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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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I find you pairing Princess Rezzy with Leo very cute.

15. Opinion on kilts, and would you wear one?

16. Opinion on facial hair?

17. How do you feel about the new weapon triangle in Fates?

18. Do you wish the old magic triangle with Light Magic and Dark Magic as a proper weapon type to return?

19. What do you think of Shuriken as a weapon type?

20. Opinion on Star Trek?

Aw, thank you.

15. It's nice for Scottish people but I would only wear one if I need to be a Scottish on stage or something

16. I wish this would not growth so god damn fast.

17. It's nice but I would personaly prefer if bows and magic was not affected by the triangle weapon like the old games.

18. Hell yeah, I like magic and especially dark magic, so bring that other triangle back.

19. I think it's just a temporary weapon because ninjas, otherwise, it would not exist but it's cool

20. Don't have any, never watched a single episode/movie

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1. Have you played any of the older FE games? If not, do you plan on playing them?

2. What motivated you to join SF?

3. Do you bike?

4. How hard was it for you to learn English? Do you intend to learn more languages in the future?

5. Are you familiar with Tolkien's works (The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings etc.)?

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1. Have you played any of the older FE games? If not, do you plan on playing them?

2. What motivated you to join SF?

3. Do you bike?

4. How hard was it for you to learn English? Do you intend to learn more languages in the future?

5. Are you familiar with Tolkien's works (The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings etc.)?

You ask this question the whole time and every time I always think "Is there any reason to specify?" Like surely everyone around here at least knows who Tolkien is even if they haven't read the books/watched the movies. Right? Seems especially strange when paired beside "Older FE Games" which seems like something that does need specification given different people will consider different things old.

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You ask this question the whole time and every time I always think "Is there any reason to specify?" Like surely everyone around here at least knows who Tolkien is even if they haven't read the books/watched the movies. Right? Seems especially strange when paired beside "Older FE Games" which seems like something that does need specification given different people will consider different things old.

Some people may be familiar with The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit without the name Tolkien ringing any bells. That's how I see it.

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1. Have you played any of the older FE games? If not, do you plan on playing them?

2. What motivated you to join SF?

3. Do you bike?

4. How hard was it for you to learn English? Do you intend to learn more languages in the future?

5. Are you familiar with Tolkien's works (The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings etc.)?

1. Never played one but I don't really plan too.

2. Basically because of shadowofchaos's video and when he mentionned SF on his video, I wanted to see if I could join this forum since I was a big noob at the time.

3. I do but I prefer rollers

4. It was not so hard since, like I said to Rezzy,we learn English at elementary school and we keep working on it for like the rest of our time in a school. French is also much harder than English in term of written. SF also helped me a lot since I ''talk'' to people that use English all the time, not french canadians students that can barely speak 2 sentences. Also, I don't really plan to learn another language but I think I'll have spanish class soon (I also know a few Japanese words because of anime)

5. I do, we the LOTR at home and I watched all the Hobbit.

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1) Favourite dinosaur?

2) If you had 1 million dollars and only one day to spend it, what would you do?

3) What do you think of pineapples as a Pizza topping?

4) Eevees are now real, but they drain your life force, so every minute you spend with one, is a minute less of your life. Would you get one?

5) Any (practically speaking) useless talent you have?

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> Justice, honesty, integrity, kindness, compassion: which is more important?

> Under what conditions are you willing to put up with someone you don’t like for a whole day?

> Sushi, takoyaki, noodles, or rice balls? (if you’ve tried any)

> Trust someone you have heard is great at a certain task to do that task or trust some you know personally can do that task ok but not great?

> Have you ever counted eevee’s in your head to fall asleep at night?

> Overall/opinion impressions of Serenes Forest?

> What is something you have always wanted to do irl but haven’t had the chance to do so yet?

> Ever made a wish on a shooting star?

> Ever met any one you’ve met online irl?

> Very cold or very hot?

