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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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5. stay in chat for longer than 2 minutes someday first :vvvv

Usually, I'm in chat for about two hours, not two minutes :P

3. vacation spot....? you mean like oran island from mega man?

I'm sure if you could go there physically, you would.

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I don't know the question limit, but feel free to have all the fun you want.

The song you want everybody to listen to?

The song you regret listening to?

The song you most identify with?

The song that makes you angry?

The song you would like your pet to dance to?

The song you play in your head when you eat your favorite food?

The song you think you first when you're bored?

The song you wish you had written?

The song most likely to get you down for no reason?

The song that most reminds of you of your favorite person?

The song you play on your alarm?

The song on your ring tone?

The song that hypes you up for a boss battle?

The song plays in your mind when you're taking a test?

The song that should play everyday at your work?

The song of your childhood?

The song you want to dance to when your happiest?

The song you would rather hear at a birthday instead of the usual "happy bday 2 u" song?

The song you would randomly guess I was listening to a I wrote this questions?

The song you want your kids to listen to first in their life?

The song that plays in your mind in a rainy day?

The song in your playlist you always skip when it starts playing?

The song you could rock to all day?

The song for when you pull of a difficult task?

The song you listened to while or after you finished this questions?

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I'm a doofus, but now I'm curious if you're actually a conjoined twin, a regular twin, or just close friends with your partial alter ego?

Retracted: I was breaking a rule:
Asking about relationships between the interviewee and other members.


Is it breaking a rule if they've posted stuff about the relationship already or have volunteered partial information already? Sorry, if my question goes too far, I'll delete it.

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Is it breaking a rule if they've posted stuff about the relationship already or have volunteered partial information already? Sorry, if my question goes too far, I'll delete it.

There are essentially three reasons behind general rule 8. The primary reason for this rule is to cover a certain gap.

If an interviewee gets a question about themselves that they do not feel comfortable answering, they can simply refuse to answer it; if an interviewee gets a question about another user wich that user does not feel comfortable being answered, that user has no real way of preventing the interviewee from answering it anyway. There is a gap: the privacy of the interviewee is protected, but not the privacy of other users. This rule intends to cover that gap.

This mostly (but not only) applies to strained relations: people who have a history of fighting with each other, people who can't stand each other, exes who don't get along etc.

The second reason for this rule is that the focus of an Interview is the user being interviewed, and the focus should not be shifted to other members altogether. We don't want to see an interview being derailed.

The third reason is simply to remind users to keep privacy in mind; both that of the interviewee and other users. Being members of an Internet forum, we all have a certain degree of anonymity, and people may not feel comfortable sharing personal information. Some questions are better asked in a private message than in a public thread.

I think your question should be fine. However, it ultimately depends on whether or not both Hoshi and Eliwan are fine with it.

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1. What are your impressions of me

2. Do you have any ideas for a new F-Zero

3. What do you consider a perfect run in Mario Kart

4. I forgot, but who do you main in Diddy Kong Racing

5. Why are ships coming out of the base

1 probably not good at racing games :^)

2 yes for one to be made :v

3 turning off the game and switching to diddy kong racing >u<

4 banjo, because hes the fastest and has better control than krunch, and hes not an unlockable

5 aloha snackbar!

Venom's Marvel.

1. How's it going?

2. Have you ever had paella? If so, what did you think of it? If not, would you try it?

3. Soul Ablaze or Divine Hammer? (and why is Divine Hammer better?)

4. Which are you best at; Mega Man X1, X2, or X3?

5. Do you still watch Trihex and dss?

1 idk

2 a....who? i dont think much about food

3 soul ablaze >w> also huh ive never seen zx advent before, the boy looks like a cute tomboy lesbian cx

4 x3 lol i love that game

5 dss i never saw much of, trihex is doing lots of yoshi speedrunning now and im not really in the mood for that

