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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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21 hours ago, Claudius I said:

2. Wait, how come FE3 was your first FE game? Unless you live in Japan, that's highly unusual.
3. Does this mean you're now playing through FE games in chronological order?

4. What makes FE4 your favorite FE game?
5. Is Lachesis actually your favorite FE girl?
6. Do you speak any languages other than English?
7. Do you have any interest in history?

2. i went for an snes emulator during downtime. it made sense to start with FE3 since it was a remake of the nes version

3. chronological order of release now, yes. for the snes era i did a lot of flipping around to try and stay within timeline but it didn't make much of a difference in the end. FE3 Book 1 => FE11 => FE3 Book 2 => FE12 => FE4 First Gen => FE5 => FE4 Second Gen. i realize i skipped FE2, but if i keep playing in this new order i'll get to it's story eventually

4. the characters are actually unique in terms of gameplay. it's not quite the same where you have to choose between a bunch of the same class. there's only one prince / princess into master knight per generation etc. instead the focus is on choosing the character, who they'll support, weapon & tactical decisions; more time is devoted in playing the game as opposed to assembling a perfect team

it also has the best opening scene, unless recent translations did away with some of alec's lines

5. yeah, i really love the attitude she puts on display, and she can fight too. she's not dangerous by any means unless you count her tongue, but she isn't quite a blackliner either. a princess fighting her own battles, imagine that

6. yes, two

7. history and language arts were two of my favourite subjects in school. i can't say i go out of my way to learn more history unless i'm on a wikipedia binge

20 hours ago, Hitori said:

wow i always thought you were kinda scary but actually ur not

good..very good..all according to keikaku


20 hours ago, Hitori said:

i don't have any questions right now and may not have any by the end of the week but i am reading all your answers and oops

it's k. i would stalk me too tbh

17 hours ago, Arcanite said:


i meant to write that i erased her memory

forget you ever read that


17 hours ago, Arcanite said:

I.... prefer to listen to the cops

I mean, doing 120 mph is a lot more than doing 55 in 54 ;^) (You had better get this one)

they used the megaphone of their car to talk to me when i was 5 feet away from their patrol car. i have a hard time listening to lazy cops, but that just might be me

i got 99 problems, but a reference ain't one

17 hours ago, Arcanite said:

9. What do the letters in C.R.E.A.M. mean?

10. Also, I'm not really sure what kind of cream you mean. Ice cream or whipped cream?


11. Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig?

12. Adele or Beyonce?


13. In 3 words you describe yourself as tall dark and handsome me likey

Describe the "perfect" woman for you in 3 words?

14. Describe the perfect butt to munch in 3 words?

15. Here's what I look like naked (though I think you've seen it before):

  Reveal hidden contents


Are you impressed? :smug:

16. So when are you going to play FE8?

17. Isn't Robert Downey Jr. objectively the most handsome thing alive?

18. What famous female do you think is objectively the most beautiful thing alive?

19. Guns or roses?

20. Jeezy, Weezy, or Yeezy?

21. Pie or cake?

22. Say "something in French", in French

23. Isn't French great?

24. I think you know French, right?

25. Is this whole `muttbunching.pos` thing permanent or are you going to switch the style up sometime?

9. cash rules everything around me, get the money, dolla dolla bills y'all

10. ice cream

11. pierce brosnan in goldeneye, daniel craig in casino royale. they're not really comparable in my eyes

12. music wise i've listened to adele more than beyonce. she's been doing vocals for trance and the like for a really, really long time

13. does not exist

and i accept that. helping your partner improve parts of themselves that they want to improve is one thing, but searching for a "perfect" significant other is another

14. twerks all day

15. the robot i know should have more pylons :smug:

16. whenever i finish FE6 and FE7..see you in 2049

17. brad pitt sheds tears for your blassfamy

18. can't say fur sure. but i did once propose to jennifer aniston and all her problems

19. guns

20. weezy, especially when high

21. cake

22. https://vocaroo.com/i/s105WSfLEkOy

23. yes, yes it is

24. i can handle basics like reading or listening. the speaking part has really fallen out of practice

25. nah, already have my next theme planned

15 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

I. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

II. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you relate to the most?

III. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

IV. How were you led to Serenesforest?

V. Do you have a favorite history or mythology to learn about?

VI. Who was the user who originally called you a "buttmunch" in the first place?

VII. Fight or flight?

I. wind, because it sounds cooler than air

II. acedia, and caritas

III. as detailed to sully, i found myself needing to play games that were challenging to the mind but not multiplayer, reflex or hand-eye based. i searched RPG / tactical and found this gem of a series

IV. needed a guide for FE4 as there were far too many surprises. gamefaqs guides spoiled more than helped, so SF was perfect in that the resources gave you the information you needed, without spoiling everything

V. i don't think so. if there's a movie about one, i'll most likely spend the next (or even previous) day in wikipedia binge learning / cross-checking. i come away with snapple facts, and not actual learning though

VI. having logged off for so long, i'm unsure if they'd be comfortable with me naming them. i'll give you a hint though: they have two m's in their username

VII. negotiations &  hostile takeover, a.k.a. fight

8 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

6. Assuming that your favorite FE4 Gen 1 character is the obvious choice, who's your favorite from Gen 2?

7. Pasta is great, I agree. What's your favorite kind of pasta noodle? 

8. If you could only play one game for the rest of your life, which would you pick?

9. If the robot uprising occurs, would be in support or opposition of our potential new overlords? Don't worry, I won't tell Arcanite your answer.

10. What do you believe is the most important thing in life?

6. patty. i team her up with leen and they make lean patties out of anyone who stands in their way

7. penne

8. that would be tied between dota and world of warcraft

9. i would be the assassin the stops skynet because john cantor couldn't

10. love

6 hours ago, Gemma said:

1. Did you enjoy our date?

2. Steak or porkchops?

3. Cake or pie?

4. A song that represents your personality?

5. Opinion on Camilla?

6. Most beautiful flower in your opinion?

7. Ever been on a cruise/ want to go on one?

8. Enjoy going to malls?

9. Are you excited for Mario Odyssey?

10. What do you feel is the best thing you have to offer for others?

11. Scariest deep sea creature?

12. Beautiful moment that made you cry?

13. Do you write letters to people?

14. Fun memory from elementary school?

15. would you step outside and relax, not thinking of or doing anything for 5 minutes, this very instant?

1. the pleasure was mine

2. steak

3. cake

4. there isn't one really, but have a song anyway

5. can't say. haven't played the game she's in

6. i don't know enough types of flowers to answer this properly, but the last flowers i bought were tulips

7. i've been on a boat, but not a cruise. and yes i definitely do. i'm thinking about holyship..but at my age idk

8. i used to, a lot. now it's in and out, buy what i need and leave

9. can't say i am, unfortunately ;/

10. a smile or a laugh

11. anything with tentacles, because we all know where that's going

12. i'm drawing a blank. don't think i've ever been overcome with so much emotion in real life that i've cried. when watching a movie or annie may though, yes. there was a moment in grimoire of zero where i came really close i think

13. if you count corporate e-mails, yes

14. my best friends grandmother didn't speak a word of english, but every time we'd hang out in front of the house she'd come out and lift our backpacks from the bottom (while we were wearing them.) it was really weird and we still laugh about it. we didn't find out until our 20s that was her way of checking for drugs

15. thats sexactly what i'm gonna do. i needed a little break!

6 hours ago, Arcanite said:


it's too bad I missed  your interview....


26. So do you and Gemma get it on frequently?

26. i'm not that kinda grill on a first date :^)

4 hours ago, Rezzy said:

6: First/Current impressions of me?

7: Aspirations in life?

8: Opinion on kids, and do you plan to have any?

9: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

10: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

6. first impression was that you were an internet webcomic author. current impression is that when you want to be, you're almost as naughty funny as i am

7. get money, fall in love, buy an island

8. well mannered kids are a joy to play with, but i think i end up being too lenient with them; they end up taking my kindness for weakness. i talk to them as if they're adults and let them know that i value their opinions. in a way i try to enable them to be confident and build up their sense of self-worth, while still embracing the fact that they're kids and can play as much as they want. in the end i find myself trying to teach them too much or letting them get away with everything ;/

while i've been told that i'd be a great daddy, i currently wouldn't be able to give my kids everything they want; so that plan is on hold for now

9. sucker punch, and i still think it's a great movie

10. league of legends

1 hour ago, Infinite Dreams said:

1. Do you play Fire Emblem Heroes?

2. How do you think success should be measured?

3. What scares you?  Do you have any irrational fears?

4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day?

5. What three words best describe you?

6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike?

7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money?

8. What's something you've tried that you'll never try again?

9. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

10. What are you most grateful for right now?

11. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges or do you prefer things to be easy? Why?