> Ever dressed up your dog/cat in an eevee costume?

> Ever dressed up in an eevee costume yourself?

> And if you did dress up in an eevee costume, did you go to sleep in it?

> Read about games, watch some one play games, or personally play games? (which you prefer)

> Ever wanted to play a pokemon VR game?

> You know this one’s standard: first/current impressions?

> Older pokemon games or new pokemon games?

> Under what conditions would you ever not like eevee?


I'll ask some FE related ones in a bit when I get a chance.

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1) Favourite dinosaur?

2) If you had 1 million dollars and only one day to spend it, what would you do?

3) What do you think of pineapples as a Pizza topping?

4) Eevees are now real, but they drain your life force, so every minute you spend with one, is a minute less of your life. Would you get one?

5) Any (practically speaking) useless talent you have?

1) Raptor

2) Give everything to cancer research, it would be more useful for everyone

3) Pineapples are tasty so it might taste super good on a pizza

4) Yes but I'll evolve it immediately so it will stop draining my life force (you didn't say that they keep their ability if they evolve :D)

5) I can move my ears (a little bit up, not much but we can see a movement)

> Justice, honesty, integrity, kindness, compassion: which is more important?

> Under what conditions are you willing to put up with someone you don’t like for a whole day?

> Sushi, takoyaki, noodles, or rice balls? (if you’ve tried any)

> Trust someone you have heard is great at a certain task to do that task or trust some you know personally can do that task ok but not great?

> Have you ever counted eevee’s in your head to fall asleep at night?

> Overall/opinion impressions of Serenes Forest?

> What is something you have always wanted to do irl but haven’t had the chance to do so yet?

> Ever made a wish on a shooting star?

> Ever met any one you’ve met online irl?

> Very cold or very hot?

> Ever dressed up your dog/cat in an eevee costume?

> Ever dressed up in an eevee costume yourself?

> And if you did dress up in an eevee costume, did you go to sleep in it?

> Read about games, watch some one play games, or personally play games? (which you prefer)

> Ever wanted to play a pokemon VR game?

> You know this one’s standard: first/current impressions?

> Older pokemon games or new pokemon games?

> Under what conditions would you ever not like eevee?


I'll ask some FE related ones in a bit when I get a chance.

> Honesty

> If we promise to not talk to each other again after that day

> Noodles, I don't like Sushi and never tasted the other 2.

> Second option since I can help them if needed

> I actually did that when I was a kid

> An amazing place for FE fans and for people in general

> To travel outside of Canada

> I think I did when I was a kid but I don't really remember.

> Nope

> Very hot

> Never had a dog and my cat ran away when I was 6 and at that time, I didn't had that love for Eevee yet

> If I could, I would do it

> I would also do it

> Watch someone playing, especially if this someone is a youtuber

> If that would allow me to interact with a Eevee, you bet I would want to play it

> If we had a contest to see who has the less information on his/her profile, you would probably be the winner. Joke aside, you are chill and nice for what I can remember.

> New, but we need to change a lot of things

> If GF would somehow manage to introduce a pokémon that would interest me more than Eevee.

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21. Do you think Litten's final evolution is an abomination and insult to everything we hold dear?

22. What is your least favorite Eeveelution?

23. have you watched the Red Green Show, and if so, your opinion on it?

24. Oddest personality quirk you have?

25. Which starter are you picking for Sun/Moon?

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6. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

7. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

8. Forgiveness or retribution?

9. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

10. First and current impressions of me?

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21. Do you think Litten's final evolution is an abomination and insult to everything we hold dear?

22. What is your least favorite Eeveelution?

23. have you watched the Red Green Show, and if so, your opinion on it?

24. Oddest personality quirk you have?

25. Which starter are you picking for Sun/Moon?

21. I know Glac said something similar but I think it's still amazing and looks cool. However, we never had a 4 legs final stage fire starter before and they had the perfect set up for this: a cat pokémon. It could have evolve into something like a lion or a tiger or something but instead, they went the ''easy way'' by making it like a fire/fighting and call it a fire/dark.

