiddie.

the map Eden looked real n the beta and had an awesome night time atmosphere, now looks like a cartoon

and now the game is rated T for teen.

U do the math, its not rocket science.

the game is being dumbed down for kids.

It it was all 12-15year olds that left feedback [/size]

...Add this to "The game requires no skill because it's not a Halo 2 clone! It's a CoD clone despite having equal starts!", and you have probably the most toxic base of genwunner-types on the internet (outside of the actual genwunners).

This guy doesn't even do grammar and punctuation properly to even be taken seriously.

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This guy doesn't even do grammar and punctuation properly to even be taken seriously.

It's a problem if trolling as well. The community is a mess; I was briefly on those forums, and it was awful.

And even then, there are those who are more articulate with their grammar who say similiar things.

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There might be confirmation bias involved here- I'm more inclined to see people who don't hate Awakening and you're probably more inclined to see people who do due to bad past experiences or something, not sure- but I still think you're overestimating the number of people who vocally hate on the fanbase.

There's certainly a possibility of that, yeah. I've had some terrible experiences with older fans of the series, mostly from what I've read on Gamefaqs. So I'll readily admit that I might look for negativity.

Yes, there are some people like that. I'm not sure what they're problem is, but they're jerks. No getting around that. The Gamefaqs and Reddit groups are generally terrible and don't deserve to be taken seriously. Most of us here are fine. And really, I've seen very little of the Awakening fans who bash everything else; that, like the few, vocal elitists, are exaggerated by one side. Casual mode is an interesting topic...

On one hand, it removes what is explicity stated to be a core tenant of the series. On another hand, it got more people in. But then IS still says Classic is the way to play. Yet there's nothing to entice a person to move up. And I'm sitting here, using it to pop off the occasional mid-battle save while still resetting for each death.

I haven't even seen the Reddit groups, and from the way you talk about it, I'm not sure I want to. Admittedly the situation in question where I saw someone saying that Fire Emblem should've died instead of being saved by Awakening, and the fans that Awakening brought should cease to exist was on GameFAQS.

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Still a Sonic fan to some extent, not as big of a one as I once was. That being said, the fanbase can be a bit annoying at times, and the lack of decent games in the series recently doesn't help much.

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There's certainly a possibility of that, yeah. I've had some terrible experiences with older fans of the series, mostly from what I've read on Gamefaqs. So I'll readily admit that I might look for negativity.

I haven't even seen the Reddit groups, and from the way you talk about it, I'm not sure I want to. Admittedly the situation in question where I saw someone saying that Fire Emblem should've died instead of being saved by Awakening, and the fans that Awakening brought should cease to exist was on GameFAQS.

I have heard tales of toxic people on Gamefaqs and even a few about the Reddit fans, but I never bothered to verify them since they don't affect me much even if they are true. They seem to be of a small enough number that they aren't spreading their hate outside of Gamefaqs/Reddit. Still, it's never fun to run into the toxic people, so I can definitely understand why you'd be frustrated.

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Its outright IMPOSSIBLE to like the game and the community at the same time

I can confirm this statement. 2 games in Low-Priority Queue (For abandoning a few games) and both of them were fucking shit.

Going to copy-paste this from Mafia Scum, behold, the story of the dumbest Venomancer ever to plague this fucking planet

Why is it that Venomancer players are always the fucking worst.

One of them was just outright bad, dc'd then came back and was so bad.

Then this one I just had, oh boy he was a riot.

Alright, start of the game, I'm Spectre and we got Bot, we go near the Bounty Rune and all of a sudden BAM, 4 enemy heroes. It was only Me and Veno (although according to him Bane was nearby but that's still 3v4 at level 1, with them on the attack). I do the natural thing and run. I manage to successfully evade and Veno is the only one that dies. All good right?

NOPE. Veno decides that I'm apparently dumb for not suiciding and decides to intentionally feed because apparently not getting your ass killed is retarded nowadays. His logic? That I, Spectre, appearing alongside him might've just maybe scared them off. Note here that this team included Sven, Undying, and Centaur Warrunner. Yeah. He also said Bane was there so it was 3v4 but they couldn't even see Bane I believe.


Around the time Dire started pushing our last towers (Around the 14 minute mark), he decided that his case wasn't convincing enough and decided to lie that I was being racist at the start of the game. I wasn't, my team mates could back me up on that but whatever, lets just go and slander my other teammate and intentionally feed because fuck I got killed early game? Better blame it on Spectre and ruin the game for everyone because I'm a little fucking bitch.

