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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1: First/current impressions of me, if any?

2: Aspirations in life?

3: Opinion on kids, and do you plan to have any?

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hates that everyone else likes?

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How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

What TV shows and video games did you grow up with, as a kid?

Who are your top 3 male and top 3 female favourite fictional characters?

What phobias did/do you have in the past/present?

Are you lifting the 5 question limit, so that people can ask you more than 5 questions per post?

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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hates that everyone else likes?


1. What books/movies/games/etc did you used to enjoy but dislike now and why the change?

2. What books/movies/games/etc did you used to dislike but enjoy now and why the change?

3. Damage, Tank, or Healer?

4. PVP or PVE?

5. Least favourite colour?

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4 hours ago, Ieanne said:

Opinions of the following:
a. ee06c1c24e.gif

b. e67647148a.gif

A. Nice

B. Also nice.

3 hours ago, Gemma said:

1. Who's the leader of the bunch?

2. Cake or pie/ what kind?

3. Best time to take naps?

4. Favorite dog breed?

5. A goal you are striving for?

1. Uh..... Me.

2. Pie but only if it's pumpkin.

3. All the time.

4. Whatever the hell my current dog is which is a Westie Terrier I believe.

5. I'm trying to promote myself as an artist right now, so hitting 100 followers on my art twitter is a goal.

1 hour ago, Rezzy said:


1: First/current impressions of me, if any?

2: Aspirations in life?

3: Opinion on kids, and do you plan to have any?

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hates that everyone else likes?

1. Nice person, but keep away for Atk- curse. I swear as soon as I acknowledged it, some of the good units I wanted became Atk-.

2. Become a part of a well-known project (game/show/movie/comic series).

3. Yeah, probably. I always think about how I'd be as a parents plus my parents want a continuing legacy.

4. Apparently Sonic and the Black Knight wasn't that well received but as a 7-8 year old, I thought it was fun.

5. Anime-wise, I'm not a fan of this one of Grimgar (Something something don't remember the rest). People said it shows the struggles and the weight of battle that our characters face very well, but I found it to be too slow and annoying due to the characters.

38 minutes ago, Randoman said:

How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

What TV shows and video games did you grow up with, as a kid?

Who are your top 3 male and top 3 female favourite fictional characters?

What phobias did/do you have in the past/present?

Are you lifting the 5 question limit, so that people can ask you more than 5 questions per post?

1. IRL, I'm rather introverted, staying within my comfort zone. I'm not really shy anymore, but I prefer sitting in my own space rather than joining someone else in there's. That said, I'm not a loner lol. I still have friends that I enjoy being with.

2. I grew up watching a lot of anime, but the one American cartoon I loved was Adventure Time. I haven't been keeping up with it nowadays but I really liked it's world and characters.

3. Male:

1) Inigo/Laslow from Fire Emblem

2) Sero Hanta from Hero Academia

3) Lukas from Fire Emblem


1) Catria from Fire Emblem

2) Jade from Land of the Lustrous (Jade is actually genderless, but the genderless characters in LotL are much more feminine than masculine so I included them here)

3) Tana from Fire Emblem

4. I don't know if I have any real phobias, just things that disgust or weird me out. Is there an opposite of claustrophobia? I don't like really large empty rooms. I always feel like something will happen to me in those.

5. I'll keep it at 5, I don't want to be here all day lol

41 minutes ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:


1. What books/movies/games/etc did you used to enjoy but dislike now and why the change?

2. What books/movies/games/etc did you used to dislike but enjoy now and why the change?

3. Damage, Tank, or Healer?

4. PVP or PVE?

5. Least favourite colour?

1. Sword Art Online. I thought it was prett good at first but after second season, I realized how much I really didn't like all of it.

2. My Hero Academia. I wasn't a fan of Midoriya Izuku (protagonist) at first, because he would constantly get saved by miracles. Decided to watch it again and now I love him and the rest of it.

3. Damage. Too impatient for tank and healer.

4. PVE mostly. I'm not a big fan of super competitive games (mostly the toxicity of others).

5. Orange.

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49 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Hey, I've been asking those questions for the last two years.

Yeah, but I rightfully stole them from you, so they're mine now :P:.

6. Tea or Coffee?

7. Summer or Winter?

8. Have you ever played a sport competitively and did you enjoy it?

9. Do you listen to any podcasts?

10. Favourite Youtubers/Streamers/etc?

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5 minutes ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

Yeah, but I rightfully stole them from you, so they're mine now :P:.

