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Post your Super Mario Maker levels!


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Here are the levels I made waiting for new shipments to queue on Fri and Sat:





"Ghost House"






Then the stages I made Sunday and today (Monday), I actually put some effort into these. Don't expect anything near high-quality, though... Also, #1 for both b/c I might do more of the same kinds of levels.

"The Legend of Zelda #1" (inspired by zelda)


"Toad's Adventure #1" (no real inspiration but Toad is totally a lil bich so Toad in Ghost House-bg level)


These were both just cause I happened to unlock those costumes via 100 Mario Challenge.

Hopefully when break rolls around I can make higher-quality levels.

And yes, I'm great at naming.

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Hey everyone! Just got this game earlier today and haven't had a lot of time with it yet, but I have made one course that I spent a good deal of time on and would like feedback on if anyone wants to play it.

ID: 1F0E-0000-003B-43C4

Called "Samus Time!" (I'm not good with names, shut up) I only had the first two rows of material to work with. I tried to make it reasonably difficult without being absurd and frustrating.

Some time I want to go through and check out the levels posted here, but for now I'm really enjoying creating, lol. On that note, though, has anyone suggested compiling all the codes posted into one post? That would be a pretty nice resource so people don't have to go through the entire topic.

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I'll try your stage in a bit (and Bky's set), also I agree with a database of sorts for stages.

also I'll be pasting some of my friends stage IDs up too here soon.

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I finished that second course I was working on! It's called... Pipe Maze! It's inspired by certain episodes of Super Mario Bros. Z, a Youtube show. ;3

Code: F748-0000-0038-4D14

It's not as long as Level Ike, but I'd say the difficulty is a little harder. There are hidden Fire Flowers (cause my favorite power-up) and a hidden 1-up mushroom. I plan to do an underground pipe maze and underwater pipe maze to make this a little series as well. :)

I'll go play some of you guys' new courses now!

Also, my stepdad was watching me play and he said it looked fun and that he might want to make a course or two as well, so I'll be sure to let you guys know how this turns out. :P

"Pipe Maze"
You're already getting better at this. Nice job, that really was a decent level.
"Gold Rush"
This was inspired by New Super Mario Bros. 2, right? That was a pretty nice little themed map! I didn't even know the gold costume mario existed.

I liked your Pipe Maze Ana, but I feel some of the Pirana Plant placement is mean, but hey it works as a stage so ^^.

I'm gonna just post IDs now. Even ones I did before!

For easy access lol.

Peach's Highheel Adventure


Fishy Inferno


Cheep Cheep Creek


SSB64 Race to the Finish! (Beta)


Bowsers Vanguard


Airship Assault


Feathery Test (Basic) [For experts of the Mario World Cape only]


Water Hazard


"SSBM Mushroom Kingdom Adventure"
This was actually a really nice little concept, I couldn't actually read the coins though. I really wish they brought this form of adventure mode back.
"Thwomping Challenge Castle"
Pretty difficult level, to the point where my meager skill couldn't beat it. From what I did play, it was fun.

I didn't think you were. Just explaining them in more detail. And you can complain about my brother's stage all you want. He'll never know. Unless you put in the comments, of course.

Also, I come with codes galore! My "Keep Running" stage's code: F3F3-0000-0038-67CD. It's a bit simpler than most others of the same type. But hey, I'm still learning.

I've been given special permission to host the following code that were made by the owners of my local game store as well! Check them out!

World Easy Peasy - Level 1 [Easy Difficulty]


Breaking & Entering [Medium Difficulty]


Left & Right in the Dark [Medium Difficulty]


Of Sound Mind & Mines [Easy Difficulty]


"Keep Running"
Look, I don't know about you, but I thought that was a really cool level! Good work!
"World Easy Peasy - Level 1"
Not much to say here, it was an easy level, and it was pretty good.
"Spring Up, Speed Up"
I feel like this level was out for my blood, it was pretty crazy. It was fun, though.
"Of sound mind and mines!"
Overall a good level, but if there was a point to going to where the spiny and piranha point was to the left, I didn't find it.
"Left & Right in the Dark"
This was a sort of 'hurry to the goal' map, right? It was pretty great!
"Breaking & Entering"
The best one by this guy yet, it was a thoroughly challening yet really fun to play Castle level.
Also I wish I was cool enough with my local Game Store employees to have them give me their level codes.


Marth's Adventure. Difficulty is lower then the nightmares of JoP:FQ, and is in general low. See if you can get the nods to FE1 chapter 1! (or my attempts to.)

"Marth's Adventure"
I actually got stuck in that one hole the first time I played this! I don't know enough about FE1 to get most of the references, but I think I saw houses, villages and whatnot.

