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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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have you read faust?

your favorite book?

your favorite author?

what do you think of this design?

what about this one?

1. No.

2. Girl Friends. (This question was asked already)

3. I really don't read enough to have a favorite author.

4. Whoa.

5. Fluffy tail.

9. What do you think of Three Kingdoms China?

10. Shu Han or Cao Wei?

11. Who is your favorite Tiger General?

12. How much do you hate Zhuge Liang?

9. Nothing.

10. Huh?

11. What?

12. Eh?

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21. X or Zero?

22. Hadoken or Shoryuken?

23. Have you seen Arslan Senki?(If so, what did you think of it? If not, why not?)

24. Do you think you were born in the right time, or before your ideal time?

25. What moment in ancient history would you like to witness?

26. Opinion on the superior weather snow?

27. What defines a hero to you?


Dynasty Warriors 8 Complete

$20 on Steam currently because of the sale, that's a steal if you ask me.

Edited by Soledai
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36. Have you ever played The Last Story?

37. Have you ever cut your thumb on a can of cat food?

38. Do you watch anime?

39. How would you rank every Smash game?

40. Are you afraid of rodents?

36. No.

37. No.

38. N-no, of course not. Why would you ask a question like that? B-baka.

39. I think each one was the best for its own period. As far as how they impacted me, probably Melee > 64 > 3DS/Wii U > Brawl.

40. No.

You are a curious Fire Emblem fan.

favorite question?

least favorite question?

do you like microwavable foods?

would you rather live in a church or a tower?

would you touch fluffy tail?

1. Not this one.

2. Is this bait?

3. Not all of them.

4. Church.

5. Yes.

21. X or Zero?

22. Hadoken or Shoryuken?

23. Have you seen Arslan Senki?(If so, what did you think of it? If not, why not?)

24. Do you think you were born in the right time, or before your ideal time?

25. What moment in ancient history would you like to witness?

26. Opinion on the superior weather snow?

27. What defines a hero to you?


$20 on Steam currently because of the sale, that's a steal if you ask me.

21. X

22. Tatsumaki

23. No.

24. The right time.

25. How many of them can be witnessed in a day?

26. It's cold.

27. Foot unit, Swords and Axes.

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13. How involved with the competitive Smash scene are you?

14. If involved at all, who is your favorite commentator and why is it D1?

15. What's the most stylish thing you've done in any Smash game, and with what character?

16. Has anything that happened in Smash made you saltier than the Dead Sea?

17. Do you play Endless Legend?

18. How do you feel about Nintendo removing the, "You're too slow!" taunt from Smash 4?

19. Do you actively try to make less optimal, but more stylish moves when playing Smash?

20. Show me your moves?

Edited by Knight of Argentum
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6. What's your favourite dinosaur?

7. What is your greatest fear?

8. Out of (pop culture) horror stuff, which monster/person/whatever inspires the greatest fear in you? Assuming they were real and possibly had access to your person, of course.

9. Do you like soup? What kind?

10. What kind of pizza do you like?

11. Would you try Neo Kobe Pizza?

Edited by Nightmare
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- What's usually on your mind?

- Your biggest aspiration in real life?

- Do you like these forums?

- What you most like and what you most hate?

- How much do you know about my native country, Spain? Visited it already? Do you like it?

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41. Have you played Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story?

42. Advice on making Mario Maker levels?

43. Why is Rosalina your favorite Mario character?

44. Favorite FE character in Smash?

45. Have you enjoyed your interview so far?

You are a curious Fire Emblem fan.

Weeeeell, what can I say? :P Also I cut my thumb on a can of cat food, prompting the question.

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13. How involved with the competitive Smash scene are you?

