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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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9 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well, Sir Mycen.

54. The train is currently 7 kilometers away, but it's moving at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour. The train will not be stopping at your location, so its speed will stay constant. This scenario takes place at the station, so you're on a raised platform while the victim is down on the tracks. He broke his leg from the fall, so he will need assistance getting all the way back up. The platform is roughly your own height, meaning that you will have to lift both yourself and the victim back onto the platform. Also, the victim is Sully, the train driver is Natalie, and Arcanite was the one who "accidentally" made Sully fall (there is no proof of their guilt, but there is also no proof of their innocence). How do you respond in this situation, Sir Mycen?

55. So, you're saying that you think I look like this, Sir Mycen?


Frankly, I don't even know how to respond.

This is the first time anyone has ever called me handsome.

56. For all this talk about Gaiden, how do you actually feel about it as a game, Sir Mycen? In as much detail as you'd like to give.

57. Did you even use Mycen in Gaiden, Sir Mycen?

58. Did Nomah deserve to be saved, or should he have been left in the sewers, Sir Mycen?

59. Nyna or Tatiana, Sir Mycen?

(Just to clarify, Mycen is not meant to be an option. Although you may pick him if you so wish.)

60. How do you feel about bow archers in FE, Sir Mycen? Just the guys, just the girls, or a combination, however you'd like to categorize them for the sake of answering this question.

61. Is it obvious from my lack of talking about it that I know very little about Lord of the Rings, Sir Mycen?

62. Which is correct, Sir Mycen: yay, or yea?

63. What do you normally put on spaghetti, Sir Mycen? Or do you prefer to eat it plain?

54. That's a very interesting situation, but if I were in a situation like this, I wouldn't have the time to think all this through, so I'd act instinctively. So it's hard to say when I'm not actually in the situation. I must say though, could I really let Sully die? At Natalie's and (possibly) Arcanite's hands? Not to mention that you are all irresistibly attracted to him, Tobin!

55. Heheh, I wasn't talking about looks; you just felt like a Tobin to me, Tobin.

I don't doubt you're as handsome as Tobin though~

56. Love it. It's so old and wonky (but way less wonky than FE1, bless), but it's so unique and fun. The story is... something, but the gameplay is nice. I don't have a problem with the map design either, Tobin. 

57. I did, Tobin.

58. He deserved to be saved, Tobin. 

59. Nyna, Tobin. She's more tragic. Though she's less useful in-game.

60. Archers are fun. I like using them, but "normal" archers usually aren't very good (Jamke, Febail, Shinon and Takumi are notable exceptions). Mounted archers are usually better, so I usually end up using them in games that have them, over "normal" archers, Tobin.

61. I think most people on here know very little about Tolkien, Tobin.

62. Depends on the meaning, Tobin. "Yay" is a cheer; "yea" is the archaic variant of "yes" (similar to "nay" for "no").

63. It depends on what I feel like, Tobin.

9 hours ago, Natalie said:

I will ask you some more questions tomorrow, gramps.


Don't you think it's disgusting that I didn't know about Nomah until my sister told me he was down in the sewers the other day?

137. How long do you think Nomah could survive down there for, considering I completed the game about 3 months ago?

No. Nomah is meant to be a secret character. But most FE players have no respect for secrets and look up all the info on SF first.

137. Depends on what he's willing to eat when he's down there... But desperate people will eat anything...

6 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Sorry if any of the following were asked, the walls of text are the eighth wonder of the ancient world.

11: Which of the following are your favorite Roman Emperors from the following periods?

A: Pre-split?

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I believe you said Claudius, but maybe not

B: Post Split Western?

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No idea

C: Eastern/Byzantine?

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Justinian I?

12: Least favorite from each period?

13: Favorite character from each Fire Emblem you've played?

14: Least favorite?

15: Opinion of the color orange?

11. A. Marcus Aurelius.
B. Julius Nepos.
C. Justinian I.

12.A. Didius Julianus. 
B. Glycerius.
C. Not sure...

13. Not counting Fates because I haven't played it to completion yet.
Shadow Dragon and the Sword of Light: Tiki.
Gaiden: Kliff.
Mystery of the Emblem: Tiki.
Genealogy of the Holy War: Larcei. (Arvis if we're counting non-playable characters.)
Thracia 776: Carrion.
Binding Blade: Allen. (Zephiel if we're counting non-playable characters.)
Blazing Blade: Florina.
The Sacred Stones: Ephraim. 
Path of Radiance: Nephenee.
Radiant Dawn: Pelleas.
Shadow Dragon: Tiki.
New Mystery of the Emblem: Tiki.
Awakening: Tiki.

14. Picking least favorites is even harder than favorites, but here goes.
Shadow Dragon and the Sword of Light: Vyland.
Gaiden: Tobin, maybe? (Sorry, Meap.)
Mystery of the Emblem: Vyland.
Genealogy of the Holy War: Beowolf, maybe? (Hilda if we're counting non-playable characters.)
Thracia 776: Shanam.
Binding Blade: Wade, maybe?
Blazing Blade: Serra.
The Sacred Stones: Riev.
Path of Radiance: Calill.
Radiant Dawn: Astrid. (Valtome if we're counting non-playable characters.)
Shadow Dragon: Vyland.
New Mystery of the Emblem: Warren.
Awakening: Tharja (well, that one was easy).

15. I would sing the Dutch national anthem, but I'll just say that I like it.

6 hours ago, Motendra said:

Who's your favorite interviewer?

Oh man, don't make me pick... They're all great.

5 hours ago, Painkiller B said:


31. thoughts on this song???

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32. which one would u rather eat


33. when it comes to songs in languages you don't understand, how much do lyrics matter to you? will good lyrics make you like a song you previously disliked? will bad lyrics make you dislike a song you previously liked? do you just not care??


35. which laguz characters are you particularly fond of???

31. Hmm, well, it's not a particularly complex song, but it's simple and happy, which works well for it. I like it.

32. Do I have to eat the whole onion or lemon (depending on my pick)? If so, I'll pick the spaghetti. If not, I'll have the cake.

33. I see lyrics and songs as two different things, mostly. Good lyrics may make me like a song more, but bad lyrics generally don't detract from my opinion of it. A song can be bad but have amazing lyrics with a deeper meaning, or a song can be amazing but with shit lyrics. So I usually don't judge them together (I usually don't pay much attention to lyrics anyway, unless I know they're supposed to be amazing). 
I don't think that's any different for songs in languages I don't understand. But in those cases, I'm just even less likely to pick up on the lyrics than I already am.


35. I love Mordecai, I just want to hug him. I also really like Lethe, but her personality is shit. I'm fond of Rafiel and Kurthnaga too.
But I like most laguz characters, really. The only ones I'm indifferent towards are Kyza, Lyre and uhhh... Gareth, I believe he was called. And minor bosses with barely any dialogue, of course.

5 hours ago, Painkiller B said:

36. ARE YOU EXCITED TO SHITPOST TOMORROW!! (although i guess by the time u see this it'll already be tomorrow)

37. thoughts on heels/platform shoes if any?

38. in a game that gives you several options as to which weapon you can wield, what do you usually favour? u can cite specific games for this answer

39. this is an odd question but would u date any of ur history biases, ignoring if they married or not

40. egg


36. YES I AM!!!!!
Shitposting with you is always great.

37. I don't know, they seem pretty uncomfortable. 

38. It really depends, but I usually go for magic! As far as physical weapons are concerned, I think I have a preference for swords. But I try not to be biased. 