I was feeling particularly cruel today, so I made quite a difficult stage today, well perhaps is not difficult, but certaintly annoying:


Let's see if anyone here can complete this stage without taking any damage.

I personally think it's impossible, but who knows? Maybe someone here can do it.

In the meantime, I gonna give the stages you guys made a go.

And Ana, your pipe stage was based on Super Mario Bros Z right? Did you know that they're making a Reboot of the of series?

"Deadly Rain"
I actually got really close to the end before the enemies started destroying me, nice little challenge.

I deleted Undewater Woes and uploaded "Luigi Wins By Doing Nothing": 4192-0000-003A-29DD

This is a level literally designed to help out 100 Mario Challengers (and hopefully let them see what Toad says to Luigi if that's the 8th level on the Easy 100 Mario Challenge they get) by giving them three extra lives and a free pass to the next level if it wasn't the 8th level they got, since even some Easy 100 Mario levels are surprisingly unfair. That, and I was really frustrated that people actually waited out the timer in my "This better have a 100& Clear Rate" just to spite me and ruin my attempt at making a level with a guaranteed 100% Clear Rate. This time though, they're trapped into winning the level, and I've even implemented measures to combat people who try to wait out the 500 second timer or glitch their way through walls.

I also uploaded a better version of "Don't Ditch Yoshi": 68CF-0000-003A-CC20

In the previous version, people got stuck at the part where you need to crouch slide/jump lots and where you'd be tempted to ditch Yoshi, shrink yourself on the spikey ball, and progress further. I changed it so that part is removed and I've added even more Yoshi mandatory puzzles/parts (I also maxed out my block and coin limits in that level).

"Luigi Wins By Doing Nothing"
Wow this level is DETERMINED to make sure you win. It really is impossible to fail isn't it? Good job!
"Don't Ditch Yoshi!!"
I like the improvements you made, and the puzzles were nice too, good work. Levels that really push or require you to keep something like this are great.

Here are the levels I made waiting for new shipments to queue on Fri and Sat:





"Ghost House"






Then the stages I made Sunday and today (Monday), I actually put some effort into these. Don't expect anything near high-quality, though... Also, #1 for both b/c I might do more of the same kinds of levels.

"The Legend of Zelda #1" (inspired by zelda)


"Toad's Adventure #1" (no real inspiration but Toad is totally a lil bich so Toad in Ghost House-bg level)


These were both just cause I happened to unlock those costumes via 100 Mario Challenge.

Hopefully when break rolls around I can make higher-quality levels.

And yes, I'm great at naming.

Not too bad for a first level, and also pretty challenging.
A simple sweet little castle level, good job.
"Ghost House"
It sure didn't pull any punches! Wasn't too hard, however. Good work.
To be honest, that was actually a little underwhelming. There just wasn't much to the level itself.
This was a short, yet sweet little Castle level.
"The Legend of Zelda #1"
If your goal was to make it sort of like a Zelda dungeon, then you succeeded. I thought the last room was a bit overboard though.
"Toad's Adventure #1"
That hidden block! Oh it made me so mad. Nice level.

Hey everyone! Just got this game earlier today and haven't had a lot of time with it yet, but I have made one course that I spent a good deal of time on and would like feedback on if anyone wants to play it.

ID: 1F0E-0000-003B-43C4

Called "Samus Time!" (I'm not good with names, shut up) I only had the first two rows of material to work with. I tried to make it reasonably difficult without being absurd and frustrating.

Some time I want to go through and check out the levels posted here, but for now I'm really enjoying creating, lol. On that note, though, has anyone suggested compiling all the codes posted into one post? That would be a pretty nice resource so people don't have to go through the entire topic.

"Samus Time!"
If you were going for a difficult level, I'd say you achieved it. For what little materials you had available, you still managed to make a pretty expansive level, nice work.
Sorry it took me so long to get to these levels, I had a power outage for about 5 hours yesterday.
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My friend saw I put all my IDs up and asks I do the same for him.

Here goes.

Thwomping Challenge Castle


Bowser's Grinder Castle


Cargo Conundrum


Breakblock Madness


Swimming The Jelly


Pipeline Reef (his first stage)


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Hey, Jedi! I played a few of your levels this morning. I left some comments, but I might as well post them here too.

"Water Hazard"

It certainly lives up to it's name. The "Slendermario" made navigating a bit difficult, but I made it through unscathed! The water levels are actually some of my best.

"SSB64 Race to the Finish (Beta)"

It was fun to go through. The trampolines were hard to get through, I ended up just following them to the next floor. Don't worry about it not being too hard. The Race to the Finishes aren't all that tough, but that, of course, is up to you.

