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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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7 hours ago, Shoblongoo said:

good taste.

1. Ever tried getting into battlestar galatctica? (highly recommend it if you haven't)

2. Do any table-top gaming besides D&D?

3.  Have you ever played Dominion or Settlers of Catan? You a fan of that kind of hobby-gaming?

4. Did you ever have any interest in the kinkster or partying scene back in your college days, or was it strictly pre-med + nerd hobbies?

5. Is there anything you could do before you had kids that you can't do anymore, and miss being able to do?

6. Hardest part about being a new parent?

7. Something no one told you about being a parent that you wish someone would have told you before you became a mom?

8. I hate to ask--but everyone's doing it. First and current impressions of me?

1. Not yet, but I wouldn't mind checking it out, when I have time.  I've got a long list of stuff I need to watch, but it's hard to find time lately.

2. I've played Pathfinder and Starfinder, which are sort of like 3rd edition's spiritual successor.  I've also played a bit of Mouse Guard and Shadowrun, but the latter never really got off the ground.

3. Nope, but I would be open to it, if my group wanted to.

4. Partying, no.  I've always been an introvert, and don't like huge crowds.  Kinky stuff, oh yes, you remember my score.

5. Doing stuff from question 4 as often.

6. You will lose lots and lots of sleep.

7. I mostly knew what to expect, but nothing could really prepare you for the feeling when your kid is potentially seriously sick and there's nothing you can do about it.  Thankfully, everything worked out in the end for us.

8. Currently very positive

First: Ugh a lawyer.  I have a policy to always be kind to people online and not judge, but lawyers, particularly ones involved in medical litigation rub many in my profession the wrong way.  Many feel they are only trying to add more and more regulations, restrictions, and paperwork on our jobs, which makes us spend more time doing paperwork than actual medicine, and have to practice "defensive" medicine ordering more tests than necessary and either over-prescribing antibiotics to patients (or also not giving it when it might be needed, depending on the new policy) or withholding pain medication.  I hope I never came off as rude in our early dealings, and I never disliked you, but that was my honest first impression.  I do my best to be nice and give everybody a chance before judging.

Current: You seem like a fun, interesting guy.  You seem to share a lot of my views and thoughts.  You actually remind me of a class mate who was also a lawyer before going to med school.  (Why anyone would want to go through that much school boggles my mind.)  You reaffirmed my policy of trying to always give people a chance before judging them.

I'd be interested in your thoughts on the matter.

2 hours ago, BLSoldier said:

1. Have you been to a fan convention before? (comics, anime, gaming, sci-fi, etc)

2. Favorite genre of music?

3. Most memorable childhood event?

1. I have not, I would potentially be open to going to one, but I hate huge crowds.

2. I'm going to have to wimp out and say a little of everything

3. One of my earliest memories is going to see my sister right after she was born.

41 minutes ago, Res said:

1. What’s your opinion on RonxHermione?

2. Favourite HP movie and book?

3. Into what houses would you place your kids, and why? 

4. Have you ever ridden on a steam train?

5. What magical discipline would you excel at? 

1. It would not have been my choice, but it's canon, and I don't think efforts to retcon it are a good idea

2. Book: Order of the Phoenix.

Movie: Deathly Hallows Part 2: It gets to cheat a bit by cutting out the horrible pacing of the first part of the book and only give us the climax.  Plus my boy Neville gets to be a badass.

3. Leo: maybe Gryffindor, he's much more outgoing than me, and sometimes too adventuresome for his own good

Est: A bit early to say, maybe Hufflepuff with how she eats everything

Once they hit 11, I'll have to see how they've grown into young adults.

If they did go into those, it would be one for each House for the family.  (Although I usually get Ravenclaw, I did get Gryffindor once in those Sorting tests)

4. Not a steam train, but I have been on a train

5. I would want to focus on Transfiguration, but I might have a natural inclination for Potions, if it's anything like real life chemistry, since I was pretty good at that in college.


I think I got all my current questions.  Let me know if I forgot any and feel free to ask more.

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1. What’s a question you wish someone would ask you but they still haven’t?