14. If involved at all, who is your favorite commentator and why is it D1?

15. What's the most stylish thing you've done in any Smash game, and with what character?

16. Has anything that happened in Smash made you saltier than the Dead Sea?

17. Do you play Endless Legend?

18. How do you feel about Nintendo removing the, "You're too slow!" taunt from Smash 4?

19. Do you actively try to make less optimal, but more stylish moves when playing Smash?

20. Show me your moves?

13. Just a viewer.


15. In a team match, I Zelda elevator'd both opponents at once, one on each side, and they crossed on the way up, and both died. It was pretty cool-looking.

16. Yes.

17. No.

18. Very good.

19. No.

20. Is this a challenge?

if you could have anime hair what color would it be and how many ahoges

what do you think of strawberries

do you like crusading

do you like shiny armor or dull armor

are you a foxy lady?

1. Red, none.

2. They're alright.

3. No.

4. Shiny.

5. Yes.

If you were a goddess, what would you do?

If you were the main character of a yuri manga, what would be the first thing you do?

1. Goddess things. Not including wiping out humanity.

2. Have a chance encounter with my destined partner.

6. What's your favourite dinosaur?

7. What is your greatest fear?

8. Out of (pop culture) horror stuff, which monster/person/whatever inspires the greatest fear in you? Assuming they were real and possibly had access to your person, of course.

9. Do you like soup? What kind?

10. What kind of pizza do you like?

11. Would you try Neo Kobe Pizza?

6. Fabrosaurus

7. Being interviewed.

8. First thing that comes to mind is the fiend of From the New World. But that might be because I read it recently...

9. Soup is messy.

10. Pepperoni.

11. No

- What's usually on your mind?

- Your biggest aspiration in real life?

- Do you like these forums?

- What you most like and what you most hate?

- How much do you know about my native country, Spain? Visited it already? Do you like it?

1. "How lazy can I be today?"

2. Publish a book.

3. Yes.

4. The community; the community.

5. They speak Spanish there, right?

41. Have you played Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story?

42. Advice on making Mario Maker levels?

43. Why is Rosalina your favorite Mario character?

44. Favorite FE character in Smash?

45. Have you enjoyed your interview so far?

Weeeeell, what can I say? :P Also I cut my thumb on a can of cat food, prompting the question.

41. No.

42. Unless you want to make a terrible level, avoid: blind precision jumps, traps, death doors/pipes, enemy/effect spam. If your level has none of these, it at least shouldn't be awful, but in general, just make a level you feel like you would enjoy playing.

43. She never had to be rescued.

44. Lucina.

45. Yes.

46. That is something you'll need to realize for yourself.

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4. The community; the community.

Well, thanks for the sincerity!

5. They speak Spanish there, right?

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Oh, but there are few variants of the same language, such as Galician Spanish, Catalan and few etcs.

Never heard of paella? Oh noes ...

Edited by Edrall
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It was, in fact, a challenge. Show me your moves.

21. What do you think of this?

22. Are you a fan of Chess?

21. The Pink Fresh stock in action.

22. No.

Wait what, I didn't ask a 46th question XD

Yes, you did.

do you like lamb?

do you think alpacas are cute?

have you read lolita?

if you have, what do you think of it?

if you could own 100 copies of a nendoroid which one would it be

21. Never tried.

22. Yes.

23. No.

25. Cynthia.

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Oh hey, it's a fox.

1. It's been a while, how have you been holding up?

2. If you can recall, what did/do you think of me, after all these years?

3. What do you think of FE Cipher, and if it were to be localized, would you collect/play?

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Yes, you did.

...no I didn't. See?

41. Have you played Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story?

42. Advice on making Mario Maker levels?

43. Why is Rosalina your favorite Mario character?

44. Favorite FE character in Smash?

45. Have you enjoyed your interview so far?

Weeeeell, what can I say? :P Also I cut my thumb on a can of cat food, prompting the question.

The "weeeeell what can I say" part was in response to your "you are a curious Fire Emblem fan." And when I talked about cat food and thumb-cuts, it was in explanation of a question I'd asked in my previous batch. There was no 46th question.

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Were you expecting to get this many questions?

Do you have a favorite cosplayer?

Do you remember that Fox of [element] fad from a few years back?

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