1. Opinion about Hoshido?

2. Your favorite videogame theme?

3. How did you get introduced into FE?

4. Any other tactical RPGs besides FE you play and maybe could recommend me?

5. When will you fulfill my request of drawing Setsuna?

1 setsuna

2 x vs zero

3 a relative had it for gba

4 uhhh i rarely play any rpgs but i did love me some tactics ogre

5 dont know ;;; drawing is hard, im still confused on how to make a drawing

1. Have you played any of the older FE games?

2. Do you bike?

3. Do you speak any languages besides English?

4. Are you interested in history?

5. Are you interested in law?

1 mhm i played 2, 4, 6, 7, 8

2 no but regirock does :)

3 yes but im terrible at every language including english

ok i must be imagining questions 4 and 5 because you know i cant read :v

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I. Are you adorable?

L. Are you awesome?

O. Are you amazing?

V. Are you wonderful?

E. Are you precious?

Y. Can you eat three meals each day?

O. Are you beloved?

U. Are you going to dare say no to LOVE?

I. no

L. no you

O. no you

V. no you

E. no you

Y. no you

O. no you

U. and no

sis <333333333333333333333333333333333333

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1) Why are you so presh?

2) Is there a better way of contacting you consistently other than SF messenger?

3) I'm your favorite person right?

4) If you had one traditional superpower what would it be? If you've already answered this you can ignore it lol

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1. Awakening is really great game, Do you agree?

2. Diddy Kong racing is trash in my opinion because it's a rip-off of Mario Kart, and generally was a mistake. What do you think about it?

3. Opinion on Donkey Kong 64 soundtrack, I've always thought it was awful but others can have their own view.

4. Setsuna is a bad character, Although I want to know your opinion on her.

5. Fighting games are the best genre of video games, Once again opinion?

6. Why is Sacred Stones trash?

6. How's life?

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1. have you ever gone camping?

2. favourite shade of purple?

3. are you still making music?

4. on a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like watermelon?

5. are you more into summer fashion or fall fashion?

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1. When will you fix the age in your profile?

2. Why is purple the best color?

3. Would you replace your national anthem with "City Escape" from Sonic Adventure 2?

4. What is the highest, most impressive score you've ever gotten?

5. What is the hardest challenge you have conquered without luck or grinding?

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Why aren't you listening when I tell you who says the method for playing the Inverted Song of Time?

You say you aren't supposed to know it even though it can be used as soon as the SoT is learned, but you don't listen when I tell you where the game tells you.

annie plssssss .w.

6.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with?
7.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with?
8.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with?
9.Opinion on polygamy
10.Please answer the stock questions you ask other users (if you have any). If that includes impressions then give me your honest impresssions of yourself.

6 uhhhh yngwie malmsteen zakk wylde and dimebag darrel?

7 mario sonic and blaze the cat i guess

8 bowser bowser jr and widowmaker if she counts =w=

9 i think polygamy is kind of a good idea if people are okay with it, traditional marriage isnt a big deal anymore

10 uhhh what? i never asked a question here before but i ask people about hobbies i guess

1. Impressions?

2. Favorite jelly?

3. Favorite voice?

1 you have pretty avatars and i confused you for this person once? i dont come here often and people asking me for impressions .w.

2 grape

3 anette olzon

Why are ya such a derp?

First/current impression?

When's your next composition?

1 nu u

2 i wonder what youre like now

3 dunno QnQ but i might start singing maybe

1. Why are you such gay

2. Do you like HARAMBE

3. XD

4. Least favorite food

5. Favorite distraction

1 gay is bae

2 how can people not though

3 pls

4 pancakes only because i like waffles more and they make me miss waffles

5 eliwan :3

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I don't know the question limit, but feel free to have all the fun you want.

1The song you want everybody to listen to?

2The song you regret listening to?

3The song you most identify with?

4The song that makes you angry?

5The song you would like your pet to dance to?

6The song you play in your head when you eat your favorite food?

7The song you think you first when you're bored?

8The song you wish you had written?

9The song most likely to get you down for no reason?

10The song that most reminds of you of your favorite person?

11The song you play on your alarm?

12The song on your ring tone?

