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4Koma & Character Book Translations [COMPLETE]


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Oh! Hoho, finally I can understand what happen in the second (I think? the one with FKamui) Oboro's comic! Poor Oboro, her senses are like an alarm that works when near of Nohr people, and Kamui didn't realise what the problem is. Thank you for the translation!!

I want Takumi's merch too!!

Edited by SniperGYS
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Ah, based Oboro. mai waifu for laifu

The Nyx, Hinata and Oboro comics were pretty good. I didn't really like Nyx or Hinata before but I do now.

I hope I'm not in a minority in that I don't think Nyx looks very child like apart from her height. I mean, she has boobs.

Breasts can develop as early as 8 or as late at 13


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Breasts can develop as early as 8 or as late at 13


That's true, but generally, sizable breasts aren't features associated with childlike fictional characters. In any types of cartoons-- not necessarily anime/manga-- characters that are described to look like a child don't have breasts. If anything, they may have an inferiority complex because of their small breasts. So it makes sense that someone would have a harder time seeing her as a child (which she isn't) given those features.

I personally don't think she looks that much like a child either. It's not because of her breasts, but more of her overall atmosphere? I can't just look at a short character and think, "Oh, they look like a child."

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I think it would've been nice--and cool to have her just as a very short but fully developed adult, which her design could pass off as if we were not told that she has the body of a child. The thing about her curse could've been shifted to some other aspect of her.

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I think the thing strangest about Fate's world is the fact that it seems to be the norm for children to be scantily clad? I know, I know, video game logic(or just straight up anime logic) but still! Very odd. In spite of most of her body being shown off, people still assumed she was a child.

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It's uh... yeah. I don't really mind the Dark Mage outfit as a whole given the class in context, and I think someone like Camilla could probably work it well, but I feel uncomfortable that they put it on a character who's specifically physically stuck as a child, even if she's very mature mentally. On one hand you could say the character likes dressing that way or something, but there's nothing in Nyx's character that really indicates that and it's still the designer's conscious choice to put a child-bodied character in such an outfit, which does bother me a bit. I do think her character is interesting, though.

FE13 had an alternate outfit for Henry (until he promotes, anyway) where his dark mage had a shirt, I feel the same could've been done for Nyx, but alas.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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It's uh... yeah. I don't really mind the Dark Mage outfit as a whole given the class in context, and I think someone like Camilla could probably work it well, but I feel uncomfortable that they put it on a character who's specifically physically stuck as a child, even if she's very mature mentally. On one hand you could say the character likes dressing that way or something, but there's nothing in Nyx's character that really indicates that and it's still the designer's conscious choice to put a child-bodied character in such an outfit, which does bother me a bit. I do think her character is interesting, though.

FE13 had an alternate outfit for Henry (until he promotes, anyway) where his dark mage had a shirt, I feel the same could've been done for Nyx, but alas.

In her defense though, I know exactly how that feels and whenever I try dressing more adult like (in an attempt to get treated like my age), I get told I look like a child playing dress up.

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That I understand, and I'd never tell an adult human being who has their own preferences and able to make their own choices what to wear, unless they ask me my opinion, and I'm sorry to hear that people tell you those things.

I feel the difference is that, Nyx is a character created by people, who made that choice to make her child-like in physique, then plopped a rather revealing outfit there without any explanations other than being the class outfit, which, with Henry, Pieri, Harold, and hell, Camilla's designs, the designer is free to take some liberties with if they feel it'd fit the character more. So it's not quite the same situation. If it's stated in-game that she's specifically dressing this way to feel more her age, then at least we have a canon explanation for such, and it wouldn't be quite as uncomfortable. Unfortunately, we have none.

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That's true, but generally, sizable breasts aren't features associated with childlike fictional characters. In any types of cartoons-- not necessarily anime/manga-- characters that are described to look like a child don't have breasts. If anything, they may have an inferiority complex because of their small breasts. So it makes sense that someone would have a harder time seeing her as a child (which she isn't) given those features.

I personally don't think she looks that much like a child either. It's not because of her breasts, but more of her overall atmosphere? I can't just look at a short character and think, "Oh, they look like a child."

It's more than just her chest. She has sharp eyes, a stern expression and her voice sounds mature and aloof. It's not like her height is even that noticeable in game.

As for the matter of her outfit, I don't want to make any assumptions on the sort of views people at IS have (same folks who made Nowi's outfit and Midoriko a marriage candidate) but I suspect there may be a culture difference between Japan and the west on how we view sexuality. I have a feeling that for the Japanese, things that aren't sexual (such as the bodies of children) shouldn't be seen as sexual, therefore it's permissible for them to act or dress in a way that wouldn't be acceptable for sexually mature people. I'll visit friends' houses and their children might be running around half naked (or sometimes completely...) and no one bats an eye, apparently. Granted, I don't see children wearing outfits like Nowi or Nyx on the street though...Or people as old as they are wearing such outfits... maybeiwillmakeafewassumptionsaboutIS

If they were going for "Nyx wants to feel like an adult so she dresses like one" they should have made her wear classy clothes instead of strategically placed pads over her chest. But I digress, I've thought too much about this already.

Edited by NekoKnight
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The whole shared-bath thing seems a little strange to me. Maybe maintenance or something might be a problem, but when you can create buildings out of nothing, I don't see why you can't have separate baths.

Edited by Phillius
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