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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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6. What would your anime self look like?

7. What would you do with a million dollars/pounds/currency?

8. What would you do with a million rolls of toilet paper?

9. Have you played my game? Or at least downloaded it?

10. Where's your favorite place to go where you're at?

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1) hello

2) uh what's your favorite book

3) Who's your avi?

4) your member badge is cute had to say that

5) Do you listen to kpop out of pure curiosity

1. Yo

2. ...Huh, this is something I really should be able to answer. Uhh... let's go with The Giver for for now, why not

3. Merric, the OG mage. It's one of his Cipher art works.

4. It's pretty neat, yeah.

5. Nah.

1. Favorite Pokémon?

2. Favorite Pokémon game?

3. Favorite movie?

4. Favorite genre of music?

5. Favorite color?

1. Riolu line, Riolu specifically though.

2. Tough call, but I think I had the most fun with Soul Silver.

3. Would saying the original Star Wars trilogy be cheating? If it is then, uh, Terminator 2.

4. Jazz I guess.

5. Don't have one.

How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

How would your real life friends describe you, personality-wise?

What personality traits do you value most?

How much of The Flash (2014) have you watched? Seeing how you recognized it was Harrison Wells in one of my previous avatars, you must've watched some of it.

Are there any weird quirks you have IRL that most people online wouldn't know? (Eg: you clean off your glasses a lot, you're really picky with food cleanliness, etc.)

1. Well hell, I dunno. I can be sarcastic at times, witty or clever according other people. Uh, I'm more introverted than extroverted I guess. This is a tough one for me.

2. Well hell, I dunno.

3. Optimism(not naivety), honesty, inventiveness, levelheadedness, initiative, I feel like I'm missing something but I can't think of it.

4. All of it. Great show, excited for new episodes to start up again tonight.

5. I nitpick a lot, not with a negative mindset, I just naturally critique things, even if it's something I really shouldn't be putting so much attention toward. That count?

Don't worry posters who went unanswered in this post, I'm on it.

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4. All of it. Great show, excited for new episodes to start up again tonight.


I like that show. A lot. Tonight was a good episode.

1. Favorite character in that show?

2. Someone asked you about your favorite Treasure game. Obviously that's the Treasure roleplay. However, that, like...never moves forward. What do you have to say about that?

3. What ever became of Mr. Pumpkin?

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1. Boooooo.

5. What about the Ultra Sword from RTD?

5. Ultra powers are cool.

1. What would you say is your greatest strength?

2. What are your most common negative thoughts?

3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have?

4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be?

5. What would the difficulty be set at?

1. I'm good at analyzing stuff I guess.

2. I would rather not share, apologies.

3. Persona and Armored Core I guess. Oh, Professor Layton.

4. Whatever genre Ace Attorney is.

5. Brutal early game, reaches a more comfortable level as it goes on.

1. Favorite characters to play in Smash 4 (or any smash game)?

2. Do you do fan art? (had to ask because of the scribbles badge)

3. If so what do you like drawing the most?

4. What does the SW stand for?

1. Most consistent are Falcon, G-Dorf, and the FE dudes.

2. Nah, I haven't consistently done art in years, Scribbles was just me messing around. I would like to start practicing again though.

4. See Velouria's questions last page.


Do you know Lana Del Rey ?

Do you love cats ?

Your favorite singer

Your favorite tv show

Describe your personality


1. I've heard of her.

2. We've got a cat over here and she's pretty great.

3. Don't have one.

4. Currently? Marvel's Daredevil. If you're not counting Netflix, then The Flash I guess.

5. See Rando's questions.

first and current impressions of me

have you really never played Super Mario World? :O

1. First: amusing name, seems alright. Current: generally cool dude, a little crazy when it comes to FE(there's no reason to be intimidated by FE5 dude, you'd destroy that game).

