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Worat Character Supports

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Hector/Florina is great.


Anyway. I don't care for any of Kellam's supports. His gimmick isn't funny at all and every single one is the exact same thing "oh I forgot you existed."

I don't like Chrom/Female Robin either. Some of it is kinda funny I guess, but really...meh.

Lots of Binding Blade's supports are kinda boring too. I mean...I actually like those characters, but...some of those supports can be so boring.

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The only Kellam supports I actually like are Panne's and Nowi's.(Oh and Tharja's since there was no mention of Robin)

Anyways, might I add a lot of Ricken's supports are just bad.Maybe it is because of his young age and I just don't like shipping him with a lot of characters but he just seems so stupid in a lot of them.

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Hector/Florina is great.

They are the best couple and have the best supports. Understanders will understand.

Can't think of many supports I think are the most awful. I do however dislike how Amelia can't be with Franz and know that her mother is safe. duessel why

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Kent x Farina is hilarious because of how unlikely it is, and they even comment in a way that could be seen as a break the 4th wall moment.

I don't find Kent/Fiora bad though, they are just similar in such a way that its just not much has to develop lol.

kent x farina is great

farina is 10/10 tsundere

"It's not like I have any special feelings for you or anything!"

seriously though i liked it

all of Farina's supports are great

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kent x farina is great

farina is 10/10 tsundere

"It's not like I have any special feelings for you or anything!"

seriously though i liked it

all of Farina's supports are great

Farina is amazing.

"A pegsus is a noble animal that eats noble carrots".

"The tribes of sacae, they all, like, dances around a fire and chant"Ooga Booga"."

And she forever changed my vision on Florina (Drunken FloFlo is bestFloFlo.)

See, Anna ? that's how you write a good character with a money-loving gimmick.

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Hector x Florina is god-awful, imo. All it is is Florina failing to apologize to him because of her man-phobia. Lon'qu did the opposite sex phobia thing much better, imo.

Florina and Hector, its like Lon'qu only nothing ever happens.


Seriously, i love that shit and i feel like people are missing the point of that support. Florina can only support with one bloke, and its Hector. Her working up the courage to actually talk to him is a big deal for her character. Hes not just a man, hes also a huge hulking glacier of a guy. Hes also among the most brusque dudes in the army. Hes intimidating. As. Fuck. The fact that he managed to not just catch her, but her pegasus during that one part, is really impressive to her. So Florina finally comes out with it, and thanks him. Being able to simply talk to him was a big deal and he noticed. It may not look like much, but for her, its a pretty big character moment.

inigo/nah. Seriously.

I don't really like lon'qu/lissa too, idk he just never seemed to like her…but i can see why someone else would ship them, I can see the moments. but he just seemed…annoyed the whole time, idk.

Inigo/Nah is bullshit. Its also why a lot of people hate Nah which is a shame. I like Nah, but i hate that support. I also do not like Lonk/Lissa either.

Hector/Florina is great.


And she forever changed my vision on Florina (Drunken FloFlo is bestFloFlo.)

Ha. The Pegasus Counting Song is glorious. But i really dont care for Farina as a character. Shes just so...;/

As for shitty supports, i throw one in for Male Kamui/Soliel because yikes. Likely the worst in the series right now.

Kent/Lyn is so woefully insipid that i cannot bear pairing them. :U

Gangrel/MU makes me mad because there was room for something awesome there but it never happens.

The majority of Ilyana's supports are fucking dumb and i cannot stand her as a result. The only highlight i can remember is that one where she tries to eat Mia's shoes.

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Nowi x Lon'qu is another one that's absolute trash, its almost terrifying how bad it is.


Seriously, i love that shit and i feel like people are missing the point of that support. Florina can only support with one bloke, and its Hector. Her working up the courage to actually talk to him is a big deal for her character. Hes not just a man, hes also a huge hulking glacier of a guy. Hes also among the most brusque dudes in the army. Hes intimidating. As. Fuck. The fact that he managed to not just catch her, but her pegasus during that one part, is really impressive to her. So Florina finally comes out with it, and thanks him. Being able to simply talk to him was a big deal and he noticed. It may not look like much, but for her, its a pretty big character moment.

Lyn x Florina is better and has faster support growth too, check mate confirmed canon.

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Cordelia/Frederick is just so outrageously bad. "I know you don't love me, but would you like to settle for me since you'll never get the guy you want?" "Sure, why not."

Gods, this kind of Frederick x Cordelia hate always annoyed me... I never saw their S support to be like this at ALL. Now, I admit that I didn't like Cordelia's whining about Chrom during the picnic, that made it lose a couple points for me. But otherwise, I really really liked it.