39. shit man I just realized that most of my history biases are male and that I'm not gay....... I would totally date Lucretia though.

40. zwcNs9z.jpg

5 hours ago, Painkiller B said:

41. when will your interview end, will it be early tomorrow or late.......

42. i wanna ask which was ur favourite of the songs i showed you this interview but ignore this question if the interview is not over yet

43. ok i know u keep sayin "i cannot pick favourites" but how would YOU rearrange my top FIVE fire emblem characters?? ties are allowed if it makes it easier

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(i know there are 16 in this pic but im too lazy to puush a new image tbh)

44. do you have a preference towards either upbeat songs or slower songs??

45. fill in the blank: "_____ and shirtless are the only 2 states of being"

41. I always start and end interviews on Sunday around 7 p.m. CET (which is 1 p.m. EST) when possible.

42. It's not over yet!

43. 1. Merric.
2. Reyson.
3. Roderick.
4. Gerome.
5. Cordelia.

44. Nope! Both can be good.

45. Shirted and shirtless are the only 2 states of being.
(I don't care if "shirt" isn't a verb; it is now.)

5 hours ago, Painkiller B said:

46. who in this picture looks most like a joshua

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47. who in this picture looks most like an irene??

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48. have you learned anything interesting lately???

49. what is something GOOD you have recently done for someone else??

50. what is something GOOD you have recently done for yourself????

46. oh shit I know I'm going to answer this one wrong.
The one in the bottom right with his arms on the table!

47. oh shit I know I'm going to answer this one wrong.
The one on the left.

48. I learned that the Bree-folk are likely descended from the House of Bór, which technically makes them Easterlings! (Heh, Tolkien stuff.)

49. Talking to a friend when they're dealing with problems.

50. I like to think that just living my life the way I do is something good for myself. I mean, studying law, biking, reading Tolkien, playing FE etc.; they're all things I do on a regular bias and I love them all.

4 hours ago, sylveonzoroark said:

i love u hatty

1. what is something you really want to try doing?
2. do you have a discord?
3. what is your dream job?
4. what does your dream house look like?
5. first/current impressions?
6. would you go to outer space if you could?
7. what are your worst pet peeves?
8. what is the most interesting thing you've learned in college?
9. coffee or tea?
10. what is a law that you think shouldn't exist?

i'm sorry if i asked anything already asked

i love u too sylve

1. Hmm... I don't know.
2. Yes.
3. Judge.
4. I don't know. I want it to be "luxurious" enough to suit my needs and comforts, but I'm very easily satisfied, so not something too big or expensive.
5. First: かわいい子.
Current: Man, Sylve, you are just great. I love talking talking with you and sometimes I think it's a shame that we don't do it more often. 
6. If it were cheap and fast, yeah; otherwise, too much trouble.
7. People who call the Netherlands Holland, people who use 'thou' without using the proper conjugation/declination, people who confuse the words 'yay' and 'yea', people who overcorrect grammar.
8. The prodecure on kingdom legislation in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Either that or the development of administrative jurisdiction in the Netherlands.
9. Tea. I don't like coffee.
10. There's a bunch of weird laws everywhere. For example, if I recall correctly, it's legal to shoot a Scot with bow and arrow when you're within the walls of York. Stuff like that.

4 hours ago, sylveonzoroark said:

11. when did you first read tolkien?
12. do you have names for the cats you see while delivering mail?
13. tell me something i probably don't know about rome
14. what fire emblem game are you on?
15. favorite thing to cook?

11. My dad first read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings to me when I was five or something. After that, I started reading them for myself. Then The Silmarillion followed, and now I have the collection...
12. I don't, but that's a good idea. I usually refer to them by descriptions ("orange-and-white feline friend", "majestic cat", "guardian cat", "chilling chat"). 
13. There's this one neighborhood built by Mussolini called EUR that's very spacious and modern.
14. Fates!
15. Hmm... Maybe spinach.

3 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

I don't even know what Memeus is. Is it the Roman guy who saved memes from Caesar a page or two back?

I mean, you got there with Natalie...


XLwhereeverIam. Why Xander? He generally has been seen as... less popular.

L. Which version of Fates are you currently playing through right now?

LXII. Should government play an active role in its citizens lives, or should it largely sit back and intervene only when needed?

LXXXVI. Have you read The Prince?

LXIX. How about Leviathan?

LIV. How many siblings do you have, and do you get along well?

CVII. Favorite of the traveling group in The Hobbit?

Yep, the centurion who brought memes back to the Roman people.

Natalie was an exception, my friend! For the sake of a bad joke and a challenge with the robot, it was worth it.

XLwhereveryouare. Already in the prologue, I could see that Xander has all the attributes of a Camus. He even looks like Camus. His unwavering loyalty and his recurring "When you chose for Hoshido, you chose to fight me" thing he has with Corrin in Birthright are things I really like. Plus, that manly voice...

L. Birthright!

LXII. That depends on the type of thing. People should be given enough freedom, but government should play an active role in promoting social welfare.

LXXXVI. I haven't, but I'd like to.

LXIX. Nope.

LIV. I have a younger sister and a younger brother. I like them both, but my sister can be bitchy. I get along better with my brother. I mean, we have our older brother-younger brother rivalries, but that's mostly just fun.

CVII. Balin! Strong, smart, reasonable and experienced in years. He's basically the Jagen of the group.

1 hour ago, ___ said:

Allow me, then...

Do you believe in love at first sight?

If a girl you just recently met and got a crush on asked you why you like her, what are you likely to reply?

What is one reason you turn down some one who confesses to you, if you give any?

One cliched line you use to comfort some one after a break up?

If you were doing all these things, meaning, if it were a Fire Emblem character you were dealing with in all the above, who would it most likely be? Multiple candidate are allowed~

That's enough for warming up^^

I do, but I think it's very rare. Love is something that usually needs to develop first.

That depends on what my reasons for liking her are! If it's just feelings with no rational explanation, then I'd probably just say: "I don't know."

That depends on why I'm turning them down!

I don't know...

Have a crush on: Tiki (in Awakening, of course), Ishtar. Though it depends on how you interpret the question. I mean, I'd have something of an explation for why I like Tiki. So if we're going with characters where my answer would be "I don't know," then... Mareeta? Tanya? Rebecca?
Turn down: Tharja, Serra, basically anyone who's a guy (except, perhaps, Soren).
Comfort: Felicia.

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21 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

I second this issue.

30. Why are you trying to make us all attracted to Sully? Choose who you pick as Forsyth wisely.

Meap, I like the fact that although you and I like girls, we both know a good-looking guy when we see one.
I would say, "woah, we must've been destined to meet" but our beverage opinions differ too greatly.

You and gramps should go and form an anti coffee club.

But man, Forsyth? Really?
Lukas is where it's at, my friend.

11 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

You,  @Arcanite, and maybe @Natalie must teach me the ways of the meme. I will be your padawon.

I'm afraid you'll have to count me out Rex, as I am still learning the ways of the meme from gramps.

17 hours ago, Claudius I said:

126. This isn't a question, Alm.


Do I have to spell this out to you, old man?


139. Also your favourite Felicia meme, grandpapa!

17 hours ago, Claudius I said:



Je bent zo'n idioot, opa.

