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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1. What three words best describe you?

2. How do you think success should be measured?

3. What scares you?  Do you have any irrational fears?

4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day?

5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 

6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike?

7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money?

8. What is something you have tried that you will never try again?

9. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

10. What are you most grateful for right now?

11. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why?

12. If you could time travel, where would you go?

13. What are your pet peeves?

14. What are some of your favourite TV shows?

15. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far?

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On 2/20/2018 at 2:21 PM, Res said:

1. What is your most interesting law story?

...I did promise a better answer for this one. Here it is. This was one of my formative experiences as a young attorney (and a real moral gut-check. It tested my ethics. How far I was willing to go to make big money, and what I valued more than career success.)


This was one of my first gigs out of law school. I had finally landed a full time associate position. I knew how competative the job market was and that an opportunity like this wasn't going to come around again any time soon.

I was so eager to join a firm and be a real lawyer. I ignored so many red flags about how shady this place was.

Two weeks into the job they send me to criminal court for the first time. It was a drug case. The client was accused of using marijunana—again—while already on probation for an earlier drug offense. I get the client file. Its empty; the only thing in there is a bill stating that the firm has already put 2 hours of file review work into the case and that the client owes us $400 for this work.

I spoke to the senior attorneys about this. I asked them how they were billing a guy for 2 hours of file review on an empty file. I further asked how they wanted me to prepare for Court and what arguments they wanted me to make.

The only answers I could get out of them were: "Just make sure he pays us the money. Talk to the guy and see what we can find out. If we got nothing, just tell the Court we need a postponement and more time to prepare. The more we work the case, the more we can bill him."

...okay...not helpful...

But my job was to represent this guy to the best of my ability. I was gonna do my job.

So I called him. I got the facts. I worked out that they had drug tested him approximately one month after the beginning of his probationary period; that was when he failed and they charged him with violating the terms of his probation.

...that meant the time that had passed between the beginning of probation and his drug test was less time then it took THC to clear out of the system of a heavy user.

...that meant he could have
smoked weed before his probationary period started, completely followed the terms of his probation, and still failed his drug test on the date administered.

...that meant the State could not prove based on the test results that he had actually violated probation.

...that meant the State had no case.

So I go to Court. I put this argument in front of a judge. The judge agrees and dismisses the charges. Done. Won the case without having to request a postponement or drag my guy back to Court a second time. Didn't have to plead him to anything or pay any fine. One appearance—case dismissed.

This was unquestionably the best outcome for the client, and the outcome I was obligated to pursue as an advocate of the client's best interests.

I get back to the office and the senior attorneys just fucking go off on me: "What t
he FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU; ending the case in one appearance! We could have fucked this guy for another $7,500. That's our money. Don't you ever fucking lose our money. Now you have to fix this!"

...they take me to the secretary's office.

...they have me watch as the secretary drafts a falsified invoice, billing the client for $1,200 worth of work never performed.

...they direct the secretary to send the client an email with false legal advice; stating that the case had not been resolved, he was still facing criminal charges, and he could go to jail if he didn't pay us for further representation. (none of this was true)

...they explicitly tell me: "
If you ever have to do this, put the secretary's name on it. Lawyers can get ethics violations. Secretaries can't. You don't want these pricks coming after you with ethics violations." (i.e. they very clearly knew what they were doing was illegal)

...they give me the file with the falsfied bill, tell me to call the client and collect the money, and tell me that if he disputes his obligation to pay I should just run his credit card info on file through our billing software and mark down that he consented to the payment. (that's credit card fraud)

I told them I did not believe these instructions were ethical or legal.

They told me to
"grow some hair on my balls," that if I didn't perform as instructed I wasn't getting paid, and that this was just how "street smart" lawyers did business; I needed to be "street smart" if I was going to work for them. It wasn't stealing; "We earned that money. Don't you EVER say we didn't earn that money. You speak with reverence about what we do in this office."

I thanked them for their clarity and told them that I understood. I took the file. I went home. And I immediately typed up my letter of resignation.

The very next day, I was unemployed.

