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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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Ah yes that is indeed Pandora Hearts.

How are you liking it so far?

It's going great so far. Especially the plot twist in Ch. 6



1. What would you say is your greatest strength?

2. What are your most common negative thoughts?

3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have?

4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be?

5. What would the difficulty be set at?

6. What type of weather describes your mind?

7. What field of study would bore you the most?

8. If you could learn any instrument overnight. what would it be?

9. What FE character do you relate to most?

10. Is it worse to be overly self-confident or too self-loathing?

11. impressions.

1. Whimsy

2. I try to stay positive, but I do tend to hold unnecessary grudges.

3. Super Robot Wars

4. Bullet Hell!

5. Lunatic (Not really)

6. A light snowfall

7. Economics

8. That's a tough one. Mastering the piano would be nice, but I love string instruments, so probably the violin.

9. Takumi

10. Overly Self Confident, it can lead to serious mistakes

11. You have a great sense of humor and never run out of interesting things to say. An overall great guy ^ ^

What do you usually feel of anime adaptations of VNs?

Favorite VN?

First FE?

Favorite child units in Fates?

if you were a a RPG class, which one would you be?

1. I'm not too fond of them, especially after seeing how the Chaos;Head, Umineko and hypothetical Tsukihime adaptations did.

2. Ever17: The out of Infinity

3. Shadow Dragon, though I didn't actually finish it until Awakening

4. Shigure, Percy and Nina

5. Assassin, without a doubt

Why Toren?

Describe your personality

How would you spend a week if you could do anything you wanted?

Are you afraid of anything silly?

If you could see the future, what would you hope to see yourself doing in 5 years?

1. It's a variation of my real name.

2. I'm carefree and whimsical, and slightly edgy when I'm serious. sorry, it's the best I can do for now.

3. Practicing music all week would be sufficient.

4. The arachnid that Bal loves.

5. Five years, huh? I'd like to see myself working towards a decent career.

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How would you rank the Pokemon rivals, from best to worst

Favorite time of the year

Anime you'd recommend?

Something you loved back in your youth that just doesn't hold up nowadays?

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1. What has been the happiest day in your life yet?

2. What has been the funniest situation in your life yet?

3. What's your primary target you want to reach soon?

4. What's your opinion about the Devil Survivor series?

5. How did you get / make this awesome theme you sent me?

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1. Do you like hurting other people?

2. Do you know what's in the box?

3. What's the most you've ever lost in a coin toss?

4. What do you consider grossly incandescent?

5. How would you react to discovering that in the next Fire Emblem game, your favorite character ends up dying midway through the game?

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What makes the Tsukihimie adaptation so bad that fans retcon it from existence?

Tsukihime doesn't have an anime yet, unfortunately. But if it did exist, it'd probably have the same problem that other VN anime adaptations had. Condensing a lengthy VN into a 12 episode anime just doesn't work.

How would you rank the Pokemon rivals, from best to worst

Favorite time of the year

Anime you'd recommend?

Something you loved back in your youth that just doesn't hold up nowadays?

1. Blue/Gary > Hugh > Wally > Silver > Cheren/Bianca > May > I can't even remember the X/Y rival's names, they were too plot relevant.

2. Winter, especially in NY

3. Kuroko no Basket, it was surprisingly good.

4. Skateboarding

1. Impressions?

2. Favorite Treasure game?

3. Zelda or Metroid?

4. Kirby or Klonoa?

5. Pokemon - bad RPG or worst RPG?

1. A little strange sometimes, but a really nice and interesting person. You also have a good Dedede.

2. 404 Not Found :[

3. Zelda, there's no way that she'd lose to a single Metroid!

...Probably Metroid. I never really got into Zelda.