2. What’s the answer to that question?

3. Why do you dislike Sanaki so much?

4. How have your opinion on Heroes changed over time? Are you still having as much fun with it as you used to?

5. Do you have any impressions of me?

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17 minutes ago, Nobody said:

1. What’s a question you wish someone would ask you but they still haven’t?

2. What’s the answer to that question?

3. Why do you dislike Sanaki so much?

4. How have your opinion on Heroes changed over time? Are you still having as much fun with it as you used to?

5. Do you have any impressions of me?

1. I can't think of any, but I'm happy to answer any more people might have.

2. 42

3. She's a spoiled little brat who is pointlessly cruel when she didn't need to be.

4. It's still pretty fun.

5. I think you're a nice guy, and it's fun to chat with you.  It's nice to see your perspective from Brazil.

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Don't worry Rezzy, I wouldn't forget about you.  You're too awesome!  :D:  I haven't been on my laptop much this week (where I have my questions saved on a Word document).  I am now, so here we go!

A few of my usual questions have already been asked/answered, so I deleted a few and added some.  :]


1. What three words best describe you?

2. How do you think success should be measured?

3. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day?

4. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 

5. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike?

6. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money?

7. What are you most grateful for right now?

8. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why?

9. If you could time travel, where would you go?

10. What are some of your favourite TV shows?

11. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far?

12. What is something you have tried that you will never try again?

13. When did you decide you wanted to be a doctor? 

14. Do you find it annoying when patients google their symptoms?

15. What do you like the most about your job?

16. What do you dislike the most about your job?

17. What was the hardest part about being pregnant?

18. What advice would you give other women about pregnancy?

19. Where do you fall on the great spanking debate?

20. Not sure if your youngest kiddo is talking much yet, but what’s the weirdest thing your kids (or kid) have ever said to you?

Edited by Infinite Dreams
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19 hours ago, Rezzy said:

6. I think there's potential to differentiate the different types of magic, and the old D&D player in me likes specialist mages.

I find that hard to buy, largely because the magic triangle was never even remotely relevant in most entries with it - pretty much 10 times out of 10, you either have one side so outclassed by the other that it might as well be irrelevant, or you have a situation where neither side will kill the other any time soon. In the latter case, mage vs mage combat winds up being naught but a waste of time, turns, and weapon uses. It does not help that mage units in general have the same build, which means I'm better off throwing my Pegasus knights or some other mage killer at them.


11. Favorite Mega Evolution?

12. Favorite generic Z-Move? (E.g. Subzero Slammer)

13. Favorite specific Z-Move? (E.g. Let's Snuggle Forever)

14. Most troublesome stage in a SRPG?

15. Have you heard of Screen Gab?

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13 hours ago, Gemma said:

1. Cake or pie? What type?

2. Favorite place to see in Illinois?

3. Best time for naps?

4. Nostalgic song?

5. Butter or jam on toast?

I think I got these, but in case not

1. Pie, Pumpkin Pie

2. Wrigley Field or New Salem

3. Early afternoon

4. Cat's in the Cradle

5. Both

12 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

Don't worry Rezzy, I wouldn't forget about you.  You're too awesome!  :D:  I haven't been on my laptop much this week (where I have my questions saved on a Word document).  I am now, so here we go!

A few of my usual questions have already been asked/answered, so I deleted a few and added some.  :]


1. What three words best describe you?

2. How do you think success should be measured?

3. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day?

4. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 

5. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike?

6. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money?

7. What are you most grateful for right now?

8. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why?

9. If you could time travel, where would you go?

10. What are some of your favourite TV shows?

11. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far?

12. What is something you have tried that you will never try again?

13. When did you decide you wanted to be a doctor? 

14. Do you find it annoying when patients google their symptoms?

15. What do you like the most about your job?

16. What do you dislike the most about your job?

17. What was the hardest part about being pregnant?

18. What advice would you give other women about pregnancy?

19. Where do you fall on the great spanking debate?

20. Not sure if your youngest kiddo is talking much yet, but what’s the weirdest thing your kids (or kid) have ever said to you?