140. Zeg het gewoon!

17 hours ago, Claudius I said:

129. Historical inaccuries and biases, but because his works became so popular, many people started believing they were true. Tolkien apparently also disliked what Shakespeare did with the general public's idea of whate elves are like or something of that nature. Or so I've heard, Alm.

141. Don't mind me, but Tolkien did like to shit on everyone who wasn't him.

Do you hate me now, pops?

17 hours ago, Claudius I said:

134. Hmm... I'll need a while to think about this. My plans must be thought through most thoroughly, Alm.

i'll bring my maid outfit just in case

7 hours ago, Claudius I said:

9. Tea. I don't like coffee.

142. How can you be a true Dutchman when you don't like coffee, gramps?

6 hours ago, Claudius I said:

For example, if I recall correctly, it's legal to shoot a Scot with bow and arrow when you're within the walls of York.

I'm trying this next at the next opportunity.

7 hours ago, Claudius I said:

Turn down: Tharja, Serra, basically anyone who's a guy (except, perhaps, Soren).

143. Why Soren, gramps?

144. Why don't you like poor Serra, gramps!!!??


Do you prefer:

145. Ice cream or cookies?

146. Baths or showers?

147. Windy or rainy days?

148. Summer or winter?

149. Cows or sheep?

150. Arcanite or me?

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7 hours ago, Claudius I said:

Shadow Dragon and the Sword of Light: Tiki.
Mystery of the Emblem: Tiki.
Shadow Dragon: Tiki.
New Mystery of the Emblem: Tiki.
Awakening: Tiki.

I assume I don't have to ask who your favorite character is.

2 minutes ago, Natalie said:

I'm afraid you'll have to count me out Rex, as I am still learning the ways of the meme from gramps.

We will be squires in the art of meme together.

LI. Felicia memes? Have you seen this atrocity?

LII. Should Romulus Agustulus be counted among the Roman emperors?

LIII. Do people have a right to overthrow their government?

LIV. Have you seen, or would you wish to see, Death Note? (It sort of deals with justice and all that jazz.)

LV. What chapter are on in Birthright?

LVI. Is Birthright the only version of Fates you've played so far?

LVII. Favorite Fire Emblem archetype? (Judging by your comment on Xander, I'm assuming hoping its Camus?)

LVIII. Favorite Pokemon, if any?

LIX. Opinions on Achilles?

LX. Favorite hero from the Illiad?

LXI. Was the Trojan War justified?

LXII. Who would you side with in the war if you were given the choice?

LXIII. Would you rather have a brief, but glory-filled life, or a long, simple one?

LXIV. If I might ask, first and current impressions of one Rex Glacies?

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13 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

I'm not supposed to answer but what is wrong with you? It is clearly pronounced "Sell-ick-uh."

I'll say it the way I want to say it >:T

If you have a problem we can settle it over there in Pennsylvania if you want!


13 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

You,  @Arcanite, and maybe @Natalie must teach me the ways of the meme. I will be your padawon.

First off, you spelled Padawan wrong, you dingo

Second, you must become one with the meme in order to begin your first step towards being a true meme queme (A queen of the memes, regardless of being male or female (or robot)).

Are you one with the meme? 


21. What is 9+10?

666. Are you a part of the illuminati? 

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1 hour ago, Natalie said:

But man, Forsyth? Really?
Lukas is where it's at, my friend.


Do I have to spell this out to you, old man?


139. Also your favourite Felicia meme, grandpapa!

Je bent zo'n idioot, opa.

140. Zeg het gewoon!

141. Don't mind me, but Tolkien did like to shit on everyone who wasn't him.

Do you hate me now, pops?

i'll bring my maid outfit just in case

142. How can you be a true Dutchman when you don't like coffee, gramps?

I'm trying this next at the next opportunity.

143. Why Soren, gramps?

144. Why don't you like poor Serra, gramps!!!??


Do you prefer:

145. Ice cream or cookies?

146. Baths or showers?

147. Windy or rainy days?

148. Summer or winter?

149. Cows or sheep?

150. Arcanite or me?

How dare you speak ill of the Force!

138. Whoa, whoa, whoa!
But "Didn't expect that, didya?" is so great too.
(Also, whenever I think that line in my head, the final scene from this meme plays in my head, Alm.)

139. You know it, Alm.


141. I already hated you, Alm.

142. By biking every day, Alm.

143. Because he's rational and honest, Alm, and those are traits I love.

144. Because she's annoying, Alm.

145. Oooohhh... Ice cream.

146. Baths, no doubt.

147. Windy days. They're a challenge when biking! Rainy days are just annoying when biking, especially when I have to deliver mail.
Rainy days can be nice when you're sitting inside though or sometimes when going out specifically with the purpose of walking through the rain. But I barely do that.

148. Summer.

149. But they're both cute... Sheep.

150. Do I really want to burn my hands on this question?

1 hour ago, Rex Glacies said:

I assume I don't have to ask who your favorite character is.

LI. Felicia memes? Have you seen this atrocity?

LII. Should Romulus Agustulus be counted among the Roman emperors?

LIII. Do people have a right to overthrow their government?

LIV. Have you seen, or would you wish to see, Death Note? (It sort of deals with justice and all that jazz.)

LV. What chapter are on in Birthright?

LVI. Is Birthright the only version of Fates you've played so far?

LVII. Favorite Fire Emblem archetype? (Judging by your comment on Xander, I'm assuming hoping its Camus?)

LVIII. Favorite Pokemon, if any?

LIX. Opinions on Achilles?

LX. Favorite hero from the Illiad?

LXI. Was the Trojan War justified?

LXII. Who would you side with in the war if you were given the choice?

LXIII. Would you rather have a brief, but glory-filled life, or a long, simple one?

LXIV. If I might ask, first and current impressions of one Rex Glacies?

I already mentioned that Tiki is my favorite character early, but yeah, it should be obvious now, heheh.

LI. See my answer to 139 above.

LII. No. His ascension was illegal (not to mention that the legal Emperor was still alive and recognized as Emperor throughout most of the Empire) and his claim to the emperorship was only recognized in Italy.

LIII. As a legal positivist, there's no way I could say yes to that.

LIV. I'd like to watch it, but that's probably far off, if I ever go watch it. It's not on the top of my list.

LV. Chapter 18.

LVI. Yep.

LVII. Camus, yes. But I also really like Ests and Gotohs (for gameplay) and Jagens (mostly for their character) and Lorenzes! I might just be the only person alive who considers Lorenz an archetype though, but there's plenty throughout the series: Lorenz, Hannibal, Xavier, Douglas, Tauroneo.
There's just something really fun to me about the concept of "late-joining general who is hard to recruit".
("But Hatt, Lorenz and Tauroneo aren't hard to recruit at all!" They are if you're playing blind, because there's nothing to indicate that they're recruitable.)

LVIII. Don't think I have one.

LIX. He's a bit of an arrogant bastard. Like, I get that Agamemnon was a dick and all, but he selfishly let his companions suffer in the war because Agamemnon didn't give him the present he wanted. I respect him as a warrior though, and as a dramatic character.

LX. Aeneas! Love the guy.

LXI. Within the context of the mythology? Yes. The Achaean leaders had sworn to protect Helen's husband from whomsoever would quarrel with him over her. They were simply obeying their oath.

