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4Koma & Character Book Translations [COMPLETE]


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Kinu and Kanna's comic was adorable! X3 I love them!~

I never cared for Hisame much, but his comic were both funny!~ XD Hinata's like the best parent. XD

Mitama's haiku was great~ She's so strange, I love it~

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So Matoi's comic is up now! Thanks Kirokan!

The first one really seems to reference to the old Cordelia and Sumia thing, and how it was klutzy Sumia who won over Cordelia…. the book says that those who fall over more are considered "cute"…..

Poor Matoi, and what an awful book…. Falling over is to be pitied, sure, but its not cute at all…. its frankly a turn off.

I look up to talented and intelligent people…. They're admirable.

And in the second one…. Matoi isn't even trying to do anything wrong, but apparently her reputation as "perfection" has left her isolated and lonely….

Poor Matoi….

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..I saw an edit of Matoi's second comic, the one in the hot spring. Instead of complaining about how her perfection has left her isolated, she was screaming about how upset she was over her bust size. I'm not sure which comic I consider to be the true one.

Cordelia was somewhat interesting, and Matoi is just boring, imo. Is there anything about Matoi, Shara, and Grey that makes them their own characters, instead of just carbon copies of their Awakening counterparts? I get that they're reincarnations, but still. They've grown up in a completely different setting surrounded by different people, so they shouldn't be so similar. :/:/

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Cordelia was somewhat interesting, and Matoi is just boring, imo.

You know, I will concede that Cordelia dealing with the whole survivors guilt thing is legitimately more interesting narratively than Matoi's supports.

That said, Matoi's Avatar support does touch on something that I strongly personally relate to: namely, I've spent lots of time in the past and present as a tutor in various capacities, so the Avatar (your "representative" in the game) acting as Matoi's tutor is something that very strongly appeals to me, as I already strongly connect to the idea of being a tutor as I've been doing it for years.

So, I'm in the position that actually I find Cordelia's story much more interesting from a NARRATIVE perspective, but I relate to the Avatar x Matoi support and the whole idea of tutoring someone much more strongly from a PERSONAL perspective.

As such, one isn't really overtaking the other in overall preference for me: I like them both, and while I prefer each of them in a specific area, its not decisive enough to tilt the scales for me.

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The only reason I currently find Matoi boring is because she's just Cordelia, only she's being passed off as.. not Cordelia. I'm sure that in the actual game though, they have their differences and I'll come to like Matoi. Design-wise, I like her more than Cordelia. I can understand relating to characters.

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The original translation had her commenting that "No matter how hard I try, there's one part of me that will never be perfect", referring to her flat chest.

I think that makes more sense than Kirokan's translation, mostly because of Sophie's expression in the last panel. She'd have more reason to be confused if Matoi was making a cryptic comment than outright talking about her loneliness.

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… I get that the book in Matoi's panel is probably a joke referring to Sumia, but I really hope people IRL don't actually think girls who fall over a lot are cute ;/

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I waifu'ed Cordelia but I find Matoi a bit boring. Granted, Matoi doesn't have a Chrom obsession but she doesn't have the survival guilt thing either, which gave Cordelia more depth. "I'm so perfect, but I want to be more perfecter!" Easy there, Marry Sue.

I think the bust joke is a better punch line than "I can't help being so awesome".

… I get that the book in Matoi's panel is probably a joke referring to Sumia, but I really hope people IRL don't actually think girls who fall over a lot are cute ;/

Just anime stereotypes. Clumsiness shows vulnerability that some find cute in girls.

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Just anime stereotypes. Clumsiness shows vulnerability that some find cute in girls.

Considering that "clumsiness" seems to be commonly used as a "flaw" even outside of Japanese media (see: Twilight, 50 Shades of Gray), I don't think it's just an anime stereotype. But you're probably right on the vulnerability thing. Which comes off as really creepy in some contexts. Find a girl cute just because she's vulnerable? Like … that's it? ;/

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Considering that "clumsiness" seems to be commonly used as a "flaw" even outside of Japanese media (see: Twilight, 50 Shades of Gray), I don't think it's just an anime stereotype. But you're probably right on the vulnerability thing. Which comes off as really creepy in some contexts. Find a girl cute just because she's vulnerable? Like … that's it? ;/

I wouldn't say it's hard to understand. People want to feel needed/helpful so people with minor imperfections can be seen endearing. ie, a woman with no vulnerabilities doesn't need you. It works for men too. A man completely devoid of vulnerabilities would be hard to approach, right?

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I wouldn't say it's hard to understand. People want to feel needed/helpful so people with minor imperfections can be seen endearing. ie, a woman with no vulnerabilities doesn't need you. It works for men too. A man completely devoid of vulnerabilities would be hard to approach, right?

But people by nature are imperfect. Everyone you meet will have an imperfection of some kind. Even the people who seem to be the most composed, the most amazing, are not perfect. I don't consider that a vulnerability, I consider it part of being human. And of course that's what makes people endearing, but I don't consider it a vulnerability.

