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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1. Have you played any of the oldest FE games?

2. Do you speak any languages besides English?

3. Are you interested in languages and/or linguistics?

4. Are you familiar with Tolkien's works (The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings etc.)?

5. Do you cycle?

6. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

7. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

8. Are you interested in history?

9. What do you think is mankind's greatest achievement?

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1. Have you played any of the oldest FE games?

2. Do you speak any languages besides English?

3. Are you interested in languages and/or linguistics?

4. Are you familiar with Tolkien's works (The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings etc.)?

5. Do you cycle?

6. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

7. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

8. Are you interested in history?

9. What do you think is mankind's greatest achievement?

1. Nope, sadly I haven't. I do want to play FE4 though.

2. Sadly, I don't. I know some Arabic and French words. I did take French in high school but didn't practice it upon graduation.

3. Yes

4. Yup, I'm familiar with The Lord of the Rings saga. I saw The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, Return of the King and the first two Hobbit movies.

5. Yes, Although my bike is at my dad's house atm.

6. I would be an active ruler, pursuing policies to ensure that no one lives in poverty, no has to wonder where their next meal is coming from, and that everyone has a chance at a peaceful life without worrying about losing their homes or jobs.

7. Legal naturalism

8. Yes, it was my strong point during my school years. I also had a habit of reading ahead in my social studies textbooks when I got bored.

9. Walking on the Moon

Edited by Ace Tactician
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1. What is your favorite area of history?

2. Favorite event from that area of history?

3. Favorite historical figure?

4. What is your opinion on Iulius Caesar?

5. How about Tarquinius Superbus?

6. Do you like philosophy?

1. The 1940s

2. World War II

3. Cleopatra

4. He was pretty ambitious for a Senator. Which lead to his death, sadly

5. I've heard about him and seen him post.

6. Yes

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1. Would you try Star Successor if I told you it has good music?

2. Would you rather go to the past, or the future?

3. Cheese, or chess?

4. Have you heard of Bangai-O Spirits?

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1. Would you try Star Successor if I told you it has good music?

2. Would you rather go to the past, or the future?

3. Cheese, or chess?

4. Have you heard of Bangai-O Spirits?

1. I'd look into playing it sometime. I gotta clear out my gaming backlog though before it gets any worse.

2. The Future so I can see what happens and then return to the present and prevent bad events from happening

3. Cheese

4. I think I saw an ad for in Nintendo Power magazine once.

I meant which of the main characters is your favorite. (Jonathan, Joseph, Jotaro, etc.)

Oops, sorry^^; Gonna have to pick Joseph because he's so goofy xD

How did this question get overlooked?

Yes, I still play Kingdom Hearts. Last game I played was Dream Drop Distance. I still wanna play 1.5 and 2.5 remix

What do you think is a shota's purpose in life once he's lost his youthful charm.

Graduate from college and get a good job in order to contribute to society for the next generation

Did you like this episode?

Do you play on Steam?

Have you ever bought a Humble Bundle?

Do you ever donate to charity in some way?

How about this one?

Yup, Kakyoin steals the spotlight in the end and is the only one who remembers the whole ordeal

Nope, sorry^^;

Nope, I don't know what that is.


Yup. Lol, Kakyoin is just full of surprises X'D I never would have expected that from him

16. What do you think of this?

17. How do you prefer your eggs prepared?

18. What's 1 + 1?

19. Favorite instrument?

20. What phase of your life did you hate the most?

16. Love it~

17. Either scrambled, in an omelet or in an egg mcmuffin

18. 2 :P:

19. electric guitar

20. Teen years. I wish I go back and tell my younger self to stop being so quiet and to start cosplaying.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Yup, Kakyoin steals the spotlight in the end and is the only one who remembers the whole ordeal

Nope, sorry^^;

Nope, I don't know what that is.


Yup. Lol, Kakyoin is just full of surprises X'D I never would have expected that from him

Humble Bundle started out as a website that every now and then offered a group of games for sale at a price you wish to give and you decide what the money goes to between Humble Bundle, the developers and the listed charity. Now it's grown to include weekly, monthly, books, mobile and the traditional bundle. It's the best way to get lots of decent indie games (and sometimes non-indie) and they usually include Steam keys in addition to DRM-free downloads.

Yeah Kakyoin is great, he was my favorite fighter in the Arcade game.

Edited by Sirius
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You're welcome ^o^

Humble Bundle started out as a website that every now and then offered a group of games for sale at a price you wish to give and you decide what the money goes to between Humble Bundle, the developers and the listed charity. Now it's grown to include weekly, monthly, books, mobile and the traditional bundle. It's the best way to get lots of decent indie games (and sometimes non-indie) and they usually include Steam keys in addition to DRM-free downloads.

Yeah Kakyoin is great, he was my favorite fighter in the Arcade game.