12. If you could time travel, where would you go?

13. What are your pet peeves?

14. What are some of your favourite TV shows?

15. What's been the most significant or best year of your life so far?

1. no, unfortunately ;/

2. the amount of joy and happiness you bring to the people you care about in your life. it's immeasurable, but nothing feels better than hearing "i'm really happy right now"

3. blood and gore. irrational fears are in the mind, that sometimes what i see or hear is different from what is actually happening

4. drink, drugs, fap, listen to music, play games (in no particular order)

5. tall, dark and handsome

6. i'm fairly oblivious, so i'm sure i've broken all of them at some point. there aren't any i can think of that i dislike or go out of my way to break

7. free time, all the time

8. salvia. seriously, don't ever do it. and if you do, make sure you have at least 3 sober friends with you

9. not an exact balance, but i like to think i'm an ambivert. i switch gears quite frequently depending on the situation

10. family

11. i prefer overcoming a challenge so often until it becomes easy. as for why, it feels as if i am progressing

12. 2006, to a house party in the hills

13. people who don't adapt, aren't open to change, aren't self-aware; constant cumplainers, self-loathers, passionate conversionists (not religion, but the people who feel that everyone else has to like what they like,) and chewing with mouth open. there's probably a lot more, but i rarely think about this subject :x

14. besides game of thrones, currently none. i am thinking of re-picking up the league, and picking up archer / bojack horseman (based on a recommendation.) when i was younger i watched sportscenter and the daily show devoutly

15. 2006

33 minutes ago, Natalie said:

Um,  you do know there's really only one right answer to this, right?

also where is sean connery?

i couldn't pick one :^)

sean is busy teaching rookies how to bond, though

1 hour ago, Natalie said:


23. Have you seen the original movie?


24. Do you watch anime?

25. What are some of your favourite FE characters?

26. Best way to spend a day off/holiday?

22. i did, last weekend as a matter of fact. i pooled in an uber with a couple that were going to the same theatre i was, it was a fun ride

23. i have, but i fell asleep halfway ;/

24. yup. annie may plays with me when the other kids wont

25. drinking, partying, buttmunching, gaming (in no particular order, and sometimes all at once)

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4 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

VI. having logged off for so long, i'm unsure if they'd be comfortable with me naming them. i'll give you a hint though: they have two m's in their username

I wasn't certain if you'd be willing to state their name, but I figured that I may as well ask anyway.

4 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

8. well mannered kids are a joy to play with, but i think i end up being too lenient with them; they end up taking my kindness for weakness. i talk to them as if they're adults and let them know that i value their opinions. in a way i try to enable them to be confident and build up their sense of self-worth, while still embracing the fact that they're kids and can play as much as they want. in the end i find myself trying to teach them too much or letting them get away with everything ;/

Interesting. I always felt the best way to treat kids is by acting like they're adults as well.

VIII. Favorite season?

IX. Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, and if so, does it fit you?

X. Any personal philosophy or mindset you try to stick to?

XI. Do you live in a rural, urban, or suburban area, or a combination?

XII. Which do you prefer of the areas above?

XIII. You often link things in your responses to topics; any specific reason why?

XIV. Favorite Fire Emblem class?

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6 hours ago, Natalie said:

Um,  you do know there's really only one right answer to this, right?

also where is sean connery?

Im not going to answer this one, for fear I may say the wrong thing

Also who is Sean Connery? ;P

5 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

i meant to write that i erased her memory

forget you ever read that


27. Who is agent M?

5 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:


28. I noticed you'd make these little... wordplay-type things often (i.e. xexclusively)

Is this just because of your theme? If so, will you be doing the same thing for your next theme?

6 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

weezy, especially when high


29. What do you think of Yeezy?

30. Would you wear Yeezy's?

31. What is your preferred shoe?

32. Converses?

33. Ever been in a fight?

34. Have you any siblings?

35. Do you like Waffles?


37. DO YOU LIKE FRENCH TOAST!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?

38. Can you or can you not wait to get a mouthful?

39. You say you are married to the game, but would you leave it for something better?

40. Ever had chicken cordon bleu?

41. Would you eat bacon fried rice?





6 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

well mannered kids are a joy to play with, but i think i end up being too lenient with them; they end up taking my kindness for weakness. i talk to them as if they're adults and let them know that i value their opinions. in a way i try to enable them to be confident and build up their sense of self-worth, while still embracing the fact that they're kids and can play as much as they want. in the end i find myself trying to teach them too much or letting them get away with everything ;/

As my mom always said


Just beat them


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Y'know, you're actually a pretty nice guy! Even your most questionable activity of munching butts makes a little sense, in context.