Perhaps I should clarify that when I think about someone who is "vulnerable" I mean that it's literally their defining trait. That they are so incompetent or helpless that they need someone to lean on. All the time. Someone who is too perfect is intimidating and they don't need you, yes. But someone who is too vulnerable will just drain you and use you as an emotional crutch and give you absolutely nothing in return because you can't talk to them when you need to vent because you're afraid you'll break them.

Maybe I'm just using too strong of a definition for "vulnerable".

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But people by nature are imperfect. Everyone you meet will have an imperfection of some kind. Even the people who seem to be the most composed, the most amazing, are not perfect. I don't consider that a vulnerability, I consider it part of being human. And of course that's what makes people endearing, but I don't consider it a vulnerability.

Perhaps I should clarify that when I think about someone who is "vulnerable" I mean that it's literally their defining trait. That they are so incompetent or helpless that they need someone to lean on. All the time. Someone who is too perfect is intimidating and they don't need you, yes. But someone who is too vulnerable will just drain you and use you as an emotional crutch and give you absolutely nothing in return because you can't talk to them when you need to vent because you're afraid you'll break them.

Maybe I'm just using too strong of a definition for "vulnerable".

Naw, I feel you. I don't really care for Sumia or Felicia because 'clumsy' feels like the central character trait instead of a charming add on. I think it usually works best when it contrast to other "strong" traits that character has, to balance them out. I probably wouldn't enjoy dating a super clumsy person in real life.

Don't drop the baby!

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I think the bust joke is a better punch line than "I can't help being so awesome".

Just anime stereotypes. Clumsiness shows vulnerability that some find cute in girls.

Actually it's not just girls.

I've noticed that in Japan, the fandom loves characters that need protection, both male and female.

The fragile timid boy or the brooding insecure guy are usually the most popular male characters in anime fandoms.

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It's partially about being obtainable. A lot of us don't think of ourselves as particularly attractive or desirable, so we often feel uncomfortable imagining ourselves in a relationship with someone flawless and independent. So when writing characters that the audience is supposed to fall in love with, we give them, for lack of better words, a reason to want us.

This is accomplished in different ways, but one of the most common in anime girls is to make them so clumsy and vulnerable that they can barely function on their own. The male steps in, shows her that he likes her failings or wants to help, and she falls for him because she needs him.

Another common strategy is to have an aggressive lover who is absolutely obsessed with the hero to the point of mental illness, like Edward from Twilight or our pal Tharja.

On topic, though, I love Shara's hair here

Edited by gayserbeam
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I have to wonder if people who are into their love interest being so vulnerable and helpless that they need to be protected all the time have actually been with or been friends with an actual person who's like that. Because I'd think that anyone who's had that IRL would be so sick of these types they don't even want to have anything to do with them in fiction. I know my experience with people who are more "vulnerable" is absolutely the reason why I can't stand fictional characters like that ;/

Like, can we just have characters who feel like real people instead of just traits that pander to people?

Also, Shara looks a lot better in the comics than in the actual game.

Edited by Sunwoo
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It really fails to see how Matoi is a perfect/prodigy woman but needs love and being an independent strong woman just doesn't exist in her dictionary. It's what made her past life, Cordelia, imperfect because she "needed" Chrom. Then the so perfect MU pops up to sweep her off her feet and romance her, like you were everything she ever needed. The only time I ever see strong female anime types of girls is Ghibli films.

And the whole Matoi = Cordelia is only the icing on the cake. What was the point of repeating characters? That full stop, makes me sick and look down on developers. There's a whole world out there, go out, and look at people for once and truly understand how everyone is different and the amount of potential a character can have.

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I see your point to an extent, although I will point out that the desire for love/to be love is a fairly basic human drive, so it is reasonable that Matoi/Cordelia would want love.

However, I do admit that you are basically correct that the way the scenario is written is intentionally designed, as you said, for the Avatar to sweep her off her feet and to provide that love, which is catering to the player fantasy of being able to do that with a beautiful woman.

I'll also echo #594's sentiments and agree that the clumsiness/helplessness traits aren't appealing; they take away from the appeal. They do not reflect well on Sumia/Cynthia/Felicia/Sophie, etc. Sumia I have a bit more positive impression of than the others, as she's quite clearly a sweet, kind, and loving person, I like books myself, and I find her attractive (more so than the others) but her clumsiness trait drags down my opinion of her appeal to lower than it otherwise would be. I'd like Sumia a lot better if she didn't have that trait tripping her up… pun intended.

I'll also agree that Syalla looks better in the comics (particularly her full body artwork) than we see in other places, and also better than Tharja's art.

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I actually disliked Sumia for quite a while, but then she grew on me after I read her support with MU. She does have more to her than just a klutz who falls on her face, it just took me a while to find something that I did like about her. Even so, the tripping has to go. Characters can be reasonably or mildly uncoordinated without having (almost) their entire character revolve around falling on their face.

Matoi's comics frustrate me a bit because I was doing pretty well differentiating her from Cordelia. They look alike, but I feel that Matoi's "focus" to her characters was slightly different than what Cordelia was and she felt more tolerable than Cordelia to me. But her comics are basically things that are way too CORDELIA and ugh.

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