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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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6. jackets or sweaters or other

7. how much do u bundle up during winter. like do you wear gloves/scarves/earmuffs etc

8. describe your last "i am goin out" outfit

9. do u like my theme

10. warm colours or cool colours

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5. Do you have a song stuck in your head right now?

6. Favorite holiday?

7. Legal naturalism (justice before law) or legal positivism (law before justice)? (sorry hatty stealing your question)

7a. and why?

5. no!

6. christmas!

7. i don't fully understand these but the first one

7a. justice is probably more important! to me

1. do you like hamburger?

2. what do you like ON hamburger?

3. do you like hot dog?

4. what do you put on hot dog?

5. how often do you eat frozen food

1. no

2. nothing, i don't like hamburger!

3. no

4. nothing, i don't like hot dog!

5. pretty often!!!

now i have a question for you: why did you go back to 1 instead of starting at 11 this time?

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11. PPAP?????

12. favourite animal print

13. do u own any onesies. if so what kind

14. do you shave your legs and if not why the fuck not??? have you ever felt a shaved leg they r amazing

15. favourite disney princess

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1. impressions

2. favourite number

3. wat colour dominates ur closet


5. favourite lyric or line from a song

1. i like you you're cool and nice although i don't talk to you that often anymore which is not good

2. i actually don't know. maybe 7

3. none of them! my closet is pretty evenly colored.

4. THIS ONE IS TOUGH but i guess skirts. either are good though.

5. shit i'm not sure about this one there are a lot i like but i'm bad at remembering them without actually listening to the song

maybe i will get back to you on this later! probably not though, unless you remind me

6. jackets or sweaters or other

7. how much do u bundle up during winter. like do you wear gloves/scarves/earmuffs etc

8. describe your last "i am goin out" outfit

9. do u like my theme

10. warm colours or cool colours

6. jackets

7. usually i just wear a jacket and gloves. i'd probably wear more if i had more though!

8. it was boring and fairly standard

9. yes!

10. hmmm.... i guess i like both pretty much evenly. maybe cool colours more though.

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11. PPAP?????

12. favourite animal print

13. do u own any onesies. if so what kind

14. do you shave your legs and if not why the fuck not??? have you ever felt a shaved leg they r amazing

15. favourite disney princess

11. i don't know what that means!

12. i like almost all animal prints. maybe zebra print but that might just be because my sister has this zebra tape she puts on a lot of things

13. no i do not

14. i should but i do not. maybe it is because my parents have never told me to. like not because i don't want to but because i think my parents would think it's weird if i suddenly did since i don't usually. maybe i will sometime in the near future! i have not felt a shaved leg

15. not sure. my favorite disney princess movie is tangled, though. it's also the only one i can remember a good amount of off the top of my head, so i guess i'd go with rapunzel because of that. (does rapunzel count)

16. are you accepting music-related questions

yes, though i sort of tend not to share much about my music tastes so i might give a terrible answer. you can ask whatever you want though!

8. Are you interested in sci-fi??

9. Favorite flower?

10. Have you ever tried bubble tea? if so did you like it?

8. a bit, yeah

9. not sure, i like a lot of flowers. (i'm sorry for not answering like 60% of your questions i'm bad at questions)

10. nope

17. do u own more tops or bottoms. not countin outerwear

17. tops

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18. WAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE FACIAL FEATURE if the answer is "eyes" come up w a different one

19. do u prefer thick thighs or thin legs

20. bangs or no bangs, either on men or women

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21. what is ur favourite name out of the following:








22. thoughts on rap

23. what is your favourite component of a song (ie. bridge, chorus, pre-chorus, intro, etc.??)

24. what is your favourite other component of a song (ie. melody, lyrics, harmonies, tempo, etc.????)

25. ideal hair length on girls and guys

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18. WAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE FACIAL FEATURE if the answer is "eyes" come up w a different one

19. do u prefer thick thighs or thin legs

20. bangs or no bangs, either on men or women

18. it is actually not eyes! but i'm not quite sure what the actual answer is. there is definitely something that i like more in certain people's faces, but i can't really define what it is

19. thin legs

20. not completely sure but i guess bangs



yeah i know i expected to hardly get any since i don't think of myself as very interesting

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26. thoughts on turtlenecks??? bonus: thoughts on chokers, if any

27. have you ever been to a concert!!!

28. apples or pineapples

29. favourite natural hair colour u may have answered this before maybe in the qotd thread

30. so where did the username "maybe" come from. i have most definitely asked you this before

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21. what is ur favourite name out of the following:








22. thoughts on rap

23. what is your favourite component of a song (ie. bridge, chorus, pre-chorus, intro, etc.??)

24. what is your favourite other component of a song (ie. melody, lyrics, harmonies, tempo, etc.????)

25. ideal hair length on girls and guys

21. this is hard to do most of those are really nice names

either irene or victoria probably

i'd go with irene i think

22. i like it when it is a thing that i like. i like it. i think. sometimes i don't. sometimes i do! overall i guess i like it though

23. bridge usually

24. melody i think

25. not sure for guys. i like it to be decently long for girls. i don't really have any specific length i like though. i guess i just like it to not be short????

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