13The song that hypes you up for a boss battle?

14The song plays in your mind when you're taking a test?

15The song that should play everyday at your work?

16The song of your childhood?

17The song you want to dance to when your happiest?

18The song you would rather hear at a birthday instead of the usual "happy bday 2 u" song?

19The song you would randomly guess I was listening to a I wrote this questions?

20The song you want your kids to listen to first in their life?

21The song that plays in your mind in a rainy day?

22The song in your playlist you always skip when it starts playing?

23The song you could rock to all day?

24The song for when you pull of a difficult task?

25The song you listened to while or after you finished this questions?


2 none

3 dececrate through reverance i think?

4 any new arch enemy song...

5 the duck song

6 wat whatevers in the video im probably watching

7 rising force?

8 the songs i dont write .w.

9 sleeping dogs?

10 i wanna say sleeping dogs

11 annoying beeping

12 i dont have one

13 dark bowser

14 far beyond the sun i think

15 idk can i say rising force for everything?

16 mario theme maybe?

17 domination or carameldansen

19 wat

20 rising force?

21 the poet and the pendulum

22 cowboys from hell oh i feel so bad.

23 rising fooorce

24 wave race 64 music lel

25 an overwatch stream?

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1. Who is best Pegasus Knight?

2. Opinion on the Green Biker Dude from X2?

3. If you could be an animal, which one would you be?

4. First/current impressions?

1 vanessa

2 he should be glad he didnt make it to x5's ride bike section

3 im a bird

4 who are you peeeeopleeeeeeeee

1) Why are you so presh?

2) Is there a better way of contacting you consistently other than SF messenger?

3) I'm your favorite person right?

4) If you had one traditional superpower what would it be? If you've already answered this you can ignore it lol

1 oh pfff stop cx

2 yes but you dont want to come to chats anymore QnQ

3 im sorry sis <3 of course you are you are still one of the best friends i ever had :)

4 shape shifter ^^;

Impressions of sukusuku hakutaku.

If you don't know what it is, shame on you here you go:


it always reminds me of that one stupid denko story from 4chan :B

Damn... this is my answer as well.

It's fine!

I wished I could draw.

At least I can still admire your Setsuna sprite in your profile. So adorable!

am not very good ^^;

1. Awakening is really great game, Do you agree?
2. Diddy Kong racing is trash in my opinion because it's a rip-off of Mario Kart, and generally was a mistake. What do you think about it?
3. Opinion on Donkey Kong 64 soundtrack, I've always thought it was awful but others can have their own view.
4. Setsuna is a bad character, Although I want to know your opinion on her.
5. Fighting games are the best genre of video games, Once again opinion?
6. Why is Sacred Stones trash?
6. How's life?

1 pls

2 pls

3 pls

4 pls

5 pls

6 pls

7 ill see you in discord m8 :u

1. have you ever gone camping?

2. favourite shade of purple?

3. are you still making music?

4. on a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like watermelon?

5. are you more into summer fashion or fall fashion?

(excited to see mei by the wayyy ;w;)

1. no i dont think thats my thing. i wonder if you like camping?

2. violet

3. practice only ;w; hahah im so terrible people ask me this

4. 8/10! would love some rn

5. i have to say summer because tanks are cute but do black ones still count? lol cx

How do you feel about bunnies?

Do you think your astrological sign fits you?

What's your favorite perfume/air freshener/whatever scent?

Least favorite dessert?

i sort of like them. lopunny -w-

birby? yep =w=

i dunno probably something scented for rasberry?

ummmmm flan i think i dont really eat desert

1. When will you fix the age in your profile?

2. Why is purple the best color?

3. Would you replace your national anthem with "City Escape" from Sonic Adventure 2?

4. What is the highest, most impressive score you've ever gotten?

5. What is the hardest challenge you have conquered without luck or grinding?

2 cause its purple!

3 i dont really like that song though

4 score? uhh i dont know i guess all the notes in banjo kazooie

5 i lived through super mario kart -.-

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