After that things were tough for a while. I didn't get another full time associate offer for over a year. Money was tight. We got by on my wife's public school salary and whatever side jobs I could scrape together on the side, arguing speeding tickets in traffic court and substitute-teaching grade school level social studies and the like.

But we bounced back. I got an offer from good people, doing it right.

And I had to get out of that other place. Because they were crooks, and they wanted me to be a crook. I wasn't gonna start my career as a crooked attorney.

...I would have made SO much more money if I stuck with the crooked firm. There would have been so many fewer fights at home. I wouldn't have had to work as hard.

...but I would have hated myself...

And by walking out of that place, I learned something about myself. What offends me on a moral level and what lines I cannot cross.

I surely have beliefs and habits and use language that the more conservative among you find—morally questionable. I don't deny it.

But the idea that someone would use their education and their professional skills to screw the people they were supposed to be helping. That they would enrich themselves by stealing from people who had nothing.

...That got to me. That disgusted me on every conceptual level. And I went my seperate way with certitude: I know right, and I know wrong. What those guys were doing was wrong, and I was not going to be a part of it. 


...Thats my law story. Interesting? You be the judge.

Real? Every word of it.  Be careful and do your homework if you ever need representation; there's some scumbag attorneys out there.


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23 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

1. What three words best describe you?

intelligent, passionate, slob


2. How do you think success should be measured?

By how much you enjoy life before you die, and by the number and quality of the memories you leave behind.


3. What scares you?  Do you have any irrational fears?

When nothing has gone horribly wrong for a while. I always feel like things are going too smoothly, and everything is about to go to shit.

4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day?

A good game or show or internet session, and a smoke or a drink. Except the "smoke and a drink" part is currently on hiatus. As I am trying to make a baby. So for the time being, I am refraining from any and all activities that would be--detrimental to the health and success of this endeavor. 


5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 

No. I think social media makes it easier for people to reveal their true character. And we were previously unaware how many narcissists were out there before social media, because they didn't have as many outlets to display their narcissism. Social media makes it easier for assholes to be assholes. Social media also makes it easier for good people around the world to share their experiences, exchange ideas, organize movements, and generally enjoy communication unrestricted by geographical proximity.

And in this way, social media does tremendous good.

It is not inherently righteous or wicked or helpful or harmful. It is a tool. A very powerful tool, in the hands of very stupid people.


6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike?

Many. And if you spend enough time in [Serious Discussion], you will at some point here me complain about all of them. The "Has Religion Done more Bad or Good?" thread would be a good place to start. (SPOILER ALERT: It All Ends in Heresy)

7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money?

Free Time. Money is a means to an end. The end is that you live comfortably and enjoy life. The moment the pursuit of money detracts from overall life satisfaction is the moment it becomes self-defeating.

As for recognition; I have no desire to be put on a pedestal. Only to know that what I do is necessary and appreciated.

8. What is something you have tried that you will never try again?


...moving on...

9. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

Borderline between the two, tbh.

There's times when I crave comradery and romance.
And there's times when I just want to be left the fuck alone.


10. What are you most grateful for right now?

I was born into an upper middle class family in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. I had every advantage in life before I was old enough to know what "advantages" were, through no effort of my own and by the mere luck of being born. 

I'm 28 years old. I have a wife. A house. A car. A good job. Hopefully some kids soon. I don't feel like I worked any harder or did anything more to deserve this than people who don't have these things.

Sooooo--everything basically 


11. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why?

I enjoy challenges. The harder I have to struggle to get or keep something, the more I appreciate having it. If something is handed to me too easily, I don' t feel like I should have it.

12. If you could time travel, where would you go?

Woodstock. I wanna see those performances live and party with the hippies.


13. What are your pet peeves?

People who are just assholes to strangers for no reason. I don't understand what possesses a human being to act that way towards someone they have no beef with.


14. What are some of your favourite TV shows?

I like all the competitive cooking shows--Iron Chef, Chopped, Beat Bobby Flay.

Big fan of alot of whats come out of Adult Swim. Ric & Morty, Venture Bros, Metalocalypse.

Of the cable news shows. I'd say my favorite is probably Anderson Cooper. John Oliver is probably my favorite satirist at the moment. 