People are entitled to their opinions, but still, I will always feel that Cordelia absolutely does NOT settle for Frederick. Plus, if people really think she does, why doesn't Libra x Tharja get any complaints? Tharja literally says Libra is second to the Avatar. If that isn't settling, then I don't know what is. That's another support I hate, btw. Poor Libra.

And you Hector x Florina fanboys/girls: we don't like the pairing or the support, deal with it. We don't need any pairing wars here.

Edited by Anacybele
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Majority of Cordelia's supports are fucking cringeworthy. Its why so many people have a problem with her.

Nowi x Lon'qu is another one that's absolute trash, its almost terrifying how bad it is.

Lyn x Florina is better and has faster support growth too, check mate confirmed canon.

I do like Lyn/Florina. I just love Hector/Florina more. I have not seen Nowi/Lonk. Is it really that bad??

And you Hector x Florina fanboys/girls: we don't like the pairing or the support, deal with it. We don't need any pairing wars here.

And you need to freaking learn when someone is saying something in jest and in a lighthearted manner, for fucks sake.

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Because she seems to "settle" for people? Then I say again, why is Tharja so popular? She goes after the Avatar, but has to "settle" as well if someone pairs her with a non-Avatar character, most notably Libra!

Then you need to freaking learn that it's hard for some people to tell when someone is just messing around through JUST TEXT.

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I do like Lyn/Florina. I just love Hector/Florina more. I have not seen Nowi/Lonk. Is it really that bad??

I'll just show you. The C support isn't too bad and I really like Lon'qu's last line. I think its the A/S that kills it.

[spoiler=NowixLon'qu]C Support

Nowi: Lon'qu! Play with me!
Lon'qu: No.
Nowi: Oh, come on, please? It's boring playing by myself. Aren't you soooo boooored?
Lon'qu: I like being alone. Go ask someone else.
Nowi: I was going to, but they all look super busy.
Lon'qu: Are you saying I don't? Because I am busy. Very busy indeed.
Nowi: *Sniff* *sniffle*
Lon'qu: Your tears have no effect on me! Besides...everyone knows I have a crippling fear of women. ...And yet, why do I not feel that fear around her? I must learn why!
Nowi: *Sniffle* Wh-what did you say? I can't hear because I'm CRYING!
Lon'qu: Nothing of importance. However... I have decided that I will play with you—but only for a short time.
Nowi: Yippee! You're the best!
Lon'qu: Yes, yes. Stop hopping around. Now what game do you wish to play?
Nowi: Erm...er...thinking hard...er... Oh, I know! Let's play house!
Lon'qu: I do not know that game. But it does not sound like something I'd enjoy.
Nowi: It'll be fun! You get to play Dad!
Lon'qu: *Sigh* If you insist. But only for a short while!
Nowi: Great! And I'll be Mummy!
Lon'qu: Is that it for the rules, then? ...I was hoping dice were involved.
B Support
Nowi: Lon'qu, let's play!
Lon'qu: I've already played with you once. Surely it is someone else's turn.
Nowi: Yeah, but that game is still going! Plus no one can play Dad but you. And if you don't play with me, well, I guess I'll just have to—
Lon'qu: Put that dragonstone away, you little extortionist. You don't scare me. However, I will play one more time. ...But only because I happen to feel like it!
Nowi: Works for me!
Lon'qu: It is not entirely unpleasant, after all. With you I do not feel that icy grip of fear...
Nowi: Hee hee! Well, duh! Who'd ever be afraid of me when I'm not in dragon form?
Lon'qu: Enough talk! Begin the playing of house! But know that this is my last time.
Nowi: Sure, whatever.
Lon'qu: Now, where were we? I was just about to leave and go work in the fields...
