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Fire Emblem Reps in Smash 4


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I watched The Game Theorist's new video regarding the stages in Smash 4, so it got me thinking.

Question: Do you think 5 is too many reps? Do you think there should be more? Who would you want to be in it?

My thoughts: Not sure where to begin. I like Marth, Ike, and Robin just fine. I like playing as Roy and was quite shocked to see him return..... The only character I feel shouldn't really be a character in the game is Lucina..... My issue with her is she is a Marth clone.... Seriously, that was one of the things about her in Awakening. I was totally expecting her (or atleast masked Lucina) to be an alternate costume. HOWEVER, I feel like she gets a pass because Robin is in the game and Chrom when Robin gets the Smash ball. If she was the only rep from Awakening, then I would probably not like it at all.

If there were more reps from Fire Emblem, I'll be honest with you, I wouldn't mind it as long as it isn't a sword wielder. I hear some of my friends complain about the Fire Emblem reps in Smash because they all wield swords... and well, they aren't wrong. You have a few lords to choose from: Hector, Ehpraim, Micaiah, maybe Sigurd (although he is on a horse?)

Jugdral, Magvel, and even Valencia don't have reps.

Bonus Question: Would you be fine with a Fire Emblem villain rep in Smash?

I'd like to point out: Even though I don't like Micaiah as a character, she is a lord that only uses magic, which I think is cool.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Thoughts: I agree with all of yours. I do not like Lucina as a rep and the Awakening rep could've easily been Robin alone, in fact I think he does a great job representing Awakening. I was hyped over Roy's return, because I played him in Project M and he can really be a threatening character that's fun to play and different from Marth. My hopes were confirmed when I tested out this new Roy, and he's easily among the best of the playable FE cast in Smash right now. Also, Roy was the only rep from the GBA games.

On that note, I want to see other GBA reps, like Hector and Ephraim. Fire Emblem isn't all swords and they had Robin to demonstrate, but we need more proof! With the way DLC is going right now, more playable characters is inevitable. It's unlikely for Fire Emblem to get any more reps (it'll seem a bit over-represented), but if anyone else is going to be added, I want Hector and/or Ephraim.

Bonus Question: Oh yes. I'd love to play as someone like Lyon.

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Yeah, 5 is too many, FE's nowhere as big as zelda, I'd be cool with Lucina and Roy being cut. Marth Ike and Robin are by far currently the most prominent FE characters, Roy's only been in 1 game, and he sucked in it, so I'm not a big fan. That's the same reason I'm not too keen on Hector or Ephraim, minus the sucking part; but I'd be more open to them because weapon triangle representation & stuff. Don't like Lucina because of reasons already mentioned.

Bonus Question: For the most part I find the villains pretty forgettable, so no thanks

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The Fire Emblem series is over represented. Prior to Awakening, not a single FE game sold over a million copies. Furthermore, Marth, Roy, Ike, and Robin cover pretty much the entire series. I don't think FE will have any more reps in the future.

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Marth, Ike, Roy and Robin represent all the eras of FE perfectly, on each console even, Lucina is an added bonus. I think we have enough as is.

Only villians I think would work would be the Black Knight, Alvis or Gharnef

Edited by Jedi
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I think five is too many too, and that Lucina should never have been in. Originally, she was only meant to be an alt for Marth, and she should've stayed that way. Robin by himself represents Awakening just fine. I also don't think Roy should've returned though. He's just another sword wielder and not very unique since he shares some things with Marth as well.

If another FE rep is added, I'd love to see Ephraim because badass lancer, or Black Knight, because badass antagonist.

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Question: Do you think 5 is too many reps? Do you think there should be more? Who would you want to be in it?

My thoughts:

"Do you think 5 is too many reps?"

No, 5 reps is fine. Honestly, it drives me crazy when people say Fire Emblem has too many reps. Why? "It isn't as big of a series as Zelda or Donkey Kong!" Okay, so? Seriously, so what? Just be happy that FE is getting good representation! And besides, if you really add up how many reps FE has compared to other series, the difference isn't really that big. In Smash Bros. history, Mario has had seven reps, nine if you count Wario and Yoshi (since I guess they're supposed to represent their own series?), and lots of people want Daisy and/or Waluigi as playable characters. Zelda has had six reps. Pokemon has had seven, nine if you count Squirtle and Ivysaur as separate. The only other series that are "bigger" than FE are Donkey Kong, Kirby, and Metroid. While I do agree with the majority in the opinion that DK needs more reps...who else could we get for Metroid and Kirby? Ridley is a controversial character, and everyone else in the Metroid universe just doesn't cut it in my opinion. Who are they gonna get? Anthony? Oh boy, that'll cause more Other M hate! The hunters from the DS game? I could only see maybe one or two of them, and even then I have a hard time seeing how they can be different enough than Samus, and people already complain about clones constantly! As for Kirby, well again...who are they gonna get? Kirby really does not have that diverse of a cast, they pretty much got everyone. As for other series such as Earthbound and F-Zero, well FE is definitely bigger than those series, and I'd argue it's bigger than Star Fox. So the 5 FE reps is fine, especially when compared to other big series represented in Smash Bros.!

It also drives me crazy when people say they wish/think Roy hadn't/shouldn't have been brought back. "He's not very unique!" Yes he is. He feels very different than Marth to the point that you can barely even call him a clone. "He's just another sword-user!" Who cares? Shouldn't matter so long as they can give him good moves, which they very much so did. I also get bugged about Lucina, I'm very happy she's a playable character, but I won't argue for her because I can really see why people are bugged by her.