And I count this more of being a fan of the Books then a fan of the show. But I'll add Game of Thrones to the List.


15. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far?

Best years are college. Just because its that magical window of time when you have all the privileges of being an adult, and none of the responsibilities.

Most significant year was probably this last one. I got my current job. I bought a house.  I've basically committed to where I want to plant my roots and start my family. I'd say that's a pretty major lie development

...I think that's everything...

Good questions.  Thanks everyone!  I'll be sure to pay it forward.

From hereon out, count me as an active participant in this thread.

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On 2/25/2018 at 9:17 PM, Shoblongoo said:

...Thats my law story. Interesting? You be the judge.

It really was!  Good for you for standing up for what you believe in.  I can't believe that kind of stuff happens, wow. :-_-:

On 2/25/2018 at 10:19 PM, Shoblongoo said:

5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 

No. I think social media makes it easier for people to reveal their true character. And we were previously unaware how many narcissists were out there before social media, because they didn't have as many outlets to display their narcissism. Social media makes it easier for assholes to be assholes. Social media also makes it easier for good people around the world to share their experiences, exchange ideas, organize movements, and generally enjoy communication unrestricted by geographical proximity.

And in this way, social media does tremendous good.

It is not inherently righteous or wicked or helpful or harmful. It is a tool. A very powerful tool, in the hands of very stupid people.

I really dig your way of looking at it.  Great answer!


I nominate mamphoid.

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Greetings friend.

1) Ever lived, worked, or gone to school anywhere outside of Minnesota?

2) Favorite Metal Band(s)?

3) Favorite Action Movie(s)?

4) Favorite Sci Fi Series?

5) Whats your impression of New Jersey? 


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I. What is your favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

II. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you most relate to?

III. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

IV. How were you led to Serenesforest?

V. Will you be lifting, extending, or otherwise altering the question limit?

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How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

What personality traits do you value most?

What are some of your biggest pet peeves?

What are your real life friends like, personality-wise?

What video games and TV shows did you grow up with, as a kid?

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Sorry I'm late. Haven't checked into the forest awhile.

On 2/27/2018 at 12:22 PM, Shoblongoo said:

Greetings friend.

1) Ever lived, worked, or gone to school anywhere outside of Minnesota?

2) Favorite Metal Band(s)?

3) Favorite Action Movie(s)?

4) Favorite Sci Fi Series?

5) Whats your impression of New Jersey? 


1. I'm actually from Florida originally. 

2. Probably Metalica.

3. Action has spilled into nearly every genre of movie these days so I'm having a little trouble deciding what should or shouldn't count (superheroes, spy thrillers, adventure films, sci-fi, ect.).

4. Star Wars.

5. Can't really say for sure. Most I've been exposed to Jersey is in the Ms. Marvel comics(2014).

On 2/27/2018 at 3:45 PM, Rex Glacies said:

I. What is your favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

II. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you most relate to?

III. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

IV. How were you led to Serenesforest?

V. Will you be lifting, extending, or otherwise altering the question limit?

I. It varies for me, but probably fire.

II. I see them all as a greater whole and no one part should be taken less seriously than the other, sin or virtue.

III. Through Smash Bros. like most westerners, but I didn't get into it until much later.

IV. My good friend @PeaceRibbon we're pretty tight.

V. Hmm... I'll say 10 per post, but I'll answer any follow up post you might give. So if you had say 20 questions please split them between 2 posts.

On 2/27/2018 at 5:57 PM, Randoman said:

How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

What personality traits do you value most?

What are some of your biggest pet peeves?

What are your real life friends like, personality-wise?

What video games and TV shows did you grow up with, as a kid?

1. I try treat others with kindness and respect, but if I'm with people I know I'm rather animated and expressive. A serious side and a goofy side if you will.

2. Probably honesty.

3. People moving my stuff around, everything I put down must be exactly where I left it or else it's gonna take me 20 minutes to find it.

4. I try to be around lots of different people, but my closest friends tend to be just a little more assertive and feisty than me.

5. I was raised on a strict follow the age ratings rule so it was mostly cartoons(and honestly kinda still is). I never watched to much TV unless it was something like Pokemon or Star Wars. Video games was mostly the Super Mario Bros and Sonic The Hedgehog series.

