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With the advent of a new patch...


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With a new upcoming patch likely due to the new stage and the vote ballot ending soon.

What would you like to see done? Buffs, nerfs etc?

I would personally like to see Shulk's frame data get significantly buffed, and I would also like to see Marth/Lucina continue to get better.

Sheik needs a forward air nerf for sure lol.

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More buffs to characters I like would be nice; Charizard, Megaman, I'd like Marth to be back in the top tiers. I think Pikachu needs a nerf on quick attack, a couple changes to Shiek, but nothing to make those characters useless. Of particular mention, however, is Samus (Power Suit). Her hitboxes are a joke, her missiles have way too much lag, there's just so much on that character I want to see fixed.

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More buffs to characters I like would be nice; Charizard, Megaman, I'd like Marth to be back in the top tiers. I think Pikachu needs a nerf on quick attack, a couple changes to Shiek, but nothing to make those characters useless. Of particular mention, however, is Samus (Power Suit). Her hitboxes are a joke, her missiles have way too much lag, there's just so much on that character I want to see fixed.

You aren't alone in the Samus aspect, like seriously. Those issues need fixing.

Also I agree with Zard and maybe Megaman, Marth as well, I think Pikachu's skill curve is enough for how good he is personally though.

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plz actually give dedede a buff instead of a nerf

like seriously why was he ever nerfed

ideally i'd like less endlag/startup on fair and bair and the gordo nerf to be reverted but I know it won't happen, it'll be like JET HAMMER KNOCKBACK GROWTH INCREASED BY 2

Edited by General Horace
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plz actually give dedede a buff instead of a nerf

like seriously why was he ever nerfed

Because Zelda and Little Mac got nerfed too, they obviously felt that Literally Perfect was too stronk.

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Also, make Ganondorf worthy of top tier.

Yisss plz

I'd like to see a nerf in the top tier characters' grab games in general. That's what pretty much makes those characters invalidate others.

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More Palutena buffs.

yes like give her more knockback if you aren't going to lower the lag on her attacks. Also i'd say range for some attacks because her neutral barely extends even though its a big staff. Also i'd say to compensate for the lack of range on autoreticle a slight buff so it's actually really good or else the customs outclass it big time.

Marth needs better hit boxes. Also how much lag he received after Brawl was ridiculous.

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They are going to ignore Sheik or make some other really small change that doesn't matter.

Oh yeah, speaking about this...

Wasn't there something that hinted that Sakurai was biased towards Shiek and that being the reason the character hasn't been nerfed at all? I know it's from a few months back, but what was it again?

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Oh yeah, speaking about this...

Wasn't there something that hinted that Sakurai was biased towards Shiek and that being the reason the character hasn't been nerfed at all? I know it's from a few months back, but what was it again?

don't you know that sakurai lives to drink the tears of zelda players and not sheik players?

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I don't think any of the top tiers need nerfs as much as lower tiers need buffs.

I'd particularly like to see some multihit upsmashes that don't drag people in well do that better, like Samus' and Pit's, and more characters getting better combo throws.

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I once hit an opponent with Meta Knight's Mach Tornado, but they were at 0%... and they hit me during the endlag.

I once hit an opponent with Samus' Front Air, but landed just before the last hit... and they hit me during the endlag.

I once hit an opponent with Zelda's Front Air, but the sourspot has no hitstun... and they hit me during the endlag.

Wouldn't it be great if no move could be punished upon dealing damage? I thought it was a given for the genre, but apparently not.

The only thing worse than an unsafe move is a move that's unsafe even on hit. That's what I would patch.

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I don't think any of the top tiers need nerfs as much as lower tiers need buffs.

I agree with this, barring Sheik. Unless everyone gets put into Sheik's power level.

Like I personally think the top 10 is a mostly beatable top 10 if you know your character. Its just Sheik is so dumb. ZeRo said it best, you aren't playing to beat the Sheik, you are playing to beat the player when she is in play.

Edited by Jedi
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ZeRo said it best, you aren't playing to beat the Sheik, you are playing to beat the player when she is in play.

That's not something that I feel is that bad.

I don't play Sheik but if I were to change anything about Sheik it'd probably revolve around making some of her stronger moves easier to punish. Alternatively maybe add a few more landing lag frames to fair so that it stops being extremely safe in most situations, or make the needles slightly slower for similar reasons. If any of her combo tools were outright nerfed Sheik would become terrible at racking up damage, which might screw her over way too hard.

Overall balance is pretty good in this game and definitely getting better with every patch.

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That's not something that I feel is that bad.

I don't play Sheik but if I were to change anything about Sheik it'd probably revolve around making some of her stronger moves easier to punish. Alternatively maybe add a few more landing lag frames to fair so that it stops being extremely safe in most situations, or make the needles slightly slower for similar reasons. If any of her combo tools were outright nerfed Sheik would become terrible at racking up damage, which might screw her over way too hard.

Overall balance is pretty good in this game and definitely getting better with every patch.

This is also a good thing to consider, I think out of everything the needles would be the best way to weaken her without destroying how she works.

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