4. Kirby. Kirby's Adventure was just too good ^ ^

5. Bad, it could get much worse.

6. Favorite Pokemon game?

7. Do you like rodents?

8. Would you ever go deep sea diving?

9. What's the highest up you've ever been?

10. What video game consoles do you own/have you owned?

6. Explorers of Sky

7. No, I have a grudge against them

8. Yes, definitely

9. I don't really remember, I haven't actually been any higher than 4 or 5 stories recently.

10. I only brought my 3DS and GBA atm. I used to have a PS3 and PSP though.

1. What has been the happiest day in your life yet?

2. What has been the funniest situation in your life yet?

3. What's your primary target you want to reach soon?

4. What's your opinion about the Devil Survivor series?

5. How did you get / make this awesome theme you sent me?

1. Sorry, I haven't had one yet.

2. The time that I got my group kicked out of our usual hangout. (It's a long story, man.)

3. I really want to finish learning Canon.

4. Two great games that I should probably play more. If only the DS2 anime was better.

5. I spent the night of the 27th searching the internet. Prepping the image didn't take long though.

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1. Do you like hurting other people?

2. Do you know what's in the box?

3. What's the most you've ever lost in a coin toss?

4. What do you consider grossly incandescent?

5. How would you react to discovering that in the next Fire Emblem game, your favorite character ends up dying midway through the game?

1. N-No...

2. A present for Nightingale?

3. A valuable ally

4. Neon green

5. I would be disappointed initially, but learn to appreciate the appearances that they made in their games.

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What are some usernames that bring up strong memories for you (not your own usernames)? Got any stories?

What are your limits?

What are your aspirations?

What is your greatest regret so far?

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Wow, this thread vanished from the first page. I can't believe it.

6. Have you any phobias?

7. What's your opinion of FE14?

8. Who's your favorite playable character in the both Devil Survivor games?

9. What's your opinion of Serenes Forest?

10. How did you find your interview?

5. I spent the night of the 27th searching the internet. Prepping the image didn't take long though.

Wow, it wasn't even a late-second present.
Anyways it rarely happened that people spend so much time for a birthday present for me. I really appreciate this.

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Impressions?What are some usernames that bring up strong memories for you (not your own usernames)? Got any stories?What are your limits?What are your aspirations?What is your greatest regret so far?

1. You're a little intimidating, but you always have something interesting to say.

2. Dream and Nightmare, they remind me of someone that I knew from an older forum (Insomniac)

3. ...Depends. What type of story would you like to hear?

4. My greatest wall lies just beyond "average"

5. I want to find my Great Perhaps.

6. Not having the courage to turn against those that were pretending to be my allies.

10). first and last IMPRESSIONS?

11). do you like cream?

12). what about those cakes in plastic wrap?

13). interested in chemistry?

14). fluffy hair y/n?

10. First: A little weird

Last: Never change!

11. I have to be in the mood for it...

12. Yes I eat the plastic too

13. Very much. /chemistry hype

14. y

Wow, this thread vanished from the first page. I can't believe it.

6. Have you any phobias?

7. What's your opinion of FE14?

8. Who's your favorite playable character in the both Devil Survivor games?

9. What's your opinion of Serenes Forest?

10. How did you find your interview?

Wow, it wasn't even a late-second present.

Anyways it rarely happened that people spend so much time for a birthday present for me. I really appreciate this.

6. The arachnid that Bal loves

7. The story has a nice concept and the gameplay is great

8. It's a tie between Daichi and Yamato

9. I haven't really been to the other parts of the forum, but fftf is a blast ^ ^ sometimes...

10. It was really fun.

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Do you like doge?

DO YOU WANT THE OXO BENTO BOX!!? <U> mine arrived today

6. I prefer sneks

7. It does look nice, but I don't really bring my lunch from home.


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1. Why is Genealogy of the Holy War your favorite FE game?

2. Do you have any interest in playing the older FE games?

3. Do you cycle?

4. Are you familiar with Tolkien's works?

5. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

6. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

7. Forgiveness or retribution?

8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

9. First and current impressions of me?

10. Do you speak any languages besides English?

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6. has someone asked you where your username came from

7. where did your username come from

8. do you have a favourite clothing brand

9. what kind of voices do you like, if you have a preference


11. favourite clothing pattern? or just monochrome?

12. are your veins blue/purple or green

13. favourite season and why

14. do you have a specific clothing style or are you just whatever

15. thoughts on jewelry and other accessories? do you accessorize very much??

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1) Why is Luna the best VLR?

2) Why is Tsugumi the best Ever17?

3) What VN that you've read that I haven't would you recommend to me first?

4) Would you smooch a ghost?

5) What question do you wish you'd been asked in your interview?

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