22. Isn't it great that @Arcanite supports child abuse?

23. If you were to join a religion just for kicks, which one would it be?

24. Of all the states in the United States, which is the greatest state?

25 What is your opinion of the American South?

26. What is your opinion of Virginia?

27. Isn't it unbelievable that @Arcanite doesn't know who Sean Connery is?

28. Isn't the new Taylor Swift single the greatest of them all?

29. Ever listen to polka?

30. Do you like sketch comedy?

31. Do you like sketchy comedy?

32. How good are you at lying?

33. What is a pet peeve you have that no one else does?

34. Aside from his role as Bond, what are some of your other favorite Sean Connery roles?

35. Do you like Mission Impossible?

36. If you had to munch an FE character's butt, which one would it be?

37. Would you munch the butt referenced here: "Your rounded thighs are like jewels,  the work of a master hand."

38. 2D Mario or 3D Mario?

39. 2D Zelda or 3D Zelda?

40. Christian Bale Batman, Ben Affleck Batman, or Lego Batman?

41. Favorite Christmas movie?

42. Ever listen to this:


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20 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

Isn't it great that @Arcanite supports child abuse?

Beating your children isn't child abuse lol

There's a line that is drawn. There's a difference between my mom whipping me with a belt and my mom punching me in the face!

22 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

Isn't it unbelievable that @Arcanite doesn't know who Sean Connery is?

I know who he is, I was just going along with the joke :P


42. From one muncher friend to another, can you tell Sully to get off my back?

43. Ever smoke w33d?

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4 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Beating your children isn't child abuse lol

There's a line that is drawn. There's a difference between my mom whipping me with a belt and my mom punching me in the face!

I know, I know. There's no way your mom spanked you as hard as mine spanked me!

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3 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

I know, I know. There's no way your mom spanked you as hard as mine spanked me!

I doubt it

Actually im not sure

But I think ill take your word for it

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

I doubt it

Actually im not sure

But I think ill take your word for it

Bare bottom, man. All the way until I was 12. But as for buttmuncher...

43. About how many layers of clothing did your mom make you take off before whipping you?

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Just now, SullyMcGully said:

Bare bottom, man. All the way until I was 12. But as for buttmuncher...

43. About how many layers of clothing did your mom make you take off before whipping you?

Bare bottom

Yeah your mom wins LOL

44. Did your mom prefer by hand or with a belt?

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@Arcanite @SullyMcGully


I can say for certain that I've never been whipped or spanked or whatever.


Next thing @Claudius I will be saying he was spanked too, and then we'll know the only safe place to grow up is in England.


27. Aren't Sully and Arcanite terribly abused children?

28. Have you played any Zelda games?

29. Opinion of Ests and Jagens in FE?

30. Aren't British girls just the best butts to munch on?

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1. Do you prefer this track or this track? Your answer will influence Arcanite and Natalie's life together as wife and robot.

2. Same question, but beteen this track and this track.

3. You were gone for a pretty big length of time. Or, at the very least, I didn't see you around for a while. What made you come back?

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8. Have you ever read anything Tolkien (The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings etc.)?
9. Got any favorite Roman Emperor(s)?
10. Do you ever bike?
11. Opinions on FE3?
12. Books or movies?
13. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

56 minutes ago, Natalie said:

Next thing @Claudius I will be saying he was spanked too, and then we'll know the only safe place to grow up is in England.

Why is your imagination always so biased against me?

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@SullyMcGully @Arcanite My goodness, you two must have been quite the troublemakers. I'm with Rex here; as my parents told it, I was only spanked once before I learned my lesson and became a good, obedient child. My sister, on the other hand, seems to have had a similar experience as you, Sully.

11. Is disciplining a child okay? And where should the line be drawn?

12. Is spanking a form of discipline, abuse, or a bit of naughty fun with a close friend or two? (important clarification: not all of these options refer to children.)

13. Do you care for pop, soda, or anything in between?

14. I can see that you have very good taste in FE4 characters even if Altena is still objectively the best. Do you have a favorite of the substitute characters in Gen 2?

15. On a related note, have you ever played through FE4 with the substitute characters? Or just the standard children, or even possibly a combination? If not, do you ever plan on doing a substitute run?

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25 minutes ago, Hitori said:

wtf, were some of you not spanked as children??? i always thought it was just part of being a kid

It was definitely a normal thing when I was growing up, but the public opinion on spanking children seems to have changed over the years, and it appears to be less common nowadays because of it. I'm still of the opinion that spanking/disciplining and actual abusing are two very different things, but a lot of people don't agree anymore, at least from what I've seen and heard.

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1 hour ago, Claudius I said:

Why is your imagination always so biased against me?

But you haven't said you weren't beaten. This leads me to believe that naughty Dutch boys are spanked too.

