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Good Commentary on the Sonic series


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Brainscratchcomms usually has good things to say in general, but this particular part of their current Sonic Unleashed run, says so much of the fanbase, and outsiders who parrot or don't understand some aspects.

Both the good and bad are talked about.

Hoping to promote some good discussion from this.

Edited by Jedi
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even before i clicked this topic i knew what time it is. good boy jedi

it really is annoying how many people make fun of sonic just because its "cool". meanwhile i heard sonic boom 3 is getting delayed so it can be better which is rly good for sega, and its so true that they started having better quality again after 2006

also egoraptor sucks

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This commentary has been really good so far, though BSC's Sonic commentaries tend to be some of my favorites from them so it's not all that surprising.

Sonic games have been so inconsistent it hurts. Even a single game ends up being inconsistent with its quality, a common event since Sonic Adventure. It's become mind-boggling and frustrating to me that Sonic Team can't seem to just make good Sonic game consistently like Mario, especially since when the highs of these games have been so damn good, but then they get bogged down within the same game even.

What's equally inconsistent and even more frustrating however, is that infamous fanbase and those "parrots". I'm internally yelling at Sonic Team one moment, only to feel really bad for them the next when I think about all the inconsistent, asinine, and misinformed feedback they must've gotten over the years. Not to mention some of those infamous reviews(not all of them of course) where people seem to temporarily forget that the mediocre middle ground exists and go to the far extreme of "this game is irredeemable shit". That ign review of, well, Sonic Unleashed being the most infamous example.

I suppose the conclusion I've lead to is that everything about this franchise is wildly inconsistent.

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I suppose the conclusion I've lead to is that everything about this franchise is wildly inconsistent.

Including the people who like and hate them, lol.

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It's not just Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic Team themselves aren't consistent, as seen in NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams. With that being said, they have made some really good games. I just wish Sega would hand some of their franchises to Nintendo, who would likely bring them to their full potential.

I have to admit though, that 4.5/10 review for Sonic Colors by Jim Sterling is possibly the worst review of any game I've ever read. It's so objectively bad (the review, not the game) it's not even funny. Which is why I... "fixed" it.

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Alright I love BSC and all but

May I ask what part of that video is relevant to this

Because it's 28 minutes long and I don't feel like watching the whole thing now

Starts around the 11 min mark, sorry.

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Sonic games have been so inconsistent it hurts.

thats because they keep changing everything :l

sonic heroes was a little buggy at times because they had to make a new engine but they could have kept using it on the wii there's like no excuse

sonic lost world is so experimental like they had no idea what they wanted to do in that game

It's not just Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic Team themselves aren't consistent, as seen in NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams. With that being said, they have made some really good games. I just wish Sega would hand some of their franchises to Nintendo, who would likely bring them to their full potential.

i dont know why people want nintendo to have like every series. theyre already neglecting a lot of their own stuff

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The only Sonic games I enjoyed were the ones on the Gamecube, and I was younger back then and was probably easier to impress so that's why the problems may have not seemed so bad back then.

Just bad, so bad, even the later ones. I had the one where you can play as new and old Sonic and even still I found it a completely boring/painful experience.

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Honestly, while some Sonic games really aren't good, I think these days people have this mindset that any new Sonic game is going to be bad.

And they already start looking at a game's bad points and barely pay any attention to the good points.

This needs to stop. Even I have been guilty of this, because when I heard of Sonic Boom: Ice & Fire, I already assumed it was going to bad, but later I realized that I didn't even play the game, and barely even know anything about it, so what right do I have to call it bad?

I also realized that people seem to have an obssesion with Sonic 06, because everytime I hear or read a review about a new Sonic game, they always compare it to Sonic 06.

Okay, the game wasn't good, but people seriously need to let it go, the game is almost ten years old.

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The only Sonic games I enjoyed were the ones on the Gamecube, and I was younger back then and was probably easier to impress so that's why the problems may have not seemed so bad back then.

Just bad, so bad, even the later ones. I had the one where you can play as new and old Sonic and even still I found it a completely boring/painful experience.

Like if you don't like Sonic Generations you have no business even criticizing Sonic games as it was as polished as the Genesis ones.

Like honestly as someone who's played every Sonic game since the first 1, I can only name 5 games I'd call bad. Those being, Sonic Labyrinth, Sonic 06, Sonic and the Secret Rings, Sonic Boom (which wasn't even made by Sonic Team) and well Sonic Genesis lol.

The Rest are a mixture of being either good or mediocre, with varying quality. Theres just alot of experiements in the franchise, some work, others don't so much, but Sonic Team has been willing to learn in the past 9 years, its noticeable in the games like Rush, Rush Adventure, Sonic 4 (These first 3 helped along by Dimps), Unleashed, Colors, Generations and Lost World in particular.

If some of the more odd experiments didn't have the Sonic name attached to them I think people would be better receptive, but its people like IGN who continually harp on the series and the people who say there is no hope, "the Sonic cycle" that continue to perpetuate the backlash, and one of the worst fanbases in gaming history alongside Final Fantasy.