6. Tea or Coffee?

7. Summer or Winter?

8. Have you ever played a sport competitively and did you enjoy it?

9. Do you listen to any podcasts?

10. Favourite Youtubers/Streamers/etc?

6. I drink coffee every once in a while.

7. Winter lets me stay indoors so I prefer that. Also, I feel like it's easier to stay warm than it is to keep cool.

8. I've never done sports nor am I really interested in doing any. The last sports event I ever did was a 5th grade dodgeball tournament the school held, so like, six years ago.

9. Roosterteeth podcast is the only one I've listened to, never live though.

10. Letsplay, Game Grumps, Berd, Pewdiepie. But I'm also one of those people who get weird stuff in their recommendation and watches all of them.

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6: Do we know you well?

7: Are you finally back to kick some tail?

8: Can your coconut gun fire in spurts?

9: If said coconut gun shoots someone, does it hurt?

10: Are you bigger, faster, and stronger too as the first member of the DK crew?

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3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

1. Do you like Donkey Kong, KongDude?

2. You ever play DK Country?

3. Ya like jazz? :smug:

4. What do you think of memes?

5. What do you think of me?

1. I've actually never played a Donkey Kong game. The "Kong" from my Username is actually my real name.

2. See above.

3. Good Instrumental = yes

4. Memes are fun. Relevant memes at least. It sucks when you have two younger siblings who discover them months or even years later and still think they're funny.

5. You're cool as long as you're not talking about Nino :0

3 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

6: Do we know you well?

7: Are you finally back to kick some tail?

8: Can your coconut gun fire in spurts?

9: If said coconut gun shoots someone, does it hurt?

10: Are you bigger, faster, and stronger too as the first member of the DK crew?

6. Uh...

7. Uuhh...

8. Uuuhhh...

9. Uuuuhhhh....

10. Yes. Hopefully.

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17 minutes ago, KongDude said:

You're cool as long as you're not talking about Nino

I had a feeling you'd say something like this
Well thanks, I guess I can calm down sometimes... when speaking objectively?


6. How many devices are you voting Nino Catria on?

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I. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

II. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you most relate to?

III. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

IV. How were you lead to Serenesforest?

V. Favorite season?

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What personality traits do you value most?

What are some of the biggest dealbreakers for you when it comes to making friends?

If you could rid the world of one of the 7 capital sins (eg: pride, lust, anger), which one would you pick?

Are there any smells that most people find bad that you find good? (eg: durian fruit, vaporub, etc.)

On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being heavily dislike, 10 being greatly like), how much would you say you like weird online memes/videos online? For discussion purposes, we're excluding offensive and inappropriate memes/videos, since I feel like that might lower the score.

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2 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

I. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

II. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you most relate to?

III. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

IV. How were you lead to Serenesforest?

V. Favorite season?

1. Water probably.

2. Definitely Sloth and probably temperance.

3. I liked playing Marth in SSBB. When SSB4 came out, I thought Lucina and Robin were pretty cool so I decided to look into it. Before I actually bought Awakening, I played the demo like 30 times.

4. After the Fire Emblem Direct last year, I came here to get more info on Echoes. After a week or so, I said, "why not?" and made my account.

5. Winter probably. I like the cold air and how much I don't have to go outside.

1 hour ago, Randoman said:

What personality traits do you value most?

What are some of the biggest dealbreakers for you when it comes to making friends?

If you could rid the world of one of the 7 capital sins (eg: pride, lust, anger), which one would you pick?

Are there any smells that most people find bad that you find good? (eg: durian fruit, vaporub, etc.)

On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being heavily dislike, 10 being greatly like), how much would you say you like weird online memes/videos online? For discussion purposes, we're excluding offensive and inappropriate memes/videos, since I feel like that might lower the score.

1. Mmm... probably social awareness? Like know when you should and shouldn't say things, and mostly just don't be a dick, I guess.

2. Over-emotional people and those who take stuff out of context way too often. I understand people going through stuff and that's fine. There are times, however, where they need to grow a thicker skin and learn how to take a few hits.

3. Pride maybe? Maybe something else if I gave it a little more thought because I'm not entirely sure...

4. I don't know if people dislike them, but Clorox wipes is a certain smell that I really like. A lot of cleaning products in general.

5. Probably a 7.5. I think the best ones are the ones that aren't intended to be a meme, but Youtube deciding to recommend year old videos to people makes it popular. The vid in my sig is one meme video that I think about often.

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