This was something we could've EASILY recovered from (I mean shit, I was Spectre) but nope, gotta ruin it for everyone.

Truly, Venomancer is a fitting title

Formatting is weird because of the copy-pasting, sorry.

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Its outright IMPOSSIBLE to like the game and the community at the same time

I can confirm this statement. 2 games in Low-Priority Queue (For abandoning a few games) and both of them were fucking shit.

Going to copy-paste this from Mafia Scum, behold, the story of the dumbest Venomancer ever to plague this fucking planet

Why is it that Venomancer players are always the fucking worst.

One of them was just outright bad, dc'd then came back and was so bad.

Then this one I just had, oh boy he was a riot.

Alright, start of the game, I'm Spectre and we got Bot, we go near the Bounty Rune and all of a sudden BAM, 4 enemy heroes. It was only Me and Veno (although according to him Bane was nearby but that's still 3v4 at level 1, with them on the attack). I do the natural thing and run. I manage to successfully evade and Veno is the only one that dies. All good right?

NOPE. Veno decides that I'm apparently dumb for not suiciding and decides to intentionally feed because apparently not getting your ass killed is retarded nowadays. His logic? That I, Spectre, appearing alongside him might've just maybe scared them off. Note here that this team included Sven, Undying, and Centaur Warrunner. Yeah. He also said Bane was there so it was 3v4 but they couldn't even see Bane I believe.


Around the time Dire started pushing our last towers (Around the 14 minute mark), he decided that his case wasn't convincing enough and decided to lie that I was being racist at the start of the game. I wasn't, my team mates could back me up on that but whatever, lets just go and slander my other teammate and intentionally feed because fuck I got killed early game? Better blame it on Spectre and ruin the game for everyone because I'm a little fucking bitch.

This was something we could've EASILY recovered from (I mean shit, I was Spectre) but nope, gotta ruin it for everyone.

Truly, Venomancer is a fitting title

Formatting is weird because of the copy-pasting, sorry.

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I really don't hate any fan base because no matter how many horrible people there are, there will always be as many nice people however if I had to choose, I would say the FE fan base.

It goes from one extreme to the other, the people who hate everything new to the franchise and think that people who play casual/phoenix are doing it wrong and are soiling their precious franchise, but then there are those who are new to the series but feel FEA and more then likely Fates are gods among the franchise and bash older fans and the older games cause there is no casual.

While I don't see much here and I certainly don't see as much of the latter then former, they still exist are are just uhh.

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Dota 2 low prio is filled with hilarous people. Once had a 4 dagon team with a shitty morph screaming about how he'd report all of us.

I've actually found more friendly people in low prio than normal games.

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Must ignore urge to say fanbase of every game series I enjoy because I often run into jerks online regardless of series

In all seriousness tho, I don't hate the entirety of any fanbase, but I do hate it when fans of any series won't give something a chance because it caters to a larger crowd than past games, and I also dislike it when the newer fans won't try the older games because they lack what made the newer ones accessible.

Believe it or not, I was thinking of the Splinter Cell series and not FE when I was typing this, even if it applies to both. I often start with the wider crowd appealing games in a series, be it FEA or SC Conviction, and then I go back to the older ones, so seeing either of the two groups described above tends to irk me.

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Dota 2 low prio is filled with hilarous people. Once had a 4 dagon team with a shitty morph screaming about how he'd report all of us.

I've actually found more friendly people in low prio than normal games.

Just to clarify, that Veno wasn't in low prio, that was normal prio match.

The Viper I had in my game to get out of Low Prio disagrees with that statement though.

four dagons were you in Mav's video

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League of Legend fanbase is one I have to hate thanks to my toxic friend. He made me avoid LoL.

Pokémon fanbase isn't really annoying. I hate the ones who can't accept Generation II or later because nostalgia (i.e. genwunners).

What is annoying is that they don't accept that Generation I (or any other generation) had 'bad' designed Pokémon.

This is really minor, but I dislike the ones who can't accept Pokémon spinoffs and prefer a sequel or third alternate version. Like seriously? You want to play the almost exact same game again?

The Fire Emblem fanbase (on Reddit and some members on Serene's Forest) are pretty toxic to newcomers. If you want your fanbase to grow, you should try to accept them. This attitude lowers the chance for new fans to join, even though I can empathise with the frustration of reading about someone's favorite waifu a hundred times each day.

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