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FE 9 Mafia - Game Over


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@kawaii because yes just voting people randomly for no reason is clearly the BEST way to play the game. I'm sorry but " he's scum because he's not voting anybody" just pisses me off.

i read quote's post about terrador where they talk about terrador "throwing shade" onto other people and i agree that is a pretty good point and combined with him disappearing yeah.
I also think marth is townie because even if his reasoning doesn't make much sense to me I feel like I would be far easier person to push early on than boron since I am terrible at this game and boron is a far better player.
I'm honestly just going to assume that terrador is scum because it makes no sense to me why he'd view the thread and disappear so kawaii is probably town too same with quote.
I still need to read kirsche and ref a bit more.
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i said i had a gut feeling it was kawaii, not that i might be suspicious. the two are actually different.

taking the time the read over posts, my one big gripe is that Kawaii claimed Terrador was scum without following through and voting him. I don't buy that someone is willing to call them out but not to vote on them. that wasn't even worthy of a scumread.

##Vote: disco kawaii

Everyone is scum until proven otherwise. I know! How about I just lynch everyone then town wins and we are good. ##Vote: Everyone

There are honestly plenty of occurrences where people have stated scum reads or slight scum thoughts they have about someone being scum and not place a vote down. Personally speaking as someone who does this pretty frequently there are plenty of reasons as to not just throwing down a vote right away.

@Disco Kawaii: cute, but nah. Failing to post by someone I see around all the time constitutes ignoring, at least enough for not even a finger, but a wink of suspicion. And yeah, RVS is super sheepy. There was actually something odd to look at. If you really want to discourage that, you're discouraging daytalk, which uh... do I need to spell it out? (spoilers: it's antitown)

This "blending in" buzztalk is just more bitching about me sheeping an RVS--which Boron does, third on the wagon to boot. Not to mention that it's incredibly common for scum to have weak scumreads on their buddies early on, and we crossvoted in RVS; not to mention that her asking you why I'm scum could be construed as buddying/defense. I'm not pretending that any of this is suspicious to me, but it seems very logically inconsistent that you don't think Boron is at least as shady. Why isn't she?

I would've been second on the wagon if I'd only typed my post a bit faster. Curse you, Terra!

You know I'm impossibly competent when it doesn't matter! You will never more cleanly deplete a tube of toothpaste than I! Fear the almighty, all-powerful, all-Worfed-to-hell-in-the-third-act, Terrordoor!

Is it just me or do these few posts seem really weird?

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@kawaii because yes just voting people randomly for no reason is clearly the BEST way to play the game. I'm sorry but " he's scum because he's not voting anybody" just pisses me off.

I also think marth is townie because even if his reasoning doesn't make much sense to me I feel like I would be far easier person to push early on than boron since I am terrible at this game and boron is a far better player.

Not having a vote at 12 hours to deadline is pretty bad yes. I mean it'd be understandable if you were having trouble reading people but like...you do have reads. How are your reads ever going to get better if you don't push them?

I dunno, I mean I'm conflicted because I do agree with your townreads but like...yeah, the above is still scummy.

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So, that newbie guide says I'm mafia, based on my behavior, but my role PM says I'm town. Welp. I'm inclined to believe the role PM a bit more.

As there's a discussion going on I don't think I should hammer right now.

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Okay, i have really hard time to have any reads here, don't know why. But i will stop "lurking" to see how i should aboard this game and jump right into the pool at the risk of breaking my neck on hard ice. So what i think from now is that terrador posts seemed pretty town imo, they were consistent and made sense but the problem is indeed his inactivity that effectively seem very odd but i think we should wait a little more to hear what he eventually have to say before getting lynched, in general i think people like quote, junko or cosmic push on him too much and should wait him to actually react to this pressing before jumping on conclusion.

It was already stated before but i think too that Boron, Marth and refa points are strong and make sense in general.

Dandragon should make more consistent posts i think that will help to actually contribute to the game rather than throwing votes around, seriously i think the total length of what he posted is actually shorter than the length of what he quoted in the process.

I don't like Quote and cosmicdude late comportment but i don't think it's enough to put any suspicion on them.

Disco Kawaii should really put more thought into this i think, her points are weak and very precipitate. I think you should be more consistent in your posts, your case on terrador is particularly bad because you are just sheeping without asking any questions, if you really think terrador is scum you should produce reads that are on other thing that his overall activity and ask him question when he'll eventually comeback.

For me Dandragon is the scummiest for me : in my opinion user that have some post with no content are way scummier than seemingly inactive people whose post are good. Also i think it's a terrible idea to lynch someone who didn't had the occasion to defend himself at least on D1 which such weak read.

##vote : Dandragon

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I feel like izuhark did not read the thread before posting because kawaii was i think the very first one to put attention on terra.

Another thing is that do you think dandagron as scum would be daring enough to basically sit around and do nothing all game. Also how marth's points make sense. From what i've seen a lot of people don't understand his reasoning. Also haven't people been complaining about refa's voting patterns?

(for me refa's vote on terra when they talked about boron is null because i feel like that was more semantics than anything)

Can you also elaborate more on quote please. even if it is not enough anything helps.

I feel like izuhark just made some stuff up with what he thought was happening and then just voted what IMO feels like an easy voting target. Not the best but at least i got something >_> scumyreading izuhark.

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You guys can pretend I'm voting Terrador I just don't wanna hammer yet

(also when I use all caps lock it's just because I'm caffeine-high and excitable please don't take it personally I'm not actually shouting at anyone. well maybe but not angrily)

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I'm sorta kinda mulling it over and I GUESS maybe dand is just town not doing anything but his votes up to now just felt really flimsy and his disco kawaii vote felt... easy? like kawaii feels like an easy target to me and that's why I've been kinda wary about people jumping for them. You know me and my mafia game playstyle thing

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Junk, where are your promised reads on me and Kirsche? It's cool that you have a scumread though, I should probably read Izhuark's post.

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I got "distracted" by homework :>

I've only kind of read you since i'm half trying to do homework while mafiaing but I did read kirsche and while his terra post is okay don't really get his stuff on you because as I said that just basically is semantics and although i'm biased i feel like it was really obvious what you meant by "sheeping" the boron vote and it kind of feels like kirsche was trying to push something that I felt was kind of a given? I also feel like that he never really said the actual scum intent behind's marth votes just that his reasoning wasn't good and while i agree with that I feel like he didn't actually have any scum intent in them. So probably a slight scum lean on kirsche.

(you know i'm probably wrong but sidenote: I also feel like it is similar with boron's vote on marth but maybe i'm just misrembering things but if so i feel like that's definitely an alert since i do remember them talking about terra but not voting them instead going for marth instead which would look bad. The only time i remember is when they say how marth is kind of dodging my questions but other than that i'm not really seeing it but i might just be misremembering things >_>)

At refa i'm kind of rushing you because i want to do homework but so far what i get is that your actual content is null but your tone gives a slight town feel. Also boron did actually react to terra throwing shade onto them. They mention in the post where they talk about why they are scumreading terra.

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