2. Unfortunately so. It's on my to-play list.

6. What would your anime self look like?

7. What would you do with a million dollars/pounds/currency?

8. What would you do with a million rolls of toilet paper?

9. Have you played my game? Or at least downloaded it?

10. Where's your favorite place to go where you're at?

6. Me, but animated?

7. Whatever I can as soon as I can before the government takes it.

8. Never buy toilet paper for a long time.

9. No, maybe if I ever have the time.

10. I like the woods a lot, don't know about anywhere closer.

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I like that show. A lot. Tonight was a good episode.

1. Favorite character in that show?

2. Someone asked you about your favorite Treasure game. Obviously that's the Treasure roleplay. However, that, like...never moves forward. What do you have to say about that?

3. What ever became of Mr. Pumpkin?

1. Wells, definitely.

2. Yeah progress would be nice.

3. Well I got rid of FFXIV on my computer after the free trial ended, but there's this online index of all the different characters people have made, so he is immortalized. He also lives on in our hearts.

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1. Least favorite genre of music?

2. Do you like animals?

3. If yes, do you prefer terrestrial animals or marine/freshwater animals?

4. Do you play many non-Nintendo games?

Edited by Ambling Falchion
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1. Least favorite genre of music?

2. Do you like animals?

3. If yes, do you prefer terrestrial animals or marine/freshwater animals?

4. Do you play many non-Nintendo games?

1. Modern pop.

2. Sure.

3. Terrestrial.

4. Some, my non-Nintendo library has expanded greatly in the last couple years though.

6. What gaming systems do you have/have you owned?

7. Favorite non-Nintendo system?

8. Would you hug a bear?

9. Would you pet a wolf?

10. Would you ever go deep sea diving?

6. Gamecube, PS2, DS Lite, Wii, 3DS, Wii U, New 3DS, computer(yes I'm counting it), and most recently PS4.

7. PS2 holds a special place for me.

8. Nah.

9. Maybe.

10. Yeah!

Favorite characters to use in smash?

Five favorite pokemon?

Are you heavily considering changing your favorite FE to conquest?

Why rinkah ?

Impressions, if any

1. See LordTaco's questions.

2. Riolu/Lucario, Espeon, Gengar, the last two change a lot, let's say Metagross and Gardevoir

3. Nah.

4. It started before the game was released, back when she was revealed. Rinkah just has the best design in Fates hands down. The game came out, I liked her well enough and with a bit of bias she became amazing.

5. Cool/10, generally likable guy.

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2. Did you enjoy the Serenes Forest NU Tournament a few months back?

3. Are there any rulings that Smogon has made that you disagree with? (Like certain mega-evolutions getting banned to Ubers for example)

4. Obligatory impressions question?

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1. Merric is magely. What is the mageliest game you've played?

2. How do you like your shmups?

3. What is your dream breakfast?

4. Since you're a Nintendo fan, no doubt you've touched a Sin & Punishment game?

5. If you could invent a soda flavor, what would it be?

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1. Wells, definitely.

2. Yeah progress would be nice.

4. Which Wells?

Yes, progress would be very nice?

5. Of every character which has died so far in that show, or the Arrowverse in general, who would you want to see alive again and why?

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To those who voted for Austin / Roxas, he's suspended atm so you should probably change your votes. Or at least, if Hatti allows it do so

Nominating DavidSW

wait who are you and how did you know that

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Barring Reverse Flash, who are your top 5 favourite villains in The Flash (2014) series?

Who do you think would make the best lead villain/who do you think CW will make the lead villain for season 3 of The Flash?

Are you into Legends of Tomorrow? If so, who are your top 3 favourite characters in the show?

If you could choose any 3 SF members besides yourself to become mods, who would you pick?

Also... you didn't lift the 5 question limit... ...wwwwhhhhy??? WHY!?!?!?!?! You could've had the interview you wanted... YOU COULD'VE HAD EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED!!!!!!

(I'm not actually flaming DavidSW in case you're wondering. I'm just joking quoting a line from a TV show that DavidSW should know very well)

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Don't worry, when it comes to talk about the show about The Man Who Saved Central City, I'll be sure to take the Fast Lane and ask DavidSW questions Fast Enough. And I'll be sure to stop myself from Going Rogue and exceeding the 5 question limit, even though the Potential Energy for breaking that limit is constantly growing.