Can you imagine being a company who has to deal with all that? And honestly i'm glad they take risks, makes the series quite a bit different then say Mario, which is the same game every time practically.

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And honestly i'm glad they take risks, makes the series quite a bit different then say Mario, which is the same game every time practically.

Dude, have you played Galaxy or Sunshine? Mario is almost as experimental as Sonic (especially if you count spin offs); the only real difference is that Mario is consistent with its polish. If an idea doesn't work, Nintendo will simply scrap it rather than release it.

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There's something I like in Sonic Team compared to the developpers of Mario, at least: They try new things. Sure, we may complain about mistakes the team has made, and they're everywhere, but they were inovative and some of their games brought up really nice things. Compare it to Mario, which always follows the same premise and hardly changes. They deserve some merit for trying, at least.

Now, I've been playing Sonic since I was 4, started with the first Genesis game and played all the franchise (except Secret Rings, Boom, '06 and really really underground games). It went from being one of my favorite series to being a series I merely like around the time Sonic Unleashed came. Before the white knights come, let me explain:

I see the series in a different way than most fans (both classicists and modernists) see. I think Sonic is a platformer game with a fast character, who you can stunt with and breeze through the stage depending on your skill level, taking into account badnick positioning, hazards, obstacles and the level's design. That's not what I see today in Sonic games. What I see is a fast pacing game with some platformer game elements in - Sonic is so fast, and there is such a focus on his speed and his stunts that badnick placement, hazards and obstacles don't even matter. You can literally cast badnicks and obstacles aside as you rush with an extremely fast Sonic in a level design that seems only to exist to make the character scroll through the game even faster, with only few stages being exceptions. And that is why I don't like the series as much as I did before.

That said, I like some "modern" (and by modern I mean post Sonic Adventure 2, where fans argue it got worse) games. I found Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Heroes enjoyable, lol. I didn't like Unleashed much because of aforementioned reasons, nor Colors. I think the Rush series, Generations and the Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (well, episode 2, which is much better than episode 1...) games got closer to what I liked the most in the series, and I wish more games like that were made. I think Lost World could've been much better if Sonic was faster and if they worked more in the level design, I see a lot of wasted potential in that game. Well, other than that, my interest has diminished a lot to the point I don't care anymore about new games unless they receive positive critics and seem good.

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Dude, have you played Galaxy or Sunshine? Mario is almost as experimental as Sonic (especially if you count spin offs); the only real difference is that Mario is consistent with its polish. If an idea doesn't work, Nintendo will simply scrap it rather than release it.

Sunshine is my favorite 3D Mario (until 3D World) because it actually tried something new.

Galaxy was Mario 64 in space it has no uniqueness.

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Galaxy was Mario 64 in space it has no uniqueness.

Hate to get too off topic, but I disagree completely. Mario 64 and Galaxy were built really differently. Galaxy's levels are far more linear than Mario 64's. In addition, Galaxy's levels have far more variety in their types of missions. Mario 64 is basically "go find the star" with the occasional boss, puzzle, or race type thing. Also, Galaxy's bosses have far more variety. All of 64's involve tossing someone off a battlefield.

I love both of them, but Galaxy is far more unique than Mario 64.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Honestly, while some Sonic games really aren't good, I think these days people have this mindset that any new Sonic game is going to be bad.

And they already start looking at a game's bad points and barely pay any attention to the good points.

This needs to stop. Even I have been guilty of this, because when I heard of Sonic Boom: Ice & Fire, I already assumed it was going to bad, but later I realized that I didn't even play the game, and barely even know anything about it, so what right do I have to call it bad?

fire and ice i actually getting DELAYED. thats really good for sega

Like if you don't like Sonic Generations you have no business even criticizing Sonic games as it was as polished as the Genesis ones.

"polished" is such a stupid excuse to tell people they should like a game. sonic generations was a slap in the face to pretty much every 3d sonic fan because the 20% of the game that's even in 3d is boost-to-win racecar-controlled garbage. its a really good thing the game was on pc so people can make mods.

Edited by xXHoshiHeartsXx
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the 20% of the game that's even in 3d is boost-to-win racecar-controlled garbage.

You just summed most of the 3D stages in the franchise on games post '06. How is this a special case?

At least Generations has redeeming classical 2D stages.

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You just summed most of the 3D stages in the franchise on games post '06. How is this a special case?

At least Generations has redeeming classical 2D stages.

because Generations was specifically mentioned

whether or not it's different from the other games doesn't matter if the game isn't very fun

and honestly, I didn't have much fun with Generations

the 2D stages weren't even that interesting either, a lot of them were pretty poorly designed (especially the Heroes one)

also the missions were mostly bad

I enjoyed parts of Generations but I don't have much reason to play it over Colors, which I actually find a lot of fun in with things like the Wisps and such

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If I'm entirely honest, BSC annoys me to no end, but Johnny himself is one of my favorite YouTubers and he has come a long way since his beginnings on reviewing video games and such.

BSC did make some good points here, I just mean overall I can't stand the rest of the cast. I sort of gave up when they were talking about IGN's top 3DS games list or something, and one guy would just make fart noises when the other commentators made opinions or points he didn't care for.

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