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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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21. Do you still have your 3DS?

22. If you do, would you play

23. Now that you know of root beer, would you drink it?

24. Do you have a favorite animal?

25. How do you feel about medieval fantasy?

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Have you ever tried a Golden Sun game?

Dark Dawn, but it became a "victim" like many other videogames. Haven't had really the chance to play it because I had other videogames to continue. Time is a real problem for me.

Favourite English word?


Favourite TV show?

Wheel of Fortune (too bad it's not shown anymore :( )

21. Do you still have your 3DS?

22. If you do, would you play this?

23. Now that you know of root beer, would you drink it?

24. Do you have a favorite animal?

25. How do you feel about medieval fantasy?

21. Of course. Otherwise I couldn't survive any long travels.

22. Dunno. I'm not good at platformers. My frustation resistance is pretty low so I'd not have much fun with it probably.

23. I guess, yes.

24. this

25. I'm not that excited in this.

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1. What do you like about Mitsuru?

2. What do you think about Board and Card games?

3. Your favorite video game genres besides RPGs?

4. Your favorite drink of any kind?

5. Your favorite musical instrument to use? (if any)

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1. What do you like about Mitsuru?

2. What do you think about Board and Card games?

3. Your favorite video game genres besides RPGs?

4. Your favorite drink of any kind?

5. Your favorite musical instrument to use? (if any)

1. Appearance, voice and mainly that she guided me through the battle system in Persona 3. I like pretty much each person, who introduces me into a new franchise.

2. I love them. As for board games I like Fortune Street, ludo, Trivial Pursuit or any quiz games. As for card games I play Poker and some (in Germany known) card games like Skat and Doppelkopf.

3. Puzzles, I guess. I like games, which challenge my brain. I really would like to try out a Dr. Kawasaki, Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright game sometime.

4. fruit juices

5. piano (trying to learn it atm more or less)

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21. Do you watch any sports?

22. If you could control any element, which would you pick?

23. What's your favorite holiday?

24. Do you like rats?

25. What's your favorite movie genre?

21. basketball and snooker

22. What element? If you're talking about the four elements... then earth, I guess.

23. Wandering on the mountains and breathing the good air.

24. No. For the reason there are living some of them one floor above my bedroom sometimes and they only cause noise.

25. Action, I guess. Explosions keep me stay awake.

BTW I forgot to mention Mario Party games. Played 1,2 and 9.

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What is your opinion of politics?

Politics is required for a solid world.

However the main problem:

Too much talking and too less acting mainly because of the egoism in each party / country.

Without these disputes political and social problems in some countries would be solved much easier.


1. Are you interested in history?

2. Are you interested in philosophy?

3. Do you have a favorite word (from any language)?

4. Opinions on Undertale?

5. Would you play FE1?

1. Mainly the time between French Revolution and World War II, especially the early 20th century. I'm also interested in the antic, but unfortunately almost all my memories from the school are gone.

2. Not at all. (same goes for religion)

3. esek (Turkish for dork)

4. The humor is very good, but the gameplay kinda daunts me. The game requires a very good reaction time, what I don't have. I think I'll give this game a chance. However there are some other games I must complete first... The queue is very long...

5. It'd be the last FE part I'd play. I must finish FE4 first and then I want to play 2 next. The original parts will be last ones. It's my plan to play all existing FE parts.

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6. What do you think about Dungeons and Dragons?

7. What do you think about Xenoblade Chronicles?

8. What's your favorite font? (Not necessarily one that you use but do you like how it looks? Could be a movie or video game title.)

9. What do you think about The Matrix?

10. Your favorite attack in a video game?

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1 what flavor of ice tea is for favorite

2 do you like to eat peaches

3 is your real name really "mister Iceteapeach"?

1. peach of course

2. Yeah, it's my favorite fruit besides bananas. Unfortunately a storm cut down the peach tree in the garden. I prefer natural peaches over peaches from the supermarket.