LXII. Troy! I love Troy.

LXIII. A long, simple one. Glory doesn't matter to me.

LXIV. First: awkward weird nerd.
Current: weird nerd and friend. You're a pretty fun and smart person; I enjoy talking with you and wish we did it more.

13 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

21. What is 9+10?

666. Are you a part of the illuminati? 

21. Nineteen.

666. Nah.

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9 hours ago, Claudius I said:

56. Love it. It's so old and wonky (but way less wonky than FE1, bless), but it's so unique and fun. The story is... something, but the gameplay is nice. I don't have a problem with the map design either, Tobin. 

59. Nyna, Tobin. She's more tragic. Though she's less useful in-game.

Genealogy of the Holy War: Larcei. (Arvis if we're counting non-playable characters.)
35. I love Mordecai, I just want to hug him. I also really like Lethe, but her personality is shit.

Have a crush on: Tiki (in Awakening, of course), Ishtar... Mareeta? Tanya? Rebecca?
Comfort: Felicia.

Ah, I see that you're a man of-

9 hours ago, Claudius I said:

14. Picking least favorites is even harder than favorites, but here goes.
Shadow Dragon and the Sword of Light: Vyland.
Mystery of the Emblem: Vyland.
Path of Radiance: Calill.
Radiant Dawn: Astrid.
Shadow Dragon: Vyland.
New Mystery of the Emblem: Warren.


Ack! And here I thought that you were a man of culture as well!

64. We were on such a roll with favorites and least favorites. What went wrong, Sir Mycen?

65. What in the world did poor Vyland ever do to you, Sir Mycen? :(

...Oh wait, nevermind, I was thinking of Sedgar. Yeah, I actually don't like Vyland either, so you're good. I'm still curious why you dislike him yourself, though.

66. But how can you dislike poor Warren, Sir Mycen? And not even using Roderick, too?!?!

67. Did you at least use Cecil, Sir Mycen?

68. On a more serious note, I'm surprised to see Astrid there after you said that you like horse archers. Of course, there are always exceptions to opinions, but what about Astrid makes her enough of an exception to be chosen as your least favorite, Sir Mycen?

2 hours ago, Natalie said:

Meap, I like the fact that although you and I like girls, we both know a good-looking guy when we see one.
I would say, "woah, we must've been destined to meet" but our beverage opinions differ too greatly.

You and gramps should go and form an anti coffee club.

But man, Forsyth? Really?
Lukas is where it's at, my friend.

And based on the guys I've seen you comment on, I'd say we both have pretty good taste in guys, too. Even if I'm not too interested in everything that a guy has, I can certainly appreciate some male eye candy. Quite literally in Gaius's case.

Maybe someday, I'll try to drink some coffee and alcohol (not together, probably) myself, just to let you know what I think of them.

Sure, Lukas has the edge in both looks and voice (especially in voice... they did a great job picking his VA), but Forsyth is such a dork that I can't help but like him. But attractiveness aside, I was mostly saying that because whoever Sir Mycen picks to be Forsyth, they'll be the one truly destined to be with PythonMcGully, which will be devastating for the rest of us.

69. Alright Sir Mycen, now it's your turn. Who's the most attractive male FE character? Personality can be included or ignored, whichever you prefer.

10 hours ago, Claudius I said:

Gaiden: Kliff.

Gaiden: Tobin, maybe? (Sorry, Meap.)

Well Rex.

It's official.

Sir Mycen has made his choice.

And his choice... was to count Tobin out after all :(

10 hours ago, Claudius I said:

54. That's a very interesting situation, but if I were in a situation like this, I wouldn't have the time to think all this through, so I'd act instinctively. So it's hard to say when I'm not actually in the situation. I must say though, could I really let Sully die? At Natalie's and (possibly) Arcanite's hands? Not to mention that you are all irresistibly attracted to him, Tobin!

If you want me to answer those questions, you'll have to nominate me for interview #160 ;)
There's a long, detailed history for why everyone is trying to kill Sully. And it's all related to who you eventually pick to be Forsyth. So again, I must warn you, Sir Mycen... be very careful about who you choose to be Forsyth.

And besides, I bet you would've been willing to save him if Kliff was the one who fell on the tracks. Grumble grumble and all that.

70. What do you see in Kliff anyway, Sir Mycen? I can dye my hair, if that's the problem. I know that purple can be a bit much on the eyes, but it's just genetic! I can change!!!!

71. Do you have a least favorite character in the Camus archetype, Sir Mycen?

72. I simply must know: did you actually recruit Xavier, Sir Mycen? And did you have the assistance of save states if so?

73. I don't think you've actually mentioned it yet, so who did you/will you marry in Birthright, Sir Mycen?

74. Would you even want to play FE16 if they don't include any archers, Sir Mycen?

75. While I agree with you on this point (again, we were both so consistent with favorites for so long...), what makes Larcei better than Ayra to you, Sir Mycen?

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33 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Ah, I see that you're a man of-

Ack! And here I thought that you were a man of culture as well!

64. We were on such a roll with favorites and least favorites. What went wrong, Sir Mycen?

65. What in the world did poor Vyland ever do to you, Sir Mycen? :(

...Oh wait, nevermind, I was thinking of Sedgar. Yeah, I actually don't like Vyland either, so you're good. I'm still curious why you dislike him yourself, though.

66. But how can you dislike poor Warren, Sir Mycen? And not even using Roderick, too?!?!

67. Did you at least use Cecil, Sir Mycen?

68. On a more serious note, I'm surprised to see Astrid there after you said that you like horse archers. Of course, there are always exceptions to opinions, but what about Astrid makes her enough of an exception to be chosen as your least favorite, Sir Mycen?

69. Alright Sir Mycen, now it's your turn. Who's the most attractive male FE character? Personality can be included or ignored, whichever you prefer.

Well Rex.

It's official.

Sir Mycen has made his choice.

And his choice... was to count Tobin out after all :(

If you want me to answer those questions, you'll have to nominate me for interview #160 ;)
There's a long, detailed history for why everyone is trying to kill Sully. And it's all related to who you eventually pick to be Forsyth. So again, I must warn you, Sir Mycen... be very careful about who you choose to be Forsyth.

And besides, I bet you would've been willing to save him if Kliff was the one who fell on the tracks. Grumble grumble and all that.

70. What do you see in Kliff anyway, Sir Mycen? I can dye my hair, if that's the problem. I know that purple can be a bit much on the eyes, but it's just genetic! I can change!!!!

71. Do you have a least favorite character in the Camus archetype, Sir Mycen?

72. I simply must know: did you actually recruit Xavier, Sir Mycen? And did you have the assistance of save states if so?

73. I don't think you've actually mentioned it yet, so who did you/will you marry in Birthright, Sir Mycen?

74. Would you even want to play FE16 if they don't include any archers, Sir Mycen?

75. While I agree with you on this point (again, we were both so consistent with favorites for so long...), what makes Larcei better than Ayra to you, Sir Mycen?

64. I don't know, Tobin, but I feel sad. : (

65. He's a bad unit and he has no personality, Tobin. I like him in FE12 though because damn the Wolfguard gets some good characterization in FE12. (I actually love Sedgar.)

66. He's not a good unit and he's unremarkable. I couldn't pick Vyland for FE12 because I actually like him in that game, so I just went with Warren, Tobin. (I like Roderick, but other people were better than him in-game.)