1. Weird, loyal, curious

2. But what you leave behind after you die

3. Sit down and listen to music/watch YouTube videos, lately play some Heroes

4. Nope, it's just revealing how narcissistic they've been all along.

5. I dislike that you're supposed to keep eye contact with people, it sort of can make me uncomfortable

6. They are all important, right now I'd appreciate more free time the most

7. That I have a family and two healthy kids

8. I like a little bit of challenge, but not so much so that I feel the effort is futile

9. Medieval times

10. Star Trek, Babylon 5, Monty Python's Flying Circus, The Red Green Show, The Tick, the first decade of The Simpsons

11. 2014 and 2016, when my kids were born

12. Going through 25 years of school

13. I've always wanted to be one as far back as I can remember, so at least since 3 years old

14. Only if they act like they know more about it than I do

15. Making people feel better, honestly

16. Paperwork

17. Wild mood swings

18. Enjoy your sleep while you can.

19. It's not something that should be done all the time, but is warranted in certain situations.  If you do spank, use only the hand and not a paddle, unless you are spanking an adult.

20. Yep, she's talking.  Not full sentences yet, but she says her brother's name and "Thank you" now.  One funny thing my son said was a neighborhood cat was missing its tail, he said "Kitty cat broken!"

2 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

I find that hard to buy, largely because the magic triangle was never even remotely relevant in most entries with it - pretty much 10 times out of 10, you either have one side so outclassed by the other that it might as well be irrelevant, or you have a situation where neither side will kill the other any time soon. In the latter case, mage vs mage combat winds up being naught but a waste of time, turns, and weapon uses. It does not help that mage units in general have the same build, which means I'm better off throwing my Pegasus knights or some other mage killer at them.


11. Favorite Mega Evolution?

12. Favorite generic Z-Move? (E.g. Subzero Slammer)

13. Favorite specific Z-Move? (E.g. Let's Snuggle Forever)

14. Most troublesome stage in a SRPG?

15. Have you heard of Screen Gab?

I think they could tweak the schools of magic to make them more distinct, like making Dark Magic debuff focused, like what they tried to do with Daggers in fates and having Light be effective against monsters, etc.

11. Charizard Y or Amphabulous

12. Inferno Overdrive

13. Pulverizing Pancake

14. Battle Before Dawn.  I've had Jaffar die several times before I could reach him

15. Nope, sorry, what's that


I should be free this evening, if anyone had more questions.  I was expecting a hundred questions from @Arcanite et al.

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(Sorry if some of these have been asked before.)

1.) What kind of doctor are you?

2.) What makes French Toast Crunch?

3.) Have you ever listened to Elliott smith?

4.) Do you cook much, if so, what's your go-to dish?

5.) What's your favorite season of the Simpsons?

6.) What are your feelings about Nicolas Cage?

7.) What are your feelings about musical theater?

8.) And finally, what about the previous two things mashed together?


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11. Which FE game do you think you have played the most times?

12. Favourite flavour of ice cream?

13. What consoles do you own?

14. Do you prefer older FE or newer FE?

15. What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?

16. Sweet or salty popcorn?


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1 hour ago, ProfImpossible said:

(Sorry if some of these have been asked before.)

1.) What kind of doctor are you?

2.) What makes French Toast Crunch?

3.) Have you ever listened to Elliott smith?

4.) Do you cook much, if so, what's your go-to dish?

5.) What's your favorite season of the Simpsons?

6.) What are your feelings about Nicolas Cage?

7.) What are your feelings about musical theater?

8.) And finally, what about the previous two things mashed together?


1. Sorry, but going to have to pass on this one.

2. Cinnamon Toast Crunch in disguise

3. I don't think so.

4. I'm not very great at cooking sadly.

5. It peaked at Season 6

6. He's a funny memelord.

7. It's okay.

8. That would be interesting.

21 minutes ago, Natalie said:

11. Which FE game do you think you have played the most times?

12. Favourite flavour of ice cream?

13. What consoles do you own?

14. Do you prefer older FE or newer FE?

15. What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?

16. Sweet or salty popcorn?


11. For complete runs start to finish FE9, for raw hours either Awakening or Fates.  Heroes would beat them both, if it counts.

