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Post your Super Mario Maker levels!


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Then Level Ike was less than decent? :( Well, at least I'm getting better!

I didn't mean to say that Level Ike was bad! I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, you just didn't seem all that confident in Pipe Maze, so I was attempting to reassure you.


Pretty sure I missed a few levels but here's more of my impressions of the recent uploads.

"7-Fort: Boo's Frustrating Maze"
I got stuck super early in the level, but like it says in the beginning, it's meant for expert players.
"Bowser's Militia"
The level is pretty good but even for a difficult level the placement of some enemies is rather cheap.
"Crossing the endless abyss"
I couldn't clear it, so you completed your purpose, good job!
"Leafing The Basic"
Very nice little level 1-esque stage.
"Floor Hazard"
I honestly didn't get very far. However, me being bad at hard levels doesn't make hard levels bad.
Once I port 2-4 to Super Mario Maker, I'll post the IDs for Worlds 1 and 2 from SMB.
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Oh, I see now! Sorry for my misinterpretation then. xP You're right, I was a bit unsure about it since I'm still a novice at this. :P

I'm waiting to unlock more stuff before I make anymore levels, btw. I was trying to play around more in the course maker and get the stuff to unlock early like suggested here, but it's still going a bit slow...

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Deviddo, on 15 Sept 2015 - 5:49 PM, said:

"Bowser's Militia"

The level is pretty good but even for a difficult level the placement of some enemies is rather cheap.

It was my first time working with an autoscroll stage, so I was pretty much just testing it out. And my levels are turning out to be rather punishable. Just play Run of Doom! You'll see just how "cheep" I can be. :3

Edit: I messed up the quote box, and I don't know how to fix it. So I just handtyped what it would say. Looks stupid, I know, but whatever.

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Deviddo, on 15 Sept 2015 - 5:49 PM, said:

"Bowser's Militia"

The level is pretty good but even for a difficult level the placement of some enemies is rather cheap.

It was my first time working with an autoscroll stage, so I was pretty much just testing it out. And my levels are turning out to be rather punishable. Just play Run of Doom! You'll see just how "cheep" I can be. :3

Edit: I messed up the quote box, and I don't know how to fix it. So I just handtyped what it would say. Looks stupid, I know, but whatever.

Hey if your intention was to make it that way, then props to you, you succeeded. No problem with it if it's in the design plans... or something. I'm sure there's a saying for that? If it isn't broken don't try to fix it? Yeah that works.

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Unable to put the ID as my friend is using his copy of the game lol. My only access.

But when I get to it, I'll put the code up for a level only Castlevania fans will really appreciate tbh.

Castlevania SOTN Castle Entrance.

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Who's in the mood for some ghost houses?


Manic Mario Maze: Boo Attack. It isn't long, but it's not exactly plain sailing to the goal. Skilled players with good P-Switch skills should have their eyes peeled.

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Another quick course cause wynaut

Yet Another Castle


"Bombs Away"
Nice themed castle level.
"Yet Another Castle"
I need to say, those hidden Hammer Bros.? Killed me before I even got the chance to get on the skull lift. Also the ending with the stacked Fire Piranha Plants was a bit much. Of course these are just my opinions. I'm pretty terrible at hard levels.

Unable to put the ID as my friend is using his copy of the game lol. My only access.

But when I get to it, I'll put the code up for a level only Castlevania fans will really appreciate tbh.

Castlevania SOTN Castle Entrance.

"Castlevania SOTN Castle Entrance"
It certainly FELT Metroidvania-ish. That Thwomp at the end can go die. Good work.

Who's in the mood for some ghost houses?


Manic Mario Maze: Boo Attack. It isn't long, but it's not exactly plain sailing to the goal. Skilled players with good P-Switch skills should have their eyes peeled.