3. No, unfortunately not. My name is the same like the first thief in FE.

6. What do you think about Dungeons and Dragons?

7. What do you think about Xenoblade Chronicles?

8. What's your favorite font? (Not necessarily one that you use but do you like how it looks? Could be a movie or video game title.)

9. What do you think about The Matrix?

10. Your favorite attack in a video game?

6. Honestly haven't dealt with this series yet. I know about the existence of the board game (which looks pretty cool), but I can't tell anything about the PC games. In general I prefer JRPGs over fantasy RPGs. Never ever have played any fantasy RPGs aside of Diablo 2, which was almost 15 years ago.

7. It's a game I really would like to try out, because RPGs for the Wii are very rare and Shulk is cool. Unfortunately it's pretty much as expensive as FE10 is. If I know right the remake is only available o for the new 3DS, which I don't own. Maybe I'll find a favorable copy of the Wii game sometime...

8. I like the font of the undertitles in DK 64 and Banjo parts. Mainly I like "comic" fonts.

9. I watched the first part about 15 years ago... and my mom and me didn't like it. It was too dark for me. Since that I wasn't really interested in the other parts.

10. I love the ultrasword ability in Kirby's Return To Dreamland. A little cute puffball wields a giant and OP blade. Looked epic for me!

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6. What do you look for in a government?

7. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

8. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developing situations first)?

9. Do you have a favorite field of law?

10. Are you a fan of Tolkien?

11. Forgiveness or retribution?

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I'll be out for the rest of the day, so upcoming questions will be answered tomorrow.

6. What do you look for in a government?
7. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?
8. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developing situations first)?
9. Do you have a favorite field of law?
10. Are you a fan of Tolkien?
11. Forgiveness or retribution?

6. justice and emancipation

7. legal naturalism

8. Passive ruler, because I need an information value first to adjust the situation. Flexibility is important.
9. Civil law, because it's the field with the most use in the daily life. In general I'm interested in almost all fields of law, because it's part of the subject I'm studying. I've a book at home, which deals with economic laws (>1000 pages). I also know a bit about the German criminal law.
10. No. In general my interest in fantasy stuff is very limited. Haven't read or watched Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter yet.

11. Actually I'm no vengeful person. However it changed a little bit in the past years. People caused me issues. I became asthmatic by second hand smoking five years ago... and since that I act more harshly than in earlier days. When people really piss me off and don't tolerate any rules (like smoking in non smoking areas) I don't fear to call the appropriate authority and look for punishment. It depends on the situation. I can forgive mistakes... but not willful misconduct.

Furthermore I would like to see the death penalty abolished, because death would only be more like a salvation for terrorists. These people must suffer till the end of their life in isolation.

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12. Favorite Touhou music?

13. Should someone always stick to their word once spoken, even when later insights make them change their mind about the best course of action? Does the answer differ depending on the type of word (e.g. word, promise, oath, vow)?

14. Are mercy and forgiveness the same thing to you?

15. What's more important: intentions or actions?

16. First and current impressions of me?

17. How was this interview experience for you?

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1. Hey Herr Jules?

2. When you return, can you describe your day in 5 words in German?

3. Which of the seven virtues do you think can do the most harm to a person?

4. What natural phenomena would you like to witness?

5. What is one of your tenets?

6. What is omnipotence to you?

7. What defines a hero to you?

8. Which of the 12 zodiac(east or west), that isn't yours, do you like most?

9. Is there a concept, a human ideal, that you disagree with?

10. How good are you at following your goals?

11. Which method of traveling would you prefer; by sea or air?

12. If your mind was an animal, what animal would it be?

13. If you could relive the previous year, what would you do differently?

14. Cake or pie?

15. If your life was a game, what genre would it be?

16. Do you trust your own instincts? Why or why not?

17. If you had 51.5 seconds to address the world, what would you say?

18. What moment in ancient history would you like to witness?

19. If you could traverse to any point in the universe with no repercussions on your human body, where would it be?

20. Do you ask enough questions, or are you satisfied with your current knowledge?
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1.Favorite musicians?

