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,,,seriously, though, who even tested this thing? It's the most broken text editor I've ever seen. The way it handles formatting is absolutely abysmal, especially if you have the gall to try fiddling with it manually. Even simple quote boxes are wonky as all hell. Half the time you can't even delete them!

I still don't know how to post properly after almost one half year after the update.

Also speaking of quote boxes, lol.
It was cursed by one recently.
Since the update the content of the previous post is saved. I forgot how to remove the formatting and a quote box was added in several posts of mine, and there was no way to delete it. I could neither delete it by backspace, nor cut it out. 

Also these super annoying captchas don't work either for me for the most time.

And another issue is that you still can't delete all your notifications in your message box. 
(probably only really relevant for the big posters here)

The only good thing about the update is the live notification, but in total it only pisses me off more than it helps me.

Edited by アリサ ラインフォルト
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On 10.6.2017 at 7:21 AM, アリサ ラインフォルト said:

I still don't know how to post properly after almost one half year after the update.

Probably because there's no way to. :V

2 hours ago, Angie Yonaga said:

Maaaan Scarlet just 1cc UFO Hard already. 

I haven't even seriously played any of the main series games in well over two years.
Besides, I find it really difficult to focus on UFO collection with all the shit that's flying all over the screen on Hard/Lunatic, especially with the shot types that have trouble killing UFOs in a timely fashion to begin with (like Reimu's homing type).
Missing the free 1up in Stage 4 half the time because Nue's bullet spam just walls you at random on Hard/Lunatic also is a loss I can't afford with Ichirin being my Achilles Heel for some reason and Shou being Shou.

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Stage 4 Nueball is basically static, even on Lunatic. Do it a similar way each time, and you shouldn't ever get walled.

Getting used to the UFO system is a must for Hard, and greed is definitely something you need to prevent from occurring too much. ReimuB is a decent choice for Hard, but ReimuA and SanaeB are just superior options. UFOs die faster and all that, plus superior boss performance. ReimuA especially is great for learning Ichirin and Shou, so just spend some time with them and plan a decent UFO route, and you should be good to go.

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8 hours ago, Angie Yonaga said:

Stage 4 Nueball is basically static, even on Lunatic. Do it a similar way each time, and you shouldn't ever get walled.

Well, it's not working for me. I've done the Normal version often enough to where my approach to it is always the same, but on Hard it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.

8 hours ago, Angie Yonaga said:

Getting used to the UFO system is a must for Hard, and greed is definitely something you need to prevent from occurring too much. ReimuB is a decent choice for Hard, but ReimuA and SanaeB are just superior options. UFOs die faster and all that, plus superior boss performance. ReimuA especially is great for learning Ichirin and Shou, so just spend some time with them and plan a decent UFO route, and you should be good to go.

And that's not happening. If I have to go out of my way to learn something that goes beyond simple practice, I'm not doing it. I haven't done memorization in Touhou all these years and I'm not starting now.

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2 hours ago, Scarlet said:

Well, it's not working for me. I've done the Normal version often enough to where my approach to it is always the same, but on Hard it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.

And that's not happening. If I have to go out of my way to learn something that goes beyond simple practice, I'm not doing it. I haven't done memorization in Touhou all these years and I'm not starting now.

You'd have to learn a new approach for Hard then.

I mean, UFO positions are static and you can get them the same way each time... but if you don't want to play it, that's alright. 

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12 minutes ago, Angie Yonaga said:

I mean, UFO positions are static and you can get them the same way each time...

In a way, yes, but that still doesn't mean it's easy to get the same result each time. The rainbow tokens are the worst offenders, as you have to grab them at exactly the right moment for them to even have the correct color, which considering Hard has like twice the bullet density Normal does, can be... trying, to put it mildly.
And that's not even getting into all the other crap like purposely avoiding certain tokens or grabbing them only shortly before they attempt to go off-screen because you need a different token first that spawns later, let alone trying to kill UFOs at just the right moment so that they drop the reward but don't escape. Typically while there's a shitload of bullets on screen.
Having the UFO you were trying to kill escape early simply because you summoned it a bit too close to the appearance of a boss is very fun, too. Why even give the player tokens right before a boss if actually summoning an UFO at that point is a complete waste of tokens?

If it were a different entry in the series, I'd just ignore the stupid UFO gimmick and focus on clearing the game. Except UFO makes it so you cannot ignore the gimmick and realistically expect to win anyway because you get so ridiculously few lives and bombs without it. Making the only actual 1up in the game dependent on not so much as even bombing a certain set of patterns is also stupid, simply because it has such a massive impact on your chances of 1ccing the game. In any other game in which bosses drop 1ups, you can bomb them to oblivion and still get them (Stage 5 Sakuya in EoSD being a good example since the timer on her midboss spell is a bit strict if you don't know the trick to it).

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Everything in these games are learnable and everything is possible, my man. That's why people have even captured every pattern in ISC: they took the time to learn things and how the patterns work. It's fine if you don't want to get used to the UFO gimmick, the game clearly isn't for you.

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16 minutes ago, Angie Yonaga said:

Everything in these games are learnable and everything is possible, my man.

I never claimed it wasn't.

16 minutes ago, Angie Yonaga said:

That's why people have even captured every pattern in ISC: they took the time to learn things and how the patterns work.

Been there, done that. Well, 68 out of 75, but close enough. For some of the Day 10 ones it's not that I haven't figured them out, it's just that the precision required is simply beyond my abilities (the Day 10 Remilia spiral comes to mind).
But learning a spellcard pattern and learning the precise timing of when to arbitrarily collect what token are two very different things.

22 minutes ago, Angie Yonaga said:

It's fine if you don't want to get used to the UFO gimmick, the game clearly isn't for you.

That's what I've been saying for years now. :V

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Oh my god, I just got to Junko in LoLK.(at least in Easy-Pointdevice mode). And now I got to where she sent out several full-of-bullets rings which is impossible because after every ring, it gets harder. Any tips? I really want to complete LoLK so I can move to other games. 70 tries made.

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2 hours ago, StahlTheStall said:

Oh my god, I just got to Junko in LoLK.(at least in Easy-Pointdevice mode). And now I got to where she sent out several full-of-bullets rings which is impossible because after every ring, it gets harder. Any tips? I really want to complete LoLK so I can move to other games. 70 tries made.

That description fits literally half her spellcards, and the answer to most of them is "be a god with literally pixel-perfect precision".
A name would help.

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The more I play TPDP, the more I want to play Touhou Chemblem.
But it sucks without translation and I also have issues with the settings to make it run.

FE gameplay with these adorable characters is the most needed thing right now.

If my dream is fulfilled and a good translation of Chemblem is out, I'd LP it at once (despite I actually quitted this hobby).

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Heh... actually I was talking about the fight against her TPDP.
Didn't mention it explecit so my bad!

This video is nothing compared to the battle in TPDP.

Gosh... I'm not hardcore enough to deal with this kind of pain.

Edited by はたの 秦 こころ
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1 hour ago, はたの 秦 こころ said:

Heh... actually I was talking about the fight against her TPDP.
Didn't mention it explecit so my bad!

This video is nothing compared to the battle in TPDP.

Gosh... I'm not hardcore enough to deal with this kind of pain.


What's your team so far

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  • Miko: speed
  • Keine: power
  • Kotohime: assist
  • Futo: speed
  • Lunasa: defense
  • Kokoro: defense

They are level 35-40.

I know what to do against Remilia. Miko has to use overray and ambiente to take her down. She can 2RKO her, but Remilia also can oneshot her. Miko has to take a hit somehow. With her current level (35) it's not possible yet.

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