"Do you think there should be more?"

I feel that there is no "should" or "shouldn't" about it. I feel that that's completely subjective. Would I like another character or two? Absolutely! There are three in particular I'd love to see for various reasons.

"Who would you want to be in it?"

As I said above, there are three characters I'd love to see. The first one is Lyn, and I have a huge bias for her because she's my favorite FE character. The next one is Ephraim, I'd love to see a lance-user and I think he'd be absolutely perfect for it, plus they could add Eirika to his Final Smash like they added Chrom to Robin's. The third is Micaiah, my reasoning for her is similar to my reasons for Ephraim. I'd love to see a pure magic-user from the FE cast, and Micaiah would be the best option in my opinion.

Bonus Question: Eh, I have no interest in playing as any of the villains.

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I'm fine with another rep as long as it's not another blue (or red) haired sword fighter. I want to see a cavalry class represented, although I don't know how they would make that work, but if they can make wii fit trainer, ice climbers, duck hunt and Mr. Game and watch work, I'm pretty sure that can think of something.

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I'm fine with another rep as long as it's not another blue (or red) haired sword fighter. I want to see a cavalry class represented, although I don't know how they would make that work, but if they can make wii fit trainer, ice climbers, duck hunt and Mr. Game and watch work, I'm pretty sure that can think of something.

Why do you want a generic class that's difficult to use be represented?

The only hope for characters to make it in is popularity, which only the main lords or the main villains possess.

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Why do you want a generic class that's difficult to use be represented?

The only hope for characters to make it in is popularity, which only the main lords or the main villains possess.

just an idea. I know the thought of any class other than Lords being represented in smash is almost impossible. I just wish more classes were represented.
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"the game would have been better with less content"

what people who don't like clones are effectively saying

It's not like Sakurai said "There can only be 50 characters in Smash 4", so I don't see what the problem is with more characters, but I feel like the people who aren't FE fans don't realize the series has 14 games in it. That's why they assume 5 reps is too much

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there are too many FE characters as evidenced by samurai not being able to put them all on one line :(: :(: :(:

the game would be better with less content because my CSS would be prettier

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Like many people here, I'd like to see Ephraim (maybe with Erika as a bonus) Hector, (I think Micaiah won't get in cause Robin)

I don't feel like 5 reps is too much. FE isn't as big as other mainstream series, but FE has a lot more cast than other series. I didn't count how much units you can get in each game but there is now 14 FE games.

Yet even if Mario get a lot more attention, it doesn't feel fair for other series that have a lot more characters as Zelda or FE and not a single one complain. Indeed, adding Daisy and Waluigi would "complete" the Mario cast.. Who else could be added then ? But then give us Impa, Midona, Fay, Ghirahim, Vaati, the other Xenoblade's Party Members, Dixie/Cranky Kong and KKR, a rep for every class from FE... Now compared to Pokémon, that has a huge cast and got 7 reps (if you count Pichu), it's rather fair to have 5 FE reps.

Moreover, Roy is very different to Marth. Some of his moves may be borrowed from Marth but when I play with him I don't think I'm playing a reskinned Marth (*cough* Lucina *cough*). As for Lucina, I got mixed feelings. She might be a complete clone, I felt it was easier to play with her than with Marth (tip and all) I hope they'll change her gameplay at least or fuse her slot with Marth.

I'd also like to point out that FE might have got 5 reps the number of trophies from FE games is awful. In Brawl there were at least a few stickers, but in Smash 4 there is only a few Fe13 and that's all. Again compare this to Mario, Zelda and Pokémon and you'll see that FE isn't that over represented.

Concerning villains, if it iz Lyon, Hardin or the Black Knight, I'm okay.

Edited by Luxian
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I think five reps for FE is acceptable since one is just a clone and one is just DLC. But if FE gets any more, I will have to demand that Sin and Punishment gets at least one rep.

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I didn't expect five reps, but don't think it's too much and I'll certainly take that many very happily.

If there were to be more, I'd like some representing of the other weapon types (especially axes), so Hector is probably my pick and he's been in multiple games unlike several other candidates.

A villain rep would be interesting but there's not many villains who are really noteworthy imo.

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A villain rep would be interesting but there's not many villains who are really noteworthy imo.

Yeah when I think of noteworthy FE villains I can only really list off Alvis and the Black Knight, both of which are more GREY then they are bad guys.

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Five is too many. I would've done Marth, Robin and Lucina. Marth brought FE to the west while the Awakening guys elevated the series status on their own. Then Roy into a Marth alt and Chrom is a Lucina alt. Ike is probably the character on the Smash roster with the least overall significance and I wouldn't object to cutting him.

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Question's answer: I don't think that is too much for two special reasons

1.- Fire Emblem has many characters (the only franchise with more "viable options" to try to use is Pokémon).

2.- Lucina and Roy (specially the former) use few development time to be created.

I could be happy with any character Pre-Awakening with a unique moveset... But if I have to select a character, the one that I really want is Micaiah <3

Bonus Question's answer: Well... We don't really have a particular uinique and popular villain to use xDU

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Five is too many. I would've done Marth, Robin and Lucina. Marth brought FE to the west while the Awakening guys elevated the series status on their own. Then Roy into a Marth alt and Chrom is a Lucina alt. Ike is probably the character on the Smash roster with the least overall significance and I wouldn't object to cutting him.

Ike and Marth are the only ones to have more than one game.

If anything, Lucina only makes sense as a Marth alt.

Edited by Radiant head
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