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New ~Official Touhou Chat Thread~


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  1. 1. which is best touhou soundtrack?

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I play better as Reimu these days somehow????? With Marisa it's like I got slightly worse despite maining her shots for most of the games. Mayeb it's 'cause I've been playing the fangames more, Iunno.

Also I have not read the comic Chen posted, I'd like to though.

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Reimu has her perks, and I often find her shots better than Marisa's, personally.

The slower focus speed and smaller hitbox are great, she does get fairly strong forward shots (ie MoF Reimu B) as well.

IN Reimu solo sucks though.

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The thing is that Reimu tends to be better at dealing with stages (or at the very least requires less effort to shoot down simple enemies) while Marisa generally is better at dealing with bosses. Maybe that's why?

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You can't just go eating every new person

No eating people!

But why not? I'm starving. :<

so when will these new people do sorters

Maybe they don't even know about the sorter. Why don't you try providing them with a link? :o
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