On 2/27/2018 at 7:40 PM, DisobeyedCargo said:

Well hello 

1.favorite fictional weapon?

2.favorite game in the Xeno Series?

3. Favorite song from Xeno series and from games in general?

4. Favorite game?

5. Rank your favorite Xenoblade 1 characters 

6. Opinions of me?


1. I'm a magic, mecha, and marshal arts guy personally, but I'd say my favorite from more traditional definitions of weapon would be Vi's Hextech Gauntlets from League of Legends.

2. Xenoblade Chronicles X.

3. This may be an odd choice, but it's Black Tar.

4. Xenoblade Chronicles X.

5. Reyn, Sharla, Melia, Shulk, Riki, Dunban.

6. You're one of the many regulars on the far from the forest forums I find quite entertaining.

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27 minutes ago, TheGoodHoms said:

IV. My good friend @PeaceRibbon we're pretty tight.

That's right, know that you would never be surrounded by droves of Fire Emblem nerds waiting with bated breath to hear the deepest darkest secrets of yours without me.

What's your favorite emoticon?

Do you have a favorite Fire Emblem weapon type?

What is your blood type, and do you think that the personality associated with it is reflective you real personality? (btw there is no actual evidence that flags on your red blood cells have anything to do with how you behave)

Music you listen to when you want to feel fancy?

Anime opening theme song you would sing in front of a live audience?

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8 minutes ago, PeaceRibbon said:

That's right, know that you would never be surrounded by droves of Fire Emblem nerds waiting with bated breath to hear the deepest darkest secrets of yours without me.

What's your favorite emoticon?

Do you have a favorite Fire Emblem weapon type?

What is your blood type, and do you think that the personality associated with it is reflective you real personality? (btw there is no actual evidence that flags on your red blood cells have anything to do with how you behave)

Music you listen to when you want to feel fancy?

Anime opening theme song you would sing in front of a live audience?

1. :Wrys:

2. Axes, but I'm becoming increasingly found of magic recently.

3. O+

4. Vorkken's Theme

5. I don't actually like the anime it's from, but Gospel of the Throttle from Drifters.


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14 hours ago, TheGoodHoms said:

1. I'm actually from Florida originally. 

2. Probably Metalica.

3. Action has spilled into nearly every genre of movie these days so I'm having a little trouble deciding what should or shouldn't count (superheroes, spy thrillers, adventure films, sci-fi, ect.).

4. Star Wars.

5. Can't really say for sure. Most I've been exposed to Jersey is in the Ms. Marvel comics(2014).


Saw Metallica live in concert when they toured through Philadelphia; good answer!

...that's better then what I expected to hear for #5. Thank you for not watching Jersey Shore.

Image result for jersey shore gif


1.   Do you work or have you ever had a job. If so; where?

2.   Are you still in school? If so; where do you go and what are you studying?

3.  Whats your dream job?

4. Do you like living in Minnesota. What did you like better; Minnesota or Florida? 

5. What's the wildest thing you've ever done?

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14 hours ago, TheGoodHoms said:

Sorry I'm late. Haven't checked into the forest awhile.

1. I'm actually from Florida originally. 

2. Probably Metalica.

3. Action has spilled into nearly every genre of movie these days so I'm having a little trouble deciding what should or shouldn't count (superheroes, spy thrillers, adventure films, sci-fi, ect.).

4. Star Wars.

5. Can't really say for sure. Most I've been exposed to Jersey is in the Ms. Marvel comics(2014).

I. It varies for me, but probably fire.

II. I see them all as a greater whole and no one part should be taken less seriously than the other, sin or virtue.

III. Through Smash Bros. like most westerners, but I didn't get into it until much later.

IV. My good friend @PeaceRibbon we're pretty tight.

V. Hmm... I'll say 10 per post, but I'll answer any follow up post you might give. So if you had say 20 questions please split them between 2 posts.

1. I try treat others with kindness and respect, but if I'm with people I know I'm rather animated and expressive. A serious side and a goofy side if you will.

2. Probably honesty.

3. People moving my stuff around, everything I put down must be exactly where I left it or else it's gonna take me 20 minutes to find it.