"Manic Mario Maze: Boo Attack"
I didn't actually clear the level, but it was a nice Ghost House from what I did play. I actually got trapped due to the Super Mushroom block, then the door that sends you back to the beginning. I think that was intentional though.
And now for the IDs of all my SMB recreations at the current time.
SMB 1-1: F2E1 - 0000 - 001C - 604B
SMB 1-2: 0384 - 0000 - 0025 - 9E8D
SMB 1-3: F598 - 0000 - 0025 - E6AE
SMB 1-4: 78F2 - 0000 - 0025 - FF5D
SMB 2-1: 55EF - 0000 - 0036 - 87A6
SMB 2-2: ED2D - 0000 - 0037 - 830D
SMB 2-3: 9729 - 0000 - 0038 - 3A5C
SMB 2-4: 6B66 - 0000 - 0048 - 0378
SMB2(USA) 1-1: 02ED - 0000 - 0027 - 341F
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Here's the next one of mine: 8E23-0000-0048-AEEC Titled "Let's be Glitchy!" It's, um.... Well, what the name implies. I found out you can move in blocks if you're placed inside them from the start, so I thought I'd make a level on that. Beatable, but don't overshoot the flagpole!

And with that, my amount of uploads has reached it's maximum. If you want me to upload more, you guys need to get to starrin'!

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"Castlevania SOTN Castle Entrance"

It certainly FELT Metroidvania-ish. That Thwomp at the end can go die. Good work.

Was the only thing I could have stand in for Death taking Alucards gear at the beginning of the game lol.

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"Level Ike"
Pretty fun and relaxing level. I liked it :3 plusfirstleveliveplayedwithanfecostume

"Pipe Maze"

I like the theme and another fun level, if a bit difficult. The main thing that bothered me was the very first piranha plant

"Gold Rush"

.....hhahahaaaaaaa that was great.

Playing Aura Wolf's level atm and taking path #3 and it's hard ;~; (got to the parth with the grinds and fire beams)

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I'm in the process of trying to recreate my favorite level from the Donkey Kong Country series, Castle Crush. It's pretty hard to work in considering the low height limits, so I had to make use of doors and pipes...and only got through half the level before running out of doors. I might just try to use more pipes, but I'm afraid of running out of those, too. And wall blocks. I actually hit the cap on those, though there are some excess chunks I could get rid of.

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"Level Ike"

Pretty fun and relaxing level. I liked it :3 plusfirstleveliveplayedwithanfecostume

"Pipe Maze"

I like the theme and another fun level, if a bit difficult. The main thing that bothered me was the very first piranha plant

"Gold Rush"

.....hhahahaaaaaaa that was great.

Oh, glad you liked my courses! ^^ Is that Gold Rush comment sarcasm though? I can't tell... I'm bad at figuring that out...

As for that Pirahna plant you're talking about in Pipe Maze, I put that there as a kind of bwahaha surprise. :P I've been surprised like this in other people's levels, so I figured I'd make those surprises too.

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Here's the hardest course I've personally made and uploaded so far. I hope you guys still find the level fair and well designed: 1772-0000-004C-B702

Here's a level my youngest brother made: A4C0-0000-004D-E8B6

And here's a brilliant Ghost House that another one of my brothers made: 6954-0000-004E-3508

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After finally unlocking pipes, I made a recreation of World D-4 of SMB:LL. There was some liberties taken so the underground area wouldn't be cut, but otherwise I tried to be as close to the original as possible. There's a Weird Mushroom available right at the start for Luigi mode. Good luck, because Bowser's a pain to take out!

Code: 7C49-0000-0050-C1F9.

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Here's another one:


It's a good one, if I do say so myself, I'm pretty proud of it.

And I deleted my flying car stage, but I plan to do another flying car stage later, hopefully a better one.

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Here's two more levels by me.

Things Not in the Original SMW (I think this is relatively easy): 6253-0000-0051-E6E6

Bowser's Devious Puzzles (Moderate to Hard): CBCE-0000-0052-15CA

And here's one by one of my brothers:

Not a Pipe Dream (moderate to moderate-hard): 33F3-0000-0051-E97F

[Edit] I've also uploaded a level where you're Marth going through chapter 1 of FE1/11. See if you can get all the references regarding the enemies, allies, and map elements. I'm quite proud of it: EFD2-0000-0053-E8BA.

[Edit #2] I've also uploaded a Pipe Ship level (Moderate difficulty): 47E1-0000-0054-410c

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Castles Pls:


...and I have now reached my upload limit. Anyone have a list of how many stars needed to expand # of stages uploadable and how many it will bring it to?

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