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Post your Super Mario Maker levels!


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Here's the hardest course I've personally made and uploaded so far. I hope you guys still find the level fair and well designed: 1772-0000-004C-B702

Here's a level my youngest brother made: A4C0-0000-004D-E8B6

And here's a brilliant Ghost House that another one of my brothers made: 6954-0000-004E-3508

Man, Rando, you're so lucky that you have brothers to play with... My younger brother used to play with me, but then he stopped and turned to Xbox instead...and now he's dead. ;_;

I haven't played Super Mario Maker lately though... I've just felt like taking a break from it since I couldn't put it down for like a few days. xP

Edited by Anacybele
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Deleted "1st" for

The Legend of Zelda #2


Just like #1 there are 3 hidden 1-up mushrooms to find. Also ofc the Don'tLoseYourCostumeChallengeThingy.


Deleted Both my stages called "Castle" and added



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No one hasn't beaten my latest stage?

I'll give it ago tomorrow. Been kinda busy, so I haven't played other people's in a while.

And, just a refresher, be sure to post your codes on the page list linked to the first post so we can find them easier!

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Tried out your stage this morning, Thom. And I was SO CLOSE! I had two seconds left on the clock and I got attacked by a spiny's spike attack from the other side of the wall! It was such a hard stage to get through that I didn't feel like going through it again, especially when I was that close to the end. I did star it though. Awesome job!

If you want to try a level that also has a 0% completion rate, try my Run of Doom! stage at 79A5-0000-0042-9D28. You'll regret it.

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After some delays, I finally finished it.

Castle Crush 1/2: C84C-0000-0063-F03A

Castle Crush 2/2: 636A-0000-0064-0174

They're a bit awkward because I was trying to recreate a vertical scrolling stage in a game with a rather low height limit. Also, the 2nd half felt noticeably harder to me, though that's natural.

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Here's the next one of mine: 8E23-0000-0048-AEEC Titled "Let's be Glitchy!" It's, um.... Well, what the name implies. I found out you can move in blocks if you're placed inside them from the start, so I thought I'd make a level on that. Beatable, but don't overshoot the flagpole!

And with that, my amount of uploads has reached it's maximum. If you want me to upload more, you guys need to get to starrin'!

"Let's be Glitchy!"
This was a really cool idea, good job!

Okay, so I've made a new course: E683-0000-0047-FA14

"You've got to be squidding!"
Really hectic little blooper level you have here, the heartbeat near the spikes was a nice touch.

After my terrible previous stage, I decided that should do an easier stage:


It the combination of two of my previous stages, and I hope it's enjoyable.

"Chain Chomp Reef"
Hey that was a pretty nice stage, good job.

Its been awhile, but here's my new course: B4D3-0000-004C-789D

"Underwater Cave Hazard"
I can't honestly say I enjoyed it, but I don't think these type of levels are necessarily for me anyway.

Here's the hardest course I've personally made and uploaded so far. I hope you guys still find the level fair and well designed: 1772-0000-004C-B702

Here's a level my youngest brother made: A4C0-0000-004D-E8B6

And here's a brilliant Ghost House that another one of my brothers made: 6954-0000-004E-3508

Couldn't get this code to work.
"UNDER 'Fire'"
Couldn't find a way to get past the giant Bowser.
"The Room of Repeat"
That's actually a really cool Ghost House! I still got lost before I could finish it though.

I decided to make an automatic course and I thought I should share it here.

Here is the Code: DBFE-0000-004D-30A6

"Automatic Level!"
That was just a delight. Seriously.

After finally unlocking pipes, I made a recreation of World D-4 of SMB:LL. There was some liberties taken so the underground area wouldn't be cut, but otherwise I tried to be as close to the original as possible. There's a Weird Mushroom available right at the start for Luigi mode. Good luck, because Bowser's a pain to take out!

Code: 7C49-0000-0050-C1F9.

"SMBLL/SMB2J World D-4"
I hardly got far and that's okay. Nice recreation!

Here's another one:


It's a good one, if I do say so myself, I'm pretty proud of it.

And I deleted my flying car stage, but I plan to do another flying car stage later, hopefully a better one.

"Bowser's Flying Castle"
Really cool idea! Executed well too.

Here's two more levels by me.

Things Not in the Original SMW (I think this is relatively easy): 6253-0000-0051-E6E6

Bowser's Devious Puzzles (Moderate to Hard): CBCE-0000-0052-15CA

And here's one by one of my brothers:

Not a Pipe Dream (moderate to moderate-hard): 33F3-0000-0051-E97F

[Edit] I've also uploaded a level where you're Marth going through chapter 1 of FE1/11. See if you can get all the references regarding the enemies, allies, and map elements. I'm quite proud of it: EFD2-0000-0053-E8BA.