67. For a while, yes, but not all the way through, Tobin.

68. I like Astrid in Path of Radiance, but she gets so dumbed down in Radiant Dawn. Her personality is reduced to being in love with a good-for-nothing drunk while remaining glaringly oblivious to every (very noticeable) flaw he has, and she isn't that good as a unit either, Tobin.

69. Seliph!


70. You can dye your hair, but can you dye your growth rates, Tobin? When I first laid eyes on Kliff thought: "Ah, he looks like a whimp, he talks like a wimp, he's at a low level and has bad stats. By the rules of FE, his growths are divine." And he proved me right. 
Tobin, sadly... disappointed me.

71. Hmm... I don't think so, Tobin! It's a shame Bryce got so little screentime though...

72. I did, Tobin. I don't remember; I generally don't use savestates, but I just might have there.

73. I am not actually in the game, so I'm not going to marry anyone there.
As for Corrin, he'll probably marry Scarlet.

74. FE is FE, Tobin. No archers would be sad, but it's still FE.

75. Larcei was just so good to me as a unit, Tobin. Ayra was great, but Larcei was even greater. But as far as personality is concerned, I prefer Ayra.

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2 hours ago, Arcanite said:

If you have a problem we can settle it over there in Pennsylvania if you want!

Or we can Settle it in Smash!

Was that a test? Did I meme correctly? Did I even meme?

2 hours ago, Arcanite said:

First off, you spelled Padawan wrong, you dingo

Second, you must become one with the meme in order to begin your first step towards being a true meme queme (A queen of the memes, regardless of being male or female (or robot)).

Are you one with the meme? 

Nooo! I have failed yet again! Curse you Spellcheck for not displaying Padawan as a word!

And I already told you - my life has no memeing. But I realize I must work towards becoming one with the meme before I can begin training on the meme side of the Force. Will you guide me, oh one who is strong with the meme?

2 hours ago, Claudius I said:

LIII. As a legal positivist, there's no way I could say yes to that.

Really? Huh.

2 hours ago, Claudius I said:

LVII. Camus, yes. But I also really like Ests and Gotohs (for gameplay) and Jagens (mostly for their character) and Lorenzes! I might just be the only person alive who considers Lorenz an archetype though, but there's plenty throughout the series: Lorenz, Hannibal, Xavier, Douglas, Tauroneo.
There's just something really fun to me about the concept of "late-joining general who is hard to recruit".
("But Hatt, Lorenz and Tauroneo aren't hard to recruit at all!" They are if you're playing blind, because there's nothing to indicate that they're recruitable.)

I like all those as well! Except for Lorenz - he's the only instance of that "archetype" I've ever met, and I find Camus more interesting than him. Also, how many Gotohs are there - all I can count is him and Athos.

Heh, when I first played Shadow Dragon, I saw that Lorenz could talk with Caeda, but I was afraid it would be a situation like Camus where it was a conversation followed by total annihilation, so I whittled him down to ~1 HP before recruiting him.

2 hours ago, Claudius I said:

LXIV. First: awkward weird nerd.
Current: weird nerd and friend. You're a pretty fun and smart person; I enjoy talking with you and wish we did it more.

Awkward, weird, and nerd. That sounds like me!

But thank you! I like talking with you as well. I'd participate in the HHH thread more often, but frankly, it kinda overwhelms me with how large and active it is, especially since my slow computer has enough trouble as is.

1 hour ago, DefaultBeep said:

Well Rex.

It's official.

Sir Mycen has made his choice.

And his choice... was to count Tobin out after all :(

R.I.P Meap. But I mean, you are the mole or something, so that is some negative points in your direction or so.

LXV. What is the role of a government, in your opinion?

LXVI. From some of your answers regarding God and religion, I would peg you as a Deist. If its not too personal, would I be correct?

LXVII. Have you heard of the theory of Anacyclosis?

LXVIII. Not that I'm interested but clearly I am since I'm asking the question but who did you S-support in Awakening?

LXIX. Favorite of the Camus archtype?

LXX. Of the Est?

LXXI. Jagan?

LXXII. Favorite Greek myth (excluding the Iliad and Odyssey, if they are counted as myths)?

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3 hours ago, Claudius I said:

138. Whoa, whoa, whoa!
But "Didn't expect that, didya?" is so great too.
(Also, whenever I think that line in my head, the final scene from
this meme plays in my head, Alm.)


*insert cliche waifu soulmate comment*

3 hours ago, Claudius I said:


Man, Google Translate sure tried to make me lose this one, but I am way too smart for that.

151. Alsjeblieft, alleen deze ene keer voor mij, opa~

3 hours ago, Claudius I said:

141. I already hated you, Alm.

152. You know I just died inside, right gramps?

3 hours ago, Claudius I said:

146. Baths, no doubt.

153. How often do you bath Ever eaten ice cream in the bath, eh grampo?

3 hours ago, Claudius I said:

148. Summer.

154. Do you know how betrayed I feel right now, grampy?

155. Why is summer your favourite anyway, gramps?


2 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

And based on the guys I've seen you comment on, I'd say we both have pretty good taste in guys, too. Even if I'm not too interested in everything that a guy has, I can certainly appreciate some male eye candy. Quite literally in Gaius's case.

Maybe someday, I'll try to drink some coffee and alcohol (not together, probably) myself, just to let you know what I think of them.

Sure, Lukas has the edge in both looks and voice (especially in voice... they did a great job picking his VA), but Forsyth is such a dork that I can't help but like him. But attractiveness aside, I was mostly saying that because whoever Sir Mycen picks to be Forsyth, they'll be the one truly destined to be with PythonMcGully, which will be devastating for the rest of us.

That we do, Meap.

FE turns people gay.

Nah, coffee and liqueur is pretty sweet stuff, my friend. But yes, I'd start on something lighter else it might end up like my 18th birthday.

Of course, Python needs his one and only.


1 hour ago, Claudius I said:

As for Corrin, he'll probably marry Scarlet.




157. How have you enjoyed your interview, gramps?

158. Who shall you be naming Forsyth before the interview is over, old papa?

159. Is there a question you haven't been asked that you'd like to share the answer to, grampy?

160. Have your opinions of any SF members changed over the interview period, or have we all stayed true to your expectations, old daddy?

Edited by Natalie
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1 hour ago, Claudius I said:

68. I like Astrid in Path of Radiance, but she gets so dumbed down in Radiant Dawn. Her personality is reduced to being in love with a good-for-nothing drunk while remaining glaringly oblivious to every (very noticeable) flaw he has, and she isn't that good as a unit either, Tobin.

...I haven't actually played RD yet, but now I'm worried for when I do. Especially since I did like her in PoR.

1 hour ago, Claudius I said:

69. Seliph!

Ah, an unexpected choice, but one that I approve of.

1 hour ago, Claudius I said:

70. You can dye your hair, but can you dye your growth rates, Tobin? When I first laid eyes on Kliff thought: "Ah, he looks like a whimp, he talks like a wimp, he's at a low level and has bad stats. By the rules of FE, his growths are divine." And he proved me right. 
Tobin, sadly... disappointed me.

It pains me to say it, but... I can't disagree with you here. Tobin is kinda garbage in Gaiden. Garbage enough for me to leave him dead whoops. On the bright side, the villagers are much more balanced in SoV, so they can all be actually useful there. Hopefully that didn't count as a spoiler...

