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Voice acting/acting you know is bad but love anyways.


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Generally, before I watch an anime, I look up to see if the dub is good or not and decide from there. I prefer hearing things in my native tongue, unless it's bad of course.

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dont you love mm8's? you forgot to say mm8.

thing is mm8 is so bad it's actually kinda painful so I can't even enjoy it

that scene where mega man screams for 20 seconds

my ears are forever scarred

dr light is glorious though

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Unironically smile when I hear Steve Blum or Cam Clarke, still busting out the exact same tone and delivery on the 182nd character running.

Also, fuck, if you've ever heard of a game called Contradiction...

Edited by Parrhesia
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Oh gods why

When I was little I remember watching a show called The Skysurfers Strike Force. I wouldn't say the acting was bad, but the lines were horribly cheesy. I still have the first two DvDs and I just... cringe.

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Old dynasty warriors

i don't believe in majeek



...COME... Get some.

Excellent taste my friend! I was wondering when Dynasty Warriors' early "so bad its good" dubs were gonna get some loving here... ;p

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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I find it worse here than Mega Man 8 honestly. Plus X has /that same voice Mega Man has in 8./


For me, X7's acting is just bad, nothing funny about it. Fun fact, that was actually my first Mega Man game, I played it when I was, like, four.

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