12. Chocolate or Strawberry, depending on my mood

13. NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, GameBoy, GBA, DS, 3DS, XBox, XBox 360, PS2, PS3

14. I like both, old FE will always hold a place in my heart, but if it needs to evolve to keep the series from dying, I'm fine with that.

15. Dog food

16. Salty


Oh, and I sent you a Heroes friend request, since we have space on the list, now.

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2 hours ago, Rezzy said:

15. Nope, sorry, what's that

Actually it's related to Impractical Jokers. Which means it's fake.

2 hours ago, Rezzy said:

I think they could tweak the schools of magic to make them more distinct, like making Dark Magic debuff focused, like what they tried to do with Daggers in fates and having Light be effective against monsters, etc.

Which assumes they bring monsters back - only Gaiden/SoV, Sacred Stones, and Fates had monsters. (I don't count Awakening since the Risen mostly used human classes) Anyway, I feel it's just too niche. Radiant Dawn didn't help that, since aside from the usual issues, tomes were weak, and the anima-light-dark triangle felt like a massive afterthought.

2 hours ago, Rezzy said:

13. Pulverizing Pancake

Seeing this one reminds me of the episode where a trainer has his Snorlax use the almighty PULVERIZING PANCAKE. XD

11. Favorite Pokémon villain?

12. Opinion of Cipher? (I mean the crime syndicate from Colosseum and XD)

13. Have you played a Kingdom Hearts game?

14. Did you know that Hermione was originally meany to marry Harry Potter?

15. Have you ever seen some of the lines from when characters eat bad food in the Mess Hall in Fates?

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7 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

Actually it's related to Impractical Jokers. Which means it's fake.

Which assumes they bring monsters back - only Gaiden/SoV, Sacred Stones, and Fates had monsters. (I don't count Awakening since the Risen mostly used human classes) Anyway, I feel it's just too niche. Radiant Dawn didn't help that, since aside from the usual issues, tomes were weak, and the anima-light-dark triangle felt like a massive afterthought.

Seeing this one reminds me of the episode where a trainer has his Snorlax use the almighty PULVERIZING PANCAKE. XD

11. Favorite Pokémon villain?

12. Opinion of Cipher? (I mean the crime syndicate from Colosseum and XD)

13. Have you played a Kingdom Hearts game?

14. Did you know that Hermione was originally meany to marry Harry Potter?

15. Have you ever seen some of the lines from when characters eat bad food in the Mess Hall in Fates?

11. Gotta go with OG Giovanni

12. They're goofy, like all Pokemon evil teams, but the underworld theme they had was nice

13. Nope

14. I think I read some early drafts had that, but Rowling wanted to do some wish fulfillment shipping for Ron/Hermione

15. Yeah, they can be kinda funny.  I think Dwyer's quote is my favorite.

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Wait, did I almost miss a Rezzy interview?

On 11-4-2018 at 3:34 AM, Rezzy said:

2. My Main team would be Titania, the Rachel, Xander, and Elise.  The team I lead with Arena Assault is Titania, Rachel, Xander, Eldigan.  I've switched Eldigan in for Xander for my main three in Arena, for Titania, Rachel, Eldigan, Bonus Unit.

1. But why no Camus? :(:

2. What is your opinion of Camus as a unit in FE Heroes?

3. What is your opinion of Camus in general?

On 12-4-2018 at 11:42 PM, Rezzy said:

2. I'm not good at picking favorites.  Apart from the USA, I've visited France, Switzerland, Italy, the Vatican, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, and England.  It would be nice to go back to any of those.

4. Ever thought of going on a vaction outside the US or Europe?

On 13-4-2018 at 11:08 PM, Rezzy said:

7. I'm not a fanatic, but I like watching stuff like Sailor Moon and Madoka

Ha, you might have thought you could get away with mentioning anime because I didn't seem to be present!

5. How much did Madoka suprise you while watching it?

6. Do you watch a lot of anime?

7. Favorite serie?

On 13-4-2018 at 11:44 PM, Rezzy said:

Movie: Deathly Hallows Part 2: It gets to cheat a bit by cutting out the horrible pacing of the first part of the book and only give us the climax.  Plus my boy Neville gets to be a badass.

