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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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21. How on earth is Episode II your favorite

22. Top 5 Senrans?

23. Have you played Deep Crimson yet?

24. Do you own a Vita?

25. What do you think of this: http://www.newmuseumstore.org/browse.cfm/fuck-snow-globe/4,2538.html

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21. How on earth is Episode II your favorite

22. Top 5 Senrans?

23. Have you played Deep Crimson yet?

24. Do you own a Vita?

25. What do you think of this: http://www.newmuseumstore.org/browse.cfm/fuck-snow-globe/4,2538.html

22. Clones blowing things up, basically the Clone battles.

22. Imu, Yozakura, Murakumo, Hikage and Katsuragi

23. I'd love to, but no money.

24. I'd love to, but no money and lulmemorycards

25. Eh

Edited by Emeraldfox
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26. Overall, did you prefer Hanzo or Hebijo more in SKB?

27. How do you feel about the guest characters in SK Estival Versus?

28. Do you want to live forever?

29. In general, do you prefer Sci Fi or fantasy?

30. Do you like any sports?

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Do you enjoy being silly?

I don't really feel silly.

26. Overall, did you prefer Hanzo or Hebijo more in SKB?

27. How do you feel about the guest characters in SK Estival Versus?

28. Do you want to live forever?

29. In general, do you prefer Sci Fi or fantasy?

30. Do you like any sports?

26. Hebijo, it's green. I also like the Hebijo dudes more as characters.

27. I haven't been following Estival Versus much

28. I'd love to.

29. I actually love both equally. A fantasy setting with sci-fi elements and vice versa is neat too.

30. Bowling

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You don't have to feel it...

Why are you so interested in the Neptunia games, even though you haven't tried any?

Video game consoles personified as cute girls doing cute things. The RPG elements(which is the main thing) looks neat to me and I really like its humor.

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31. Is there any characterthat has not been playable in a Touhou game that you think should?

32. Are you afraid of death?

33. Who are your 5 least favorite Senrans?

34. Would you rather live in a fantasy world with magic n stuff or a futuristic scifi world?

35. Favorite marsupial?

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Then we agree about it


31. Is there any characterthat has not been playable in a Touhou game that you think should?

32. Are you afraid of death?

33. Who are your 5 least favorite Senrans?

34. Would you rather live in a fantasy world with magic n stuff or a futuristic scifi world?

35. Favorite marsupial?

31. Momiji. She was a perfect candidate for the older fighters. But nope.

32. Somewhat

33. Only Hibari and Haruka, they annoy me. Homura summed up my impressions on Haruka. And Hibari is just plain annoying. While I appreciate that she uses her fists, but her fighting style and overall personality though...

34. Hmmm, well, in a fantasy setting I could be the Emerald Knight, the Sword of Justice, the Shield of peace. While in a sci-fi world I could either pilot a giant mech or an awesome star fighter. Hmmmmm.

35. Opossums, because they're American. And cute.

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33. Only Hibari and Haruka, they annoy me.


36. Do you prefer white or dark meat in chicken?

37. Would you play a Senran fighter?

38. What's your favorite shmup?

39. What's your favorite Touhou fangame?

40. Can you explain the #qualified/sturdier thing?

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1. First and current impressions?

2. What got you interested in flying in the first place?

3. Is the Tanooki power up your favorite in Mario history?

4. What myth interests you the most?

5. What got you into FE in the first place?

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36. Do you prefer white or dark meat in chicken?

37. Would you play a Senran fighter?

38. What's your favorite shmup?

39. What's your favorite Touhou fangame?

40. Can you explain the #qualified/sturdier thing?

36. White meat, seems juicier and tastier.

37. Heck yeah I would. I love fighting games.

38. QP Shooting Dangerous. It's on Steam. In said game you can pick and choose from a variety of shots. I love customization in shmups.