Nowi: Here's your breakfast, dear! Eat it all! You need to keep your strength up!
Lon'qu: Munch, munch. Ah. That was delicious. Now, I am off to work. Fare thee well.
Nowi: See you tonight!
Lon'qu: Now I shall pretend to engage in agriculture. Chop, chop, shovel!
Nowi: ......
Lon'qu: Nowi? Why are you just standing there?
Nowi: Well, er, I'm at home, right? So when Dad goes off to work, what does Mummy do? *Sniff* Oh, how sad! I don't know! I don't know anything about families!
Lon'qu: ...... Nowi, come here.
Nowi: Why?
Lon'qu: You cannot simply stand there all day. Let's work the fields together.
Nowi: Oh, yay! I like working in the fields! Chop, chop, chop!
A Support
Nowi: Here you are, dear husband! I've made your supper.
Lon'qu: Munch, munch, munch. Chew. Swallow. Blech! This food is terrible!
Nowi: Eek! Dad's angry!
Lon'qu: Of course I am! How do you expect me to eat this pig swill?!
Nowi: It's all we can afford on your pathetic salary! Maybe you should pull your thumb out and start providing for this family! That's it! You're sleeping in the stables tonight!
Lon'qu: Very well. I shall attempt to earn more. ......
Nowi: ...... Lon'qu! You're doing it wrong! You're supposed to argue back!
Lon'qu: Are you sure this is the correct way to play house? It seems to me we should be doing things other than arguing all the time.
Nowi: Nope! This is totally the right way to play. Remember when I told you I didn't know what families actually do at home? Well, I went into town and spied on one of the families who live there.
Lon'qu: And this is how they acted?
Nowi: Yep! All the time! This game is totally based on reality!
Lon'qu: Do you think it's possible that the family you observed was not...typical?
Nowi: I dunno. Maybe. So what should a typical family do then?
Lon'qu: How should I know?
Nowi: Well if you don't know, then why can't we just play it my way? I'm going back to the game now. So, er, where was I? Oh, right... You're a lousy provider, husband! Oh, why didn't I marry the blacksmith?!
Lon'qu: *Sigh*
Nowi: Come on, put some effort into it! It's a boring argument if you just sit and sigh.
Lon'qu: I don't like this family you invented! Here, I have an idea. Why don't you go to town and spy on a few more families? Then we can compare them all and choose our favorite family to copy.
Nowi: I guess I could do that... But only if you come with me!
Lon'qu: If it stops you from berating me, I shall do as you ask.
Nowi: Yay! I bet no one's better at sneaking around people's houses than you!
Lon'qu: ...What is that supposed to mean?
S Support
Lon'qu: Good-bye, sweet wife. I'm off to work in the fields.
Nowi: Have a good day, dear husband! Now, what do I do first again? Cleaning, right? Then lunch, then chop firewood. Hee hee! I'm so busy!
Lon'qu: Don't forget to draw water from the well.
Nowi: Oh, right. Thanks for the reminder! I never realized just how many things a typical mother has to do in a day. It's hard to keep track of everything.
Lon'qu: Don't worry. The more we play, the better you'll get at it.
Nowi: You mean we're going to keep playing? So you finally admit you like playing house?
Lon'qu: I do. As a matter of fact... Here.
Nowi: Gosh, what a beautiful ring! But, wait—this is real! Isn't this terribly extravagant for a game?
Lon'qu: This is a game no longer, Nowi. I want us to be a real family. And so I must offer you a real ring.
Nowi: What kind of family? Like brother and sister or something?
Lon'qu: No, silly. I want to be your husband.
Nowi: Gosh! You mean we wouldn't have to pretend anymore? We could have our own real-life family? Oh, Lon'qu—tell me I'm not dreaming!
Lon'qu: Like you, I have been alone for a very long time. I find this new life agreeable, and I wouldn't want to share it with anyone but you.