"SSBM Mushroom Kingdom Adventure"

Fun! I was honestly expecting Yoshis to rain down once I reached that point, but it was a fun run! Now you gotta make The Underground Maze.

"Peach's Highheel Adventure"

This one took me a few tries. I ended up losing the heel several times and was unable to continue. I did beat it eventually, though. Awesome concept!

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Thanks for the comments it helps me for the future! Also partly thanks to you lot I'm at 50 stars now so I can have a total of 20 stages now. Thank you so much!

Be sure to try my friends stages too!

Also Rando. My friend saw your Ghost House and will be playing through it on his file sometime later, in the meantime he has a very expert level puzzle ghost house. He originally wasn't going to upload but I talked him into it.


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"Pipe Maze"

You're already getting better at this. Nice job, that really was a decent level.
"Gold Rush"
This was inspired by New Super Mario Bros. 2, right? That was a pretty nice little themed map! I didn't even know the gold costume mario existed.

Then Level Ike was less than decent? :( Well, at least I'm getting better!

Actually, no, only my Gold Mario Amiibo gave me the idea. :P I forgot that NSMB2 is a coin paradise. lol But glad you liked it! Of course the gold Mario costume exists, as I said, I used my Gold Mario Amiibo. :P Didn't you know about it?

Oh, but making Gold Rush led me to find that there's a limit to the number of coins and coin blocks you can put in a level, guys.

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I've made another difficult one today, it's my most brutal stage yet, let's see if you guys can clear it:


Maybe I was a bit too cruel when making this stage...Best of luck!

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I set up a document on google docs with all of the stages posted (or at least, it should be; sorry if I missed any), listed in alphabetical order of the username.


If anyone wants to update it, you can just click the link and do so yourself, since editing from link access should be on =o

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I set up a document on google docs with all of the stages posted (or at least, it should be; sorry if I missed any), listed in alphabetical order of the username.


If anyone wants to update it, you can just click the link and do so yourself, since editing from link access should be on =o

Why my name have to be the last one of the list...It's gonna get ignored...

Great idea Aura, also you should ask Power Master to put this list on the OP of the thread.

A collective list of all the codes we've posted sounds like a great idea to me, so we don't have to backtrack 6+ pages to find the codes we want. Of course, people are still welcome to post the codes here.

I added that link to the OP for ease of access.

I'm working on an easy level right now. Trust me, it will be really easy. I mean it. But it's going to take a while for me to finish it.

I know you're a mod and all, but I'm capable of editing a link to my original post. Thanks, but I'd prefer if you don't do it again unless I ask...

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I know you're a mod and all, but I'm capable of editing a link to my original post. Thanks, but I'd prefer if you don't do it again unless I ask...

Alright. You hadn't yet commented on the idea so I wasn't sure if you would, and I've had similar situations in the past where I would ask and the response would basically just be, "Lol you're a mod, you can do it," so I've made a habit out of just doing it myself. It's not uncommon for people to make a topic like this but not be interested in keeping it updated.
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Understandable. I know I'm not on the internet ALL the time (for example, it's the next morning right now), so I'm sorry if I cause any delays. However, I've made a habit of my own of staying up to date on things I start. I know you mean well, RF. Don't ban me!

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Updated the list with codes for several new stages:


Finally got around to writing the code down: 7588-0000-0017-DC47

"Climb Mario"

Updated this one too: F3C2-0000-0025-10EA

"Run of Doom!"

You will die. Many, many, MANY times: 79A5-0000-0042-9D28

"Casey's Catastrophe"

This one comes from my friend (who's name you can probably guess). I invited him over to play the game and he actually made a pretty decent and hard level, despite never playing a Mario game in years: FFC1-0000-0042-A08D

Check'em out!

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I added that link to the OP for ease of access.

I'm working on an easy level right now. Trust me, it will be really easy. I mean it. But it's going to take a while for me to finish it.

I actually liked your challenging levels, I hope you saw the Miiverse comments I put :)

Also did people try this stage yet?


SSBM Mushroom Kingdom Adventure


And my new basic of the basics stage

Leafing the Basics

I'll get the ID for later and edit this post

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Oh, it's a Melee-based stage? I didn't like Melee much... Oh well, the adventure mode wasn't that bad, so I think I'll still try it next time I play. I haven't really had much of a chance to lately...

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I actually liked your challenging levels, I hope you saw the Miiverse comments I put :)

I didn't think the Rosalina one was at all hard, actually. Might be creator bias, though. And yes, I saw your comments.

This new one I made ended up harder than expected. I actually had to go back and edit it a few times while trying to upload to make certain parts easier.

Floor Hazard: C1D0-0000-0043-DBF3

I've gone and played some of levels in the google doc, will play more of them later.

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