8. But what did you think about them messing up the whole reasoning behind why Harry beat Voldemord?

18 hours ago, Rezzy said:

@Infinite Dreams I'd hate for you to nominate me, then miss the chance to interrogate me. :P

@Septimius Severus had to wait two years, since he was gone for my first interview.

9. Why did I not get a warning?

10. First impressions of me?

11. Current impressions of me?

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3 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

Wait, did I almost miss a Rezzy interview?

1. But why no Camus? :(:

2. What is your opinion of Camus as a unit in FE Heroes?

3. What is your opinion of Camus in general?

4. Ever thought of going on a vaction outside the US or Europe?

Ha, you might have thought you could get away with mentioning anime because I didn't seem to be present!

5. How much did Madoka suprise you while watching it?

6. Do you watch a lot of anime?

7. Favorite serie?

8. But what did you think about them messing up the whole reasoning behind why Harry beat Voldemord?

9. Why did I not get a warning?

10. First impressions of me?

11. Current impressions of me?

1. Camus is on my secondary Cavalry team with Leo, Cecilia, and Eldigan.  Not having many merges hurts him for Arena scoring.

2. He's good.  It's nice he's finally coming back so I can merge him some more.

3. I like him and his archetype, even if it's a bit forced in some games.

4. I wouldn't mind it, but I haven't had a real vacation since 2007.



I did not expect the time-travel twist, but the magical girls all turning into witches eventually, I did call. 

6. Not a ton, but I don't watch much TV in general nowadays.

7. Anime series?  Maybe Pokemon, just because that's the one I watched most as a kid.  All of TV?  Star Trek

8. The movies messed up a ton in general, so I have to take that into consideration.  Order of the Phoenix is my favorite book, but the movie so butchered it, it's my least favorite movie, except maybe Deathly Hallows Part One.

9. Sorry, there's lot of people I'd like to tag, but don't want to annoy people, but @Infinite Dreams has nominated me two or three times for an interview already, so I didn't want her to miss her chance.

10. Camus

11. 16 year old Dutch girl.  Nice guy who might be Camus's fourth alias.  You're another of the new friends I've met over the last year and a half or so.

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On 13-4-2018 at 11:08 PM, Rezzy said:

8. None of the above, really.  Edgar Aetheling should have been the rightful heir by right of blood, but 11th century England was a mess when it came to succession, even before 1066.  William the Bastard probably had the weakest claim, but I shouldn't complain, since I have Norman ancestry.

Let this be a matter for our future disagreement discussion...

10. Why do you like Leo so much (the FE character, not your son)?
11. Favorite character of the Est archetype?
12. How did you get your husband to be so weirdly okay with the kids being named after FE characters?
13. Does your husband play FE?
15. Efficiency or thoroughness?
16. Have you enjoyed your interview?

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6 hours ago, Septimius Severus said:

Let this be a matter for our future disagreement discussion...

10. Why do you like Leo so much (the FE character, not your son)?
11. Favorite character of the Est archetype?
12. How did you get your husband to be so weirdly okay with the kids being named after FE characters?
13. Does your husband play FE?
15. Efficiency or thoroughness?
16. Have you enjoyed your interview?

Oh, in what regard?

10. I like his snarky and pragmatic personality

11. Either Est or Nino

12. For Leo, our Leo predates Fates Leo, so that was more a happy coincidence.  For Est, that was not the primary reason for her name, but with the sheer amount of FE characters, there's a good chance that any random name will share one with the cast.  Luckily, I happened to also like Est.

13. A bit, but not as much as me

14. Of course

15. The sheer amount of paperwork I have to do daily increasingly makes me appreciate efficiency

16. Oh yes, I hope others have enjoyed it as well.  If anyone has some last minute questions to ask, feel free.

16 minutes ago, BLSoldier said:

4: What do you like about these message boards?

5: What do you like and not like about Fire Emblem?

6: Do you have any advice you'd give to anyone here who want to have children?

7: What does silliness mean to you?

4. I like interacting with all the fun people here.

5. I think it's a great strategy RPG with a sometimes good story and characters.  Most of the things I dislike are nitpicks, but I wish the newer games had better post-game, since the DLC is overpriced and leaves a bit to be desired for the cost. 