1 hour ago, Claudius I said:

72. I did, Tobin. I don't remember; I generally don't use savestates, but I just might have there.

Then you are a braver man than I. Even with save states, I was too scared to try recruiting him. He's the only Thracia character that I could've recruited that I failed to actually recruit.

1 hour ago, Claudius I said:

75. Larcei was just so good to me as a unit, Tobin. Ayra was great, but Larcei was even greater. But as far as personality is concerned, I prefer Ayra.

Solid reason. I just like Larcei's hair more, to be honest :P

76. Who did you pair Ayra with in FE4, Sir Mycen? Larcei and her brother are great no matter their father, but I'm curious just how insane you were willing to make them.

77. Do you remember who you paired the other parents with in FE4, Sir Mycen? And if so, would you be willing to share them?

78. Are there any substitute characters that you like more than the unit they replace, Sir Mycen?

79. Opinions on Orsin in FE5, Sir Mycen?

80. Opinions on Selfina and Robert in FE5, Sir Mycen?

81. Opinions on Ronan in FE5, Sir Mycen?

82. Do you like the Support system in Awakening and Fates, or do you prefer the older style, Sir Mycen?

83. Did you/do you reclass anyone in the DS/3DS games, Sir Mycen?

84. What did you think of the assassins subplot in New Mystery, Sir Mycen?

85. Is Katarina worth saving, or should she be left like Nomah, Sir Mycen?

86. Opinions on Nagi in Shadow Dragon and New Mystery, Sir Mycen?

87. How do you feel about the My Castle feature in Fates, Sir Mycen?

88. Do you have a favorite Gen 2 unit in Awakening, Sir Myson?

89. Do you know much about fighting games, M. Bison?

90. Have you ever played Punch Out!! feat. Mike Tyson?

Edited by DefaultBeep
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4 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

Or we can Settle it in Smash!

Was that a test? Did I meme correctly? Did I even meme?

Indeed you did




4 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

And I already told you - my life has no memeing. But I realize I must work towards becoming one with the meme before I can begin training on the meme side of the Force. Will you guide me, oh one who is strong with the meme?

I will guide you

First off, you must know the meme, and study it. The internet is a large place, but if you can find the most known memes, you can begin cultivating your meme potential.

On 11/10/2017 at 5:48 PM, Claudius I said:

"Arcanite" is a really saucy name, wouldn't you say so, Celica?

300% yes



So this is my final question

I may ask more... but tomorrow I am busy

But here it is:


How much has SF impacted your life? Do you think you'd be different if you never went on this site? 


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With regards to trying coffee, it smells amazing!




and tastes horrible, honestly. Like, I don't even get the hype, with regards to taste.

In health terms: It... isn't particularly life-saving, but there are notable health benefits. I hear it helps liver function or something. But that kinda depends on if you use sugar in your coffee and stuff

If you do decide you like it.... don't go overboard. There are good things that come from it, but if you drink it too much.... it isn't too great lol. Unless you want rotten teeth and that ever-so-nasty permanent coffee stank breath *vomits*

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51. thoughts on this song??



52. do you have access to ms paint right now???

53. if so can u draw the best hitori bird u can, don't spend too much time on it



54. in music are there kinds of voices you ~generally~ prefer over others?

55. how was your reinterview????

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9 hours ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

Why Scarlet exactly?

They go well together in battle. Corrin is pretty much the weakest unit on my team and his defense isn't good (even with a dragonstone); Scarlet's high defense complements him well. Scarlet's lance and axe usage also completement's Corrin's sword usage nicely.

Plus, if I want Scarlet to have an S-support with anyone, it has to be Corrin. 

9 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

I like all those as well! Except for Lorenz - he's the only instance of that "archetype" I've ever met, and I find Camus more interesting than him. Also, how many Gotohs are there - all I can count is him and Athos.

Heh, when I first played Shadow Dragon, I saw that Lorenz could talk with Caeda, but I was afraid it would be a situation like Camus where it was a conversation followed by total annihilation, so I whittled him down to ~1 HP before recruiting him.

LXV. What is the role of a government, in your opinion?

LXVI. From some of your answers regarding God and religion, I would peg you as a Deist. If its not too personal, would I be correct?

LXVII. Have you heard of the theory of Anacyclosis?

LXVIII. Not that I'm interested but clearly I am since I'm asking the question but who did you S-support in Awakening?

LXIX. Favorite of the Camus archtype?

LXX. Of the Est?

LXXI. Jagan?

LXXII. Favorite Greek myth (excluding the Iliad and Odyssey, if they are counted as myths)?

Well, a Gotoh is just any prepromote that joins at the end of the game at a high level with good stats. So there's Gotoh (FE1/11), Mycen (FE2), Galzus (FE5), Karel (FE6), Athos (FE7), Tibarn/Naesala/Gifca (FE9), Caineghis/Gifca (FE10), Michalis (FE12), Priam/Walhart (FE13).

LXV. A government should ensure justice and promote the well-being of its citizens.

LXVI. I don't really classify myself as a deist, but the description of deism sounds pretty fitting for the most part.

LXVII. Yeah, I already alluded to it (without referring to it by name) in my answer to your question on forms of government.

LXVIII. I am not in Awakening, so I didn't S-support anyone.
As for Robin, he S-supported Sumia.

LXIX. Ishtar!

LXX. Pelleas.

LXXI. Tough one... I like them all! I like how Titania is more of a mother figure than a mentor figure (which other Jagens are), but that's not to say she's my absolute favorite... 

LXXII. Probably the myth(s) of Herakles.

9 hours ago, Natalie said:


*insert cliche waifu soulmate comment*

151. Alsjeblieft, alleen deze ene keer voor mij, opa~

152. You know I just died inside, right gramps?

153. How often do you bath Ever eaten ice cream in the bath, eh grampo?

154. Do you know how betrayed I feel right now, grampy?

155. Why is summer your favourite anyway, gramps?



157. How have you enjoyed your interview, gramps?

158. Who shall you be naming Forsyth before the interview is over, old papa?

159. Is there a question you haven't been asked that you'd like to share the answer to, grampy?

160. Have your opinions of any SF members changed over the interview period, or have we all stayed true to your expectations, old daddy?


151. I don't even know what would be considered "risqué" to say, much less what I could say, much less what I should say to you, Alm.

152. It's okay, Alm. Now we can be dead inside together.

153. Twice a week if I can help it. Never. I am a man who loves order, Alm.

154. If you'd read my answer to Tar-Helcë's "Hot or cold" question, you would have saved yourself from a lot of pain, Alm.

155. Copy-pasting from my answer to said question:
Hot. When I go out, I feel warm. Then I start biking and when I'm done biking, I'm sweating because I'm hot from exercising.
Cold isn't like that. First I have to wonder and doubt over what exactly I should wear. Wear too much? You'll get way too hot and all your clothes will get sweaty from cycling. Wear too little? You'll get too cold and it will take ages of biking to get anything resembling comfortable warmth.
Then I have to actually go out. I go out, and I'm not warm, I'm cold. I actually have to bike for a while to get warm. When I'm done biking, I'm sweating because I'm hot from exercising; so the end result is the same, but the way there is way less comfortable.
Then there's the fact that I always get this weird thirst when I cycle in the cold. It's not an "I'm tired from exercise" kind of thirst, it's a "cold" kind of thirst and it's very unpleasant.
TL;DR: Hot all the way, Kliff. 
Given this, my preference for summer over winter shouldn't be a surprise. 