2.Favorite songs?

3.any new games you wanted to try?

4.places you'd love to visit?

5.any other languages you wanted to learn?

6.would you ever pick up the real mistake of the tales franchise, Tales of the Tempest?

7.impressions, if any

8.do you keep any of the cats at your place?

9.would you ever move to the city?

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1 Favorite Dish or Dessert ?

2 Now I give you a ticket for a foreign country, where would you go ?

3 Where do you prefer to go during your holidays ?

4 Do you have/believe in lucky charms ?

5 How often do you read newspaper ?

6 A nickname besides jules or Mister IceTeaPeach ?

7 What is/was your best/worst subject at school ?

8 What thing do you think shouldhave never existed, been created ?

9 Impressions ?

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12. Favorite Touhou music?
13. Should someone always stick to their word once spoken, even when later insights make them change their mind about the best course of action? Does the answer differ depending on the type of word (e.g. word, promise, oath, vow)?
14. Are mercy and forgiveness the same thing to you?
15. What's more important: intentions or actions?
16. First and current impressions of me?
17. How was this interview experience for you?

12. love colored master spark from Touhou 8
13. No, because everyone should reflect about spoken things. The time requires it.
As for promises, I'm no person who likes to give them because I always have problems to keep them. On the other hand tons of people broke their promises to me as well.
14. No, because mercy doesn't mean that I automatically forgive the person.
15. Intentions because they're the requirement to act.
16. Jij bent een uitstekend persoon. Ik bruik niet meer te zeggen dan het.
17. It was cool. It was a new experience for me. Actually I was a bit nervous. Hopefully my answers were satisfying for you. I always felt a little bit bad, whenever I had to answer a question with a single no, especially in videogame questions.

1. Hey Herr Jules?
2. When you return, can you describe your day in 5 words in German?
3. Which of the seven virtues do you think can do the most harm to a person?
4. What natural phenomena would you like to witness?
5. What is one of your tenets?
6. What is omnipotence to you?
7. What defines a hero to you?
8. Which of the 12 zodiac(east or west), that isn't yours, do you like most?
9. Is there a concept, a human ideal, that you disagree with?
10. How good are you at following your goals?
11. Which method of traveling would you prefer; by sea or air?
12. If your mind was an animal, what animal would it be?
13. If you could relive the previous year, what would you do differently?
14. Cake or pie?
15. If your life was a game, what genre would it be?
16. Do you trust your own instincts? Why or why not?
17. If you had 51.5 seconds to address the world, what would you say?
18. What moment in ancient history would you like to witness?
19. If you could traverse to any point in the universe with no repercussions on your human body, where would it be?
20. Do you ask enough questions, or are you satisfied with your current knowledge?

1. Hi Sol, I'm fine!
2. Leben ist Arbeit und Vergnügen.
3. chastity
4. strom chasing (watching a tornado my real eyes)
5. Business before pleasure.
6. despotism
7. Avoding any conflicts and bringing prosperty.
8. Capricorn because it's a cute animal. (Idk the east ones honestly)
9. Hmm... no human ideals actually but religious ideals like fasting (ramadan)
10. Eh... not good at all. I mean some people at my age have a superb career and I still have no real plan what to do after my study.
11. Air, because it's much faster. I don't have fear of flying.
12. Cat just because some of them live happily in a house. Maybe I'd be so lucky to be one of them.
13. Getting a better work besides my study.
14. cake because of cheese cake
15. puzzle game
16. I don't trust, because I made too many wrong decisions by following them.
17. Hello guys, I'm Julian. I only would like to recommend you to play Fire Emblem, the best videogame franchise in existance. It's from Nintendo. There are 13 parts released, 14 soon. It's a round based strategy series. One of the trademarks is the permadeath. If someone dies, he's gone forever. However in the 12th and 13th you can disable this feature. This series requires strategical and logical thought. If you have them and like RPG and Japanese artstyle, this series will own you! Thanks for listening!
18. moon landing
19. moon
20. I never could be satisfied. There's always room to increase your own knowledge.