6. To first find someone you'd like to have children with, and beforehand talk about your views and expectations on parenthood.

7. Silliness is a way of life.

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17. Best way to spend a day off/holiday?

18. Favourite holiday occasion?

19. Favourite actual Est design? (SD, NM etc)

20. Do you like Star Wars?

21. Favourite FE antagonist?

22. What do you hope to see in the next FE game?

23. Do you prefer to play as a male or female avatar when gaming?

24. Favourite animal?

25. Favourite FE Lord?

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5 minutes ago, Natalie said:

17. Best way to spend a day off/holiday?

18. Favourite holiday occasion?

19. Favourite actual Est design? (SD, NM etc)

20. Do you like Star Wars?

21. Favourite FE antagonist?

22. What do you hope to see in the next FE game?

23. Do you prefer to play as a male or female avatar when gaming?

24. Favourite animal?

25. Favourite FE Lord?

17. Just relaxing and taking it easy

18. Thanksgiving growing up.  It was nice to get together with family

19. I like her Echoes design most

20. Yep, Empire Strikes Back is my favorite movie in the series

21. Sephiran

22. I'm not too hard to please, but I'd like to see proper Light and Dark magic return

23. Usually female, but sometimes I switch it up

24. Hard to pick just one.  I had lots of cats growing up.

25. Micaiah

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27 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Oh, in what regard?

In short, Harold Godwinson was the rightful king by constitutional law (since a decision of the Witenagemot overrode the natural order of succession), but he had a private law obligation not to take office (since he had sworn a sacred oath to support William's claim to the throne). 

17. How many more questions do you think I will ask?
18. How many more questions would you like me to ask?
19. Do you think I can beat Natalie in the amount of questions I ask?
20. Isn't Natalie so UNGRATEFUL for not thanking you for adding her on Heroes?
21. Okay, so you like Pelleas, but do you love Pelleas?
22. What do you think of marriage in FE?
23. You got any favourite FE ships?
24. If you're ever going to visit the Netherlands again, will you visit other places than Amsterdam?
25. What did you see when you were in the Netherlands anyway?
26. Did you go to any... coffee shops....... heh..............
27. What do you think of drugs in general anyway?
28. What about alcohol?
29. Isn't dark magic great?
30. What do you think of weirdos called Natalie who don't like dark magic?
If the magic triangle were to return, would you prefer a GBA style magic triangle or a Radiant Dawn style magic triangle?

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1 minute ago, Septimius Severus said:

In short, Harold Godwinson was the rightful king by constitutional law (since a decision of the Witenagemot overrode the natural order of succession), but he had a private law obligation not to take office (since he had sworn a sacred oath to support William's claim to the throne). 

17. How many more questions do you think I will ask?
18. How many more questions would you like me to ask?
19. Do you think I can beat Natalie in the amount of questions I ask?
20. Isn't Natalie so UNGRATEFUL for not thanking you for adding her on Heroes?
21. Okay, so you like Pelleas, but do you love Pelleas?
22. What do you think of marriage in FE?
23. You got any favourite FE ships?
24. If you're ever going to visit the Netherlands again, will you visit other places than Amsterdam?
25. What did you see when you were in the Netherlands anyway?
26. Did you go to any... coffee shops....... heh..............
27. What do you think of drugs in general anyway?
28. What about alcohol?
29. Isn't dark magic great?
30. What do you think of weirdos called Natalie who don't like dark magic?
If the magic triangle were to return, would you prefer a GBA style magic triangle or a Radiant Dawn style magic triangle?

To be fair to Harold, that oath was made under duress.  Even if the custom of the day allowed oaths under duress to still be valid if accompanied by sacred relics.

17. As many as necessary

18. As many as you like

19. Only one way to find out

20. To be fair, she has not accepted my request yet

21. He's my favorite ruler in Tellius, along with Elincia

22. I like it from a gameplay perspective, but I don't think shoehorning it in, like Fates is a great idea in future titles

23. I ship Soren and Micaiah (or Soren and Ike)

24. No immediate plans, but I like visiting any place with castles

25. Amsterdam, windmills, cheese, and lots of Orange.  I think there was a soccer/football tournament going on while I was there.  I coincidentally had an orange shirt at the time.