4. I try to be around lots of different people, but my closest friends tend to be just a little more assertive and feisty than me.

5. I was raised on a strict follow the age ratings rule so it was mostly cartoons(and honestly kinda still is). I never watched to much TV unless it was something like Pokemon or Star Wars. Video games was mostly the Super Mario Bros and Sonic The Hedgehog series.

1. I'm a magic, mecha, and marshal arts guy personally, but I'd say my favorite from more traditional definitions of weapon would be Vi's Hextech Gauntlets from League of Legends.

2. Xenoblade Chronicles X.

3. This may be an odd choice, but it's Black Tar.

4. Xenoblade Chronicles X.

5. Reyn, Sharla, Melia, Shulk, Riki, Dunban.

6. You're one of the many regulars on the far from the forest forums I find quite entertaining.

Wow took me way too long to look at this

im more of a sword and blade kinda guy, but magic is always cool

man the one Xenoblade game I haven't played. I hope they make a Switch port for it

hmm nice

id listen to the song now but I'm in school 

7. Most played console?

8. Least favorite game?

9. Ever watch RWBY?

10. If so who's your favorite character?

11. Are you still grinding for KOS-MOS in XC2 like I am?

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4 hours ago, Shoblongoo said:

1.   Do you work or have you ever had a job. If so; where?

2.   Are you still in school? If so; where do you go and what are you studying?

3.  Whats your dream job?

4. Do you like living in Minnesota. What did you like better; Minnesota or Florida? 

5. What's the wildest thing you've ever done?

1. No.

2. I am still a student, but at what level and where I'm going to keep confidential.

3. Voice Over Acting or Theater Acting

4. It gets really cold, but I live in a nice area where I get all four seasons so it's been a good experience. Florida is warm enough to visit for a week, but it's too humid to live there in my book, MN's been better.

5. In Florida I once went in the swimming pool during a tropical storm.

4 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

7. Most played console?

8. Least favorite game?

9. Ever watch RWBY?

10. If so who's your favorite character?

11. Are you still grinding for KOS-MOS in XC2 like I am?

7. The Wii. Started playing a lot of long RPGs later in it's life (Like Xenoblade) and also years of Smash Bros and Mario Kart.

8. Advance Wars, I went into it hopping I'd be like Fire Emblem, but the tutorial was agonizingly slow and I was burned out before I even started the real game.

9. Yes.

10. Yang because punching is cool, plus she's got a fun personality.

11. I don't have a Switch and can't really afford one any time soon so I can't say that I have.


Just as a reminder I said I'd take 10 questions per post if anybody desires to do so from now on.

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7 minutes ago, TheGoodHoms said:

1. No.

2. I am still a student, but at what level and where I'm going to keep confidential.

3. Voice Over Acting or Theater Acting

4. It gets really cold, but I live in a nice area where I get all four seasons so it's been a good experience. Florida is warm enough to visit for a week, but it's too humid to live there in my book, MN's been better.

5. In Florida I once went in the swimming pool during a tropical storm.

7. The Wii. Started playing a lot of long RPGs later in it's life (Like Xenoblade) and also years of Smash Bros and Mario Kart.

8. Advance Wars, I went into it hopping I'd be like Fire Emblem, but the tutorial was agonizingly slow and I was burned out before I even started the real game.

9. Yes.

10. Yang because punching is cool, plus she's got a fun personality.

11. I don't have a Switch and can't really afford one any time soon so I can't say that I have.


Just as a reminder I said I'd take 10 questions per post if anybody desires to do so from now on.

I'm gonna have to go with 3DS, it's an RPG lovers dream IMO.

Hmm interesting, my least favorite is probably Star Wars Force Unleased 2. It just felt so much more limited compared to 1.

man I really need to stop assuming people have a switch... well whenever you get XC2 and are trying to get all rare blades GOOD LUCK getting KOS-MOS.

my favorites are Lie-Ren and Nora. 