[Edit #2] I've also uploaded a Pipe Ship level (Moderate difficulty): 47E1-0000-0054-410c

"Things Not in the Original SMW"
Hey, that was good. It's a bit disappointing that Hammer Bros. are just supposed to be the replacements for Chargin' Chucks. I'm not refering to what your level did, but what Nintendo implied with one of the levels included in the game.
"Bowser's Devious Puzzles"
Those puzzles certainly were... /devious/.
"Marth Embarks"
I couldn't get the references, but it was a fun level regardless. (I'm not too familiar with Marth's games anyway.)
"The Pipe Ship"
Ah Wrecking Crew. I loved that game, I had no idea what I was doing 100% of the time but I loved it. Nice level!



Castles Pls:


...and I have now reached my upload limit. Anyone have a list of how many stars needed to expand # of stages uploadable and how many it will bring it to?

I really love that Goomba costume, nice themed level.
"Castle Pls"
I actually got lost, but that's my own fault.

Deleted "1st" for

The Legend of Zelda #2


Just like #1 there are 3 hidden 1-up mushrooms to find. Also ofc the Don'tLoseYourCostumeChallengeThingy.


Deleted Both my stages called "Castle" and added



"The Legend of Zelda #2"
I couldn't get past a specific point, but nice themed level as always.
Auto levels are always so cool. Nice work.

Quick, short level I made. Pick a Squid outfit and see if you can keep it to the end while avoiding the flying Bloopers.


"Calamares Sobre Ruedas"
Nice hectic little quick level, I couldn't even beat it, much less with a costume.

Deleted Ghost House.


Mario Bros.




"Mario Bros."
Yes. I love this. Thank you.
Impressive work as always, but what did those coins say?

After some delays, I finally finished it.

Castle Crush 1/2: C84C-0000-0063-F03A

Castle Crush 2/2: 636A-0000-0064-0174

They're a bit awkward because I was trying to recreate a vertical scrolling stage in a game with a rather low height limit. Also, the 2nd half felt noticeably harder to me, though that's natural.

"Castle Crush"
Given the limited tools you had, I thought you did a pretty good job with making a vertical level.
SMB 3-1: 63BD - 0000 - 0048 - E739
SMB 3-2: 4BFA - 0000 - 004A - E0FA
SMB 3-3: 4136 - 0000 - 004C - 7CDD
SMB 3-4: 562B - 0000 - 0065 - 78C7
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After some delays, I finally finished it.

Castle Crush 1/2: C84C-0000-0063-F03A

Castle Crush 2/2: 636A-0000-0064-0174

They're a bit awkward because I was trying to recreate a vertical scrolling stage in a game with a rather low height limit. Also, the 2nd half felt noticeably harder to me, though that's natural.

After a lot of tries, I managed to beat the first part. The second part felt so unforgiving that I ended up rage-quiting. Not a lot of games can do that to me, so nice work! I starred the first one, but forgot to star the second. Oops. Maybe when I try it again later.

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After some delays, I finally finished it.

Castle Crush 1/2: C84C-0000-0063-F03A

Castle Crush 2/2: 636A-0000-0064-0174

They're a bit awkward because I was trying to recreate a vertical scrolling stage in a game with a rather low height limit. Also, the 2nd half felt noticeably harder to me, though that's natural.

this brought back so many dkc2 memories. out of all the levels i played so far this has to be my fav. good job :)

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got a ganon amiibo so here is a level where ganon takes back his castle from bowser (no real inspiration or theme besides you are ganon)

deleted "Castles Pls" for this

Take Back The Castle!


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Not exactly level per se...but I am still very proud of myself.


Whaaat, doing those unlocks something?! Man, I wish I didn't kinda stink at SMB/NSMB games... I'd probably never beat those levels. :( I mean, I did manage to clear that Grandmaster Galaxy Daredevil challenge in SMG2, but that still took me like a month...

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Whaaat, doing those unlocks something?! Man, I wish I didn't kinda stink at SMB/NSMB games... I'd probably never beat those levels. :( I mean, I did manage to clear that Grandmaster Galaxy Daredevil challenge in SMG2, but that still took me like a month...

Took a few hours for me to do these, but I've always been rather good at platformers after a while. I think the hardest was honestly the second one. I really only ever died that much there.

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