YOU KNEW THIS ALREADY ALM (at least, I'm pretty sure you did)

157. It was loads of fun, Alm. I like how different it was from my first interview too.

158. Do I really want to burn my hands on this after you all went crazy when I called Sully Python, Alm?

159. Two, actually, Alm.
I. From @Arcanite "Ya like jazz? 
My answer: "the bee movie but every bee is replaced with nicholas cage saying no not the bees but every bees is replaced with we are number one but every one is replaced with the nutshack theme but every nutshack is replaced with a monotonic reading of the history of middle-earth the war of the jewels but every morgoth is replaced with blind guardian's a dark passage but every valinor is replaced with a dramatic reading of the bee movie script but every bee is replaced with arcanite saying ya like jazz but every ya is replaced with the yee video but every yee is replaced with felicia saying we've got trouble but every trouble is replaced with the ytpmv mad square dancing but every time it plays it's slowed down 5% more
Also, yes."
II. "What's your opinion on skinship?"
My answer: 
+ It's weird.
+ The concept is hilariously bad.
+ It's fun.
- It's weird.
- The concept is hilariously bad.
- They gave my waifu jiggle physics.

160. My friends, you haven't disappointed me. I don't think my opinions of any of you changed, but I do think @DefaultBeep and I have become better friends and waifu buddies, Alm.

9 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

...I haven't actually played RD yet, but now I'm worried for when I do. Especially since I did like her in PoR.

Ah, an unexpected choice, but one that I approve of.

It pains me to say it, but... I can't disagree with you here. Tobin is kinda garbage in Gaiden. Garbage enough for me to leave him dead whoops. On the bright side, the villagers are much more balanced in SoV, so they can all be actually useful there. Hopefully that didn't count as a spoiler...

Solid reason. I just like Larcei's hair more, to be honest :P

76. Who did you pair Ayra with in FE4, Sir Mycen? Larcei and her brother are great no matter their father, but I'm curious just how insane you were willing to make them.

77. Do you remember who you paired the other parents with in FE4, Sir Mycen? And if so, would you be willing to share them?

78. Are there any substitute characters that you like more than the unit they replace, Sir Mycen?

79. Opinions on Orsin in FE5, Sir Mycen?

80. Opinions on Selfina and Robert in FE5, Sir Mycen?

81. Opinions on Ronan in FE5, Sir Mycen?

82. Do you like the Support system in Awakening and Fates, or do you prefer the older style, Sir Mycen?

83. Did you/do you reclass anyone in the DS/3DS games, Sir Mycen?

84. What did you think of the assassins subplot in New Mystery, Sir Mycen?

85. Is Katarina worth saving, or should she be left like Nomah, Sir Mycen?

86. Opinions on Nagi in Shadow Dragon and New Mystery, Sir Mycen?

87. How do you feel about the My Castle feature in Fates, Sir Mycen?

88. Do you have a favorite Gen 2 unit in Awakening, Sir Myson?

89. Do you know much about fighting games, M. Bison?

90. Have you ever played Punch Out!! feat. Mike Tyson?

Oh, she isn't terrible in RD, she's just... disappointing, especially compared to PoR.

FE4 Seliph is way more handsome than FE5 Seliph though. #spreadtheword.

And you complain about me benching Tobin, smh... EVERYTHING COUNTS AS A SPOILER TOBIN

Both of them have glorious hair though. But I do slightly prefer Larcei's as well.

76. Chulainn, Tobin! I actually really like Ayra x Arden, but Arden is way too much of a pain to train.

77. Let's see here... Ethlyn x Quan. :smug:
Deirdre x Sigurd. :smug:
Aideen x Dew.
Brigid x Jamke.
Raquesis x Beowolf.
Silvia x Lewyn.
Erinys unpaired.
Tailtiu x Claud.

78. I know too little about the substitute characters to judge that, Tobin.

79. He was my best axeboy. His personality is pretty basic, but it works. That wrath skill is soooo good.

80. Selphina was pretty eh for me and I benched her early on, but Robert was one of my heroes. He died in the endgame, sadly... (Just like Orsin. ;_;)

81. He's so wonky. His stats are pretty bad, but then he has this really high magic and his mobility is insane. I like how gimmicky that makes him.

82. I like both support systems. The only thing I dislike about Awakening and Fates' support system is the existence of avatarsexuals. 
I understand the existence of Robinsexuals in FE13 because all the Robinsexuals are bonus characters (though it would have been nice to see, for example, Yen'fay/Say'ri or Gangrel/Aversa supports), but there's just no excuse for the Corrinsexuals in FE14. It just seems like laziness in the writing department. 

83. Oh yes, let's see...
- Barst became a hero because with his already existing axe rank, I had the choice between hero and warrior, and hero just seemed better to me.
- Merric became a bishop because he needed more resistance.
- Similarly, I think Lena became a sage because she needed more magic.
- Palla became a general because I didn't want to have two dragon knights on my team (I was already using Minerva and I didn't have an elysian whip when I promoted Palla). General was the only way she got to keep her lance rank, plus she makes for a pretty speedy general.
- Chrom became a paladin because a mounted sword and lance user is better than a dismounted sword and lance user.
- Robin became a dark knight because a mounted sword and tome user is better than a dismounted sword and tome user.
- Lucina became a bow knight, though the story of her getting there is kind of complex. When she was ready to class-change, I didn't want to promote her to great lord because I already had a great lord on my team (Chrom), so I made her a myrmidon (so she got to keep her sword rank). From there, she promoted to assassin and then class-changed to bow knight (because a mounted sword and bow user is better than a dismounted sword and bow user).
- Priam became a dread fighter because tomes are great (even in spite of Priam's low magic).
- Ishtar became a valkyrie because a mounted (you get the deal by now).

84. It's pretty good. I like it.
The inclusion of Kris in the story is pretty jarring at points, but not in the assassins plot. 

85. Katarina is worth saving! The thing with her is also that you can't leave her like Nomah. Either you kill her or you save her. There is no in-between.

86. Her existence is kind of puzzling, but so is the whole deeper background of dragons and gods in FE. I like her.

87. It's fun! I wouldn't mind seeing it return in future FE games, but I also like the traditional system of shops on maps.

88. Cynthia is fun, Tobin.

89. I don't, Robin.

90. Nope, Dor-lómin.

4 hours ago, Arcanite said:

So this is my final question

I may ask more... but tomorrow I am busy

But here it is:

  Hide contents

How much has SF impacted your life? Do you think you'd be different if you never went on this site? 


Ooh, that's a good one.

So remember how I said I joined SF purely because I thought I belonged here as an FE fan? Yeah, when I joined, I thought I'd just be discussing FE and such every once in a while and that would be it.


I've ended up making a lot of different friends on here (and possibly one or two enemies as well), all from more or less different cultures. I mean, most are from the US, but that's still kind of different! They're also all very different as people, and I've learned a lot from that, I guess.
So yeah, apart from the fact that I'm now spending time on SF and with friends I otherwise wouldn't have, I've also grown plenty as a person because of it. So it's a pretty big impact overall, both on the way I spend my time and on me as a person.

4 hours ago, Painkiller B said:

51. thoughts on this song??

  Reveal hidden contents


52. do you have access to ms paint right now???