Nowi: This is going to be MUCH more exciting than that stupid pretend game!

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Because she seems to "settle" for people? Then I say again, why is Tharja so popular? She goes after the Avatar, but has to "settle" as well if someone pairs her with a non-Avatar character, most notably Libra!

Then you need to freaking learn that it's hard for some people to tell when someone is just messing around through JUST TEXT.

Settling is also one of the most demeaning thing a person can do for themselves. Not only that, the "Im not Chrom" thing from the partner. Its bad. When that isnt going on, her supports are fucking boring. People praising her and her going "oh stahp" gets hella old. I think the only support of Cordelia's that didnt make me wince was her's with Stahl.

Tharja doesnt settle most of the time. Hell, she doesnt even really mention Robin/Avatar in a couple of her supports. Like, Tharja/Donnel has none of that going on. Tharja/Henry, shes definitely not settling. I do not remember Tharja settling for Kellam or Virion. Its only in the C support with Gaius does she even mention Avatar.

When i make myself painfully obviously playing around in text with over-the-top dialogue, you only have yourself to blame for taking it seriously.

I'll just show you. The C support isn't too bad and I really like Lon'qu's last line. I think its the A/S that kills it.

[spoiler=NowixLon'qu]C Support

Nowi: Lon'qu! Play with me!
Lon'qu: No.
Nowi: Oh, come on, please? It's boring playing by myself. Aren't you soooo boooored?
Lon'qu: I like being alone. Go ask someone else.
Nowi: I was going to, but they all look super busy.
Lon'qu: Are you saying I don't? Because I am busy. Very busy indeed.
Nowi: *Sniff* *sniffle*
Lon'qu: Your tears have no effect on me! Besides...everyone knows I have a crippling fear of women. ...And yet, why do I not feel that fear around her? I must learn why!
Nowi: *Sniffle* Wh-what did you say? I can't hear because I'm CRYING!
Lon'qu: Nothing of importance. However... I have decided that I will play with you—but only for a short time.
Nowi: Yippee! You're the best!
Lon'qu: Yes, yes. Stop hopping around. Now what game do you wish to play?
Nowi: Erm...er...thinking hard...er... Oh, I know! Let's play house!
Lon'qu: I do not know that game. But it does not sound like something I'd enjoy.
Nowi: It'll be fun! You get to play Dad!
Lon'qu: *Sigh* If you insist. But only for a short while!
Nowi: Great! And I'll be Mummy!
Lon'qu: Is that it for the rules, then? ...I was hoping dice were involved.
B Support
Nowi: Lon'qu, let's play!
Lon'qu: I've already played with you once. Surely it is someone else's turn.
Nowi: Yeah, but that game is still going! Plus no one can play Dad but you. And if you don't play with me, well, I guess I'll just have to—
Lon'qu: Put that dragonstone away, you little extortionist. You don't scare me. However, I will play one more time. ...But only because I happen to feel like it!
Nowi: Works for me!
Lon'qu: It is not entirely unpleasant, after all. With you I do not feel that icy grip of fear...
Nowi: Hee hee! Well, duh! Who'd ever be afraid of me when I'm not in dragon form?
Lon'qu: Enough talk! Begin the playing of house! But know that this is my last time.
Nowi: Sure, whatever.
Lon'qu: Now, where were we? I was just about to leave and go work in the fields...
Nowi: Here's your breakfast, dear! Eat it all! You need to keep your strength up!
Lon'qu: Munch, munch. Ah. That was delicious. Now, I am off to work. Fare thee well.
Nowi: See you tonight!
Lon'qu: Now I shall pretend to engage in agriculture. Chop, chop, shovel!
Nowi: ......
Lon'qu: Nowi? Why are you just standing there?
Nowi: Well, er, I'm at home, right? So when Dad goes off to work, what does Mummy do? *Sniff* Oh, how sad! I don't know! I don't know anything about families!
Lon'qu: ...... Nowi, come here.
Nowi: Why?
Lon'qu: You cannot simply stand there all day. Let's work the fields together.
Nowi: Oh, yay! I like working in the fields! Chop, chop, chop!
A Support
Nowi: Here you are, dear husband! I've made your supper.
Lon'qu: Munch, munch, munch. Chew. Swallow. Blech! This food is terrible!
Nowi: Eek! Dad's angry!
Lon'qu: Of course I am! How do you expect me to eat this pig swill?!
Nowi: It's all we can afford on your pathetic salary! Maybe you should pull your thumb out and start providing for this family! That's it! You're sleeping in the stables tonight!
Lon'qu: Very well. I shall attempt to earn more. ......
Nowi: ...... Lon'qu! You're doing it wrong! You're supposed to argue back!
Lon'qu: Are you sure this is the correct way to play house? It seems to me we should be doing things other than arguing all the time.
Nowi: Nope! This is totally the right way to play. Remember when I told you I didn't know what families actually do at home? Well, I went into town and spied on one of the families who live there.
Lon'qu: And this is how they acted?
Nowi: Yep! All the time! This game is totally based on reality!
Lon'qu: Do you think it's possible that the family you observed was not...typical?
Nowi: I dunno. Maybe. So what should a typical family do then?
Lon'qu: How should I know?
Nowi: Well if you don't know, then why can't we just play it my way? I'm going back to the game now. So, er, where was I? Oh, right... You're a lousy provider, husband! Oh, why didn't I marry the blacksmith?!
Lon'qu: *Sigh*
Nowi: Come on, put some effort into it! It's a boring argument if you just sit and sigh.
Lon'qu: I don't like this family you invented! Here, I have an idea. Why don't you go to town and spy on a few more families? Then we can compare them all and choose our favorite family to copy.
Nowi: I guess I could do that... But only if you come with me!
Lon'qu: If it stops you from berating me, I shall do as you ask.
Nowi: Yay! I bet no one's better at sneaking around people's houses than you!
Lon'qu: ...What is that supposed to mean?
S Support
Lon'qu: Good-bye, sweet wife. I'm off to work in the fields.
Nowi: Have a good day, dear husband! Now, what do I do first again? Cleaning, right? Then lunch, then chop firewood. Hee hee! I'm so busy!
Lon'qu: Don't forget to draw water from the well.
Nowi: Oh, right. Thanks for the reminder! I never realized just how many things a typical mother has to do in a day. It's hard to keep track of everything.
Lon'qu: Don't worry. The more we play, the better you'll get at it.
Nowi: You mean we're going to keep playing? So you finally admit you like playing house?
Lon'qu: I do. As a matter of fact... Here.
Nowi: Gosh, what a beautiful ring! But, wait—this is real! Isn't this terribly extravagant for a game?
Lon'qu: This is a game no longer, Nowi. I want us to be a real family. And so I must offer you a real ring.
Nowi: What kind of family? Like brother and sister or something?
Lon'qu: No, silly. I want to be your husband.
Nowi: Gosh! You mean we wouldn't have to pretend anymore? We could have our own real-life family? Oh, Lon'qu—tell me I'm not dreaming!
Lon'qu: Like you, I have been alone for a very long time. I find this new life agreeable, and I wouldn't want to share it with anyone but you.

