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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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What did you think of Sen 2?

If the answer isn't excellent, you're terrible.

Quality game. Sen II and The 3rd are my favorites gameplay-wise. Story-wise, though, SC is still my favorite. (Granted, haven't finished Zero/Ao yet...)

what attracted you to Falcom games in general?

other VG RPG games you enjoy not from Falcom?

something so bad you found enjoyable?

I dunno. They seemed classy and fun. I also really liked FC, so that led to me to looking more into Falcom. The End probably convinced me a bit, too.

Persona, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, etc. I generally like JRPGs, but they're huge timesinks, so I usually only play them when I know I'll have the time finish it. (Usually during breaks.)

Heh, I'm not too sure. Probably an anime of some sort. I try not to play bad game, but bad anime I'll watch for lulz.

Are you sticking to the strict 5 question limit?

If not, I'm curious about your adventures in cross dressing, and what sort of clothes do you like?

No, but I can only answer if I have the time to sit down and type.

Uh, crossdressing adventures are long stories best left untold, probabaly, haha. Maybe when I'm not on my phone. (Typing my color hexcode at the beginning of every line is tiresome. I don't know why I do it.)

As for what clothes I like, I dunno. A lot. Normally, though, skinny jeans and plain T-shirts. Form-fitting clothing since I'm a slut, I mean, I don't like loose clothing.

The game did caught my eye when I was browsing the steam store. I didn't know it was a jrpg though. I'll consider it strongly since you recommend it.

What is your overall opinion on the mental state of the denizens of the serenes forest?

Do they meet your expectations?

Is there any one who exceeds them?

It's a very specific type of game (slow paced JRPG), so I usually only recommend it to those I think would enjoy it, and everyone I told to play it so far has enjoyed it, so...

They seemed cool when I regularly posted outside the FE4 Thread a couple years ago, but I can't really say anything about now.

The FE4 Thread is comfortable, at the very least, even if I'm ignored sometimes :'(, but I guess the fact that I've regularly followed the thread for the past 3+ years says that.

And uhhhhhhhhh... to add another question from the Sen 2 opinions and not to sidetrack the thread...

Impressions of Olivert from Sen 1+2.

Better not be all "waifu material" because...

[spoiler=Sen I + II]Olivier, who I like to call him since I consider Olivert kinda spoiler-y, is pretty serious... compared to his Sora counterpart. Of course, he still has his moments, but being a prince means he has more boundaries, so a more serious face is expected, I suppose.

Still, Olivier is Olivier and will stay one of my favorite Kiseki characters. Hope he's playable in Sen III.

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[spoiler=Sen I + II]Olivier, who I like to call him since I consider Olivert kinda spoiler-y, is pretty serious... compared to his Sora counterpart. Of course, he still has his moments, but being a prince means he has more boundaries, so a more serious face is expected, I suppose.

Still, Olivier is Olivier and will stay one of my favorite Kiseki characters. Hope he's playable in Sen III.

It's okay, I just call him that name because I played Sen than the other Kiseki games.

From what I played in FC (which isn't a lot), you're right. BUT GOOD. I also hope he's playable in the next Sen game. ;w;

Oh, what about opinions of him in FC/SC?/whatever else he's in besides Sen.

Edited by Cirno
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It's a very specific type of game (slow paced JRPG), so I usually only recommend it to those I think would enjoy it, and everyone I told to play it so far has enjoyed it, so...

I've played several Final Fantasy games; I think I know what you may be talking about.

Well, by backlog is pretty long atm, so I'm not really looking to add more to it, but I still pick games on impulse at times.

Optional: infamous impressions question?

What keeps you coming back to SF?

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It's okay, I just call him that name because I played Sen than the other Kiseki games.

From what I played in FC (which isn't a lot), you're right. BUT GOOD. I also hope he's playable in the next Sen game. ;w;

Oh, what about opinions of him in FC/SC?/whatever else he's in besides Sen.

[spoiler=FC, SC, The 3rd]FC Olivier is a total asshat drunk, rather fitting for a "travelling musician." It's kinda obvious he's more than that, though, even if what he is exactly isn't very clear. He's almost used exclusively as comedic relief, but Falcom made it work. (Also has eyes for Joshua, kek.)

SC Olivier starts to be more obvious about the whole "not a travelling price" facade, and towards the end of the game, his true identity is revealed. Of course, when it is, he's a bit more serious, but Olivier is Olivier, haha.

The 3rd Olivier is cool since he wears his red outfit, but since he's still not in Erebonia, he's still... Olivier. I dunno how else to put it, lol. The 3rd is quite fanservice-y overall, though, I feel.

I've played several Final Fantasy games; I think I know what you may be talking about.

Well, by backlog is pretty long atm, so I'm not really looking to add more to it, but I still pick games on impulse at times.

Optional: infamous impressions question?

What keeps you coming back to SF?

I know that feel. Yet I just dropped $140 on The 3rd Evolution and Ys VIII, fml.

I'm sorry? I don't if I quite understand...

I know the place and the people, so... yeah. That's it. Twitter, GAF, Serenes Forest, and Gematsu are probably the sites I use the most. 4chan, XSEED forums, and Reddit, too, I guess.

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[spoiler=FC, SC, The 3rd]FC Olivier is a total asshat drunk, rather fitting for a "travelling musician." It's kinda obvious he's more than that, though, even if what he is exactly isn't very clear. He's almost used exclusively as comedic relief, but Falcom made it work. (Also has eyes for Joshua, kek.)

SC Olivier starts to be more obvious about the whole "not a travelling price" facade, and towards the end of the game, his true identity is revealed. Of course, when it is, he's a bit more serious, but Olivier is Olivier, haha.

The 3rd Olivier is cool since he wears his red outfit, but since he's still not in Erebonia, he's still... Olivier. I dunno how else to put it, lol. The 3rd is quite fanservice-y overall, though, I feel.

lmao asshat drunk. D: He didn't seem like an asshat to me!

He tells the party that he's a crown prince of Erebonia? Though I kinda figured as much since he got all those companies to build Courageous after all.

Is he more like Olivert in the 3rd then? Or... hm. A mix of Olivier and Olivert? :o And whoa, fanservicey of OLIVERT? WHOA. I NEED TO PLAY THIS IF SO.

And since the underscore username person asked it, impressions of yours truly. Like first/current impressions, if any. That's what they're asking too.

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[spoiler=FC, SC, The 3rd]FC Olivier is a total asshat drunk, rather fitting for a "travelling musician." It's kinda obvious he's more than that, though, even if what he is exactly isn't very clear. He's almost used exclusively as comedic relief, but Falcom made it work. (Also has eyes for Joshua, kek.)

SC Olivier starts to be more obvious about the whole "not a travelling price" facade, and towards the end of the game, his true identity is revealed. Of course, when it is, he's a bit more serious, but Olivier is Olivier, haha.

The 3rd Olivier is cool since he wears his red outfit, but since he's still not in Erebonia, he's still... Olivier. I dunno how else to put it, lol. The 3rd is quite fanservice-y overall, though, I feel.

I know that feel. Yet I just dropped $140 on The 3rd Evolution and Ys VIII, fml.

I'm sorry? I don't if I quite understand...

I know the place and the people, so... yeah. That's it. Twitter, GAF, Serenes Forest, and Gematsu are probably the sites I use the most. 4chan, XSEED forums, and Reddit, too, I guess.

is optional, don't worry about it.

Why purple letters?

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May my dream one day occur!

Are your dreams along the lines of Nina's from FE:Fates? ...that was terrible, but the first thought that jumped out.

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