53. if so can u draw the best hitori bird u can, don't spend too much time on it

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54. in music are there kinds of voices you ~generally~ prefer over others?

55. how was your reinterview????

51. I liked the intro, but afterwards, I just felt my attention fading.

52. ya




too lazy to color it

They call me Hattusili "the Paintmaster" I.

54. Hmm... I've never thought about that.

55. It was great! I had a lot of fun with this. I also like how different it was from my first interview. Thanks to everyone who asked me questions.

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6 hours ago, Arcanite said:


With regards to trying coffee, it smells amazing!




and tastes horrible, honestly. Like, I don't even get the hype, with regards to taste.

In health terms: It... isn't particularly life-saving, but there are notable health benefits. I hear it helps liver function or something. But that kinda depends on if you use sugar in your coffee and stuff

If you do decide you like it.... don't go overboard. There are good things that come from it, but if you drink it too much.... it isn't too great lol. Unless you want rotten teeth and that ever-so-nasty permanent coffee stank breath *vomits*

Fresh coffee smell is perfection.
But old coffee smell...

It really depends on what coffee beans you're using, and the way that it's being made. 
My dad's perfected method with high quality beans is superb~

Coffee is supposed to be beneficial, even with some sugar. But it all depends greatly on how much sugar you're consuming generally.
Drinking TOO much coffee is also bad, I only have one or two maximum a day, and I'm pretty careful about my teeth too.


My final question is a very important one.

It's incredibly vital to me that I know this important information about you, being a well brought up English girl.

161. What is your preferred tea, gramps?

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13 minutes ago, Natalie said:

My final question is a very important one.

It's incredibly vital to me that I know this important information about you, being a well brought up English girl.

161. What is your preferred tea, gramps?

161. Well, I prefer tea over coffee, but that doesn't mean I drink tea often. Consequentially, I don't have a preferred tea. : )

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16: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

17: If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

18: Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

19: Forgiveness or retribution?

20: Thoroughness or efficiency?

21: Is there any question you wish you would have been asked in this interview that hasn't been asked? If so, what is it and what's the answer?

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17 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

16: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

17: If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

18: Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

19: Forgiveness or retribution?

20: Thoroughness or efficiency?

21: Is there any question you wish you would have been asked in this interview that hasn't been asked? If so, what is it and what's the answer?

16. The Netherlands! I really like it here. Everything is close by, there's very good biking facilities, good public transport, it's usually not too hot or too cold, we don't have any natural disasters (except for floods, but our anti-flood system is too good; there's also the occasional light earthquake, but that only happens in the northeast and southeast; there might be a tornado once every decade), government and the legal system operate on a rational basis and the culture is (overall) one of honesty and tolerance. Plus, it's got that "home" bias.

17. Passive. I'd try to be a combination of both, but knowing myself, I get too caught up in "finishing things" first to start anything new. The only exception would be if there was a policy change that I think really needs to be implemented, but even then it might take a while before I get to it.

18. Legal positivism. As attractive as legal naturalism sounds ("instead of following the law to the letter, justice always prevails!"), it actually encourages disorder and chaos, as people can get away with anything in the name of justice. Justice is, after all, a subjective concept, so what may be just in my eyes could very well be very unjust in your eyes!
However, I also acknowledge that legal positivism is an unsatisfying solution. If you always follow the law, you'll end up with unnecessary actions (stopping in front of a red light when no one's around, not cycling on the pavement purely for the sake of not cycling on the pavement) and, possibly, unjust situations. The law simply can't cover everything beforehand (although interpretation - every law has to be interpreted if it is applied - can remedy this issue somewhat). There's also the problem that wicked/oppressive governments will use the law for their wicked/oppressive acts. 
But in spite of this, I choose legal positivism. And I am devout in that. There's people who pick legal positivism but still allow for minor breaches of the law or for civil disobedience, but I think that stance is inherently flawed, for a reason of logic and for a reason of principle. Logic: you state that people have to obey the law rather than follow their own judgment, but then you allow people to disobey the law at their own judgment; that isn't logical. Principle: the very concept of justice is subjective. There is no real 'right' and 'wrong'. It's all just opinions. But the law is a fact. It is the only objective set of rules. This makes it the only set of rules worthy of obeying without fault.
So in conclusion, I acknowledge that legal positivism is very flawed and unsatisfying; but there is no other solution that is less flawed or more satisfying.

19. It depends on circumstances, especially the act, the person and whether (and if so, how often) they have been forgiven for the same act before. I think forgiveness is generally better though.

20. Thoroughness! Thoroughness is my nature. I try to work efficiently, but my thorough nature always holds me back in it. And while I don't think complete thoroughness is a good thing to build a society on, I don't think the efficiency-driven society we have nowadays is very good for people either.

21. Refer to Natalie's question 159 above.

Edited by Claudius I
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Final set of questions; don't know how much time I have.

LXXIII. Did you expect to be re-interviewed?

LXXIV. Do you ever see yourself giving up "rulership" of the interview thread?

LXXV. Favorite Fire Emblem class?

LXXVI. If you were a Fire Emblem unit, what would your class and growth rates be?

LXXVII. If you could visit any location in Fire Emblem, where would you go?

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56. wow thats a rly good hitori bird......thx for humorin me

57. thoughts on this song??



58. this question has probably been asked but are there any currently living celebrities or public figures you really look up to? breawhat have they done to receive your admiration???

59. bread or rice?

60. idk if you've watched red velvet's music videos or remember them but if you have seen them and do remember them, which of them do you like most??

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Nominations for #151 are open.
Nomination ends next Tuesday.

34 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Final set of questions; don't know how much time I have.

LXXIII. Did you expect to be re-interviewed?

LXXIV. Do you ever see yourself giving up "rulership" of the interview thread?

LXXV. Favorite Fire Emblem class?

LXXVI. If you were a Fire Emblem unit, what would your class and growth rates be?

LXXVII. If you could visit any location in Fire Emblem, where would you go?

LXXIII. I thought I'd be re-interviewed somewhere down the line, but I didn't expect it to happen this soon.

LXXIV. I've always considered it a natural thing to pass on the baton sooner or later, but I like this too much and am too determined to continue. It might happen sometime in the future, but not anytime soon.

LXXV. Dragon knights are so good all-around. But I love dark magic users the most. I also have a soft spot for ballisticians and witches.

LXXVI. I'd be a sorcerer with high magic and skill, average HP, speed, luck and resistance, and low strength and defense.

LXXVII. Hmm... Khadein. I'd love to see the city and school of magic.

22 minutes ago, Painkiller B said:

56. wow thats a rly good hitori bird......thx for humorin me

57. thoughts on this song??

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58. this question has probably been asked but are there any currently living celebrities or public figures you really look up to? breawhat have they done to receive your admiration???

59. bread or rice?

60. idk if you've watched red velvet's music videos or remember them but if you have seen them and do remember them, which of them do you like most??

56. It was my pleasure, Kim.

57.  Oooh, I like this one a lot. It's simple, but very well done. I love how soothing it is.

58. Honestly, I don't think so. I generally don't see people as role models, be they living or dead. That's not to say I never feel inspired by (or envious of) what other people do, but I want to find my own path and live my own life. 

59. Bread. But both are good.

60. I think the most I've seen is Happiness's music video (not counting a few seconds of Russian Roulette). So I guess that makes Happiness my favorite by virtue of being the only one? I generally don't watch music videos, sorry.

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