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I'm thinking "why are the flood so awesome and yet I can't play as them in Halo Wars?"

That's because their to tankish. Seriously a side that multiplies like rabbit's and can infect anything and take them over.

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Random thought, don't ask where it came from (all you need to know is band):

How does owning a hairbrush make a guy gay if he isn't even obsessed with his hair?

it doesn't make them gay! it makes them metro!


lol! jk!

Edited by Anna the Tutorial Girl
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Main Entry:



\ˌme-trə-ˈsek-sh(ə-)wəl, -ˈsek-shəl\




2metropolitan + -sexual (as in 2heterosexual)



: a usually urban heterosexual male given to enhancing his personal appearance by fastidious grooming, beauty treatments, and fashionable clothes

— metrosexual adjective

— met·ro·sex·u·al·i·ty Listen to the pronunciation of metrosexuality \-ˌsek-shə-ˈwa-lə-tē\ noun

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He's not even metro. He just has a mop for hair and if he didn't have a hairbrush I think it'd explode.

I think it was an attempt to scare the rabid fangirls off.

But whatever.

i know, since you said that he isn't obsessed with his hair!

i'm just goofing with you!


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I know lol.

Wait is that Bianchi?

no, you silly!

she died a long time ago!

i'm Anna the Tutorial Girl, Chaos Incarnate!


Edited by Anna the Tutorial Girl
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Not necesarily. My dad has a comb to look nice for work.

I don't own a comb because I don't brush my hair...

Must be bald or something. :lol:

Edited by Okörina
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