39. Touhou Puppet Dance Performance

40. Well, the qualified thing comes from me playing(and winning) a mafia game, the pound sign before it came from the hashtag fad because hashtags are errywhere #errywhere. The sturdy part, well, my favorite stat is defense and I often pick the tank role in games.

1. First and current impressions?

2. What got you interested in flying in the first place?

3. Is the Tanooki power up your favorite in Mario history?

4. What myth interests you the most?

5. What got you into FE in the first place?

1. First: Whoeven is this guy????????, Current: Pretty cool guy with similar interests

2. I had a bunch of toy jets as a kid, shmups also helped with that too.

3. Yes, very much so. I love it so much I prioritize it in SMB3 and NSMB2.

4. Other life in the universe. Although that isn't much of a myth considering the sheer size of the universe.

5. Smash Bros. Melee. Marth and Roy's trophy descriptions got me interested in the series. Path of Radiance made me want more.

I may have missed the question but...

Favorite female character?

Hmmmmm. That's kind of hard. Prolly Mamizou, since she's my favorite Touhou character and I find her personality and design to be very very great. But there's also Nozomi from Love Live. I find her and her singing voice to be ultra cute. But there's also Morrigan from Darkstalkers, I find her to be very cool and stuff. I always main her in whatever she pops up in.

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1. Have you played any of the older FE games?

2. Are you interested in history?

3. Are you interested in law?

4. Are you interested in languages and/or linguistics?

5. Do you cycle?

1. I have, yeah. 2, 3 and 5 are the ones I like the most.

2. I am, history(more like Social Studies amirite) was one of my favorite things in school.

3. I was as a kid. Until I realized being a lawyer meant being ultra busy and I was all like, "Yeah no"

4. Yes. I've taken Japanese all throughout high school. ...Although I'm out of practice...

5. I did before I got a car and when I had a bike pump. I would ride my bike more if I had a pump.

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41. Have you watched Strike Witches?

42. How do you feel about a guy being playable in SK 2?

43. Have you read the Ibarakasen or Forbidden Scrollery manga?

44. Do youmain Mamizou in ULiL?

45. Have you played Melty Blood?

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I usually don't ask that, but what would be your first and current impression of me?

First: Pretty sleepy guy, Current: GREECE LIGHTNING who likes Top Nep things and not so sleepy

41. Have you watched Strike Witches?

42. How do you feel about a guy being playable in SK 2?

43. Have you read the Ibarakasen or Forbidden Scrollery manga?

44. Do youmain Mamizou in ULiL?

45. Have you played Melty Blood?

41. No, but I've read(own) the first volume of one of the manga. That first page.

42. That doesn't sound like a problem.

43. No, I haven't.

44. I haven't played ULiL yet, but I would(and will).

45. I haven't. I sort of stopped caring for it because folks here in the past hyped it too hard.

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46. Is there any kind of youkai or other monster you'd like to see Touhou-ified?

47. Tanks or walkers?

48. Would you rather live in a domed city on Mars or a floating city on Venus?

49. Read any good books lately?

50. Do you have a Skype?

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Yawn...err I mean, yeah that was a nice one!

Do you know of Duran Duran good sir?

If not, do you listen to non-gaming music at all?

I know about them, but I don't care for them.

I do, but the last CD I got was the Outkast double disc thing. It was great.

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46. Is there any kind of youkai or other monster you'd like to see Touhou-ified?

47. Tanks or walkers?

48. Would you rather live in a domed city on Mars or a floating city on Venus?

49. Read any good books lately?

50. Do you have a Skype?

46. Plantgirls. Yuka doesn't really count. Dullahans too, Sekibanki isn't really one.

47. Walkers. Closest thing to Gundams

48. Domed city. While a floating city sounds cool, but it's on Venus, a planet I would not like to live on.

49. Nah, I haven't really read a lot of books. Which us funny, because I read books as a kid but as I got older I walked away from them. I only really read comic books and manga these days.

50. I have a skype

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