(Keep in mind DavidSW, I don't actually want you to lift the 5 question per post rule if you don't want to. It's just funny to make all these Flash references using the 5 quesiton limit as a topic for it)

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1.1.131314. I probably know the answer, but favorite FF?

ppa. Favorite food?

13145252353//3/4/. How was your day?

1+2. Favorite game?

4...00. How often do you sleep?

pie12. How much, on a scale of 1 to 10, do you hate questions about a game called Sin and Punishment, from a user (not naming any names) whose username begins with Z and ends with A?

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6. What type of weather describes your mind?

7. What FE character do you relate to most?

8. Is it worse to be overly self-confident or too self-loathing?

9. First and current impressions of arthur.

10. First and current impressions of me.

6. Slightly overcast, not too dark.

7. ...Well shit, I don't have an answer to this one. I'll let you know if I think of something.

8. Self-loathing imo.

9. First: WHO IS THAT GUY HE LOOKS AWESOME Current: Actually a really great character, best in Fates/10

10. Don't remember my first impressions, probably something like, "who's this guy, he new?". Current: Alright dude, could benefit from some more confidence.

Do you like Alicia Witty ?

Haven't heard of her.

2. Did you enjoy the Serenes Forest NU Tournament a few months back?

3. Are there any rulings that Smogon has made that you disagree with? (Like certain mega-evolutions getting banned to Ubers for example)

4. Obligatory impressions question?

2. Yeah, there were some great battles.

3. Baton Pass Clause

4. Don't really know you, you seem alright.

1. Merric is magely. What is the mageliest game you've played?

2. How do you like your shmups?

3. What is your dream breakfast?

4. Since you're a Nintendo fan, no doubt you've touched a Sin & Punishment game?

5. If you could invent a soda flavor, what would it be?

1. ...FE

2. Galaga is the only one I've played extensively, if that counts.

3. Breakfast burrito with eggs, sausage, and potatoes, pancakes, cereal.

4. dude

5. ...I've got nothing.

4. Which Wells?

Yes, progress would be very nice?

5. Of every character which has died so far in that show, or the Arrowverse in general, who would you want to see alive again and why?

4. Both, tbh.

5. The entire Suicide Squad. That was dumb.

Barring Reverse Flash, who are your top 5 favourite villains in The Flash (2014) series?

Who do you think would make the best lead villain/who do you think CW will make the lead villain for season 3 of The Flash?

Are you into Legends of Tomorrow? If so, who are your top 3 favourite characters in the show?

If you could choose any 3 SF members besides yourself to become mods, who would you pick?

Also... you didn't lift the 5 question limit... ...wwwwhhhhy??? WHY!?!?!?!?! You could've had the interview you wanted... YOU COULD'VE HAD EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED!!!!!!

1. Captain Cold and his gang, Mark Hami- uh, Trickster, and I don't know if I have a fifth.

2. No idea honestly.

3. I've been watching it, not sure how I feel about it overall. 1.Captain Cold 2.Heat Wave 3.Stein.

4. I can't really think of any

5. ...I already do.

1.1.131314. I probably know the answer, but favorite FF?

ppa. Favorite food?

13145252353//3/4/. How was your day?

1+2. Favorite game?

4...00. How often do you sleep?

pie12. How much, on a scale of 1 to 10, do you hate questions about a game called Sin and Punishment, from a user (not naming any names) whose username begins with Z and ends with A?

1. Final Fantasy IV DS

2. Pizza or Ice Cream

3. It was busy, but alright.

4. See Power Master's questions last page.

5. Once a night, generally.

6. Taco Bell.

Try not to go over 5 questions please.

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First and current impressions of me?

Have you played any Dissidia games? If so, who are your mains?

What's the oldest video game you're able to play and enjoy for at least a good 30 minutes?

What are some things you like that most people you know dislike?

What are some things you dislike that most people you know like?

slow clap

I was hoping you'd respond with "...no. NO DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT TO ME!!!!"

Okay, I should probably lay off The Flash quotes.

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