12. How far are you into RWBY?

13. What makes X your favorite over a sea of other JRPGs?

14. Any good games you'd recommend other than X?

15. Dumbest thing you've ever see. Someone do?

16. Dumbest thing you've done?

17. Ever play Punch-Out?

18. Will you write this question for me I'm out of ideas?

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On 3/1/2018 at 10:01 PM, TheGoodHoms said:

II. I see them all as a greater whole and no one part should be taken less seriously than the other, sin or virtue.

Interesting answer.

VI. Favorite continent in X?

VII. Favorite character in X?

VIII. Favorite xenoform in X?(Nonrecruitable races like the Milsaadi and Ganglion count.)

IX. Preferred range and melee weapon type to use in X?

X. How many hours have you put into the game, as I've put in at least 300 and still haven't 100%ed it.

XI. Hot or cold?

XII. Favorite season?

XIII. Do you have a favorite history or mythology to learn about?

XIV. Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, and if so, does it suit you?

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16 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

12. How far are you into RWBY?

13. What makes X your favorite over a sea of other JRPGs?

14. Any good games you'd recommend other than X?

15. Dumbest thing you've ever see. Someone do?

16. Dumbest thing you've done?

17. Ever play Punch-Out?

18. Will you write this question for me I'm out of ideas?

12. I'm caught up with the series.

13. It may not have the strongest story or characters, but the gameplay mechanics are just so polished and fun to use, combat, exploration, customization, the whole 9 yards.

14. The World End With You(DS Version if you can), Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, Strider (2014), Bastion(Do not mistake with Overwatch), Runbow, Guilty Gear Xrd, and Skullgirls.

15. In my freshman year of high school someone tapped pictures of naked mole rats all over the walls in the choir room.Image result for naked mole rat

16. I lost my cool and punched a wall in the middle of class.

17. I've played both the NES and Wii Punch-Out games.

18. Just as some prompts, aside from video games I'm really big into movies and the preforming arts(stuff like music and theater) and I've watched my fair share of anime as well, plus I've recently gotten into playing table top RPGs like D&D and Pathfinder.

9 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

VI. Favorite continent in X?

VII. Favorite character in X?

VIII. Favorite xenoform in X?(Nonrecruitable races like the Milsaadi and Ganglion count.)

IX. Preferred range and melee weapon type to use in X?

X. How many hours have you put into the game, as I've put in at least 300 and still haven't 100%ed it.

XI. Hot or cold?

XII. Favorite season?

XIII. Do you have a favorite history or mythology to learn about?

XIV. Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, and if so, does it suit you?

VI. I like all the continents for their diversity, but I'd say Oblivia since it's the easiest to navigate on foot. I would say Noctilum, but I get lost in it constantly.

VII. It bounces between Lin, Lao, and L. Let's just say it's L for now because who doesn't love a big blue Teifling with bad grammar?

VIII. That's pretty hard, but I'd say the Definians because they're great for fun spy hunt quests which I enjoyed.

IX. I've never really settled into one class in that game because I have something I like about each one.

X. After I beat the game and took a break I restarted to try and see If I could create the most efficient run of the game where I do all side quests as fast as possible and use all the characters to get better affinities sooner than later so between the two runs I've sunk 200-300 into it and I haven't completed it 100% either, but that is my goal.

XI. As long as it's not very humid, either is fine with me.

XII. Autumn, for all the colors in the trees.

XIV. I just took an online version of the sake of the question and my result was The Campaigner. I can see why I got it, but maybe just a little less social that it makes me out to be, but only a little less.

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XV. Do you live somewhere rural, urban, or suburban?

XVI. Which do you prefer of the areas above?

XVII. Favorite Pokemon type?

XVIII. Favorite Pokemon?

XIX. Have you ever gone fishing?

XX. Eastern or western dragon?

XXI. Katana, scimitar, or broadsword?

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19 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

XV. Do you live somewhere rural, urban, or suburban?

XVI. Which do you prefer of the areas above?

XVII. Favorite Pokemon type?

XVIII. Favorite Pokemon?

XIX. Have you ever gone fishing?

XX. Eastern or western dragon?

XXI. Katana, scimitar, or broadsword?

XV. Rural

XVI. Suburban

XVII. Steel type

XVIII. Lucario

XIX. A few times, I caught mostly junk fish.

XX. Western

XXI. Scimitar

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