Nowi: This is going to be MUCH more exciting than that stupid pretend game!

Ohhhh wait a minute...i think i DID see this drivel. Yeah thats not just bad, but really uncomfortable. (like Zero/Pieri's S is really fucking... : |

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Obviously, it isn't painfully obvious if I didn't catch onto it. Also, fine, but that still doesn't explain why I never see Libra x Tharja get hate if Frederick x Cordelia does.

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Obviously, it isn't painfully obvious if I didn't catch onto it. Also, fine, but that still doesn't explain why I never see Libra x Tharja get hate if Frederick x Cordelia does.

Libra/Tharja probably doesnt get much hate due to the nature of exploration of Libra's character. Libra wishes for Tharja to literally remove some of his memories. This deeply implies that he has dealt with some extremely unpleasant shit. Tharja, not being able to bring herself to do this act, also reveals a lot about her character. That despite being all shady and Darkness, is actually a good person deep down who cannot just commit acts without compassion. Their S may not be the best, but the rest of their chain is really decent. So thats probably why theres no one going "eeeeeh"

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Ohhhh wait a minute...i think i DID see this drivel. Yeah thats not just bad, but really uncomfortable. (like Zero/Pieri's S is really fucking... : |

Can you link Zero/Pieri please?

Zero/Elise is uncomfortable too.

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Seriously, i love that shit and i feel like people are missing the point of that support. Florina can only support with one bloke, and its Hector. Her working up the courage to actually talk to him is a big deal for her character. Hes not just a man, hes also a huge hulking glacier of a guy. Hes also among the most brusque dudes in the army. Hes intimidating. As. Fuck. The fact that he managed to not just catch her, but her pegasus during that one part, is really impressive to her. So Florina finally comes out with it, and thanks him. Being able to simply talk to him was a big deal and he noticed. It may not look like much, but for her, its a pretty big character moment.

Huh, I never really thought of it like that. That's actually made me like it a lot more. I always just thought it was supposed to be a joke, basically.

Nowi x Lon'qu is another one that's absolute trash, its almost terrifying how bad it is.

What exactly was so bad about that one? I mean, I didn't like it either, but the C-A seemed okay.

why doesn't Libra x Tharja get any complaints? Tharja literally says Libra is second to the Avatar. If that isn't settling, then I don't know what is. That's another support I hate, btw. Poor Libra.

And you Hector x Florina fanboys/girls: we don't like the pairing or the support, deal with it. We don't need any pairing wars here.

Libra x Tharja gets lots of complaints. That support is awful. But not as many, because it's Tharja. It's not too surprising from her.

And I had no problem with what he said about Hector x Florina. It was meant to show people what it was supposed to mean, and I honestly never thought of it like that.

i wrote this on my phone

i stopped in the middle and wrote the rest later

it took so long that most of what I said was answered

Edited by maybe
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What exactly was so bad about that one? I mean, I didn't like it either, but the C-A seemed okay.

The S rank is uncomfortable and it really feels like Lon'qu is a pedophile.

Of course lots of Nowi's end like that.

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Can you link Zero/Pieri please?

Zero/Elise is uncomfortable too.

Here ya go. The C-A chain isnt so bad tbh. Kinda interesting backstory. But dat S...hoooooo.. D:

Huh, I never really thought of it like that. That's actually made me like it a lot more. I always just thought it was supposed to be a joke, basically.

What exactly was so bad about that one? I mean, I didn't like it either, but the C-A seemed okay.

Libra x Tharja gets lots of complaints. That support is awful. But not as many, because it's Tharja. It's not too surprising from her.

And I had no problem with what he said about Hector x Florina. It was meant to show people what it was supposed to mean, and I honestly never thought of it like that.

No prabs.

I actually liked Tharja/Libra C-A.

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