1.Favorite musicians?
2.Favorite songs?
3.any new games you wanted to try?
4.places you'd love to visit?
5.any other languages you wanted to learn?
6.would you ever pick up the real mistake of the tales franchise, Tales of the Tempest?
7.impressions, if any
8.do you keep any of the cats at your place?
9.would you ever move to the city?


  • Depeche Mode
  • New Order
  • Kraftwerk
  • Duran Duran
  • Michael Jackson (could see him in real :) )
  • Tears For Fears
  • Pet Shop Boys
  • Electric Light Orchestra
  • Genesis
  • Queen
  • Guns & Roses
  • Muse
  • Green Day

and some more... Mainly synth-pop, new wave, rock and punk.


  • Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra
  • Mama by Genesis
  • Don't stop till you get enough by Michael Jackson
  • Mad World by Tears For Fears
  • November Rain by Guns & Roses
  • Knights of Cydonia by Muse
  • I write sins but no tragedies by Panic at the disco
  • Autobahn by Kraftwerk
  • Waterloo by Abba

I guess it's enough, even if I could add more... Of course some videogame music.

3. Actually there aren't anymore new videogames I'd like to play now. These are the games I'm really looking foward:

  • Project X Zone 2
  • FE14
  • Persona 5


  • Australia because this continent fascinates me (culture and nature). I want to see a koala in the real nature so badly.
  • US (for a private reason)

5. Spanish. I'll take a Spanish class, which my university offers.
6. Oh, I thought Dawn to the New World was the mistake. You teased me. I could imagine to try out the game at least to make an own impression.
7. You're cool... so keep still cool!
8. Yeah, the black cat (Roy) may come in the house but only when my dad isn't at home because he wouldn't allow it.
9. I came from the city. And I never ever will return, because I hate air pollution, noise and crime. I absolute enjoy the life on the country even if the infrastructure is kinda lacking.

1 Favorite Dish or Dessert ?
2 Now I give you a ticket for a foreign country, where would you go ?
3 Where do you prefer to go during your holidays ?
4 Do you have/believe in lucky charms ?
5 How often do you read newspaper ?
6 A nickname besides jules or Mister IceTeaPeach ?
7 What is/was your best/worst subject at school ?
8 What thing do you think shouldhave never existed, been created ?
9 Impressions ?

1. fruit salad with yoghurt
2. US (mainly for a private reason)
3. I like wandering on the mountains and cycling along rivers. No big fan of spending all the time in the swimming pool.
4. No, I'm not superstitious.
5. Honestly I don't read any newspapers or magazines. Whenever I want to inform, I watch it online (more favorable).
6. No, I don't have other ones.
7. best: geography worst: german
8. never existed: war created: FE5 remake for the 3DS
9. Unfortunately Idk you much aside of the forum games. I guess a good guy.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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26. If Nintendo were to make an anime adaption of the Fire Emblem games, which one would you want them to start with?

27. If you could have naturally blue hair, would you?

28. If you had to pick between the Tales of and Persona series, which would you pick?

29. If you could take a trip to the moon, would you?

30. Have you enjoyed your interview?

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26. If Nintendo were to make an anime adaption of the Fire Emblem games, which one would you want them to start with?

27. If you could have naturally blue hair, would you?

28. If you had to pick between the Tales of and Persona series, which would you pick?

29. If you could take a trip to the moon, would you?

30. Have you enjoyed your interview?

26. Tellius (FE9)

27. I like blue hair actually, so yeah.

28. Persona because

  • It's round based and not action based unlike Tales of
  • It includes a second genre (simulation: day organization)

29. If I had the money, I might do it. I'd like to discover places aside of the earth.


It was cool. It was a new experience for me. Actually I was a bit nervous. Hopefully my answers were satisfying for you. I always felt a little bit bad, whenever I had to answer a question with a single no, especially in videogame questions.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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