26. Nope

27. I don't mind if others want to use them, but not for me

28. Seeing how my mother gets makes me want to never get drunk myself

29. It is

30. You can't have light magic without dark magic

31. GBA style

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20 minutes ago, Septimius Severus said:

19. Do you think I can beat Natalie in the amount of questions I ask?

4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

20. Isn't Natalie so UNGRATEFUL for not thanking you for adding her on Heroes?

20 minutes ago, Septimius Severus said:

30. What do you think of weirdos called Natalie who don't like dark magic?

what is this shade smh

26. Isn't Hatt man super mean to his girlfriend?

27. Do you think he should be punished for his rudeness?

28. Wouldn't you agree that in the GBA games dark magic really sucks though?

29. Opinion of the FE7 lords?

30. Favourite flavour cookie?

31. Main or favourite team in Heroes?

32. Favourite Heroes art?

33. Opinion of Ike?

34. Favourite Part in RD?

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12 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

30. You can't have light magic without dark magic

Path of Radiance disagrees!

32. Tell me about your love for Pelleas...
33. What do you think of stupid bums such as Natalie who don't like Pelleas?
34. Do you prefer FE with or without weapon durability?
35. Do you prefer FE with or without weapon weight?
Any characters you wish would be added to Heroes?
37. Isn't the Thracia banner a disappointment?
38. Got any waifus in FE......
39. Do you play any musical instruments?
40. What are your favorite foods?

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15 minutes ago, Natalie said:

what is this shade smh

26. Isn't Hatt man super mean to his girlfriend?

27. Do you think he should be punished for his rudeness?

28. Wouldn't you agree that in the GBA games dark magic really sucks though?

29. Opinion of the FE7 lords?

30. Favourite flavour cookie?

31. Main or favourite team in Heroes?

32. Favourite Heroes art?

33. Opinion of Ike?

34. Favourite Part in RD?

26. They say you tease the ones you love.

27. Do you need to borrow my wooden spoon?

28. Dark magic has some of the best tomes, though

29. I like them all

30. Chocolate chip or Oatmeal raisin

31. I like using my Cavalry teams.  My main one is Titania, Rachel, Xander, Elise with a bunch others I switch in here and there.

32. There's lot that I really like.  I really like Nanna's recent art.  It's so simple, yet cute.

33. He's one of my favorite lords.  It's nice seeing a commoner's point of view for a change.

34. Part One

13 minutes ago, Septimius Severus said:

Path of Radiance disagrees!

32. Tell me about your love for Pelleas...
33. What do you think of stupid bums such as Natalie who don't like Pelleas?
34. Do you prefer FE with or without weapon durability?
35. Do you prefer FE with or without weapon weight?
Any characters you wish would be added to Heroes?
37. Isn't the Thracia banner a disappointment?
38. Got any waifus in FE......
39. Do you play any musical instruments?
40. What are your favorite foods?

PoR exists in the same universe as RD, which has Dark Magic, so it's there, just not usable by any of your units.

32. I like his character.  Being some random nobody thrust into a position of power, but being hopelessly overwhelmed and knowing it.  Even with this, he wants what's best for his country above his own well being.  He also has the second best theme song in Tellius.

33. Has she heard his theme song?

34. I don't mind it being removed in principle, but I think it's been best balanced so far by including it.

35. I like weapon weight.  Along with durability, it helps balance weapons.

36. Nolan, Jill, pretty much the rest of the cast of Tellius.

37. I've not actually played FE5, so I can't judge from the angle, but I wish they didn't have 2 alts from the only two Thracia characters already in game, when they had pretty much the entire cast available.

38. Hmm, not really sure.  I've liked Fiora from FE7.  Pegasus riders in general I've always thought were cute.  I usually like the older sisters the best, because I like mature women.  Recently, I've really gained an appreciate for Palla.  So, I guess she's my new waifu.  I like Titania of course, but she's more a momfu.

39. Not well

40. I like spaghetti, steak, ribs, and pumpkin pie among other things.

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