Humble Bundle sounds cool, I'll have to look into their site. I could discover some new favorites.

Kakyoin gradually became my favorite of the Stardust Crusaders as I got further and further. I got so sad when I got to the end with the final fight against DIO ;~; He’s gonna be my go to choice when I get Eyes of Heaven.

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36. Sacred Stones or Blazing Sword?

37. Favorite flavor of cake?

38. Lions or tigers?

39. Have you enjoyed your interview?

40. Rate my questions on a scale of 1 to 10?

36. Blazing Sword

37. Chocolate

38. Lions

39. Yes, I had fun~ It's a little sad to see this interview come to a close. But ot's so that others can have a chance too.

40. I give them a 9.5

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This question's more a suggestion if anything. I've recently gotten back into the swing of sigs and want to do a few more just because. However, I'm rather indecisive on whom. Do you have anyone in mind?

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Did you angrily scream "DIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" when Kakyoin died?

Favorite Pillar Man?

Favorite Part 4 villain so far?

I cried instead. And pretended in my head that Kakyoin lived That whole finale was why I didn't start reading Part 4 until Sunday.


I don't have one yet^^; I've only been introduced to Angelo thus far. Since the bulk of my Jojo's reading is done on my work breaks


what did you think of the singer?

The singer did a good job on the song. The lyrics and the melody were in harmony with each other and conveyed the tone of the anime it was composed for.

6. Are you excited for Persona 5?

7. What did you make you want to cosplay?

8. What was your favorite subject at school?

9. Is there an interesting sight in the area you live in?

10. What are the five most important characteristics of a person for you?

6. Heck yes, I wanna preorder it when preorders open

7. An obsession with Awakening and Chrom and having gone to cons before and seen all the cosplayers there. and felt a little out of place.

8. Social Studies

9. The Toledo Zoo

10. Loyalty, Intelligence, a sense of humor, is able to cheer me up when I'm feeling down, and his personality balances out and compliments my own.

This question's more a suggestion if anything. I've recently gotten back into the swing of sigs and want to do a few more just because. However, I'm rather indecisive on whom. Do you have anyone in mind?

Noriaki Kakyoin with Hierophant Green

P4A Akihiko Sanada

P4A Mitsuru Kirijo

P4AU Yukari Takeba

just to name a few

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10. The big drawback to legal naturalism is this: what is justice? Everyone's idea of justice is different, so in a system of legal naturalism, each judge would judge the same case differently. The boundaries between legal and illegal become vague and random, and legal certainty and legal equality suffer. Does this criticism change your opinion of legal naturalism? Do you have any ideas on how to minimize the drawbacks of legal naturalism?

11. Greco-Roman or Jewish-Christian mythology?

12. Are you interested in law?

13. What achievement in your life are you most proud of?

14. Forgiveness or retribution?

15. First and current impressions of me?

5. I've heard about him and seen him post.

(I'm pretty sure he meant the King of Rome.)

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It was composed for an anime??? Why am I not told these things...

When I watched it, I got the impression it was written for the Berserk anime.

10. The big drawback to legal naturalism is this: what is justice? Everyone's idea of justice is different, so in a system of legal naturalism, each judge would judge the same case differently. The boundaries between legal and illegal become vague and random, and legal certainty and legal equality suffer. Does this criticism change your opinion of legal naturalism? Do you have any ideas on how to minimize the drawbacks of legal naturalism?

11. Greco-Roman or Jewish-Christian mythology?

12. Are you interested in law?

13. What achievement in your life are you most proud of?

14. Forgiveness or retribution?

15. First and current impressions of me?

(I'm pretty sure he meant the King of Rome.)

10. Justice would be reaching the correct result everytime. In order to avoid to reaching the different result in each case, judges have rules and statutes they must follow so no two judges reach a different result in each case. Ideally it should be the same result in each case so the victim gets justice and so no innocent people get wrongly convicted and that those who do commit wrongs are convicted accordingly.

11. Jewish-Christian

12. A bit. I get curious from time to time

13. Graduating from college with honors

14. Forgiveness

15. First: Interesting choice of usernames. Current: You're a pretty cool person.

(I don't recall a king of Rome with the name Superbus)

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I cried instead. And pretended in my head that Kakyoin lived That whole finale was why I didn't start reading Part 4 until Sunday.


I don't have one yet^^; I've only been introduced to Angelo thus far. Since the bulk of my Jojo's reading is done on my work breaks

Ah, poor little Ace. Have a laugh

Ooh let me guess, ACDC is too weird and creepy and Cars is too barbaric and monstrous. Wham wins because he's the honorable of the bunch right?

Earlier you mentioned that you wish you told your younger self to cosplay earlier. What has cosplaying brought to you as a person?

What are your hopes for your future?

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