Let me add this to the list of why wonky UK > Netherlands.


1 hour ago, DefaultBeep said:

I was only spanked once before I learned my lesson and became a good, obedient child.

20 minutes ago, Hitori said:

wtf, were some of you not spanked as children??? i always thought it was just part of being a kid

I was never spanked even though I was unruly and disobedient. My parents never felt the need for abuse but maybe it helped that I threatened them with calling social services whenever they told me off.


31. Do you think children like Arcanite and Sully need specialist therapy for overcoming their abusive childhoods?

32. Tea, coffee or other?

33. Favourite Star Wars movie?

34. Least favourite Star Wars movie?

35. Favourite Star Wars character?

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13 minutes ago, Natalie said:

I was never spanked even though I was unruly and disobedient. My parents never felt the need for abuse but maybe it helped that I threatened them with calling social services whenever they told me off.

Interestingly, I have a friend who wasn't spanked as a kid, and she also used the classic Social Services strat quite often. She was an unruly and disobedient kid too; I wonder if there's a connection here... I can't find that one dumb thinking emoji, so pretend I used it here in a sarcastic way. I can't think of any other way to express that I'm joking.

16. Is this anything like how you expected your interview to go?

17. Just to counter what the above asked you Have you ever seen Battlestar Galactica? Either/a combination of the original, the reboot, or... *shudder* 1980?

18. Are you a book fan?

19. Is our society becoming too focused on technology?

20. Favorite color?

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5 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

17. Just to counter what the above asked you Have you ever seen Battlestar Galactica? Either/a combination of the original, the reboot, or... *shudder* 1980?

Well excuse me! How can moles see anything if they're blind, anyway?

I've been told Battlestar Galactica is good although I haven't yet seen it myself, so you're staying in my good books. For now.


36. Least favourite animal and why is it a mole?

37. Favourite animal?

38. Do you think I ought to stop picking fights with innocent SF members on the interview thread?

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1 minute ago, Natalie said:

Well excuse me! How can moles see anything if they're blind, anyway?

I've been told Battlestar Galactica is good although I haven't yet seen it myself, so you're staying in my good books. For now.

I would take offense to that, but I actually am legally blind without my glasses, so your comment is less of a joke and more of just a fact. There are a surprising amount of real similarities between myself and moles.

The reboot is outstanding and I would highly recommend it, while the first one is cheesy but good for a few laughs (and some potential nightmare fuel at a few points). 1980 is... well, it's nine episodes of mind-numbingly boring attempts at being educational while destroying anything good from the original, and then one final episode that's shockingly good and arguably better than most of the original series. If you only watch one, definitely make it the reboot (and then maybe grab some friends to watch and make fun of the others. That's what I did, anyway). It does lean more on the serious side tonally, though not devoid of humor for sure, but it may not be your thing if you prefer more lighthearted TV shows.

21. Do you know of all the wonderful and helpful things that moles have done throughout history?

22. Aren't people with glasses objectively cooler and more attractive than those without?

23. Are you a fan of sweets?

24. Do I deserve to have Natalie get her revenge on me if/when I get interviewed?

25. Are you praying for your interview to be over yet?

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11: Opinion on the name Rachel?

12: Opinion on petticoats?

13: Opinion on kilts?

14: If you were a Fire Emblem unit, what would your class and stats/growths be like?

15: Opinion on the Est archetype?

16: Favorite FE archetype?

17: Favorite FE character from each game you've played?

18: Least favorite character?

19: Favorite class in FE?

20: Least favorite class?

21: Do you go bust if you go over 21?

EDIT: It's cool that my art style looks like a web comic to you.  I wish I was that creative.

Edited by Rezzy
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18 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

2. the amount of joy and happiness you bring to the people you care about in your life. it's immeasurable, but nothing feels better than hearing "i'm really happy right now"

Awww, you seem like a really sweet person, mister Buttmuncher.  I like the way you think!  :):

7 hours ago, VY2V3 said:

wtf, were some of you not spanked as children??? i always thought it was just part of being a kid

Yeah, I thought it was normal too... I definitely got my fair share of spankings when I was a  kid...  :unsure:

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Why are you always eatin' ass?

Aight, you sad it seven times but we had a problem with it for the -- the first time was cool, right; it was funny, aight? It got us on but I dunno what the FUCK you doin now, YOU REALLY EAT THAT SHIT?! DO you forreal?!

Who taught you that yo daddy?


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Oh my, your interview is now? Very well, before I commence bestowing you your question, I must ask:

What types of questions might you be interested in me asking?

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