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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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6. Arbitrary conceited first/current impression?

7. Is spamming Hadoukens a legitimate strategy?

8. Favorite TF2 class?

9. Have you ever played all-or-mostways through a Kaizo/absurd-difficulty hack?

10. Why is the Nintendo Badge Arcade so terrible?

6. First: Dude who likes Tinny. Current: A silly dude

7. Nah, you must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance.

8. I don't TF2.

9. I have never played any of those hacks.

10. The reason I've never bothered with it.

Edited by Ercdouken
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Are you afraid of tornadoes?

I would be afraid to get close to one.

am i allowed to ask you for first/current impressions of Ein

First: EO Dude. Current: The Penguin!

Bit of a weird question, but do you prefer "girly girls" or tomboys?

I like both equally.

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what got you into touhou?

what got you into fighting games?

Youmu or Sakuya if you had to choose one

Why Catria?

impressions, if any

See Post #4197

Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat


See Post #4178

You're a cool and friendly person.

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First/Current impressions of me?

Have you played my game?

Greatest stunt you pulled off your at least walked away from?

Why is PoR your favorite (apologies if this was asked already)?

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First/Current impressions of me?

Have you played my game?

Greatest stunt you pulled off your at least walked away from?

Why is PoR your favorite (apologies if this was asked already)?

I don't know you too well, but you seem like a cool person

I have not

I have never pulled off a stunt

The story, characters, art, gameplay, and music.

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4. Favorite Touhou soundtrack?

5. How much are you into biking? o:

6. Are there any foreign languages you'd like to learn?

7. Are you familiar with Tolkien's works (e.g. The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings)?

8. First and current impressions of me?

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1) what brought/brings you to the forums?

2) what made you choose the name, Ercdouken?

3) impressions... do you do any?

4) depression, do you ever find yourself struggling with it?(it's OK if you wish not to answer this one)

5) ...original/current impressions of me?

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First and current impressions?

Sorry, I don't know you all too well

4. Favorite Touhou soundtrack?

5. How much are you into biking? o:

6. Are there any foreign languages you'd like to learn?

7. Are you familiar with Tolkien's works (e.g. The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings)?

8. First and current impressions of me?

4. That's a hard one. Touhou has a lot of good music. If I had to pick one, maybe Septette for the Dead Princess (SWR version)

5. It's a nice exercise to have whenever the day is right for a bike ride.

6. Japanese, and possibly others

7. I've read a little bit of Lord of the Rings

8. First: Another person who likes FE. Current: Cool person who holds the interview topic.

6.Favorite Bond movie?
7.Favorite Disney movie?
8.Favorite Shakespeare play?
9.Favorite Queen song?

6. I only saw at least one from start to finish (And don't remember all too well), and only saw parts of others

7. Either Toy Story, or the Nightmare Before Christmas

8. I don't watch Shakespeare plays

9. Bohemian Rhapsody

1. Do you like hurting other people?

2. How's it going?

3. What's the last FE you played?


1. No

2. Going fine

3. Fates: Conquest


1) what brought/brings you to the forums?

2) what made you choose the name, Ercdouken?

3) impressions... do you do any?

4) depression, do you ever find yourself struggling with it?(it's OK if you wish not to answer this one)

5) ...original/current impressions of me?

1. I was looking at a FE3 guide on GameFaqs, and it mentioned Serenes Forest, so I googled it. When I looked at the forums, I was initially a lurker until I decided to sign up and join the forums.

2. I was thinking of a new username I could go with. I came up with combining my real name shortened with hadouken with the ha removed.

3. I do not know who you are.

4. It's something I've dealt with

5. Did you just asked me an impression question twice? :P

What sparked the idea for your DLV UN?

Tea or coffee?

Your opinion on KOF14?

Do you think Lupe Fiasco might have a chance against ZeRo after all his training?

At the time, I got into Castlevania, and Alucard was my favorite game character, so when I decided I wanted a username to stick with online, I wanted it to do something with vampire, and Dark Legend Vampire was what came to my mind.


I was a bit skeptical at first when it was first announced, but after seeing improvements, I'm now actually interested in it. It's too bad I don't have a PS4.

I don't really follow the competitive scene for Smash or fighters in general.

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9. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

10. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

11. Retribution or forgiveness?

12. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

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9. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

10. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

11. Retribution or forgiveness?

12. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

9. Not sure

10. Not sure

11. Depends on how the person behaves

12. Anywhere with a nice sight

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