22. Sylveon, it's so ironic that its has the most looking feminine of the bunch and yet, Eevee still has a 87.5% male ratio. This is Gardevoir all over again. But joke aside, if GF would have fixed the ice type instead of just adding a new type to counter drag, Sylveon would have probably not exist (not that I mind but eh).

23. Never watched that.

24. Sometimes, I don't remember locking something even thought I actually did it and even if that was like just 1 minute ago.

25. I might still pick up Litten, the other fire pokémon don't look that great.

6. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

7. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

8. Forgiveness or retribution?

9. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

10. First and current impressions of me?

6. The second first then the first one (taking care of urgent matters first).

7. Legal naturalism

8. Retribution

9. Where I an right now is nice

10. I can't tell much but you ask those questions to everyone so you might like history/politics?

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6- What is your favourite natural enviroment?

7- What was sometging you, as a child, wanted to be when you grew up?

8- Formal clothing is...?

9- What are your thoughts on the word "Overrated"?

10- What's your favourite thread on SF? :3

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11.Favorite Bond movie?
12.Favorite Disney movie?
13.Favorite Shakespeare play?
14.Favorite Queen song?
15.Favorite Harry Potter Character?

11. Skyfall since it's the only one that I watched

12. Lion King

13. Romeo and Julie

14. I don't know who this is

15. Ron Weasely, funny guy

6- What is your favourite natural enviroment?

7- What was sometging you, as a child, wanted to be when you grew up?

8- Formal clothing is...?

9- What are your thoughts on the word "Overrated"?

10- What's your favourite thread on SF? :3

6- Ocean

7- A Pokémon trainer

8- For myself? T-shirt with pants or short depending of the weather.

9- Something we use it for the good reasons, othertimes the bad reasons.

10- ​Boob or Butt thread The Serenes Scribbles since I'm always excited to see what everyone will make.

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> watch anime?

> if so, favorite anime?

> what got you into FE?

> would you do an FE/Pokemon cross-over?

> would you like to go to space?

> when would you be leaving SF?

> is your pokemon team all eevee's?

> preferred FE team (as in classes you always like to have, etc)?

> do you play other tactical rpg's besides FE?

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> watch anime?

> if so, favorite anime?

> what got you into FE?

> would you do an FE/Pokemon cross-over?

> would you like to go to space?

> when would you be leaving SF?

> is your pokemon team all eevee's?

> preferred FE team (as in classes you always like to have, etc)?

> do you play other tactical rpg's besides FE?

> Yes

> Re: Zero

> One of my friends bought Awakening and since he was done with it, he let me borrow his and got hooked on this game. I bought my own in like 2014 summer I think.

> Hell yeah

> Umm, I'm not really sure that I would be okay since i'm afraid of heights

> For Sun and Moon? Not for the first playthough.

> Healer, Mage, Knight, Lord and Archer

> No

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11. Skyfall since it's the only one that I watched

12. Lion King

13. Romeo and Julie

14. I don't know who this is

15. Ron Weasely, funny guy

Surely you jest. Queen is one of the most celebrated bands in history. If you google the word then they'll probably be up there ahead of the Queen of England. I want to say kids these days but your only five years younger than me which makes it all the more baffling.

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Surely you jest. Queen is one of the most celebrated bands in the entire world. If you google the word then they'll probably be up there ahead of the Queen of England. I want to say kids these days but your only five years younger than me which makes it all the more baffling.

You are talking to a guy who doesn't even have a favorite singer. I'm far from being a musical guy, I can barely remember a few singers and band of my own country so forget about those from other countries, no matter how popular they are.

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You are talking to a guy who doesn't have even a favorite singer. I'm far from being a musical guy, I can barely remember a few singers and band of my own country so forget about those from other countries, no matter how popular they are.

Just go with "We Are the Champions", because everybody must have heard that song.

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